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June 17, 1930 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-17

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Ruth Hanna McCormick Asks
That Opponent Substantiate
Newspaper Statement.
Lewis Ready to Prove Assertion
That Mrs. McCormick Spent
Million in Drive.
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, July i6.-Ruth Hanna
McCormick today demanded that
James Hamilton Lewis, Ill., Demo-
crat, senatorial nominee, be called
before the Senate campaign fund
committee to explain an article in
which he was quoted as saying
$1,000,000 was used in her campaign
for the Republican nomination.
Senator Gerald P. Nye, chairman
of the committee, said he would
consider summoning the democrat-
ic nominee, and would make known
his stand tomorrow.
Mrs. McCormick reappeared be-
fore the committee with a news- n
paper clipping in which Lewis was
quoted as saying her campaign cost
$1,000,000. She challenged the state-
ment and said it was the duty of
the committee either to have Lewis
appear and substantiate the state-
ment if he made it, or else clear
her of the charge.
Lewis Will Appear.
Mr. Lewis, when informed of Mrs.
McCormick's demand for his ap-
pearance before the committee,
said he would appear if requested.
He said Mrs. McCormick probably
referred to his statement that it
costs $1,000,000 to nominate a Re-
publican candidate for senator, and
added that "Since it increasingly
Asppears that most of that sum was
spent for Mrs. McCormick."
Mrs. McCormick also explained
that she had not accounted for
$10,000 donation to her campaign
fund by Col. R. R. McCormick, her
brother-in-law and publisher of
the Chicago Tribune, because she
had not spent the money. She said
the contribution was received too
late for the primary campaign and
was kept to be used in her fall
campaign. She said she had re-
ceived one or two 'other contribu-
tions similarly, which were not
used and not reported in her ex-
McCormick Contributed.
McCormick told the committee he
had contributed $60,000 to Mrs. Mc-
Cormick's campaign, having given
two checks for $25,000 each in ad-
dition to a $10,000 check.
One of these checks had been
given to the Ruth Hanna McCor-
mick volunteers and had been ac-
counted for in the $320,000 included
in Mrs. McCormick's report to the
senate. No mention of the other
$25,000 had been made before the
senate committee but Mrs. McCor-
mick said it also was used by an-
other volunteer group and proper-
ly accounted for.
Sen. Nye questioned numerous
committeemen of Chicago about
the financing of their political
campaigns within their various
wards, enquiring'particularly if any
of them had received funds from
Mrs. McCormick. All of them de-

nied receiving any financial sup-
port from her, although the major-
ity of them said they indorsed her
Prof. George E. Myers of the
School of Education, in collabora-
tion with Gladys M. Little, assist-
ant principal of the Cleveland In-
termediate school, and Sarah A.
Robinson of the Hutchins Inter-
mediate school of Detroit, recently
published a vocational text book,
"Planning Your Future".
"The purposes of this book,"
Prof. Myers stated yesterday, "are
to give youth of high school age a
start in thinking seriously and in-
telligently about educational and
vocational plans, to aid them in ac-
cumulating information which will
serve as a basis for this thinking;
and to broaden their knowledge

By D. A. individuals. They have planted and
"We try to reproduce the life of ! tended those trees and flowers. We
the child as it would be if he were go for excursions, have weekly mo-
normal," said Mrs. Collerohe Krass- tion pictures, and celebrate special
ovsky, director of the special activ- occasions with dances and cos-
ities department for crippled chil- tumes. Twenty-five hundred chil-
dren of the University hospital, as dren, all under twelve years of age,
she stood on one of the three roof- have been accommodated here an-
playgrounds of the hospital. nually for the past three years,"
"Our work consists of three divi- Mrs. Krassovsky concluded.
sions: recreational, arts and crafts, The Galens Medical society has
and pre-school. The boats floating equipped the arts and crafts room
on the pool over there, the house of where the children make countless
wooden blocks, the play apparatus, articles. Other contributors to the
the sand piles and swings are all special activities department are
attempts to give the children the the State Crippled Children's com-
every-day experiences of healthy mission, the Ann Arbor Kiwanis


Three Sound Recording Methods
Form Basis of New Talking
Picture Industry.
Talking Picture Acting Differs
From Stage Acting in Many
Important Respects.
"Talking pictures brought a de-
cisive revolution in the art and in-
dustry of motion pictures," said
Prof. Ray. K. Immel, Dean of the
School of Speech, University of
Southern California, addressing a

Johnson Heads London
Naval Pact Opposition


club, the King's Daughters, and the
American Association of University
A regular regime for the children
is particularly stressed, and com-
plex records as to each child's atti-
tude, habits, character, and per-
sonality are kept. Fourteen special

Government Hospital
by Mob Demanding
of Victims.


(By Associated Press)
ALEXANDRIA, July 16. - The
bodies of 13 victims of yesterday's
rioting in Alexandria were carried
through the streets of the city to-
day in a great demonstration.
During the late afternoon, several
thousand Egyptians a s s e mbled
without the government hospital,
at the end pelting it with stones.
The police, commanded by Fitzpat-
rick Dey, who was injured in yes-
terday's rioting, had great difficul-
ty in restoring order.
The reason for the attack on the
hospital was an announcement
that the procurator general had re-
fused to allow the removal of the
sup.agsaA Jo MU1l43 Ofl o selpoq
clashes until post-mortems were
held. The mob agitated to get the
bodies in so as to give them a pub-
lic burial.
The bodies finally were handed
over to the crowd after the formal-
ities of the post-mortems had been
completed. The biers then were
carried shoulder high by members
of the crowd. The procession was
quite orderly. Frequently the dem-
onstrators shouted "Long live Na-
has." Nahas is former premier and
leader of the nationalists.
The police made no attempt to
interfere with the demonstration.
The procession entered the Arab
quarters where the bodies were to
be disposed of.
During the day a communique
was issued stating that in all 14
persons were killed in yesterday's
clashes, 13 native. The other was
an Italian who died from heart'
disease although he had been
knocked on the head in a clash be-
tween strikers and the police. 56
of those injured required hospital
treatment and 65 suffered minor
hurts. Of the injured 8 were Euro-
Among yesterday's casualties,
were Renand Dey, acting comand-
ant of police, who is a British sub-
ject. He was slightly wounded.
Fitzpatrick Dey was the only Eng-
lishman hurt.
American League
Detroit 3, Boston 2
Washington 10, Cleveland 4
Cleveland 13, Washington 6
Philadelphia 14, Chicago 7
New York 2, St. Louis 1
National League
Chicago 6, Brooklyn 4
Brooklyn 5, Chicago 3
Boston 4, Pittsburgh 3
Pittsburgh 9, Boston 5
Philadelphia 10, St. Louis 5
Cincinnati 8, New York 11

ly trained teachers conduct eighty crowded audience in a lecture at
classes daily, although four hours the Natural Science auditorium
are given exclusively to play. Dur- yesterday. Professor Immel, a grad-
ing the winter, the children use the uate of this University and former-
playgrounds only for fresh air naps ly of the faculty of the School of
and play in the three indoor play- Speech, has acted as a consultant
rooms. of Warner Brothers Production
company during the transition pe-
riod from the silent to talking pic-
"Talking picture industry needs
a silent camera," Professor Immel
WPdeclared, challenging the inventors
in his audience, "for the concrete
sound-proof stages although they
Afternoon Conference Lecturer have eliminated all outside noise,
are not proof against the noise of
races Hstory o ig the camera itself. Neither is the
School Accrediting.telephone-booth-like box, nor the
FRIEE BEAN SSTEM camera bungalow, a sound proof
FRIEZE BEGAN SYSTEM shield for the camera, quite satis-
factory solutions of the noise prob-
"The plan of admitting students lems," said Professor Immel.
to the University of Michigan on Phonograph Principle Used
certificate," Prof. George E. Carro- "The early sound recording de-
thers of the education school stat- vices were based on the adaption
ed yesterday in the sixth of the of the phonographing principle and
Afternoon Conference lectures, "has its synchronization with the pic-
been followed since 1871." ture," explained Professor Immel.
"At that time," he continued, Although this method was still in
"President Henry S. Frieze con- use and greatly improved, Profes-
ceived the idea of a co-operative sor Immel explained, these discs
plan whereby representatives of the did not have a long life and are
University would visit high schools usually discarded after they are
and work with school administrat- used 20 times.
ors in developing an efficient school. Besides this method of sound re-
The high schools thus visited, cording the two other methods
which maintained the standards of known as the variable density
efficiency agreed upon, were given method and the variable area meth-
the privilege of having their grad- od are in use today, Professor Im-1
uates enter the University of Mich- mel said, and both of these meth-j
igan on recommendation of the ods depend upon the recording of
principal and without examina- sound waves through the control of4
tion." light which falls upon a sensitive
Professor Carrothers went on to film by means of an electric cur-
trace the development of the ac- rent.
crediting plan under President An- Projectors Adaptable
gell, quoting the latter's papers Reproduction of sound is secured
1 concerning the evolution of the by the use of the photo electric
plan. According to President Angell, cell and projection devices will use
the idea originatedinthe relation-!films produced by either method
ship of the German universities equally well, the professor ex-
and the gymnasia. plained.
"The first high schools to be Motion, picture acting differs from
accredited," Professor Carrothers the legitimate stage in many re-
said, "were Adrian, Ann Arbor, spects, Professor Immel pointed
Flint, Detroit Central, and Jackson. out.
These were approved in 1817, and Movements need not be so ex-
have been continuously on the aggerated as on the stage nor
credit list during the past 60 years. should the voice be projected to
At present there are 579 accredited reach the gallery as is necessary on
high schools in Michigan." the legitimate stage, he said.

Associated ress Photo
Hiram Johnson,
Republican Senator from Cali-
fornia, who leads the forces in the!
Senate opposed to the ratification
of the London Naval treaty. He has
just refused to enter an agreement
on the pact, pending the return to
the capital of Senator Moses.


Christian Association

Campaign Loses Slightly as
Compared to Last Year.



More than $200 had been raised
by the Student Christian association
campaign for its fresh air camp
,fund by noon yesterday. Although
no count had been mad at six o'-
clock last night, it was estimated
that more than $300 had been col-
lected on the campus during the
day. This was slightly less than
the amount raised by the drive at
the same time last year.
More than 500 boys from Detroit
and surrounding cities will spend
twelve days this summer at the
camp at Patterson lake in Living-
ston county. They will range from
9 to 16 years of age, and will be se-
lected by various welfare groups.
The camp is located 22 miles
4 west of Ann Arbor, on 170 acres of
land given to the University by two
Ann Arbor men. The land is part-
ly covered by virgin forest. The
camp equipment includes 13 boats,
a dining hall, a staff-headquarters,
a hospital, and a number of cab-
The camp is in its eighth season,
having been organized in 1923 by
Lewis C. Reimann, former Varsity
tackle and champion heavyweight
Wrestler. The work of Reimann
4as been continued under the di-
rectorship of Homer Grafton and
Theodore Hornberger. The former
resigned his duties this year.
The goal of the drive which is
peing conducted on the campus
this summer is $500.

Senator Johnson, Who Opposes
London Pact, Withholds
Agreement Promise.
Treaty Advocates Consider Way
of Invoking Cloture if
Filibuster Develops.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, July 16.-Leaving
the opposition to carry the whole
burden of debate, negotiations were
begun in the Senate today looking
to an agreement for a vote by next
Tuesday on the London Naval
Senator Johnson, Rep., Cal., the
leader of the treaty opponents,
withheld any promise for an agree-
ment pending the return to the
capital of his chief lieutenant, Sen.
Moses, Rep., N.H.
The dominant treaty forces grew
restless, however, as the speeches
of the opponents stretched into
hours. Sen. McKellar, Dem., Tenn.,
spoke for three hours. Sen. Pitt-
man, Dem., Nev., followed with a
spirited attack upon P r e si d e n t
Hoover's refusal to give the Senate
all the papers relating to the pact.
Sen. Copeland, Dem., N. Y., closed
the last two hours of debate. Less
than 10 memberstwere on the floor
as he read extracts of his data.
There was some talk of winding
up the debate this week, but little
hope was held out for final disposi-
tion of the pact by Saturday night.
Signatures Needed
Aroused by what they considered
a filibuster, some treaty advocates
were moving to invoke cloture. Sen.
Watson of Indiana, the Republican
leader, said a cloture notation had
been drafted, but said it had not
been circulated with the needed 16
signatures and would not be used
unless a definite filibuster against
the treaty developed.
Sen. McKellar formally introduc-
ed his reservations late in the day,
one providing for freedom of the
seas, and the other calling for the
elimination of British naval bases
in the vicinity of the American
continent. In a bitter attack upon
the treaty, the Tennesseean termed
the pact a "sham" and he protest-
ed that no Senate record existed of
London negotiations. Sen. Johnson
said the State department was en-
gaged in printing a volume em-
bodying its own views on the agree-
ment. Sen. Reed, Rep., Penn., said
the secretary of the London con-
ference kept a record of the pro-
64 Members Attend
An attendance today of 64 mem-
bers, the largest to appear thus far
at the special session, led leaders to
predict more than 70 would be pres-
ent for the final rollcall.
They estimated there would be no
more than 12 votes in opposition,
thus assuring a heavy margin above
the necesary two-thirds for ratifi-
Sen. Pittman said there was no
necessity for speeding action of the

"There's entirely too much hurry
to get away," he said.
Prof. Roy W. Sellars of the de-
partment of Philosophy will spend
his sabbattical leave till the begin-
ning of February, 1931 travelling
in Europe. Professor Sellars in-
tends to visit England, Germany
and the Mediterranean countries
of Greece and Italy studying the
social and political conditions and
crosscurrents of life.
IThe International Congress of
Philosophy which meets every four
years to evaluate the progress of
human thought and scan the cur-
rents of intellectual achievement
will hear a paper from Professor
Sellars "On the Theory of Know-
ledge". The congress meets this
year at Oxford, England, in Sep-




A Review by William J. Gorman
The current production of Martin
Flavin's The Criminal Code, which
opened at the Mendelssohn theatre
last night before a full house, is an
extremely competent one. The epi-
sodic form of presentation is in-
evitably somewhat disjointed. And
since The Criminal Code is a par-
ticularly loose example of this ques-
tionable dramatic form, a taut cli-
mactic line is quite difficult of
achievement. Unless there is a con-
tinually mounting pitch, the play
becomes a panorama rather than
a structure: a better scenario than
a drama.
The burden of this problem-in-
deed the only real problem in pro-
ducing The Criminal Code, for the
situations and the story are stock,
tested theatricalism of an obvious
sort-falls on the actor playing the
role of the warden. Immense stam-
ina, a sure sense for dramatic in-
tensity, and a continuous technical
sensitivity are required of him. Pro-
( eenm. r WJnP.e nnk hi+ rnl. c---

Mr. Wallace's performance, how-
ever, is the only substantial thing
the production has to offer: and
that is largely due to the maturity
of his histrionicism.
The play I find surprisingly taw-
dry. The episodic first act achieves
absolutely nothing. The attempt to
force the irony of MacManus' brut-
al comments on the pitiful, oppres-
sive prison scenes becomes weari-
some. And indeed quite ineffective
when contrasted with the power,
and speed with which a panoramicI
camera could do the same thing'
The second act conflict between the
warden and the boy-protagonists
who are mutually sympathetic - is
the most genuine thing in the play.
It has power. But the third act isE
poor. The narrative loses all in-I
evitability, bound as it is by a host
of circumstances and badly adult-
erated by the insipid sentimentali-
ty of the warden's daughter-boy
prisoner motive, which enters for
no reason at all.
n ~..s warl..u c, +r%^. n - nnnl a i.

of the last act particularly bad. Her
awkward stage manner and obvi-
ous discomfort while others were
speaking was the only outstanding
flaw in the production.
Edward Fitzgerald was very ade-
quate as the boy, Robert Graham.
Technically, he never became in-
teresting. There was not the major
type of effort to realize the sensi-
tive timing and pantomime that
the part would well have borne.
There was nothing in his technique
to attract interest to itself. He
merely projected the character}
clearly and obviously.
There was something of this su-
perimposed technical interest in
two of the best minor performanc-
es, those of Richard Woellhaf and
Alan Handley. The rest of the min-
or parts were handled very compe-
tently too.
The staging itself was excellent.
The sets were impressive and the
changes deftly managed: the nar-

Says it will continue to be fairI
and warm here today and tamr-

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