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June 17, 1930 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-17

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TI3tT SDAY, JULY 17, 1930

aI1 i1,


Q;4r tutr
'Published every morning except Mond,.y
dui iigthe Univesity Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titd to the use for republication of all -ews
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
creitsed in th paper and the local news
pub-isbed herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $i.So; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephou-e 4925
1Elitorial Director .......Howard F. Shout
City l;ditor............ Harold Warren, Jr.
Womnren's Editor... ......Dorothy Magee
cand Drama Editor...William J. Gormane
Boo!s Editor.......... Russell E. McCracken
Sports Editor...... .....Morris Targe,
Night Editors
Denton Kunze Howard F. Shout
Powers Moulton Harold Warren, Jr.

I TRotlr '

" Ahbout RBooks

WThe Time of Man, 1926.
With'tomorrow's edition the first My Heart and My Flesh, 1927.
chapter of the latest novel to come The Great Meadow, 1930.
from the versatile pen of the Doc-; Elizabeth Madox Roberts has at-
tors Whoofie will make it's appear- i tracted much attention among the
ance to the reading public, and on younger contemporaries. She be-
succeeding days this breathless tale longs to that interesting group of
of life, glamour, romance, life, op- post-war writers of the University
of ~of Chicago. She is a native ofj
lum-smoking, red-blooded Ameri- 'Kentucky, and uses it as a back-
cans, and life will spin out its fas- 'ground in all of her novels. Born
cinating spell to enthrall an hun- "near Springfield, Kentucky, which
dred readers. (The Daily has only is now her permanent home, she
43 paid subscribers - statistical s decendant of pioneers who came
in the train of Boone in the 177'0's.
note, EDITOR). I'm not talking The Great Meadow, a saga of the
.bout subscribers, I saii readers. settlement of her country, has for
Each day our readers will be able characters members of her own
to follow the handsome hero, the family, has for incidents tales;
wraith-like heroine, through the Miss Roberts heard from her
swashbuckling mazes of this intre- grandmother. She is steeped in the
pid adventure which WILL BEGIN legend, the habits, the peculiarities
OO SERIAL FORM in this column of the people she has come in con-
TOMORROW' tact with in Kentucky. She has
WATCH FOR IT taken all this over into her books,!
And now a wo: d of introduction and has shown better than any
to some of the principle characters one else writing tody the vigorous
of this charming old story of beauty of dialect. Indeed Mr.
quaint rural life in Old New Zea- Glenway Wescott is wont to com-
land, with especial reference to the 'pare her work with dialect to that
Australian wombat, the opaki, the of John M. Synge.
duckbill, and the cassowary. I It is In this respect that Miss



I r by Adams
Helen Carrm
Bruce Manley

Cornelius H.
Sher M.


i ;

Telephcne 21214
Assistant Business Managers
William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin
Circulation Manager......... Bernard Larson
Secretary..................Ann W. Verner


Joyce DavidsonI

Lelia M. Kidd

Dorothy Dunlap

Night Editor-Denton Kunze

Roberts scores her greatest success
as a writer-in her use of dialect.
There is a romantic harmony in
the language she uses, a delight in
its contortions, that, no matter
how hard you try, cannot be found
in the work of our conscious ex-
ploiters of the primitive style.
There is a genuineness in Miss
Roberts' prose that seems to be I


Dr. Burt L. Shurly, newly-elected Here are Lewdia and Marasch- ase
ino IGlamp, sisters by a step-moth- on a
head of the Detroit school board, in er-step-father marriage, charm- the
his inaugural address condemned ing young debutantes just about ing
prohibition for most of the prob- to-step out into the gay mad whirl time
lems concerning the youth of the of social life in Baltimore's carni- You
nation. "A solution to the prohi- valistic m i d - s e a s o n. Lewdia shap
bition question must come quickly," }lamp has an overwhelming in- fine
he remarked, "if we are to prevent terest in outdoor subjects. A camp- does
it from undermining the characters fire girl from the time she was ;'he
of our young people. The spectacle able to spill anything in the kit- that
of a nation evading the Volstead chen, her beautiful Louis Dix mor
Act is . teaching them all habits of boudoir is filled and nearly creep- wor
snooping and sneaking." This state- ing off with countless varieties of late
ment created something of a furore small wild life. On her dresser rugg
in the meeting in which it was giv- she keeps a jar with three newts But
en, and was followed by an assem- in it, and by her bedside is a rab- any
bly of the board, acting as a com- bit hutch. Moths and butterflies The
mittee of the whole, at which a of a dozen different species flutter ful
resolution was passed condemning about the room or hang upon the Y
Doctor Shurly's declaration and walls, impaled upon steel needles. in,
stating that: "We hereby declare Lewdia is preparing herself for a She
we do not believe it is the best or Nature Study teacher in the Wil- tist
proper policy for any member of lemette (Ill.) public schools. {ov
this board to use his position in a Maraschino, on the other hand, ies
board meeting to expound his per- is the typical -social butterfly, mor
sonal views on controversial ques- hatching out each season with a her
tions that are not the business of fresh set of wings, every scale The;
the Board of Education." thereon intact, and setting out at leav
The issue that is obviously raised once for the glow of the nearest Whe
by this disagreement is: What is a flame. Pretty Maraschino, as we Ber
school board's business? Is it con- look at her picture, we are temp- pac
fined to routine matters of admin- ted to shake our head just the out
istration, or does it deal with all wee-est bit and wonder. Things put
the policies and politics of the com- can not always continue thus, psyc
munity and all the conditions Maraschino. Fles.
found therein which may affect the The
popUlation of the schools? It seems pure
to us, even taking into account the spirt
dangers of controversy and dispute, er t
that the best interests of the sys- noti
tom and the pupils are cared for Tho
only when the administrators rep- hov
resenting the people understand stori
exactly what the schools are try Miss
ing to do for the children and hod spii
these efforts may be protected.h soO
Doctor Shurly has pointed out no
dire effects resulting from the pro- Here is bewitching Maraschino stam
hibition amendment, Pd, while we swung through the dreamy laby- of I
feel th-t there is much to be said Inth of the Serpentine on the nat
for 'he amendment, the efficacy of arms of dashing young Harlow tion
his remarks cannot be overlooked. Crustacea Blutch, III, scion and acti
Those c'oze'y connected with the heir to the Blutch millions in divi
schools in large cities have report- Blutch's Bust-or-Lay Pure Farina dam
ed that there is a general tendency Hen Feed-"Fifty years the World's that
among the young people there to Leading Egg-Maker". B
laugh at the law and to uphold any It is about this intriguing ti- the
violation of it as a deed of hero- angle of the rich( adventuresome, erts'
ism. In fact, the child who has the vibrant young souls that the six usua
courage to break a rule of his ex- Brothers Whoofle in collaboration read
istence is very often the child with have written their finest story in I of v.
the greatest ability and initiative, their characteristically vigorous ed a
and should, if possible, be guided style. to r
away from such spectacles as were I A Word About the Author. over
pointed out in the inaugural ad- The opening installment will be this
dress, so that he may apply his written by that superb master of 'Miss
valuable energy in more beneficial the Malayan dialects, Fpsch Whoo- She
ways. fle, eldest of this famous fraternal true
Such a matter as the above seems sextette which has blazed a name ques
very properly to come within the of fame and glory round the world The
scope of the school board's duties. and once over it including the Boo
It is not a question of politics pure Scandinavian and Croatian. Prior' wild
and simple; it is a question of the to writing this skilful opening to gsop
influence of politics in the schools. the talean introduction which has time
If that influence is deemed harm- brought gasps of amazement from
ful, cognizance of it should be tak- the leading rhetorical authorities
en by the proper authorities. It is of the white races, Flpsch Whoofle M
easy to see that this dicta might spent five years in Patagonia col- "dis
be extended to include a great lecting material for his monumen- "Th
many other questions, for example, tal task, three years in Sulphur ed l
the censorship of literature, the Springs, Colo., a year and a half is w
controlling of the kinds of movies on a precarious rock in the La- of t
to be produced, the efficiency of chine rapids, and ten months in Ipubl
police departments, in fact, any- Sing Sing. The story, however, will had
thing which has or may have an have nothing to do with "The sinc
influence on the pupils. All this is Criminal Code", current offering of in t

nt from theirs. You can read
and on page after page under
sway of the rhythm, delight-
in the choice of words, at
s forgetting content almost.
feel that she is ever present,
)ing, rounding her words to
meanings. Mr. Henry Canby
not like this as it is found in
Great Meadow because he feels
there Miss Roberts has been
e civilized than in her previous
ks. And it is true that in the



r book she has lost some of the
gedness of The Time of Man.
the books are not different in
essentials, only degree makes 4
Time of Man a more delight-
ou meet a flaw in the novelist
her delineation of character.
is no psychologist, nor drama-
in any sense of the word. Her
els are idylls rather than stor-
of character or action. She is
e interested in how she tells
story than in its content.
re is no struggle when Diony
es her father, nor any conflict
n she decides to return to
k. Ellen forgives her husband,
ks up the furniture, and sets
with him for a new home with-
a question. She fails so as a
hologist in My Heart and My
h that many of the scenes in
odosia's hellish struggle are
melodrama. There is some
it-a faith in the human pow-
o rise above evil, spoken very
ceably in the character of
mas Hall,-some spirit that
ers above the people in her
Ies like a kind of destiny. It is
Roberts hovering there, her
it, her faith. She reasons phil-
?hically that the 'future holds
uncertainties, and she has
nped this point of view upon all
them. This outside influence
urally has an effect of distor-
on the characters and on the
on. The people are dreamy in-
duals, drawly and slow, and
nably optimistic, so much so
it frets you at times.
ut this does not keep you in
least from enjoying Miss Rob-
work. Indeed she is an un-
lI experience. It is good to
a book again with the point j
iew that life is orderly arrang-
and worked out. Good always
ead somebody who is jubilant
the use of words. Though
is really the only grasp that
Roberts has on an audience.
is a delightful writer of if-
literature. You cannot help
tioning deeply her symbol in
Great Meadow, the symbol of
ne as never being lost in the
erness, the symbol of her phil-
hy. For you know that some-
es, yes often, people are lost.
R. E. M.
aristan Chapman, who was
covered" when her first novel,
e Happy Mountain", was select-i
ast year by the Literary Guild,
orking on a biography, the Life
he Duc de Morny. Neither her
ishers nor her friends have I
any word of Mrs. Chapman
t she set out with her husband
heir house-car "Namad" for the
rns- - .n w. cwn.nri...wt vaA.


Per ,Copy

All Students' Names, Ad.-
dresses and Telephone
Numb ers
In Addition, A New Fea-
ture This Year-
A C omplete Faculty
Dire c tory

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