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August 02, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-08-02

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VOL. XI, NO. 30.



WEATHER: Cooler, Showers


Beggar on Horseback,' Written
by Kaufman, Connelly, to Be
Sixth Summer Offering.
Pantomine by Emily White Will
Be Feature of Production;
Conklin Writes Score.
"Beggar on Horseback," a satiri-
cal comedy by George S. Kaufman
and Marc Connelly, will open Wed-
nesday night in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn theatre as the sixth summer
production of the Repertory play-
ers. The play is being staged by
Valentine B. Windt, director of
Play Production, with the assistance
of Charles S. Monroe.
Thirteen scenes are included in
the comedy, which also presents
such unusual things as multiplying
butlers, a "jazz wedding", a rising
courtroom, an illusory elevator on
the stage, and a "widgt" factory.
Hits Material Prosperity.
It was presented by the authors
as a variation from the ordinary
American comedy, and is offered
by them as a relieving andidote to
the worship of material prosperity.
Alexander Woollcott, New York
dramatic critic, commented as fol-
lows on the Broadway production:
"It is a small and facetious dis-
turbance in the rear of the Church
of the Gospel of Success. When
staged in the very capital of the
Land of Go-Getters, its gesture is
as defiant as that made on a not
dissimilar occasion by one Barbara
Kaufman and Connelly have
written a number of other popular
comedies, including "Dulcy," "To
the Ladies," and "Merton of the
Movies."* Each of them has a play
appearing in New York at the pres-
ent time: "Once in a Lifetime,"
of which Kaufman is co-author, and
"The Green Pastures," by Connelly.
Pantomine to Be Given.
Emily V. White, of the physical
education department, is the author
and director of a pantomine, which
will be one of the features of the
production here. Music for the
pantomine was written by Jack
Conklin, '31.
Scenery for the comedy has been
made under the direction of Fred
Rebman, assisted by Albert Crippa,
'31. Lighting is under the super-
vision of Malcolm H. McCourt.
More than 30 characters will ap-
pear in the production.
Tuberculosis May Be Diagnosed
as Indigestion, He Tells
Health Workers.
"What may appear to be a simple
case of indigestion in a child may
prove under expert diagnosis to be
a case of child tuberculosis," warn-
ed Dr. Stuart Pritchard, medical di-

rector of the W. K. Kellogg founda-
tion, of Battle Creek, in an address
to the Public Health institute yes-
"Child tuberculosis differs from
adult tuberculosis andhinfection;
.the first attack of the disease
germs, the saturation of infection,
the second stage of the disease, and
the infection of the blood stream
and the fight of the toxins in the
blood may give no other symptoms
than a cronic cold and impaired
digestion," he said.
The child may be able to weather
the infection and even become im-
mune because of this early infec-
tion, Dr. Pritchard said. "Chronic
bronchitis, however," he said, "is,
like headache, a symptom of other
disorders, and is not a specific des-
"Whenever a case of child tuber-
culosis is discovered, a search should
be made for some open case of

Many Features to Be Given
During One-Day Run.
The long-awaited Hagenbeck-
Wallace circus is scheduled to arrive
to present afternoon and evening
in Ann Arbor tomorrow morning
performances, featuring many in-
novations, officials stated yesterday.
Prominent among the performers
will be Clyde Beatty, with his dis-
play of more than 30 fighting lions
and tigers, the famous Hanneford1
family with "Poodles," premier rid-
ing clown, the Great Wilno, who is
actually fired through space from
the mouth of a cannon; and more
than 50 clowns. .
The menagerie will be opened anI
hour before each show, which will#
start promptly at 2 o'clock in the1
afternoon and 8 o'clock in the eve-
ning. The Big Top will be raised
on South Packard street.
Wickersham Commission Indicts
Law Enforcement Officers
for Incompetence.
WASHINITW, Aug. 1.-(P)-A i
blanket indictment against the po-
lice forces of the country as a "gen-
eral failure" was handed down to-
day by the Wichersham commis-
In its eighth report to President
Hoover, the commission charged
that with few exceptions units in
'the system were shot through withi
graft and incompetence and too of-
ten were under the direct control
of dishonest politicians.
It asserted without qualification
that major criminals in almost
every large community are "well
known to the police, but, by reason
of the sinister influence exerted by
corrupt politicians over the chief
and his force, are allowed to con-
tinue their criminal careers."
The report concluded, in short,
that defects in present police ad-
ministration "too generally leave
the citizens helpless in the hands
of the criminal class."
Major charges brought follow in
1. "The chief evil lies in the in-
secure, short term of service of the
chief or executive head of the po-
lice force and in his being subject
while in office to the control of pol-
iticians in the discharge of his du-
2. "The second outstanding evil
of such poor police administration
is the lack of competent, efficient,
and honest patrolmen and subordi-
nate officers."
3. "The third great defect is the
lack of efficient communication sys-
tems whereby intelligence of the
commission of crime and descrip-
tions of the criminals may be quick-
ly spread over a wide territory and
are part of that, the necessary
equipment in motors to pursue
traces of the criminals making their


Last Report From Ship Received
Friday Afternoon; Little
Anxiety Expressed.
Failure of Plane's Transmitter
May Have Prevented Notice
of Flyers' Arrival.
NEW YORK, Aug. 1.-( P)-The
fastness of the timber-studded Ca-
nadian northland tonight veiled
the whereabouts of Col. and Mrs.
Lindbergh, but several circum-
stances attending their holiday
flight toward the Orient kept
friends here from entertaining any
great anxiety.
At 8:30 p.m. Eastern Standard
Time no word had been received
from their plane, bound from Ot-
tawa to Moose Factory, 461 miles
distant, since 1:15 p.m., when Mrs.
Lindbergh messaged the station of
the department of national defense
at Ottawa that they still were
"travelling" north.
Should Be Near Goal.
Although at that time they should
have been close to their destina-
tion, located on the southern tip of
James Bay, the message gave no
position. Flying conditions were
reported ideal.
The couple's desire to proceed to-
ward the Orient at a leisurely pace,
without maintaining a fixed sched-
ule, the presence aboard the plane
of a radio which several times be-
fore has given trouble, and the nu-
merous lakes affording landing
places were reasons advanced by
friends for not becoming alarmed.
Plane Has Only Radio.
The Lindberghs' own radio was
the only set by which the landing
at Moose Factory might have been
reported, and mechanical difficul-
ties might have interfered with
their doing so.
If the radio failed, news of their
arrival would have to be brought
up the Moose river by boat, a trip
requiring the better part of a day.
The nearest telegraph office is 75
miles distant.
The Lindberghs took off from Ot-
tawa at 9:49 a.m. Eastern Standard
Time. Their route lay over a coun-
try fairly well defined by railway
lines and rivers.
World Flyers Hop for Chita;
Misfortunes Dog Flight East
MOSCOW, Aug. 1.-(P)-The
American round-the-world flyers,
Hugh Herndon, Jr., and Clyde
Pangborn, arrived at Omsk, Siberia,
at 2 p.m. (4 a.m. Eastern Standard
Time) today and left for Chita
three hours and 15 minutes later,
reports to the Pass agency here
Ill fortune dogged the flight east-
ward from Moscow across the
spaces of Siberia.
Civil aviation authorities were ad-
vised that the flyers had made a
forced landing at Jietietari, about
150 miles from Kustanisk in the
Cossack autonomous republic, ear-
lier in the day.
Omsk is more than 500 miles

northeast of Jietietari, but still
more than 1,000 miles short of Ir-
The flyers left Moscow at 5:20
p.m. yesterday (9:20 a.m. Eastern
Standard Time) and intended to
make only two stops-at Irkutsk
and at Kustanaisk-before attempt-
ing a non-stop hop across the Sea
of Okhotsk and the Bering sea to
Nome, Alaska.

Former President Again Under
Discussion as Anniversary
of Term's Start Nears.
Physician Believes 'Silent Cal'
Would Have Liked to Be
Drafted' in 1928.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.-(P)-
Eight years ago tomorrow, upon the
death of Warren Harding, the pres-
idency went to Calvin Coolidge.
Four years ago tomorrow, Mr. Cool-
idge anounced, "I do not choose
to run for president in 1928."
On this anniversary day which
has become filled with national sig-
nificance, Herbert Hoover is en-
tering the new quadrennial cam-
paign definitely in the race for re-
nomination, although he has not
so announced, nor is he expected to
by political leaders.
Would Have Liked to Run.
Coincidentally, the name of Cal-
vin Coolidge is again in political
discussion today through the state-
ment of his friend and former phy-
sician, Dr. James F. Coupal, that
Mr. Coolidge would have liked to
be "drafted" in 1928 and that he
could be "induced" to run again in
While Republican old guard
leaders are standing by Mr. Hoover
for a second nomination, there is
no assurance that the president will
have no opposition for renomina-
tion, and the politicians insist that
with a long session of Congress
ahead it is too early to make def-
inite predictions.
Seek New Candidate.
Meanwhile, Col. Horace Mann, of
Tennessee and Washington, who
managed the Hoover campaign in
the South in 1928, is making his
plans for another candidate next
year. In this connection the name
of Calvin Coolidge again is heard
There were some here today who
believed it probable that Mr. Cool-
idg, on this anniversary of his en-
tering the White House and of his
withdrawing from active partici-
pation for renomination, might
make tomorrow the occason for an-
other declaration in view of the
Coupal statement.
Credit Tension in Small Banks
Loosened; Industry Meets
Another Payday.
BERLIN, Aug. 1.-(IP)-Germany's
financial difficulties are not over,
but tonight the nation could look
back over a week filled with con-
structive action, which provided a
basis for strong hope for improve-
Organization of the acceptance
and guarante bank early in the
week paved the way for wider ex-
tension of credit by the Reichsbank

*to the large German banks and the
formation of the Berliner Lambard-
1 kasse provided a means of loosen-
ing the credit tension among the
smaller private banks.
Industry met another payday
and many of the big concerns made
no use of the recently extended
right to pay salaries and wages in
The big Darmstaedter und Nat-
ional bank which closed July 13 was
put back on its feet with the as-
sistance of the government and big
industrialists, and the government
went deeper into the banking busi-
ness by buying 300,000,000 marks
about $75,000,000, in preferred
stock of the Dresdener bank to in
sure that institution's stability.
Resumption of normal saving
bank payments will be postponed
till later, but the maximum with
drawal limit was raised from 30 t
50 marks. It is still uncertain when

Quiet After Collapse

Thomas A. Edison,
Aged inventor, suffered a severe
collapse yesterday but was reported h
resting quietly last night. The Men- a
to park wizard has been in fail- 1
ing health since his trip to Florida s
six months ago, physicians say. a
Ordnance Department Members a
to Come Here for Study N
Under A. H. White.-
Forty-three officers of the Ord-E
nance reserve will come here today a
to begin two weeks of special in-
struction under the direction of
Prof. Alfred H. White, head of the 77
chemical engineering department,'p
and colonel in the reserve. The of-
ficers vary in rank from secondh
lieutenant to major.
The men will be trained to takec
charge of loading plants in time of
war, and will study the assembly c
and loading of shells, as well as thes
manufacture of guns, including a
small arms ond cannon.
The War department maintainsa
two other training centers like thek
one here, one at Stanford university
and the other at Massachusetts In-r
stitute of Technology. The officers
are assigned by the government to1
the different training centers, thosez
coming to Michigan being particu-
larly interested in the components
of shells and explosives.
The administrative staff on the1
training center E.t the Universityt
includes, commanding officer, Col.1
A. H. White, Ord. res.; executive of-
ficer, Major Basil D. Edwards, Inf.,
D. O. L.; adjutant and property of-
ficer, Capt. A. B. Custis, O.D., D.O.L.;
medical officer, Capt, C.B. Peirce,
(Continued on Page Three)
Stevens Will Lecture
at Theatre Wednesday.
Prof. Thomas Wood Stevens, di-
rector of "Alison's House" and other
summer productions of the Reper-
tory group, will deliver a lecture,
"The Historical Pageant," at 3 o'-
clock next Wednesday afternoon in
the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
Season ticket holders, Play Pro-
duction students, and others inter-
ested in the theatre are invited to.
Kyle Will Talk Today
to Baptist Students
Professor J. W. Kyle, of Redlands
university, California, will speak to
a group of students at noon, today,
I at the First Baptist church. His
subject will be "Recollections of the
Greek Orthodox Church in Athens."
Professor Kyle teaches the Greek
s language and literature and has
spent some time in Athens.
t Germany Given Credit
on Wheat and Cotton
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.-(A)-
Chairman Stone of the farm board,
s in a formal statement today, said
d the farm board would authorize the
- Stabilization corporation to sell
o wheat and cotton to Germany on
n, credit terms if it would aid Ger-

Physician Flies to Aged
Inventor's Home to
Study Case.
Charles Edison Thinks
Father's Condition
Is Critical.
.-()-Thomas A. Edison, who
has been failing in health since
hs return from Florida six weeks
go, suffered a sudden collapse
ate today, but recovered and was
aid to be resting quietly shortly
The condition of the aged in-
entor, who is in his eighty-fifth
ear, was such that one of his
physicians, Dr. Hubert S. Howe,
who had been swiming at Sand
Point, L. I., hurriedly chartered
n amphibian plane and flew from
Manhasset Isle airport to Newark,
V .J., where an automobile and a
olice escort speeded him to the
Edison home to join two other
hysicians, Dr. Frederick N. Allen
nd Dr. William R. Williams.
Statement Issued.
After a consultation, the follow-
ng statement was issued by the
"Mr. Edison has been failing in
health since his return from Flor-
ida six weeks ago. He suffered from
hronic nephritis and diabetes. The
diabetic - condition is now under
control, and the kidney trouble
seems improved as compared with
a week ago.
"This afternoon he suffered from
a sudden collapse, but at present
he has recovered from this and is
resting quietly."
Son Calls Illness Critical.
Charles Edison, son of the snowy-
haired creative genius, told inti-
mate associates during the after-
noon that his father was "critically
ill" and it then was learned that
Mr. Edison's usual afternoon auto-
mobile ride had been cancelled.
News of Mr. Edison was careful-
ly guarded at his home, situated in
Llewellyn park, a restricted and
private residential district.
Upon arriving from Fort Myers,
Fla., in June, the inventor appear-
ed more feeble than usual
The last of his customary visits
to his laboratory was the basis for
reports that he had decided to re-
tire. Denials were made with the
explanation that Mr. Edison was
indisposed because of the heat.
Trigon, Pi Kappa Alpha Looted
of More Than $500 in Goods

and Currency.
Thieves broke into two fraternity
houses early yesterday morning
and made off with personal belong-
ings valued at more than $500. Two
typewriters, 50 pairs of hose, 12
shirts, a bag of golf clubs said to
be worth $150, a gladstone travel-
ing bag, and a valuable Arabian
laundry bag were among the ar-
ticles missing from the Trigon Club
,at 1617 Washtenaw Avenue. Cur-
rency to the amount of $41 was
also appropriated by the maraud-
At the Pi Kappa Alpha frater-
nity, several pairs of trousers and
"four dollars were reported missing.
The police are working on the
.theory that a roving pair were re-
sponsible for the theft at the Trig-
on House and were on their way to
Detroit. Police Commissioner James
K. Watkins was notified and prom-




Sanborn, Reicke Attend
Bay City Festival.


Members of the Varsity swim-
ming team returned early yester-
day morning from Bay City, where
they took part in Friday's swim-
ming program, sponsored by the
A.A.F., which represented part of
a three-day water carnival held
there Thursday, Friday, and Satur-
The following men took part in
four of the events: Irving Valen-
tine, last year's Varsity captain, 100.
yard back-stroke and 400-yarc
free-style; and Bob Miller, next
year's Varsity captain, breast stroke.
Sydney Reicke, also of the squad,
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American League
Chicago 6, Detroit 0.
Washington 2, Athletics 1.
Boston 9, New York 2.
St. Louis 7, Cleveland 5.
National League
New York 2, Boston 0.
flHPitirgh LfCincinnati 0.

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