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July 31, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-07-31

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)L. XI. NO. 2




WEATHER: Increasing Cloudiness


Wants to Stand Trial
For Liquor, Tax
CHICAGO, July 30.-()-"Scar-{
face Al's Capone, dreading a stiffer
prison sentence than had been anti-
cipated begged leave in federal dis-
trict court today to change his plea
of "guilty" and stand trial on twin
charges of income tax dodging and
violation of the liquor laws.
The move to change his plea to
"not guilty" was made dramatically
at the afternoon session of Judge
James H. Wilkerson's court. Attor-
ney Michael Ahern uttered a pro-
test that Capone had assurance the
government would recommend leni-j
eney if he pleaded guilty to the
three indictments.
Indoubt as to the propriety of a
change at this point, Judge Wilker-
son called upon government and de-
fense to explain such a purported;
bargain, warned that the courtI
could condone no agreement on its;
judgment and adjourned the ses-,
sion until tomorrow,hpromising tol
rule at 2 p.m. on the motion to
withdraw the plea.
The heavy-set gangster, beads of
sweat rolling down his swarthy
face, stood before the bench ner-
vously twitching his hands, and
manifestly taken aback by the turn
the proceedings had taken. He had'
anticipated a quick sentence, a
night perhaps, in the county jail,
and the departure for Leavenworth
prison Friday night with the regu-
lar contingent of federal prisoners.
Attorney Ahern made it clear Cap-
one would not have pleaded guilty
without assurance that the govern-
ment had agreed to a light sen-
Capone's counsel asserted the de-
partment of justice had sanctioned
a proposal of District Attorney.
George E. Q. Johnson, that leniency
be syggested. Questioned by the
court, Johnson said he had confer-
red with the defense, agreed to cer-
tain recommendations and received
the approval of Washington.
Party to Study Glacial Rocks,
Crystals and Caves
on Island.
Put-in-Bay, one of a group of
islands located at the western end
of Lake Erie about 60 miles south-
east of Detroit, will be visited to-
morrow by a party of Summer Ses-
sion students and their friends
conducted by Prof. William H.
Hobbs, of the geology department.
The students will go to Detroit

by bus and will board the steamer,
"Put-in-Bay" at the Detroit river
dock. They will reach the island
shortly before 1 o'clock.
During a stay of nearly four
hours on the island, the party will
be given opportunity to visit the
four caves, the shore line and glaci-
ally striated rocks, -and Perry's
monument. Professor Hobbs will
point out the geological signifi-
cance of the caves, particularly of
Perry's cave, the largest on the is-
land, which is said to have an un-
usual geological history, and Crys-
tal cave, unique in the abundance,
size, and perfection of its crystals
of celestite.
Reservations for the tour must
be made before 5 o'clock tonight
in the Summer Session office, Uni-
versity hall. Total expenses should
not exceed $5, according to a Sum-
mer Session bulletin, and will be
reduced if a sufficient number take'
i.h +,.in This excursion is not

City May Use Huron
River Water to Make
up Sprinkler Losses
If residents do not cooperate with
the water department in the con-
servation of water in the late af-
ternoon and evening, it will be ne-
cessary to pump Huron river water
into the city reservoir, Harrison H.
Caswell, manager of the water de-
partment, said yesterday.
In order to keep river water out
of the mains, consumers are asked
to use the following plan: those
living in even-numbered houses
should sprinkle lawns on Monday
and every other alternate day;
those whose house numbers are odd
should water lawns only on Tues-
day and alternate days.
With the construction of a new
storage tank scheduled for the late
summer, this is the last year in
which citizens will be asked to co-
operate in the matter of saving
water, Mr. Caswell stated.
Denver Effort to Aid
Jobless Ruins Park
DENVER, Colo., July 30.-(P)-
Denver's offer to unemployed of
5 cents a pound for dandelions dug
from the city parks has been with-
drawn. It stood 12 hours.
Seven hundred men, women and
children arrived at one pairk at
dawn Wednesday, many in expen-
sive automobiles, and went after
the scattered yellow flowers. More
earth with each root meant quick-
er poundage-which resulted in a
battle-scarred area, where before
there were green slopes.
Officials in withdrawing the of-
fer, said they sought to save the
park's beauty from destruction and
to find some folks needier than the
ones arrived in the big cars.
Barber Takes Own Life
by Drinking Antiseptic
Alfred T. Burke, 37, of 520 East
Williams street, comitted suicide
at 11 o'clock yesterday morning in
the Arcade Barber Shop, where he
was employed, presumably by swal-
lowing a quantity of a well-known
Dr. Ganzhorn, county coroner
was summoned after the remains
had been taken to St. Joseph's Mer-
cy Hospital. Burke is survived by
his wife, Blanche, and two daugh-
ters, aged 16 and 14. Short funeral
services will be held today at the
Zulz funeral parlors, it was stated
last night, before removing the body
to Belleville, Ont., Burke's birth-
place, for burial.
Weekly League Dance
to Take Place Tonight
Students are invited to attend
the League dance tonight with or
without dates. The plan of hav-
ing people come singly to the last
Friday night dance proved so suc-
cessful that it is being continued
for the remaining parties.
Chaperones for tonight will be
Ethel McCormick, Dr. John F. Hu-
ber and Mrs. Huber, and Prof. Wal-
ter Menge and Mrs. Menge. Hours
for the dance are 9 to 1 o'clock.
Funeral Services Held

for Mrs. F.F. Campbell
Funeral services for Mrs. Fannie
F. Campbell, mother of Prof. Oscar
J. Campbell, of the English depart-
ment, were held in Cleveland Wed-
nesday afternoon, according to
word received here yesterday.
Mrs. Campbell died Monday eve-
ning at the home of her daughter
in Cleveland Heights.
Wales Badly Shaken,
Unhurt in Collison
LONDON, July 30.-(IP)-The
Prince of Wales was badly shaken,
but otherwise uninjured, in an
automobile accident this evening.
He was returning home after golf
at the Sunningdale club. As his
car turned out of the club driveway
it collided with another machine.
Neither car was badly damaged,

New York - Turkey Flight Startles World


John Polando (left), of Lynn, Mass., and Russell N. Boardman, of
Boston, who yesterday set a new record for a non-stop flight, having
traveled 4,986 miles from New York to Istanbul, Turkey, in their plane'
"Cape Cod."

Several Chapters to Cooperate
With Other Relief
WASHINGTON, July 30.-(IP)-
Some Red Cross chapters have in-
dicated to headquarters here that
they are planning to co-operate
with other agencies in relief work,
including unemployment, this win-
Chairman Payne said today that
while no decision had been reached,
he felt that in the instances re-
ported, it was a matter for the local'
chapters to decide.
Under its charter, national head-
quarters of the Red Cross is barred
from assisting in unemployment re-
lief, but this is not regarded as ex-
tending to co-operation by local
Mr. Payne said, however, that
officials would insist that local
chapters should not pledge the
national organization in any steps
toward co-operation they may take.
He said that if appeals were made
after local resources of a chapter
were expended they would prob-
ably be denied.
"We are making no hard and fast
rule, however," he said. "Our action
will depend upon the circum-
Fifty cents from each member-
ship goes to national headquarters.
The remainder, varying according
to the amount contributed, goes to
the local chapter.
Mr. Payne said that co-operation
of the type local chapters might
give was entirely different from the
assistance given during emergen-
cies, such as droughts and floods,
where the Red cross feels free to
expend its resources.


Plane Averages 105 Miles
Hour; Moose Factory
Is Next Stop.


OTTAWA, July 30.-(AP)-Grace-
fully, with the touch of a master,
pilot, the monoplane which Col and
Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh are us-
ing on their holiday flight to the
Orient came down late today on!
the wind-ruffled water of the Ot-
tawa river.
The skillful descent in the first
foreign country touched by the
Lindberghs drew applanse from a
group of Canadian Royal Air Force
flyers and cheers from a crowd of
1,500 people. The plane came to
a stop beside the Rockliffe airport
at 4:36 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
The big machine traveled slowly
over the airport for several minutes
while Mrs. Lindbergh flashed the
news of their arrival by wireless
to New York.
Leaving North Haven at 1:06 p.m.
after bidding goodbye to their
young son and Mr. Lindbergh's
parents, the couple covered the 380
flying miles in 3 1-2 hours for an
average of 105.6 miles an hour.
The next leg of their journey will
carry them to Moose Factory, 461
miles away, but the time of their
takeoff for that place was not an-
Bank of England Rate
Raised One Per Cent
LONDON, July 30.-(R)--The
bank rate was raised today from
3 1-2 to 4 1-2 per cent.
The Bank of England idecided
on the increase in order to pre-
vent withdrawal of foreign bal-
lances in the shape of gold and to
strengthen exchanges on London.

Globe Flyers on Third I
Leg of Journey in
'Dirty Weather.'
BERLIN, July 3o.-(P)-Clyde -
Pangborn and Hugh Herndon, Jr., i
Americans who hoped to fly h
around the world in their red f
monoplane, took off from Tem- J
plehof airdrome here at 10:49 p.'p
m. (4:49 p.m. Ann Arbor time) s
for Moscow on the third leg of
their journey. t
The flyers, who landed in Eng- 4
land yesterday and hopped heree
from London this morning, ex- f
pected to make the hop to Mos- d
ow without a stop and believed t
t would take from twelve to four- r
een hours. They were delayed
here for about two hours for re-
pairs. d
With their departure the Temple- C
hof airport settled back to quiet a
after one of the most crowded eve-F
pings in the history of the famous
field. The Graf Zeppelin arrived F
at the field from the Arctic a short a
ime before the Americans landed
from London and it took off for its P
hangar at Friedricshafensbefore d
the Americans left for Moscow. 9
The airport bureau warned the
American flyers they would have
"dirty weather" for part of the way,
but the flyers did not seem dis-
couraged. They were anxious tos
leave because they were already
many hours behind the time ofo
the other round-the-world flyers,'
Post and Gatty, whose records they
hoped to shorten.d
"We are both fresh," Herndond
said, "and by flying through the
night and only refueling at Moscow
we will soon catch up with the timeN
of Post and Gatty."r
Graf Commander Reports Easyp
Journey Over Icy Wastes; P
46 Take Cruise. *
BERLIN, July 30.-(JP)-The Grafa
Zeppelin, Germany's widely travel-r
ed giant dirigible, landed at Tem-
plehof airdrome at 6:38 p.m. today
from its Arctic cruise amid the lus-
ty cheers of thousands of Berliners
who flocked to the airdrome instead
of going home from work.
The big ship, which had been
away six days, circled over the field
at 6:20 p.m., swung about for a
turn over Berlin and then slid down
into the airdrome over a sea of
waving handkerchiefs.
As soon as the landing crew had
hauled the ship down to the ground
the band burst into "Deutschland
Ueber Alles" and the 46 men who
made the trip prepared to set foot1
on land for the first time since the1
Graf stopped at Leningrad on its1
way to the north. Among the group
were several scientists, (including1
two Americans.
After the mayor had presented
the coat of arms of Berlin to Com-
mander Eckener, the crowd sang
the national anthem and the micro-
phone was turned over to the com-
mander, who related some of the

experiences of the journey,
"It was a splendid and highly suc-
cessful cruise," Dr. Eckener said.
"Some people may have thought we
were out in a dreadful region of ice
and extreme cold, but from the very
beginning we never doubted for a
moment that this would be a rela-
tively easy trip.
"As a matter of fact, it was the
most pleasant journey imaginable.
Often we enjoyed skies of Italian

Flyers Traverse 4,986
Miles in 49 Hours,
20 Minutes.
ISTANBUL, Turkey, July 30.
-()-One of the greatest flights
n "the history of aviation ended
here today when the American
lyers, Russell Boardman and
ohn Polando, gently eased their
plane, Cape Cod, down on Turk-
sh soil at i :2o p.m., after a non-
top flight from New York.
The flyers traveled a distance
hey calculated at 4,986 miles in
49 hours and 2o minutes. It is
xtremely probable they established
world's record for long distance
light by distancing that of Dieu-
Tonne Coste, who flew from Paris
o Manchuria to set up the previous
Greeted by Coste.
They were greeted at the air-
[rome by U. S. Ambassador Joseph
C. Grew, by Turkish aviation heads
ind other officials, as well as the
French aviator, Coste, himself.
Coste, with a group of other
French aviators, is in Istanbul on
in air tour.
Obviously tired, but smiling hap-
ily, the aviators expressed great
delight in having reached their
"It was a fine trip," Boardman
aid, "and naturally we are happy
t having accomplished our pur-
pose of beating the world's non-
top record. The hardest part of
he journey was last night's flight
ver the Alps.
"The trip over the Atlantic was
ine. We had no storms or bad
wind, but we did encounter a great
deal of fog."
Fly Over Alps.
Pollando sketched the route from
New York. "It was over New York,
New Foundland, Ireland, London,
Paris, and the Alps," he said. "Be-
tween the Alps and Istanbul we
crossed, during the night, a lot of
places which we ourselves could not
distinguish, but two of which may
have been Belgrade and Sofia.
"Our first sight of land after
crossing the Atlantic was Ireland,
which we sighted yesterday at 1
p.m. Greenwich mean time (8 a.m.
Ann Arbor time).
Polando handed the governor of
Istanbul a latter from President
Hoover to Mustapha Kemal as soon
as they arrived. They expect to
remain three days as guests of the
Turkish government.
Anti - Trust Division Suspects
Four Tobacco Companies
of Price Fixing.
WASHINGTON, July 30.-(P)
The simultaneous advance in the
price of popular cigarette brands
has precipitated an investigation
by the anti-trust division of the
Justice department to determine if
price-fixing in restraint of trade is
Although formal announcement
was withheld, it was disclosed by
high official sources late today that
the inquiry has been in progress
for several days.

It could not be determined at this
time, officials said, whether action
would be taken.
Four of the world's largest to-
bacco firms are involved in the in-
vestigation. They are the Ameri
.can Tobacco co., the P. Lorillard
co., Liggett and Myers, and the R.
J. Reynolds Tobacco co.
On June 24 all four firms an-
nounced almost simultaneously that
the price to jobbers of their popu-
lar brands would be raised 45 cents
a thousand.

Four Die, Three Go Insane From Thirst,
Heat After Five Days on American Desert

NOGALES, Sonora, July 30.-(IP)
-Unmarked graves in the shift-
ing sands of the American desert
and the incoherent jabberings of
three men today wrote another
tragic chapter in desert history.
Seven persons, including a woman
and her seven-weeks-old daughter,
left here five days ago by auto-
mobile stage for Mexicali. Three
are alive, insane from thirst and
heat. Sands shift over the graves
of the others.
The stage broke down under ter-
rific heat 250 miles from the near-
est habitation. Day by day the
seven waited for help, their water,
and food supplies diminished. The
desert became torrid. In despera-
tion they set off down an ill-mark-

first in her mother's arms. Over-.
come by thirst, Mrs. Rufina M.
Ojeda, the mother, crumbled by the
trail, still clutching her daughter's
The men struggled on. The first,
Jesus Orantes, then Raymond Or-
antes dropped by the wayside. Juan
Ojeda, father of the infant, and
Vincente Juiterrez and his son, Vin-
cente, Jr., trudged on a mile but
became exhausted and sought shel-
ter under meager greasewood. Sun-
day Augustin Pino, Mexicali busi-
ness man, found the abandoned
stage. Miles away he discovered
the bodies of the woman and child.
Next he found the two Orentes,
over whose body huddled Ojeda,

I - - I

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