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August 01, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-08-01

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VOL. XI, NO. 29



WEATHER: Cooler, Showers


] ~i (
Orders Agriculture Department
to Cooperate in Assisting
Areas Hit by Drought.
Believes Problem Is Minor in
Comparison With Trouble r
of Last Year.-
WASHINGTON, July 31.-()-
Drought and insect ridden sections_
in the northwest and central states
were told by President Hoover to-
day they would have the help of
the government in meeting the sit-
In a statement issued after he
had left for his Rapidan camp, Mr.
Hoover said he had directed the
department of agriculture to co-
operate in meeting the problems
caused by lack of rain and a plague
of grasshoppers.
Second Year of Drought.
It is the second time within two
years a drought in some sectionf
of the country has impelled gov-
ernment assistance.
The President said the depart-t
ment was engaged in a relief sur-
vey in sections of Montana, North
and South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska,
and Minnesota.
Presumably necessary assistance
will be give given from the avail-
able residue of the $20,000,000 voted
by Congress early this year for
farm rehabilitation as a result of
a drought which devastated por-
tions of the southern states. About
fifteen million of this remains.l
Takes Optimistic View. ,t
An apparently optimistic view of
the situation was taken by Mr. Hoo-
ver. He said that the problem wasl
minor compared with that last yeart
and added it would be taken care
The survey, under the direction
of extension directors in the states
mentioned, may be completed with-,
in a week or ten days. Its findings
will be the basis for further action.I
Colorado, Washington, Arizona,
Montana, Utah Damaged
by Cloudbursts.
DENVER, Colo., July 31.--() -
Rains which followed a protracted
period of heat and drought had
caused considerable property dam-
age in the west today.
A cloudburst struck Thursday
night on farms along Union Flats,
Little Penewawa and Little Almon-
ta creeks near Colfax, Wash., wash-
ing buildings away and causing
property and livestock damage es-
timated at $100,900. Walls of wat-
er 8 to 12 feet high swept down
gulches carrying farm buildings,
garages, machinery and fences
downstream. Several families es-
caped on horses.
Local floods with sufficient pow-

er to wash out bridges, overturn
motor cars and undermine railroads
were reported from Utah, Arizona
and Montana. Several sections of
the Lincoln highway west of Chey-
enne were swept away and motor-
ists were marooned.
Butte, Mont., experienced what
was described as the worst cloud-
burst in its history. A stream of
water 8 feet deep and 150 feet wide
swept through the city causing
thousands of dollars damage and
washing out 300 feet of the Milwau-
kee railroad's track.
Children were carried to safety
by policemen as the water invaded
homes. No loss of life was re-
In Eureka, Utah, Jack Bryant,
22, was caught in a torrent and car-
ried 200 feet before he was able
to save himself by grasping a fill-
ing station gasoline hose. Heavy
rainfall was general over Utah, but
no nmage was reported save at


NEW YORK, July 31.-(IP)-
In relentless war against the
gangsters of Little Italy, Po-
lice Commissioner Mulrooney
announced that. the sidewalks
of New York would go under
shotgun rule at 6 o'clock to-
NEW YORK, July 31.-(AP)-The
hunt for the automobile gunmen
who sprayed Harlem's "Little Italy"
with bullets Tuesday night, killing
one child and wounding four
others, was intensified today as a
new clew and offers of rewards to-
taling $25,000 spurred every police-
man on.
The new clue, which Commis-

Warns Against
by Hands;

Germ Exchanges
Program for

"Hands are the chief germ ex-
ehanges and when people shake
hand the exchange takes place,"
Dr. S. D. Barrett said in a lecture
at the Special Public Health insti-
tute yesterday. "Washing of hands
before handling food is a measure
of personal hygiene that is essential
in controlling this exchange," he,
The Public Health institute will
continue to be held today at the
West Medical building beginning at
9 o'clock. Dr. Glenadie Snow, pro-
fessor of health education of Mich-
igan State normal college will dis-
cuss "Methods and Materials in1
Health Education." "Undulantt
Fever" will be the subject of Dr.
Cyrus C. Sturgis, director of the
Simpson Memorial Institute for
Medical Research at 10 o'clock. Dr.
Merrill E. Champion, director of
the child health demonstration of
Chidren's Fund of Michigan, will
discuss "Rural Health Service" at
11 o'clock.
"The Development of Graduate
Study for Public Health Nurses"
will be discussed by Miss Marion G.I
Howell of Western Reserve univer-
sity at 2 o'clock. Miss Grace Ross,
superintendent of nurses, Depart-
ment of Health of Detroit will speak
on "The Use of a Staff Council in
a Public Health Nursing Organiza-
tion" at 3 o'clock. Dr. Stuart
Pritchard, medical director of W. K.
Kellogg foundation of Battle Creek
will lecture on the "Purposes and
Activities of the W. K. Kellogg
Foundation" at 4 o'clock.
The Special Public Health Insti-
tutes are open to all summer stu-
Douglas Lake Camp to Present
Exhibitions During Annual
Event Tomorrow.
(Special to The Daily)
CHEBOYGAN, July 31.-The Uni-
versity Biological station, located
on Douglas lake near here, will hold
its annual visitor's day from 2 to
5 o'clock, Sunday, Prof. G. R. La
Rue, director of the station, an-
nounced today. Eduational ex-
hibits of the plants and animals of
the region as well as exhibits of
class work and of investigation in
progress on various biological prob-
lems will be shown.
Roads from Cheboygan, Topina-
bee, Brutus, and Pellston will be
well posted with directions to the
camp, Professor LaRue said. Park-
ing space and guide service will be
provided at the camp. The exhibi-
tions will be free to all visitors.
The Biological station, now the
largest of its kind in the world, was
established in 1909 and has held an
eight-week summer session every
summer since that time. Designed
primarily for the study of plants
and animals in their natural en-
vironments, it offers 15 courses in
various branches of natural history
and conducts researches into vari-

sioner Mulrooney called his most
important, was the finding of a
man who said he was the intended
victim of the gunmen. He is An-
thony Buzzone, a bookmaker, known
in police circles as "Big Teed."
With Buzzone admitting to po-
lice that it was he the gunmen
aimed at, detectives today almost
definitely placed the cause of the
shooting on a policy gaming feud
and not a beer fight, as previously
Under constant questioning for
four hours, Buzzone told police
about his friends and enemies and
furnished detectives with a long list
of names of men who might like to
see him out of the way.
The two previous newspaper re-
wards of $15,000 was augmented to-
day by $10,000, by the Patrolmen's
Benevolent association, a police{
social group.
Mayor Walker and Commissioner
Mulrooney, who addressed 1,200
policemen Thursday at a downtown
theatre about the shooting, warned
the policemen to get the gunmen,
and "shoot above the waist." The
$10,000 reward offer was voted at
that meeting.
Graf Returns to Fredrichshafen1
After Seven-Day Cruise
of Arctic Region.
(P)-The dirigible Graf Zeppelin
completed her latest bit of globe-
trotting today when she settled
down in her hangar after a seven-
day cruise to the Arctic.
The ship reached her home port
sooner than had been expected
and for an hour the big ship cruis-
ed over Friedrichshafen and Lake
Constance before Dr. Hugo Eck-
ener brought her to the ground at
5 a.m. (11 p.m., Thursday, Eastern
Standard Time.)
As Dr. Eckener and the passer-
ger scientists, headed by Prof.
Rudolph Samoilvich, left the gon-
dola, a band played "Deutschland
Ueber Alles."
Friedrichshafen was excited and
proud of this latest exploit of the
big ship, but there will be no for-
mal celebration. The city fathers
announced that times were too
hard for money to be spent that
The Arctic cruise was described
by Dr. Eckener as highly success-
ful and as a relatively easy trip.
"Often we enjoyed skies of Ital-
ian blue," he said, "and we never
were bothered by the discomforts
of the Arctic."
Prof. Samoilvich complained be-
cause the weather was too warm.
"We all perspired copiously in our
Arctic outfits," he said.
Dr. Eckener already is planning
another cruise to the north. He
expressed the hope that the jour-
ney could be made soon, when
funds are available, and that in
time the Graf Zeppelin would be-
come a favorite method of trans-
portation for persons who feel the
call of the north.
Police Raid Amtorg's
Buenos Aires Offices
BUENOS AIRES, July 31.-()-

Police today raided the headquart-
ers here of the Soviet commercial
organization, Amtorg, and arrested
all members of the staff.
The organization is headed here
by Boris Kraevsky.
Four large trucks conveyed to the
police station 160 persons, reported
to include 15 women, who were ar-
American League
New York 4, Boston 1.
National League
Chicago 10, St. Louis 3.
Brooklyn 6, Phillies 4.

Rescinds Confession of Guilty'
in Income Tax Indictment;
Trial Postponed.
Gangster Absent From Hearing;
Wilkerson Asks Evidence
. Be Reviewed.
CHICAGO, July 30.-(IP)--"Scar-
face Al" Capone was granted leave
to withdraw his plea of guilty to
indictments for violation of the in-
come tax laws in an unexpected
morning court session today.
Federal Judge James H. Wilker-
son set the case for Sept. 8 and an-
nounced he would reserve decision
until that date on the gangster's
motion to withdraw his guilty plea
on the indictment for conspiring
against the prohibition law.
Decision Unexpected.
The court gave its decision short-
ly after 10 a.m. having summoned
attorneys at the last minute, ap-
parently desiring to avoid the tur-
moil of crowds that attended the
Thursday session.
Only Michael Ahern was present
to represent the gang chief and he
took no part in the proceedings.
Judge Wilkerson gave a brief"
statement of his decision, docketed
the case for hearing Sept. 8 and ad-
journed court. Capone was not
United States District Attorney
George E. Q. Johnson said he ex-
pected a trial date would be set
Sept. 8 for late in that month.
Judge Issues Statement.
Upon adjourning court Thursday
Judge Wilkerson indicated he
would give his decision at 2 p.m.,
today, and the morning summons
was a surprise.
In a brief statement in open
court the judge said he believed the
specific accusations made by the
grand jury required atmore serious
charge than that contained in the
liquor conspiracy indictment and he
summoned the grand jury before
him and directed that the evidence
be presented anew before it.
Henri Cochet to Turn
Professional in Fall
PARIS, July 31.-(P)-Henri Co-
chet, world's ranking amateur ten-
nis player, anounced today that he
will turn professional about the
middle of September.
Cochet's announcement, made to
some of his friends, was not much
of a surprise, for the tennis world
has had the former Ball Bay of Ly-
ons deserting the simon-pure since
he led the French forces in their
successful defense of the Davis cup
against England.
As a result of Cochet's decision,
tennis fans may look forward to a
renewal of the famous Tilden-Co-
chet battle of amateur days.
Briand, Ill at Home,
Reassures His Aides
PARIS, July 31.-(IP)-Aristide
Briand, who many times has defied

his numerous enemies to throw him
.out of office and won a vote of con-
fidence by his audacity, was meek-
ly minding three doctors tonight.
Reports 'from his country home,
"The Owlets", at Cocherel, reassur-
ed his collaborators, who have
been consederably perturbed about
his health for the last fortnight.
Briand's intimates say he never
was quite recovered from the at-
tack of grippe contracted _late in
May at Geneva.
Parliament Adjourns;
Extra Session Looms
LONDON, July 31.-(YP)-Both
houses of Parliament adjourned
this afternoon until Oct. 20, or un-
til any earlier date decided upon
by the lord chancellor and the
speaker of the house should an ex-
tra session in connection with th

Chicago gang chief, who was al-
lowed yesterday to withdraw his
plea of guilty to violation of the in-
come tax law. His trial has been
postponed to September.
Pair Will Fly to Moose Factory
If Weather Conditions
Are Favorable.
OTTAWA, July 31.-(I)-The
Lindberghs studied maps today and
conferred with Canadian flyers
preparatory to hopping off tomor-
row across the bad lands of the
northwest on their vacation flight
to the Orient.
"If weather conditions lend them-
selves to our plans," Col. Charles
A. Lindbergh told newspaper men,
"we will hop off by Saturday noon
for Moose Factory. If meteorogical
reports are not fair, the next day
will do as well."
Col. Lindbergh met reporters in
the United States chancery office
with Hanford MacNider, American
minister to Canada, with whom he
and Mrs. Lindbergh are staying
while in Ottawa.
Lindbergh smiled broadly when
told some aviators versed in sub-
Arctic conditions believed his flight
unnecessarily hazardous due to the
northern path he had chosen. He
said adverse weather seemed to
him to form the only hazard. That
was negligible, as he and Mrs. Lind-
bergh are not traveling on schedule
and can stay on the ground and
wait out bad weather.
The Lindberghs arrived here yes-
terday from North Haven, Me.,
where they had flown from Wash-
ington to bid farewell to their child
and Mrs. Lindbergh's parents.
50 Clowns, Aerialists, Human
Projectile Scheduled for
Monday Performances.
Prominent among the performers
to appear in the Hagenbeck-Wallace
circus here Monday will be Clyde
Beatty, trainer, with a display of
more than 30 fighting lions and
tigers, the Clarkonians and Aerial
Shepards, and the famous Hanne-
ford family with "Poodles," premier
riding clown.
A feature act of the circus will be
given by "The Great Wilno," who
is fired from a monster cannon.
The Neiss family, performing on
a cable at the top of the tent, and
50 clowns, with many new oddities,
will be presented.
Five herds of trained elephants
and a menagerie of 30 dens of wild
animals will be other attractions of
the circus.
Two performances will be given
Monday, the first beginning at 2
o'clock and the second at 8 o'clock
Ford Passes His Sixty-Eighth
Birthday Without Celebration
DETROIT, July 31.-(P)-Time
like Fortune, has been kind to Hen
ry Ford.
So said his friends today as thi
motor magnate observed his sixty

e eighth birthday. Ford did not "cel

Gets Postponement

Quit Moscow on World
Flight Late; 4
Jumps Left.
Backer Feels They Will
Break Record of
Post, Gatty.
MOSCOW, July 31:- () -
Speeding after a new round-the-
world flight record, Clyde Pang-
born and Hugh Herndon, Jr., left
Moscow today approximately 10
hours behind the mark set by Wi-
ley Post and Harold Gatty up to
this point.
Expressing confidence they
would reach New York in four
days, barring accident or unfav-
orable weather, they planned to
make their destination in four
jumps, the last of which would be
non-stop from Nome to New York.
Stops to Be Short.
"Sure we can make it if we get
any kind of break," said Herndon,
"we'll make fewer and shorter stops
and so make up the difference in
speed. Our ship is slower than the
one Post and Gatty used."
As they roared out of Moscow
their next scheduled stop was Ir-
kutsk, some 3,000 miles away in the
middle of Siberia. Their route lay
over the trans-Ural mountains, fol-
lowing roughly the trans-Siberian
railway and almost the same course
taken by their predecessors.
Follow Same Route.
From Irkutsk they expect to fly
to Kharbarovsk, thence to Nome
across the Sea of Okhotsk and the
Bering sea.
They made up some of their lost
time by remaining in Moscow only
a little more than five hours today.
Post and Gatty stayed longer.
They got in from Berlin before
noon, had lunch with officials of
the Soviet Civil Aviation society, re-
fueled, and got away.
May Circle Globe
ISTANBUL, Turkey, July 31.-(AP)
-Resting, well fed, and happy, John
Polando and Russell Boardman
basked in the adulation of Turkey
today and began to look around for
more worlds to conquer.
Finding nothing quite so hazard-
ous and daring as their flight from
New York to Istanbul, approximate-
ly 5,000 miles, which apparently es-
tablished a non-stop record, they
were somewhat undecided as to
But the pair were considering a
homeward flight with stops over
India to Tokio and across the Pa-
cific ocean or the Bering sea.
As Polando put it, "We have
crossed the Atlantic, now the Pa-
cific doesn't look so tough."
President Mustapha Kemal Pasha
telegraphed to the Turkish Avia-
tion league today to prepare two
special medals, which the Gazi will

present to the flyers when they go
to Yaloza, probably tomorrow, to be
received in state.
Meanwhile they were feasted al-
most to the saturation point. "If
this continues much longer, we will
be so heavy old Cape Cod (their
plane) never will get off the
ground," remarked one of the flyers.
'Big Group to Leave
on 'Put-in-Bay' Trip
More than 250 students and their
friends will go to Put-in-Bay today
on the Summer Session excursion
i trip. The party will leave Ann Ar-
bor at 7 o'clock this morning, going
, to Detroit by bus and from there
- to the island on the steamer, "Put-
e Prof. William H. Hobbs, of the
- geology department, will conduct
- the tour, with the assistance of

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