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June 19, 1930 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-19

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Delivers Address Before Third
Public Health Institute
at Medical Building.
Speaks on Social Problems Met
by Workers in Hospitals
and Health Units.
Typical social problems met with
in handling community diseases
was the gist of the subject of a lec-
ture given by Miss Ola Hylton yes-
terday afternoon in the auditori-
um of the West Medical building.
"It must be borne in mind that
the hospital is designed only for
acute hospital service so long as
the patient can be benefitted," stat-
ed Miss Hylton. "If the community
does not offer an agency or re-
source for carrying out the recom-
mendation the case worker may di-
rect the activity until it is complet-
ed. The chains of interest, activity,'
and development of the groups are
all so inter-related and directed
toward the same objective with a
single purpose-that of helping the
individual at a time when he is
unable to assist himself, cannot di-
rect his own activities and is not
familiar with the tools and meth-
ods to make him a productive, in-
dependent citizen.
Change Patients' Routine.
"Even though the patient is ad-
mitted to the hospital, introduced
to new routines and expected to
comply with new restrictions in
carrying out his treatment, his in-
terest continues to be in his family
and community," stated the speak-
er in referring to some of the prob-
lems presented by typical cases.
"Thus it becomes of as equal im-
portance to interpret our activities
to the community as to the pa-
"On admission we see the inter-
relationship manifested through
some of the inquiries," Miss Hylton
continued. "Why is the patient ad-
mitted, how long will he be there,
what is he being treated for, why
can't he come home, can the family
visit him, why isn't this treatment
given him instead of that.
Must Guard Information.
"What is the basis for release of
information?" asked the speaker.
"The medical case worker has made
the same ethical code in releasing
information as the physician on
the consent of the patient or his
guardian keeping in mind the ulti-
mate benefit to the patient. First
of all the information is confiden-
tial and belongs to the patient and
the release of it may bring about
many coniplications. A neighbor or
friend may come to the hospital
and inquire about the patient and
if told that the patient is in the
obstetrical unit, real confusion, os-
tracism, and estrangement from
family and friends may result."
Bail of $500 Furnished; Trial
Date Not Yet Announced.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, July 18.-Earl Car-

roll and a comedian and two chorus
girls in his latest "Vanities" were
held for trial Thursday on police
charges that two scenes in the
musical show are indecent and ob-
scene. Six chorus girls who had
been co-defendants of those held
at the hearing in magistrate's court
were discharged.
The only witness to testify before
Magistrate Maurice Gotlieb was
acting Police Capt. James Coy, a
former circus supernumerary, who
serves as theatrical critic for the
police. He told of one scene in which
Faith Bacon danced with no cover-
ing except two ostrich feather fans
and another in which Jimmy Savo
changed some of the clothing on
Miss Kay Carroll, who is not a rel-
ative of the producer. Miss Carroll,
Savo and Miss Bacon are the three
held with Carroll.
Bail of $500 each was immediate-
ly furnished and the defendants

Leads Senate Minority MRC TA
in Fight Against Pact
Georgio Destifani Forces Texan
to Play Five Withering Sets
in Interzone Finals.
... Rain and Wet Courts Interfere
With Play; Darkness Causes
Postponement of Match.
By Smith Reacis,
(A. P. Sports Writer)
AUTEIL, France, July 18.-Amer-
ica won the opening match from
Italy in the Interzone Davis cup
tennis final today and took two
out of three sets of the second be-
fore it was called on account of
It was close work, however, that
gave Wilmer Allison of Austin,
Tex., a five-set victory over Geor-
Kenneth D. McKellar, gio Destifani, the ambidexterous
Senator from Tennessee, who is Italian and enabled the United
one of the leaders of the minority States to take a one-up lead in
this battle for the right to meet
faction in opposing the ratification France in the challenge round.
of the Naval Treaty. McKellar of- Thencorehwee-, 9,6.
fered a resolution that would make 8-6 108cores d tre 4-6, 7-9,ia
our approval of the treaty contin- killer, a conqueror of Henri Coch-
gent on a "freedom of the seas" en- et at Wimbledon, was at least
forcement clause. twice on the verge of defeat at the
hands of Italy's number two sin-
gles player. To take the final set
and win, Allison had to come up
Dfrom 1-5 in an amazing rally.
[FDarkness Ends Game.
George Lott of Chicago lost his
first set to Baron Humbert de Mor-
peurgo, veteran of many Davis Cup
Chicago's Credit Again Restored' contests, 3-6, and had to play his
in Special Legislative best tennis to take the next two,
Session. 9-7 and 10-8.
Ssn At the end of the first set it was
END PAYLESS PAYDAYS 8:30 p.m. and darkness was falling.
Players and spectators had had
enough and the officials called it
(By Associated Pressr a day. The entire program had been
CHICAGO, July 18.-For the first held up more than an hour by a
time in many moons the munici- rain and wet courts and the Alli-
pal financial horizon is bright. son-Destifani match had lasted
Credit will be entirely restored fully three hours.
after Aug. 1, the city council fi- De Morpeurgo and Lott will re-
nance committee announced Thurs.- sume their match at 2 p. m. tomor-
day after paving the way for pas- row and the doubles team will clash

Government Declines to Enter
European Federation
Pending Study.
Britain Remains Unconvinced'
That Proposed Scheme Is
Needed or Desirable.
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, July 18.-The British
government, replying today to
France's invitation to collaborate
in a European federation, declared
that because the scheme proposed
to "set up new and independent
international institutions," the gov-
ernment was not convinced it was
"either necessary or desirable."
The probable new bodies, the
reply set forth, "would in no way
derive their authority from the
covenant of the League of Nations
or from Part 13 of the Peace,
Treaty," and would in no way be
connected organically with the
League Sufficient.
"Since the organs of the League
have already begun work on virtu-
ally the entire problem of practical
action which the memorandum
puts forward," the reply said, "it
is difficult to see how these new
European institutions could operate
without creating confusion and
perhaps also a rivalry which, how-
ever little it might be intended or
desired by the European govern-
ments, could hardly fail to dimin-
ish both the efficiency and the au-
thority of the organs of the Lea-
The British reply was stated to
be of preliminary and tentative
character. A definite answer, it
was said, would require "careful,
prolonged consideration," which
the government felt duty-bound to
undertake in consultation with the
Favors Union Idea.
The British government is repre-
sented as understanding the fed-
eration as designed to promote
closer co-operation between the
nations of Europe, and to strength-
en the safeguards against another
European war, and with this aim,
it says, it is in fullest sympathy.
The note ends with an expression
of belief that the purpose of Aris-
tide Briand's proposal can be ob-
tained effectively within the frame-
work of the League of Nations, and
hopes Paris will think it desirable
that the memorandum be placed

Former Operatic Star
Collapses in Theatre

Claire Dux
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, July 18.-Mrs. Charles
H. Swift, the former Claire Dux of
the opera stage, collapsed Thurs-
day night while attending a per-
formance of "Faust" at the Ravin-
ia opera.
She was taken to a hospital,
where she was reported to be in
great pain. Physicians were unable
to determine the seriousness of her
illnC tnrd~


sage on July 29 of the revised tax
levy ordinance, which will allow the
sale of more than $7,000,000 in tax,
"There will be no more payless.
paydays after that," Ald. John S.
Clark, committee chairman, said.
A million dollars was scraped
from the bottom of the treasury
Thursday to pay the police and
firemen their salaries for the last
half of June. Their July pay and'
salaries for other municipal em-1
ployees cannot be met, however, un-,
til Aug. 1.
Outstanding warrants have been
retired- with $15,000,000 turned over
to the city by County treasurer
George F. Harding.
Relief legislation passed by the
special session of the legislature,
which allowed the city to issue $7,-
000,000 in bonds and to increase
the 1929 and 1930 tax rates, were
responsible for the brightened sit-
uation, Clark said.
Hope was expressed that the 13,-
000 public school teachers would be
paid Saturday. H. Wallace Caldwell,
head of the board of education,
said he expected to sell enough tax
warrants to meet the $4,606,000
payroll-three weeks unpaid.
With the credit of the city re-
stored, County treasurer Harding
expressed a belief that the sale of
the tax warrants and city securities
would increase the revenue to a
sufficient extent to guarantee a
firm foundation for the municipal-
ity for the next several years. It
was estimated that the reorganiza-
tion of finances would be effected
within the month.

in the third battle of the series.
Italy, electing to play Placido
Gaslini and Alberto del Bono, has
practically conceded that match to
Allison and John Van Ryn, and to-
morrow's main interest for fans
here lies in what the doughty Ital-
ian veteran can do to overcome the
lead against him.
3,000 Witness Contest
Although the Lott-De Morpeurgo
battle probably served up better

llness o3 auy. {
Former Champion Defeats Mrs.
Higbie in Final Round
of State Tourney.
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, July 18.-Mrs. Stewart
Hanley of the Detroit Country club
is the new champion of Michigan's
women golfers. She won the title
for the third time today by defeat-
ing Mrs. Harley G. Higbie, also a
former champion, 4 up and 3 to
play in the final 18-hole round of
the Michigan Women's State Golf
By her victory today Mrs. Hanley
won permanent possession of the
championship cup, having previ-
ously held it in 1924 and again in
1927. Mrs. Higbie had held the tro-
phy in 1925 and 1926.
By virtue of her better drives
and her ability to avoid the traps
Mrs. Hanley rounded the turn 1 up
on Mrs. Higbie. The il luck that
had accompaied Mrs. Higbie's first
nme, followed her on the incoming
holes. With a chance to halve the'
tenth her ball caught a bit of mud
on the ground and the hole went to
Mrs. Hanley. Mrs. Higbie took the
eleventh when Mrs. Hanley got into
a trap on the right side of the
green. Mrs. Higbie lost the 155-yard
twelfth when she overshot the
green. On the thirteenth her ap-
proach shot was too powerful. The
fourteenth was halved in fives and
on the fifteenth and last hole of
the match she again drove into the
rough from the tee and went four
down to lose the hole and the
Mrs. Hanley won her semi-final
match yesterady from Mrs. Small,
4 and 3. After losing the first hole
with a sevennMrs.bHanley started
tie owardedthenalhbyinoingh
next three holes with farlve Afte
three halved les, a parbfie ga
her the eighth and a lead of three
up, but her. tee shot on the short
ninth was trapped and she lost the

Senator Moses Lashes President
and Secretary Stimson for
Refusal to Give Papers.
Leader of Delegation to London
Naval Parley Referred to as
Laird of Stanmore.'
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, July 18. - The
Senate headed into its first night
session tonight with Treaty advo-
cates determined to exhaust debate
by opponents of the London naval
treaty who refused finally today to
enter any agreement for a limita-
tion of discussion.
There were less than a d o z e n
senators counted in the opposition
fold who still had speeches to de-
liver but estimates as to when a
vote would be reached ranged from
tomorrow night to next Tuesday.
Senator Moses, Rep., N.H., and
Johnson, Rep., Calif., led the attack
against the treaty today with more
than 60 on hand to wait it out with
the voluble foes.
Moses Attacks Hoover
Moses lashed out severely at Pres-
ident Hoover and Secretary Stim-
son, the head of the American del-
egation to London, complaining
against their refusal to give the
Senate all of the papers relating. to
the London parley.
"I cannot but feel," he said, "that
he (the President) and his Secre-
tary of State have seriously af-
fronted the representatives of the
American people as found in the
Senate of the United States, where
is lodged and equal and coeval pow-
er when arranging relations of this
country with the nations of the
The New Hampshire senator re-
ferred to Secretary S t i m s o n
throughout his address as the
"Laird of Stanmore." He previous-
ly had told the Senate that Mr.
Stimson had an estate while in
London known as Stanmore and
signed his correspondence "Stim-
son of Stanmore."
Opponents Consider Cloture
"We have been handed the docu-
ment," he said, "with sparse and
inconclusive statements of its pur-
pose, and are told somewhat super-
ciliously by the Laird of Stanmore
that we must take it or leave it in
its nakedness."
Before the session started at 11
o'clock today the band of opponents
conferred over the situation creat-
ed yesterday when the Senatelead-
ers threatened to adopt the cloture
rule cutting off debate unless an
agreement was entered.
The word came out of the meet-
ing that "no surrender" would be
made but some of the treaty foes
predicted the end of the contest
would not be far ahead These in-
sisted no filibuster would be made.
Turk, 156 Years Old, Settles at
New York Hotel.

(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, July 18. - Varo
Agha, whose passport indicates he
is 156 years old, settled himself lux-
uriously in a Park avenue hotel
tonight and prepared to enjoy the
advantages, aesthetic, scientific,
3nd economic, of this young wes-
tern world. - - -


tennis, it was a fight between the on the agenda of the next Assem-
men who beat Cochet and the col- bly of the League.
orful Destifani that took hold of
the imagination of the crowd of Italian Astronomer
3,000 and kept it alternating be-A
tween bursts of applause and occa- Visits Observatory
sional rumbles of disapprobation.
The first set started tamely
enough, both players cautiously Prof. G. Abetti, director of the
feeling their ground and neither Arcetri observatory at Florence,
taking any great chances. Desti- Italy, visited the University ob-
fani's soft stroking seemed to puz- servatory for a short time yester-
zle Allison a bit. The American took day afternoon. At an informal
the lead at 4-3, but the Italian gathering of members of the ob-
broke through Allison's service in servatory staff and graduate stu-
the next game and added two more dents in astronomy, Professor Abet-
for the set. ti described the work in solar phys-
It was pretty much the same ics which is being carried on at the
story in the second set, except that !Arcetri observatory. He outlined al-
Allison, breaking through early, so the current problems in their
rolled up an even bigger lead of 5-1. field of research work.
Prospective Coaches Face Old Kipke Buck
as Michigan Mentor Shows How It's Done

American League
Detroit 7, Boston 6
St. Louis 14, New York 6;
Washington 8, Cleveland 6
Philadelphia 15, Chicago 1
National League
New York 8, St. Louis 7
Cincinnati 13, Philadelphia 6
Pitt-kh,,.iwh 12 ndtnn 4

Under the glare of a blazing sun,
the Harry Kipke of old once again
tore up the turf of Ferry field. In a
self-illustrated lecture that might
well have been entitled "The Secret
of My Success," the Wolverine grid-
iron mentor yesterday showed some
fifty collegiate and high school
athletic coaches how to play real
football, demonstrating with much1
success a series of line bucks,
tackles, and end runs.
Long men, short men, fat men,
lean men, all felt the terrific im-
pact of the diminutive coach's'
shoulders as he "gently" showedl
them how it was done.

needed more than two linemen to
hold him," Kipke barked. "A fast
charge, the foot slipped in here,
and his man was down."
It was fun watching the athletic
coaches try to carry out Coach
Kipke's commands. Nearly always,
he would elude them, and slip
through, showing that he has not
forgotten any of his old tricks, al-
though, if the truth were told, he
was the recipient of more than one
stinging blow. But it's all in the
game, and so Kipke would get up
smiling and call for two other men.
"Hey, Red, you play back. You,
over there, see if you can get me.
All set?" And again the players go


Agha landed today in Providence,
R. I., from Turkey and announced
1Our eth er aX an he was here to see and be seen, by
any American scientist who might
care to pay for the privilege of
" ovserving a man who says he never
"ftasted alcohol in his life, outlived
11 wives, became a father for the
336th time at the age of 96, and
grew a third set of teeth when he
was 105. (That's his story and he's
"I sticking to it.)
(By Associated Press) The aged Turk claims that he
Rushed in today to say that has records proving his birth in
cooler weather was in sight for to- the cighteenth century, and offers

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