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June 19, 1930 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-19

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SA'TU'RDAY, JULY 19, 1930.


IN -1r4 4 ea B I
Published every morning excei t Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled tosthe use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or *not otherwise
credited in this paper and tne local news
published herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $1.50; by mail,
$ 2.00.
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director ........Howard F. Shout
CitymeEditor ......... Harold Warren, Jr.
Women's Editor.. ... Dorothy Magee
Music and Drama Editor... William J. Gorman
Books Editor.......... Russell E. McCracken
Sports Editor................ Morris Targer
Night Editors
Denton runze Howard F. Shout
Powers Moulton Harold Warren, Jr.'

About Books
Stephen Escott by Ludwig Lewis-
ohn; Harper and Brothers; Price'
$2.50; Review Copy from Wahr's1
University Book Store.
It is difficult to find a good rea-
son why Mr. Lewisohn should have
written Stephen Escott. The book is
very decidedly propaganda. That
need not exclude it from being a
valuable book, but Mr. Lewisohn
has presented his propaganda poor-
ly which is an unforgiveable liter-
ary sin. He has been so interested

As you undoubtedly have dis-
covered, the Building and Grounds
department is planning to oil the
driveway into University hall to-
day, just another step in the Uni-
versity's vast scheme to make the
Summer Session just as enjoyable
as possible for all concerned.
As we all know, the driveway in-
'to University hall has squeaked
badly for over a year-the joints
in it have become stiffer and drier

A specialty for
twenty years.
Prompt service. Experienced operators.
Moderate rates.
314 South State St. Phone 6615

State Street at Liberty



In getting his point across that he with continued neglect until riding
has forgotten character and style over it has become next to impos-
in his work. He has even failed to sible in any of the cheaper makes
tell a good story in his enthusiasm of cars-which are the only types
over his propaganda. permitted in the parking space.
He has concocted a sex theory, With the new oiling, however,
Mr. Lewisohn has, out of bits of the road-bed will probably loosen

Dorothy Adams
Helen Carrm
Bruce Manley

Cornelius H.
Sher M.


Telephone 21214
Assistant Business Managers
William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin
Circulation Manager......... Bernard Larson
Secretary ......... ..Ann W. Verner

Joyce DavidsonL . Kidd
Lelia M. Kidd

Dorothy Dunlap

Night Editor--Howard F. Shout
SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1930.
With the announcement thatI
Prof. Charles L. Meader, of the
linguistics department, is to speak
on "Esperanto" under the aus-
pices of the Tolstoi league has re-
vived interest on the campus in
that much-advertised international
language. An appreciation of what
the new tongue might do for world
proess has been shown all over
th United States in the last year
or two. A large number attended
the recent congress of the North
America Esperanto society at Bos-
The international language was
the idea of Doctor Zamenhof who
came to call himself Doctor "Es-
pzranto". It was first promulgated
in 1887, when the discoverer issued
a pamphlet describing the lan-
guage and outlining its purposes.
Its notable characteristics are:
phonetic spelling, omission of all
sounds peculiar to a single lan-
guage, stress in pronunciation al-
ways on the penult.
The new language is essentially
nothing more than a gathering to-
gether of the elements of all the
major tongues; it is not difficult to
learn and has a rather pleasing
soundi when spoken aloud., The
value of Esperanto is so obvious as
to need no description. Some of
the benefits it would bring are:
facilitation of commercial transac-
tions between men of different na-
tions, ease in traveling, lessening
of the dangers of war through mis-
understanding, increased power of
cooperation among countries, and
an international literature. This
list merely outlines in a general
way the potential benefits in the
Of course there have been other
international languages but none
we find in Esperanto, and, if we
place any importance in the doc-
trine of the relation of sound to
meaning, there might even be some
doubt as to its value; synthetics
have never been over-popular.
However, the need for some mode
of quick communication in these
days of close relationship between
nations and continents will un-
doubtedly add to the desirability
of the language itself, and a few
more years may very possibly find
America following the lead of some
European countries where Esper-
anto is taught in the secondary

Freud and Hebrew tradition, a the-
ory which allows that sex is "per-i
vasive and not merely a procreative
function," a scheme that might be
headlined "the middle-way to sex,",
or some such equally as meaning-
less. He shows a perfect carrying
out of his theory in the Life of
David Sampson. Sampson Is a Jew
lawyer and found reason for fol-
lowing this mysterious "middle-
way" in the traditional practices of
his race. Stephen Escott is an
American lawyer brought up in a
home environment in New England
which inhibited his sex desires. We
feel that Mr. Lewisohn would have
liked Stephen to be able to break
away and find solace in the au-
thor's theory, though he is prudent
enough not to allow this to happen
in his story. It is just as natural
for Stephen to be unable to break
away from his traditional training,
as it is natural for Sampson to car-
ry out his. It is Mr. Lewisohn's bus-
iness to prove that the Jew's point
of view is saner. To do this he
presents Stephen's life as a writh-
ing situation. His married life is
shown a failure because of his
wife's Puritanical horror of sex.
She dies a victim of her inhibitions;
and he tastes the sort of life he
has been excluded from, and with-
out satisfaction. It does not seem
that Mr. Lewisohn proves anything
with regard to his character Ste-
phen for he never allows him to
find the "middle way." His book
shows that the Jew's point of view
is better, but he forgets all about
the applicability of his system even
to his central character.
One is always leary of characters
created merely to prove a theory.
Indeed it has been shown many
times that such characters seldom
cast more than a flick of reality.
This is surprisingly true of Mr.
Lewisohn's; at no time are we
strictly at ease with them, we feel
that the author has not kept his
eyes on them and reported their
behavior correctly. This particular
dialogue and that situation we
sense has been brought in only to
strengthen his theory. Many parts
of the novel read like a sociology
thesis, and could be extracted from
the whole as essays on the problem
of sex. The action of the book is
trite and uninteresting, everybody
thinks of sex the whole time. The
prose is neither original nor at-
tractive. Indeed the book had no
good reason for being written.
R. E. M.
situation which happend to be "the
straw that broke the camel's back."
Hence this article.
This afternoon my wife and I,
while walking through the diag-
onal, picked as a convenient once
shady spot to study, the engineers'
benches-the same benches which
a year or so ago were moved from
'their places on either side of the
diagonal, possibly because the Uni-
*ersity realized that it was not
dealing with gentlemen, and, pos-
isibly also, so that women could
walk through the Engineers' arch
without being insulted. As long
as I remained with my wife, those
engineers who were working in the
room facing the benches indulged
in nothing more rude than bold
stares lasting from one to three
Later, however, after I had had
occasion to absent myself for a
few minutes, I was the recipient of
the rather astounding news that
not only had the language of the
above-mentioned future Michigan

graduates (who had to speak in a
loud tone to make themselves heard
above the roar of the machinery)
been coarse, but also had tran-
scended all bounds of decency. To
cap the climax the remarks had
been either to or about my wife.
This situation is indeed both an
embarrassing and an annoying
one. I am writing this in the hope
that it may aid in preventing sim-
ilar situations from arising.

up wonderfully and all those nas-
ty bumps in it will become quite
pliable. At least, we hope so.
The editor came into the office
today and was introduced to the
staff members, and he seems to be
quite a nice chap-in spite of the
face that he has allowed his edi-
torial director (the fat-faced man
who writes all those absurd, unin-
formed editorials about Detroit and
can get much excited over the Al-
askan seal fishing question of ex-
traterritorial rights of the United
States and the Soviet.) However,
tething which we liked best
about our new editor, now that we
have seen him, is the note of in-
formality he introduced by wear-
ing the worst looking pair of lea-
ther bedroom slippers (he says
they're genuine Indian moccasins
-presumably from the French and
Indian wars, we should judge)
around the place that it has ever
been the privilege of our women's
staff to stick up their noses at.
(There was absolutely no justifica-
tion for the women's staff's action.
Those moccasins cost $5.-EDI-
And here is the second indtall-
ment of "Love's Ashes," by Glmph,
a member of the Whoofle clan.
Chapter Two.
Miss Pomgranate stifled a yawn
and tossed it aside like a broken
thing. "Gad," she exclaimed and
stifled another yawn. It was a
Sstiflingday and the scorching sun
of the Sahara beat down upon the
caravan like nobody's business.
"I wann jinka watah," said Wil-
- lie petulantly from the interior of
the tent.
"Shut up!"
It was the voice of Warner Glutz
the big dolly man from Ann Ar-
bor. He leaned his bicycle against
a nearby tree and stalked toward
the tent that sheltered Miss Pom-
,granate from the scorching sun.
"I've followed you for two years,"
hissed Glutz, "and now I have you
in my power!"
"Sez you," spit Miss Pomgranate
eyeing him with a hate that was
born of desperation.

10:15 A. M.--English service


The Reading Room, 10 and 11
State Savings Bank Building is open
daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except
Sundays and legal holidays.
Huron Street East
R. Edwards Sayles, Minister
9:45 A. M.-Church school.
9:45 A. M.-Class for students led
by Mr. George Preuser.
10:45 A. M.-Morning worship and
sermon by Mr. Sayles on "THE

409 South Division
10:30 A. M.-Regular morning serv-
ice. Sermon topic: "LIFE."
11:45 A. M.-Sunday school follow-
ing the morning service.
7:30 P. M.-Wednesday evening
testimonial meeting.

(Mo. Synod)
third and West Liberty
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-German service with
9:00 A. M.-Sunday school.

sermon. "Stephen, a Man of Faith
and Power."
Division and Catherine Streets
Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector
Rev. Thomas L. Harris, Assistant
8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer; ser-
mon by Mr. Harris.

Allison Ray Heaps, Minister
10:45 A. M.--Morning Worship.
Mr. Heaps will speak on "THE
UNITY OF RELIGION," third ser-
mon in the monthly series on "Re.
ligion and Life."

Huron and Division Sts.
Merle H. Anderson, Minister
9:30 A. M.-Church School.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Rev. Robert Brown, Detroit, Mich.
5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young
6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet.





For morning wear-cool shantungs or sport silks with jackets



"Fly with me," pleaded Qlutz.
"I have a licensed plane and have
just graduated from a flying
school. I'll take you all over the
city for $5."
"What about Willie?" asked Miss
Pomgranate tearfully.
"We'll send him over to the Spa-
vins," said Glutz. "Come; we
must go. I am a big doily man from
Ann Arbor and I will get you a job
in my factory."
"I do not like doily toil," objected
Miss Pomgranate, and so it was
. I
Along about 3 p. m. they stop-i
ped to rest, and Miss Pomgranate, l
who had been gazing intently ati
the horizon, suddenly gasped out,
"A mirage!"
"Where?" asked Glutz as he fell:
into a ditch.
"Overdthere," gasped Miss Pom-
granate, pointing.
"That ain't a mirage," growled
Glutz, "that's a garage."
"Oh," said Miss Pomgranate.
"We must drive over toward it,"
said Glutz. "We need some air in
the tires."
Tomorrow: Chapter three.

Crisp-young-gay-and oh, so
verstile, these lovely silk dresses that
are so much the order of the day.
Printed frocks in semi-sheer fabrics
such as chiffons, soft crepes, yea,
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You'll adore these dresses . . . their
abbreviated sleeves, wispy jackets and
so many other tiny details that makes
them fill in with every occasion in
this delightful era when a gown is
something to look beautiful in and
we prefer being individuals rather
than types!
$ 995
For afternoon and evening-
dainty floral chiffons


Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to b briet
confnine themselves to less than zoo
words if possible. Anunymous com-
munications will be disregarded The
names of communicants .wil, however
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
nuest. Letters published hould nfotr
onstruted as expressini' thie ..itnr;'
To the Editor:
When one comes to a university,
of this size, one has to expect to
come in contace with a certain
amount of trying situations. More-I
over, one gradually comes to make
the best of and shrug his shoulders
at such things.
To ay howev. T wa n orivileagr

" c
FFllii ,,
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w " f j #'' Il
qq tt
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With Your Summer Frocks...
What Hats?
Will it be a white hat . . . to go with any summer costume-
will it be a pastel colored hat to match each one of your summer frocks?
These felts are more individual and clever than any you've seen before!
Then, too, you'll like the new brimmed straws . . . just the lightest,
coolest, most becoming hats you've ever tried-all inexpensive enough
to allow for the seeming extravagance of several summer hats!

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