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July 30, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-07-30

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VOL. XI, NO. 27.



WEATHER: Cloudy, Warm


Schools Are Improved in Both
Quality of Instruction and
Organization, He Says.
Claims More Attention Is Given
to Education of Teachers
for Rural Districts.
Rural schools, while still inferior
to urban schools, have shown re-
markable progress both in organi-
zation and in the quality of instruc-
tion offered, Prof. H. L. Turner said
yesterday in an address at the af-
ternoon conference of the School
of Education.
Professor Turner, a visiting facul-
ty member this summer, is professor
of rural education at Michigan
State Normal college, Ypsilanti. He
was formerly head of the depart-
ment of education at Arkansas
State Teachers college and state
supervisor of rural schools in Ar-
Notes Consolidations.
Professor Turner pointed out that
rural schools are tending slowly to-
ward better organization. He cited
the increasing number of consoli-
dated schools to be found in the
country districts. As further proof
of improvement, he quoted from
the biennial surveys of the United
States office of education, which
showed that a consistent growth
had been recorded in the number.
of consolidated schools. "Consoli-
dations are being more intelligent-.
ly planned," he said.
Training Improved.
Continuing, Professor Turner de-
clared, "More attention is being
given the training of rural school.
teachers in higher institutions of
learning. State departments now.
employ more rural workers than
ever before. Local supervisors are
on the increase despite temporary
setbacks here and there."
Stating that supervision increased
the achievement of pupils, Profes-
sor Turner illustrated from statis-
tics examples of definite improve-
ment of pupils' work. Study in In-
diana showed conclusively that an.
increase of 14 to 25 per cent in
achievement was to be found. Oak-
land county, Mich., alone displayed
an increase of 76 per cent.
Director of University Museum
of Anthropology Describes
Findings in Michigan.
"When people think about arch-
aeology they usually picture exca-;
vations in Greece or Rome, but
probably the most active group in
archaeology today is at work in
North America," said Dr. Carl Guthe
yesterday. Dr. Guthe is director
of the University Museum of An-
thropology, and has just returned
from a trip to northern Michigan,
where he excavated an Indian

The mound, which is 35 feet in
diameter and 5 feet high, is near
Lake Gogebic, about thirty miles
southeast of Ironwood. Two maple
trees, which were growing from the
mound, gave evidence that this In-
dian burial ground was very old,
Dr. Guthe said.
There was every reason to believe
that there had been a burial here
Dr. Guthe declared, because it was
discovered that someone had ruth-
lessly dug to the bottom, ruining
the skeleton, and then had filled
in the excavation.
Mixed with the dirt from the ex-
cavation were found handfuls of
pottery and human bones. This
pottery was cord-marked, decorat-
ed by means of the imprint of
twisted cords in the clay.
The Algonkians, about whom very
little is known, were the makers
of this pottery, Dr. Guthe said.

Heads Toward T okio

A << t ress PhLoto

Amy Johnson.
MOSCOW, July 2.-(A')-Amy
Johnson, British aviatrix, who is
trying out her speed in a flight
from England to Tokio, continued
on her way Wednesday after re-
freshing herself with a night's
Names Schmitz Manager of Dye
Trust; Melchior to Attend
London Conference.
BERLIN, July 29.-(RP)-As the
first step in keeping in Germany
the foreign credits already here,
the German government has unof-
ficially designated Hermann
Schmitz, managing director of the
German dye trust, and Caarl Mel-
chior, a delegate to the 1929 Young
plan conference, as its representa-
tives in the bankers' discussions
recommended by the seven-power
conference at London.
While these negotiations are go-
ing on, the cabinet continues its
extraordinary sessions, and the
country at large appears to have
adopted the attitude that Germany
will see it through on her own re-
The visits by Secretary Stimson
and Prime Minister MacDonald
have heartened the whole nation,
and all hands are turning to with
a determination to show that the
visiting statesmen have not mis-
placed their faith in Germany.
Marcus Wallenberg, a Swedish
banker, and Oliver M. Sprague,
American adviser to the Bank of
England, are in Berlin now mak-
ing a general survey of the situa-
tion and giving the government the
benefit of their advice through its
unofficial representatives.
It is reported that the London
banks already have indicated their
willingness to leave their expiring
credits in Germany. The United
States, Switzerland, and Sweden al-
so are favorable, but the Dutch thus
far have remained non-committal.
Hobbs Will Direct Put-in-Bay
Trip on Saturday.
Down the Detroit river and
through Lake Erie on a 120 mile
boat trip should prove to be a great
temptation to Summer Session stu-
dents and their friends, especially
if the hot weather continues.
The Put-in-Bay excursion, con-
ducted by Prof. William H. Hobbs,
of the geology department will
leave Ann Arbor by bus at 7 o'clock
Saturday morning.
Persons desiring to take the trip
are asked to register at the Summer
Session office before Friday night
in order that bus accommodations
may be made. If more than 100
register, the steamship company
will reduce the price of the round-
trip ticket from 75 cents to 55 cents,
and refunds will be made.
Those outside of the geology
classes do not have to make the
walking trip on the island unless
they choose

Confers With Red Cross Leader,
Emergency Committee Head
at White House.
Labor Head Says Only Solution
to Problem Is Shortening
of Working Hours.
WASHINGTON, July 29.-()-
President Hoover today began a
new study of the unemployment
situation designed 'to coordinate
the diversified activities of the
many agencies dealing with the
Coming from a long conference
at the White House, to which he
was summoned, Chairman Payne of
the Red Cross said he believed his
visit marked the start of a cooper-
ative movement among relief or-
Almost at the same time the
American Federation of Labor is-
sued a statement by President
Green, predicting "a worse unem-
ployment situation next winter than
last." He said that a survey of 184
cities by the National Association
of Community Chests showed that
"relief needs will probably be twice
as great."
Information Not "Bright."
Payne said that information on
unemployment reaching him was
not alarming but not to be de-
scribed as bright.
The burden of caring for the un-
employed, he added, rests primarily
on the states, counties, and muni-
Green painted a sombre picture.
of unemployment based on the
federation's figures for July. He es-
timated that in July 5,200,000 per-
sons were without work, and that
if the usual seasonal unemployment
comes after the fall pick-up 7,000,-
000 will be out of jobs next winter.
Asks Shorter Hours.'
The federation president said the
crucial need is for shorter hours.
"This is the only permanent so-
lution to the unemployment prob-
lem," he said. "Other measures are
mere palliatives. When we consider
that with modern machines, work
which took the average man 52
hours in 1929 he can now no in 34
hours, and that the average work
hours have only been reduced from
52 to 50 hours per week, we under-
stand how spare time has become
unemployment instead of leisure. {
President Hoover yesterday con-
ferred with Fred C. Croxton, the
acting chairman of his emergency
committee for unemployment. Crox-
ton would make no statement after
the conference.
No Immediate Respite in Sight
for Lower Michigan Area;
Insect War Opens.
(By Associated Press)

Heat reigned again Wednesday
over the west, central, and eastern
states, and in its train were death,
suffering, and destruction from
pests and fire.
No immediate respite was in pros-
pect in most areas, although some
sections-the northern plains, the
extreme Missouri valley, the north-
ern portion of the upper Great
Lakes, and California-felt cooling
winds and rains.
Eighty deaths were attributed to
the burning temperature during the
week, most of them in California's
Imperial Valley, where the mercury
soared to 120 degrees before drop-
ping Wednesday; 17 were in Salt
River valley of Arizona, and two
more in Iowa.
Grasshopper hordes still swarmed
in the Dakotas, Nebraska, and Iowa,
and farmers battling the scourge
in Northern Minnesota met still
another foe in the invasion of ar-

World Flyers Land Safely in Wales

Hugh Herndon (left) and Clyde Pangborn, American aviators, land-
ed at 7 o'clock last night near Cardigan, Wales, completing a hop across
the Atlantic ocean from Roosevelt field, L. I. The flyers cruised over
Ireland in a heavy fog for some time, unable to sight a landing field.
They had originally planned to go direct to Moscow on the first leg of
a round-the-world flight.
Summer Repertory Players Present
'Alison's House,' Pulitzer Prize Play
The Pulitzer Prize Play strikes this reviewer as rather the culmination
of all the sentimental nonsense which has been accumulating in all
sorts of public letters and poems about Emily Dickinson's love affair. Ac-
tually, of course, Emily Dickinson's love-isolation was only the condi-
tion, not the subject-matter, of her poetic strength; and that "thwarted
emotion"-for which everyone has been and is in this play asked to
weep sympathetically-so gloriously expanded that it made Emily Dick-
inson a microcosm for the great dying New England culture-an achieve-
ment in which she far transcended the importance of her decision or
her indecision about her lover. But Miss Glaspell's play carries us on
through two acts with the expectations of some great revelation aroused
by the demented Agatha's intense and worried secrecy; and then in the
last act the play (with its very interesting characters, its very interest-
ing suggestion of themes) is fused
on a very sentimental level ("the
new poems tell all about what hap-R
pened;" Alison didn't "go"; Father
didnt "o";Els di "g"; nn is
"going"; and Alison has written all
about it for all of us; should we or
shouldn't we let the world know
what Alison hasnwritten about it B' Team Will Be Retained, But
for all of us). And this should be BohTasWlBePcd
something of a comedown whether Both Teams Will Be Picked
you happen to know that Emily From Single Squad.
Dickinson was much more than a
"confessional" poet (writing about Michigan will play both a major
all the details of just what happen- and a "B" football schedule this
ed) or not (but particularly if you year, but for the first time since
do). 1928, when the "B" team plan was
Mr. Stevens has done, I believe, put into practice, the teams will
excellent things in trying to in- be picked from a single squad.
tegrate this play. He has contrast- Coach Harry Kipke yesterday an-
ed the characters effectively and nounced the abandonment of the
used a slow pace that is not dull. double squad plan, saying that he
The best performance of the eve- believed the choice of teams from
ning was certainly given by Fern a single group will prove more ef-
Barrer as Miss Agatha. Getting fective, both to the school and to
all of a monomaniac's nervousness the men.
and intensity into a quiet dull , The change is partly the result
monotone was something of an of an experiment tried in basket-
achievement for Miss Barrer; and ball last season when George Veen-
it kept the first two acts, which ker kept the squad intact and pick-
threatened not to move, moving. ed teams from it for all games on
Mr. Dammon's father didn't have both schedules. The major team
enough character, enough pointed tied for second honors in the Big
sternness to be quite important as Ten, while the minor team won
the protagonist of the last act. Paul nine of its 10 games. On the other
Showers' Eben was similarly not hand, the double squad plan has
pointed enough. It is suggested worked with only fair success, the
that Eben has an heritage from Ali- "B" football team last year having
son; but that it has been stifled by won two, tied one, and lost four
circumstances of his life. If Mr. games.
Showers had more sharply suggest- Only about 60 men will be in-
ed Eben's uncertainty and lack of vited back for practice this fall,
direction as a character, the image Kipke said yesterday.
of the dead Alison, whose life had
had a gentle certainty and straight- More Than 60 Inspect
lineness, would have been vivified. Ford Airport, Village
Miss Lewis' Elsa had some bad,
self-conscious, over-emotional mo- More than 60 Summer Session
ments-particularly her first en- students took the excursion to
trance-but was in the last act Greenfield village, Dearborn inn,
quiet and effective and precise. The and the Ford airport yesterday.
Hodges, Ted, and Louise were all Thirty-six of the students were
very nicely done. taennin the ti-nr Fnr


Herndon and Pangborn
Land Near Cardigan;
Crossing Good.
Polando and Boardman
Unreported; Started
on Tuesday.
CARDIGAN, Wales, July 29.-
(P)-Prevented by fog from mak-
ing Moscow the first stop of their
projected round the world flight,
Hugh Herndon, Jr., and Clyde
Pangborn, Ameican aviators,
brought their plane safely down
.at 7 o'clock tonight on a sloping
farm field at Moile Grove, five
miles from here, after a success-
ful trans-Atlantic crossing from
New York.
The ocean crossing was made
.difficult by persistent fog all the
way, and the fog forced the avia-
tors down when they still had a
supply of fuel sufficient for eight
hours more of flying.
No Reports Heard
Meanwhile no word was heard
from the other American trans-At-
lantic plane, piloted by Russell
Boardman and John Polando, which
took off from New York at almost
the same time as that of Herndon
and Pangborn. There was nothing
even upon which speculation as to
the whereabouts of Boardman and
Polando might be based.
It was assumed that they met
the same foggy conditions which
prevented Herndon and Pangborn
from getting a glimpse of the ocean
between Newfoundland and Ireland,
but there was nothing in the way
of reports, either in England or in
Europe, to indicate what fortune
might have befallen them.
Will Resume Flight.
Herndon and Pangborn resolved
to have a few hours' sleep before
continuing their flight, and they
went to a hotel here immediately
after safely stowing away their
plane for the night.
They said they sighted the coast
of Ireland about 3 o'clock this af-
ternoon and continued flying east-
ward, but fog prevented adequate
observation and it was only after
they had cruised over the Irish sea
for some time that they were able
to find a landing place on the
Welsh coast.
Both were tired after their long
flight, but they asked to be called
at dawn to resume their journey.
When they landed in the farmer's
field, the flyers' first question was:
"Well, just exactly where are we?"
The question was directed to farm
hands who came running to the
Graf Zeppelin Starts Return
Flight; Sighted at Archangel
BERLIN, July 29.-(JP)-The giant
dirigible Graf Zeppelin was report-
ed tonight to be on its way back
from the Arctic to Leningrad,

whence it started for the far North
four days ago, and due to arrive
there early tomorrow.
The Graf was reported at 8 o'clock
tonight (2 p.m. Eastern Standard
Time) over Archangel.
It was believed here tonight that
the reason for shortening the Arc-
tic trip, which was originally in-
tended to carry the big dirigible
nearly to the North pole, was the
presence of heavy fogs over the
Arctic regions. This dispelled fears
aroused by 40 hours' silence of the
Graf's radio.
The silence was being attributed
tonight to the fact that the ship
had entered the Arctic's "zone of
silence" and that this was respon-
sible for interference with wireless
The Russian radio expert Krenkel
told his friends before the Graf
left Berlin that according to his
Arctic experience, north and south

Kraus, Guests to Visit
Biology Station Today
Dean Edward H. Kraus and a
number of guests will visit the Uni-
versity Biological station at Douglas
lake today.
Those who will go are Prof. Mar-
tin Smallwood, of the Syracuse uni-
versity zoology department, and
Mrs. Smallwood, Dean John R. Ef-

plane at the airport.

American Leauge
New York 10, Chicago 4.
Detroit 4, 8, Boston 5, 6.
game 10 innings)
Cleveland 6, Washington 0.
Athletics 4, St. Louis 2.
National League
New York 5, Pittsburgh 4.
Phillies 4, Chicago 0.


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