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July 26, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-07-26

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VOL. XI, NO. 24.



WEATHER Generally Fair


Players to Give Alison's House,'
Pulitzer Drama Award
Winner for Year.f

Play Was First Produced by Eva
LeGallienne; Students Get
First Stock Rights.
"Alison's House", the Pulitzer
Prize winer in drama for the season
of 1930-31 will open next week as
the fifth offering of the Michigan
Repertory players. The play will
be presented in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn theatre on Wednesday, Thurs-
day, Friday, and Saturday nights.
This latest drama by Susan Glas-
pell was chosen by the judges as
"the original American play which
shall best represent the educational
value and power of the stage."
LeGallienne Gave Play.
It was first produced by Eva Le-
Gallienne at the Civic Repertory
theatre in New York, and the pres-
entation here will be the first off
Thomas Wood Stevens, visiting.
director of the Summer Session,-
will stage "Alison's House". He is
said to have been instrumental in
obtaining the play for the Reper-
tory players.
Stevens is the founder of the
Carnegie School of the Drama, and
was formerly the director of the
Goodman theatre in Chicago.
_.Preparations are now under way
for .the presentation the fallowing
weekby the Repertory players of
"Beggar on Horseback", Kaufman
and Connelly's Broadway success.
It will be mounted by Director Val-
entine B. Windt of Pay Production.I
Mr. Windt has had previous experi-.
ence indirecting the play.
Leaders of Opposing Republican
Faction Seek to Reunite
Fitzgerald, Groesbeck.
LANSING, July 25.-(P)-It was
learned today that a serious at-
tempt is being made to bring about
an agreement between Frank D.
Fitzgerald, secretary of state, andI
former Gov. Alex J. Groesbeck to
determine which, if either, shall
run against Wilber M. Brucker for1
the Republican nomination for
There has been considerable talk
about both Groesbeck and Fitz-r
gerald. Neither has definitely stat-f
ed his position, although the latter
has taken the attitude he would
prefer to serve another term as
secretary of state. Groesbeck, who
was defeated by a narrow margin
by Brucker last fall, is variously
described by his friends as being in
a receiptive mood and as having
decided not to run.
Firestone to Discuss
Acoustic Experiments
Prof. Floyd Firestone, of the phy-
sics department, will lecture at 5
o'clock Monday afternoon in the
auditorium of the West Physics
building on experiments in sound.
He will illustrate the talk.
Professor Firestone's lecture re-
places a talk on the international
scenic highway, which was pre-
viously anounced for Monday but
has already been given.
Russell Heads Field

in National Air Tour
DETROIT, July 25.-(AP)-Harry
L. Russell, Dearborn, unofficially
finished first. in the national air
tour at the Ford airport Saturday.
He landed at 3:16 p.m., half an hour
behind 3. B. Storey, Kansas City,
hut. hIimargin of points gave him

Life brought to Al G. Barnes an Barnes Stonehouse." His early life
unusual success as a master show- was spent on a farm but the spirit
man and then, in his most prosper- of the showman lived in all his
ous years, it led him to the courts youthful play, leading him in the
in a series of domestic troubles, following years to circus life.
which kept his name in sensational With Dollie Barlow, whom he
cases for nearly sixteen years. later married and who figured with
Although the public knew him as him in many bitter court battles,
owner of the Al G. Barnes circus he started a humble wagon show in
for thirtylfive years, he was christ- Glenwood Springs, Colo., in 1895.
ened at his birth in Lobo, Ont., The show was a squeaky phono-
Can., Sept. 1, 1862, "Alpheus George graph, a pony and a picture ma-
chine, now common to the penny
galleries of metropolitan cities.
Noted Success came to them from the
Circus Owner, Dead outset. In 1900, they married and
consolidated the wagon show and
INDIO, Calif., July 25.-()- several small road acts to form the
Al G. Barnes, circus man, died nucleus for the Al G. Barnes cir-
here today. cus. This later became one of the
Barnes died at 6:15 a.m. at largest shows and was sold by him
Community hospital, where he in 1929 for $1,000,000. Its start was
had been ill for months. Some financed by the sale of a 120-acre
weeks ago, he suffered an attack farm for $2,700.
of pneumonia and physicians de- The fourteen years after the com-
spaired of his life, but he grad- ing of the century were filled with
ually recovered until it was be- hard work that built the circus
lieved he had pased all danger. from a straggling outfit to a show
A relapse occurred. requiring twenty-four railroad cars
The famous showman was 69 for transportation. But success
years old. His real name was brought with it failure of their do-
"Alpheus George Barnes Stone- mestic life.
house," but it was under the fa- In 1914, Fred A. Barlow, brother
amiliar name of Al G. Barnes, of Mrs. Barnes, sued the showman
lieved he had passed all danger. for $100,000 alleging alienation of
that he became the owner at one his wife's affections. Barlow lost
time of one of the largest cir- the suit but it was followed by a
cuses in the world. divorce action by IV:s. Barnes,
(Continued on Page Four)
Refuge of Aged Burns During Crowd Sees Secretary of State
Night, Early Morning; on His Arrival; American
Many Near Death. Embassy Gives Dinner.
PITTSBURGH, July 25.-IP)-' BERLIN, July 25.-(P)-Secretary
thirty persons, 25 of them believed 'Henry L. Stimson arrived from Lon-
nmates of the Little Sisters of the don tonight. on what he described
un wre brd e to deah hand 2131eas a "purely unofficial visit."
'--iea ,,o ~ i.- of Ambassador Frederic W. Sackett,


others are in hospitas, V icums or
fire that turned the haven of the with members of the embassy staff,
old and helpless into a place of hor- was waiting for him at the rail-
ror and suffering, last night and way station. Ambassador von
early today. Prittwitz und Graffron, who is
The death of Samuel Berry, 72 home from Washington on vaca-
years old, this afternoon at West
Penn hospital gavephysicians: fur- tion, also was present. There was a
ther grounds for fear that injury crowd at the station but no demon-
and shock would be fatal to others. stration.
Hospital authorities said the lives Tonight the ambasador gave a
of about six were hanging in the dinner in his honor with Chancel-
balance. Many of those now m or Bruening and other members
the hospital were calm and helped of the cabinet as guests. Tomor-
their fellow inmates as the fire row Mr. Stimson will attend a
raged through the home, but later small luncheon to be given by the
collapsed when the danger was chancellor and tomorrow night Dr.
past. Curtius will give a dinner in his
The coroner's office reported 15 honor. On Monday he will meet
persons still were unacounted for, President von Hindenburg, leaving
but the ruins had been searched for London immediately thereafter.
thoroughly, dissipating belief that This afternoon the German peace
more had died in the flames. society, headed by Ludwig Quidde,
Fire chief Richard L. Smith esti- Nobel peace prize winner in 1927,
mated the property damage at be- issued a manifesto appealing to
tween $45,000 and $50,000. the president and the government
Nuns, priests, volunteers from to cultivate a friendly understand-
the streets, firemen, policemen and ing with France and to abandon
inmates-heroes all-were found on battleship building as a guarantee
every side today as accounts of the of Germany's good faith.
disastrous fire were recounted.
Porto Ricans Protest
IIRET uOnDn I T ufIp American occupation

Asks Society Set Up Committees
to Advise on Resources
in Time of Peril.
F. Gardner Snegg Gives Address
on Medical Needs of
Urban Life.
"Every American Red Cross chap-
ter is recommended to have a Dis-
aster Preparedness Relief committee
that knows the medical, food and
shelter resources of the communi-
ty," said Mr. Albert Evans, assistant
director of disaster relief of the
American Red Cross in speaking to
the Public Health institute yester-
"In the first few hours of dis-
aster it is imperative to have a
local committee to relieve the im-
mediate suffering of the victims,"
he said, and emphasis is laid on
the order of their importance upon
medical care of the injured, food,
shelter and clothing for the suffer-
ers in a disaster.
Must Find Extent.
It has often been found that the
place first reporting any extensive
disaster is one of the least affected
and therefore it is necessary not to
concentrate all relief supplies at
that place without knowing more
about the extent of a disaster, Mr.
Evans continued.
"It is not the ideal of the Red
Cross tonrestore losses resulting
from a disaster but to make the af-
fected members of the community
once more self sustaining," Evans
said, "and to do this the resources
of the community are utilized as
far as possible, only supplementing
these local resources with doctors
and nurses from outside when the
personnel in the community is
found inadequate."
Snegg Speaks.
"Urban Sanitation demands sev-
en cardinal considerations and of
these adequate and healthful water
supply is the most important,"
said Mr. F. Gardner Snegg, sani-
tary engineer of the Department
of Health of Detroit. "Properly,
safeguarded milk supply that not
only pasturizes the milk but does
not obtain the supply from diseased
cows is the second in importance,"
he said.
University Reported Considering
Parting of Architecture,
Engineering College.
A proposal to separate the arch-
itectural and engineering colleges
of the University is being given
serious consideration, and its ac-
ceptance is now virtually assured,
according to an unofficial report
circulated yesterday.
No date for the action has been
set. But it is considered likely on1

the campus that before the end of
the year, and possibly with the op-
ening of the fall semester, the plan
for the change will be in tangible
Various suggestions have been'
made for administration of the
school of architecture when separa-
tion occurs, but the proposal of a
commission, probably of three
members, appeared to have been
the most favorably received. The
commission form has been found.
successful in administering affairs
of the school of medicine, and its
extension to other campus organ-
izations whenever conditions seem
to warrant is looked upon as de-
In general it may be said that
practicing architects throughout
the country who are interested in
Michigan affairs have indorsed the
separation idea. Members of the en-
gineering faculty likewise consider


Returns to London

Lacking his famous underslung
pipe, Charles G. Dawes, American
Ambassador to the Court of St.e
James', is shown sailing from New
York to resume his diplomatic du-f
in London after a Summer sojourn E
in the United States. He is expect-e
ed to play an important part ing
straightening out Europe's economic
Border Patrol Men Who Injured t
Excursionist Not Removed 1
Pending Case Hearing. n
DETROIT, July 25.-(/P)-Arthur t
Weslowski and Clarence E. Fish,
customs border patrolmen who
wounded an excursionist on thee
steamer Ste. Claire while firing atC
a rum runner's boat Tuesday night,b
will not be removed from dutyp
pending their trial, Deputy Collect-
or of Customs Walter S. Petty an-v
nounced Saturday.F
"They are still customs officers,F
will do regular turns of duty, andv
draw regular pay," Mr. Petty said.
Warrants charging the men with
felonious assault and with careless
use of firearms were issued Satur-
day morning, and an hour later
the officers by arrangement sur-
rendered at the prosecutor's office.
They were accompanied by William
G. Comb, chief assistant U. S. dis-
trict attorney, who will defend
The men were taken to the office
of Assistant Prosecutor George S.
Fitzgerald, where they refused to
answer his questions as to whether
they were using lead or steel-jack-
eted bullets when firing Tuesday
Rich New Gold Find
deported in Ontario
HUDSON, Ont.,-July 25.-(GP)-
Word has just come through of a
rich new gold find in Pipestone bay I
of Red lake. All the open groundl
in the vicinity is being restaked.
American League
New York 10, Detroit 7 (11 inn-
Chicago 7, Boston 5.
Washington 7, St. Louis 1.
Athletics 6, 3, Cleveland 3, 2.
National League
New York 5, 7, Cincinnati 0, 3.
Chicago 6, Boston 1.
Pittsburgh 5, 3, Brooklyn 2, 2.
(second game 14 innings).
111 c+ i .n ' D1,ll4,aet

Most Serious Rebellion
of Last Four Years
Faces Nanking.
Insurgent Forces Total
60,000; Penetrate
Towards Pekin.
SHANGHAI, July 25.--()-
With complete control in only
three of the score of provinces in
China the Nationalist government
at Nanking was confronted today
with one of the most serious of
the several rebellions that have
plagued its four years of turbu-
lent existence.
Commissioned by the Canton
insurgent government which has
ruled Kwantung and Kwangsi
provinces since late April, gen-
eral Shihyu-San, northern war-
lord has begun hostilities against
the Manchurian allies of the Nat-
onalist government.
Pekin Surounded.
The Nationalist regime, with pow-
er-centered on the Yangtse river of
Middle China has been placed be-
tween two revolutionary forces.
Even in this central area the gov-
ernment finds itself menaced by or-
ganized armies ofreds and bandits,
ravaging towns and countriside
For two months President Chaing
Kai-Shek devoted his attention to
military activity against outlawry
in devastated Kaingsi province,
taking up headquarters at Nanking,
its capital to command the 200,000
soldiers he asserted were being
hrown against theinsurgents.
With dissention stilled within
their ranks and independent mili-
Lary Southern leaders pledging al-
legiance, the Cantonese ,have an-
nounced their intention of taking
the offensive against Nantung and
the asserted dictatorship of Chiang.
North Aids.
Cooperating with them in North-
ern China are the rebel forces of
Gen. Shihyu-Shan, already num-
bering sixty thousand men, and re-
ported gaining large increases from
Shansi, Shantung, and Honan pro-
vinces. Some of these forces have
penetrated to within 125 miles of
Pekin advancing along three rail-
way lines.
Graf Leaves Berlin Airdrome on
Second Lap of Flight
LENINGRAD, July 25.-(P)
-The Graf Zeppelin arrived
here at 8:15 o'clock tonight
(1:15 p.m. Ann Arbor time)
from Berlin.. The flight from
the German capital consumed
16 hours and 15 minutes.
BERLIN, July25.-(P)-The dirig-
ible Graf Zeppelin arose from Sta-
aken Aidrome this morning and
pointed her nose into the rising
sun, bound for Leningrad on the
second leg of her flight to the Arc-
A few hundred early risers
shouted "hoch" and "gute reise"

(good journey) as she cut her
ground connections at 4:30 a. m.,
(10:40 p. m. Friday), and, after
circling the field, hit her course to
the east.
Cabin windows were crowded
with members o the crew and of
the scientific party aboard, who
waved their good-byes to Berlin.
The crew had rested a short time
after completing the first leg of
the flight from Friedrichsafen to
Berlin, and then they put in busy.
hours completing the preparations

William F. Anderson of Boston
Visits Here; Sellars,
Jacobs to Talk.
Bishop William F. Anderson, of
Boston, will deliver the sermon,
"What Is Your Life?" in the; First
Methodist Episcopal church at
10:45 o'clock this morning.t
Dr. Anderson is well known to
Ann Arbor audiences, having visit-
ed here a number of times.'
Service for the summer at the
Unitarian church will close this
morning with a talk by Prof. Roy
Wood Sellars on "Humanism, the
New Religion." Services will be re-
sumed Sept. 20.
Prof. Albert Charles Jacobs, of
the Columbia university law school,
will be the speaker at the outdoor
union church service on the lawn
of the Presbyterian church at 7

SAN JUAN, Porto Rico, July 25.-
(P)-Nationalist flags flew at half-'
staff today as Pedro Aldizu Cam-
pos, president of the Nationalist
party, spoke at mass meetings in,
the towns of Guanica and Yauco
protesting against the presence of
American troops in Porto Rico.
,Today was the 33rd anniversary
of the arrival of troops in the is-
land after the Spanish-American'
war. Guanica and Yauco were the
first two towns occupied.
Murray's Guardsmen
Unopposed at Bridge
MUSKOGEE, Okla., July 25.--(P)
-Clark Wasson, United States dis-
trict marshall, declared today that
no deputies would be sent to the
Denison-Durant toll bridge to carry
out an injunction granted here to-
'day by Judge Colin Neblett.
This situation left Governor W. H.
Murray's martial law units station-
ed at the bridgehead, without a

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