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June 11, 1930 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-11

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Continued Warm

0, 4 r


l irbitga1




Traces Early Greek Philosophy
to Its Present Form as
Systematic Science.
Modern Philosophy Movements,
Stand of the Naturalist
Included in Lecture.
Prof.. Roy W. Sellars of the phil-
osophy department addressed an
audience which filled the Natural
Science auditorium yesterday after-
noon on the subject of "Present
Movements in Philosophy."
"Philosophy is very much alive
today," said Professor S e 11l a r s .
"There are developments in its
field just as there are developments
in the fields of the inorganic sci-
ences. The word new' is often used~
in philosophy-as in new realism,'
new idealism,' 'new romanticism,'
and other terms. We are constant-
ly gaining new perspectives on our
Prof. Sellars defined philosophy
as an attempt to reflect on the in-
evitable problems which. confront
mankind. In stating philosophy's
relation to the other sciences, he
maintained that it was supple-
mentary to them, taking into con-
sideration, as it does, the relation
of the human to the material world.
Names Three Branches
"There are three branches of
philosophy," he said, "the philoso-
phy of. Knowledge, Metaphysics,
and the Theory of Values." Philos-
ophy of Knowledge, he went on to
say, is the study of the manner of
knowing things. Metaphysics, and
more especialy ontology, he char-
acterized as the "science of being-
of what is real." The Theory of
Values, he said included such things
as the appreciation of the stand-
ards of right and wrong, good and
Prof. Sellars traced the history of
philosophy from its early Greek be-
ginnings to its present form as a
systematic science. From the Hel-
lenic idealism and the neo-scholas-
ticism of the Middle ages he fol-
lowed it through the dualism of
Descartes and the realism of Eng-
land's Locke.
Among the modern philosophical
movements, Sellars discussed the
revolt against romanticism by prag-
m atisr, which was supported by
Shiller, James, Dewey, and others,
and the more recent variation, neo-
pragmatism. He discussed these and
other modern schools of neo-ideal-
ists, naive realists, neo-realists, and
naturalists on the basis of their'
stand on the "nature of truth." The
pragmatists, he said, believe that
truth is "that which works," while
the idealists preach that an object,
In order to be existant and true,
must be in relation to a mentality.
Explains Common Sense View '
"(The naive realists," he said,
"take what we might call the co-
mon sense' point of view; that is,
that being known or unknown to a
mentality makes no difference to
an object." From the contention of
the neo- realists, such as Bertram
Russel, that impressions are an act
of the mind, he went on to the re-

turn of naive realism in America
under the theory that objects are
"given to the brain" as it reacts to
them, that a "collection of consci-
ousness" is made by the mentality.
Prof. Sellars continued by. eluci-
dating the stand of the naturalists
that man is a logical development
of nature, and that of the critical
realists as exemplified by Strong of
Harvard, Rodgers of Yale, and Sel-
lars himself.
Fog Prevails as Graf
ZeppelinFlies North
(By Associated Press)
TROMSOE, Norway, July 1.--
The Graf Zeppelin, bound from
Friedrichshafen for Scandinavia
and Spitzbergen, passed low over
Tromsoe at 9 a. m. today, heading
northeast toward Hammerfast, the
northern-most city in the world.
Foggy conditions prevailed along

tBy H. C. "And now," he reaches for the
" The three most fundamental' sponge which has been hiding be-
and important methods of painting hind one of the buckets, "now, we
your sets, you'll find to be spong-7 will make an attempt at sponging."
ing, stipling, and that method that He dips the sponge into the green
is known as puddling." It is Mr.' and begins, with a circular move-
Hickman of the Carnegie Institute! ment, to lightly tap the canvas.
talingto is dvacedProduction' This he does hurriedly until the en-
classes in the Mendelssohn theatre.f ieprini oee ihltl
The theatre itself is darkened, andI irregular marks of green. Rinsing
on the stage the footlights and! the sponge in water, he again dips
spotlight are playing. There is aI it, but now in red, remarking at
small 'flat' placed in easel-like the same time, "This will be hide-
fashion against two carpenter's, ous, but we'll use it just the same-
'horses.' Innumerable cans of paint, so you'll know what not to do when
a bucket of water, and some three' you're making sets for your high-
or four paint brushes of various school tragedies." He laughs quiet-
sizes are on the floor in front of it. I ly to himself. You don't know
Mr. Hickman picks up the larger 'whether it's you he's amused at, or
brush and dips it into a tan paint, himself, or just the colors. But you
"This we'll use for the base," he ; laugh too, because you like him.
says as he deftly covers a small "You'll want to know about stip-
marked-off portion of the flat. ling, too, I suppose," he. goes on.
Then, taking a brush which is drip-
ping with a deep brown, he hurls
14CUL Y TO HE[Tthe paint of it onto a newly marked
FACULTY O GREET in.Iuglyrainner.doun't likea
pi n.uItydrainr d on'tlnva
REC[P ION G [STSit, somehow. But Mr. Hickman
RECEPTIN GUES stads verslow tly andThatwisswato
stans erequetlyandawlswato
don't want to do." He smiles-and
Kraus Names Noted Facultymen in less than a moment shows you
and Wives Who Will Meet how it's done by people who know
Students Tonight. 1better.

Dean Edward H. Kraus of the
Summer Session yesterday an-
nounced the names of those who
have been invited to receive at the
annual reception at the Women's .
league building tonight.
The. welcoming line will consist
of, the following: Dean Kraus and
Mrs. Kraus, Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven, Regent Junius E. Beal
and Mrs. Beal, Regent Esther M.
Cram and Leroy Cram, Vice-Presi-
dent Shirley W. Smith, and Mrs.]
Smith, Vice-President Clarene S.1
Yoakum and Mrs. Yoakum, DeanI
G. Carl Huber and Mrs. Huber,I
Dean -John R. Effinger and Mrs. 1
Effinger, Dean Herbert C. Sadler,
and Mrs. Sadler, Dean Henry M.
Bates, and Mrs. Bates.1
Prof. Frederick G. Nvy and Mrs.
Novy, Dean James B. Edmonson
and Mrs. Edmonson, Dean Clare E
Griffith and Mrs. Griffith, Dean
Samuel T. Dana and Mrs. Dana,
Dean Joseph A. Bursley and Mrs.
Bursley, 'Charles A. Sink and Mrs.
Sink, Director Earl V. Moore and
Mrs. Moore, Dean Alice Lloyd, Miss
Lucy Elliott, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl-i
ton F. Wells.
"The reception," Dean K r a us
stated yesterday, "will be an excell-
ent opportunity for the faculty and
students to meet."
Treasurer's receipts will be nec-
essary for admission to the recep-
tion, which is open only to the
faculty and students of the Sum-
mer Session. It is an annual func-
tion, and will be followed bya
League Open House in August.
According to Dean Krans, the re-
ception will begin at 8:30 o'clockf
this evening, and will end at 11:301
o'clock. It will be informal. There
will be dancing in the league build -
ing ballroom.
Morrison to Present
Three Talks at ale'
Prof. R. L. Morrison of the En-
gineering college will deliver three
lectures before the S. P. E.E., En-
gineering society, at Yale n e xt
week. The S. P. E. E. offers a sum-
mer school for engineer teachers at f
different universities every year.
Outstanding men in their respec-
tive branches of engineering are ob-
tained to lecture at these summerI
Professor Morrison will speak on:
"Teaching of Highway Administra-
tion," "Teaching of Highway Trans-
portation," and the "Teaching of
Traffic Control."I
I Women students who wish to
try out for the women's staffj
1of The Daily are requested to
call at the offices in the Press
Building, Maynard Street, be-
tween 2 o'clock and .4 o'clock to-l
day. Newspaper experience is

G. 0. P. Leaders Defer Decision;
Consider Action Rests on
President Hoover.
(By Associated Press)1
WASHINGTON, July 10.-Unre-
lenting, Claudius H. Huston went
into a close conference today with
the officers of the Republican Na-
tional Committee who are demand-
ing his immediate retirement as
Informed Huston would fight,
two of the officers consulted Presi-
dent Hoover for half an hour be-
fore the meeting. They were James
Francis Burke, counsel of the com-
mittee, and Joseph R. Nutt, the
treasurer, both of whom are in-
sisting on Huston's retirement.
Determined to have it out, Hus-
ton reached headquarters exactly
at the appointed hour and silently
led his disgruntled forces into the
long committee room. Senator
George H. Moses, of New Hamp-
shire, who leads the party's sena-
torial committee, appeared to be
the only ally of the harassed
chairman present.
The leaders were divided on theI
course to be taken. Many believe
it is up to President Hoover to act.
Othelrs want jo ;go ahead ;!and
force a meeting of the executive
committee to seek Huston's remov-
"We will know soon what must
be done," said Burke as he entered
the session fresh from the White
EAfter the committee had been in
session a short time, photograph-
ers were admitted to take a pic-
Efforts to have Huston go to see
the President this morning failed.
He was not asked directly, how-
ever, to go to Mr. Hoover and the
suggestion was ofered only as a
wish by a mutual friend of the
President and Huston. He was not
caldto the White House.
The President and Huston are
friends of long standing. Huston
was assistant Secretary of Com-
merce when Hoover was the secre-
Sturgis Returns After
Six WeekTour Abroad
Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, of the de-
partment of internal medicine and
director of the Simpson Memorial
institute, returned yesterday from
a six-week tour of France, making
the trip with more than 60 other
prominent physicians from the
United States and Canada. While
in Paris the company was greeted
by President Doumergue, at which
time Dr. Sturgis was conferred with

Hoover May Refuse Documents
if Action Seems Harmful
to Public Interest.
Senator Copeland Holds Treaty
Does Not Offer Parity or
Relieve Tax Burden.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, July 10.-After
three days of stirring debate, he
Senate today adopted a modified
McKellar resolution r eq uesting
President Ho~overt to transmit to
the Senate all correspondence
bearing on the London Naval trea-
ty exchanged between the powers
prior to its negotiation. The vote
was 53-4.
As finally passed, the resolution
would make the action of the
President subject to whether hel
felt it would be harmful to the pub-
lic interest. This is the attitude
assumed by Mr. Hoover when he
refused to transmit to the Senate
Foreign Relations committee all
papers requested by it.
Hoover's Action Uncertain.
Opinion was divided tonight on
whether the executive would ac-
cede to the Senate's request. Some
senators believed that he would
stand by his original position. Oth-
ers thought that he would produce
the documents with the request
that they be held in confidence.
Disposition of the resolution
cleared the way for resumption of
debate on the treaty itself, al-
l though Sen. Copeland, Dei., N. Y.,
fired the first gun for the treaty
opposition today.
Amendment Adopted, 38-17.
The amendment to the McKel-
lar resolution giving the president
the right to withhold documents
he considered too confidential was
offered by Sen. Robinson of Ar-
kansas the minority leader and the
other senatorial delegate to Lon-
don. It was adopted 38-14. Most
of the treaty opponents were re-
corded in the opposition on this
vote. Those voting against the
proposal on final adoption were
Senaors Black, Ala., Copeland, N.
Yand George and Harris, of Ga,,
all Democrats.
(Bys Assocated Press)
IDETROIT, July 10.-Four players,
two from Detroit and two from out-
state, were the sole survivors Thurs-
day night of a field of 97 players
w ho started Sunday in quest of the
IMichigan State championship at
the Tennis club.
The four survivors are all champ-
ions and the list is headed by War-
ren Byrum, Kalamazoo, defending
title holder; George Reindel, city
champion; Frank Donovan, former
city champion; and William Irwin,
who held that title at Grand Rap-
ids last year.
SThe quarter final matches in the
men's singles produced some of the
best tennis of the tournament. By-
rum was given a harder run for his
money than at any time during the

meet by Horace Barton, former
University of Michigan net man.
However, the champion p u 11 e d
through in straight sets 6-4, 7-5,
keeping his record of not losing a
set unbroken. Byrum played the
steady, consistent game he has dis-
played all week and in the second
set demonstrated his ability to come
from behind when Barton was
leading at one time, 4-2.
' xposonat German
Mine Is Fatal to 144
(By Associated Press)
NEURODE, Germany, July 10.-
IAt least 144 persons lost their lives
late Wednesday in an explosion at
the Wenceslaus mine. Eighty-one
bodies have been recovered, most
of them burned badly. No hope is
l edfor those remaining in the
'shaft, Of 200 miners in the shaft
Lat the time of the explosion only

Noted Public Health
Worker Speaks Today




Phenomenal Golf Features Play
in First Rounds; Cox Ties
Great Atlanta Lawyer.
(By Associated Press)
Interlachen, Country club, Minn-
eapolis, Minn., July 10. - Down
through the blazing glare of one of
the hottest days in the history of
Dr. W.W. Peters, the American Open golf champion-
Director of health service of the Isitola hr-hoigvt
Cleanliness institute, New York I poftwo l Sp-hotingscvet-
City, who will speak this morning rans oh l coc col
on "Mastadons, M icro b es, and black-thatched Tommy Armour
Man," as the second lecturer on the and fair haired MacDonald Smith
Health Institute series. matched strokes to take the lead
for the first 18-hole round of com-
petition and steal the sweltering
HEA TH INSIU E show for the day from the king
TO BE HELD ODAY mself, Bobby Jones.
Armour and Smith, with a brace
TO D HEL TOO 11ofsensational finishes, finished
______ within a few minutes of each other
Dr. Peters and Many Other1 late in the day with identical
Prominent H-ealth Workers ;cores of 37, 33 equal 70, two under
p_-r for the Interlachcn c o u r s e.
to Discuss Problems. 4 Thermometer in 90's
-- I It was unofficially 96 in the shade
DR. EMERSON TO SPEAK wherever any shade could be found
-- today and 100 degrees and up so far
Dr. W. W. Peters, one of the fore- as the competitors and a perspiring,
most health lecturers of the coun- bedraggled, but rugged gallery of
try and Director of the Health more than 7,500 spectators was con-
Service of the Cleanliness institute cerned. They were appropriately re-
of New York, will address the sec- warded by one of the hottest open-
ond Health institute this summer ing day fights in the history of the
at 9 o'clock today in the west am- tournament with a climax put on,
phitheatre of the West Medical by Armour and Smith that made
building. The title of his lecture is high blood pressures higher.
"Mastodons, Microbes and Man." Facing only an outside chance of
Dr. Peters has an international rep-; getting in front of the last nine,
,utation as a health authority. For the 35-year-old Tommy Armour of
ten years he was Director of the the Edinburgh Armours, put on one
Council of Health educatlin i of his typical fighting finishes. With
China and was instrumental in in-I an eagle three on the 484-yard 11th,
troducing modern public health! due to a 20-foot putt after an amaz-
education in that country.I ing number two iron to the green,
The subject of Dr. Peters' address i and then a birdie three that he
tomorrow will be "Policing the!1 needed on the home hole to take
Mouth." He will show the import- the lead, due this time to another
ance of the mouth in the transmis- blazing iron shot dead to the pin
sion of communicable diseases. I for a four-foot putt that easily
Program for today's institute in- wn down.
clude an address by Dr. W. J. V.' Smith Recovers
Deacon, director of the bureau of Even with Armour for 10 holes,
the state department of health in 38-year-old Mac Smith of the Car-
Lansing on "Descriptive Vital Sta- noustie Smiths, put on a spectacu-
tistics." At 11 o'clock Dr. Carl Buck, lar series of recoveries in an exhibi-
Deputy Commissioner of health, tion of putting that gave him four
D e tr oit, will speak on "Public birdies in five holes.
Health administration, Federal and Mac had Old Man Par stagger-
State," followed by a luncheon at ing" He missed a putt by inches for
the Michigan League building. another birdie on the 262-yard 17th
Dr. D. M. Griswold of the state( and then faced the home hole of
department of health will speak at 402 yards needing only par for a 69
2 oclckon "Epidemiological Meth- and an undisputed lead. He caught
ods " the tray with his second, came out
The ina adres ofthedaywill' short and just failed to get his
he inalyaDdr. essfEtersayfourth down, taking five that forced
b rfso te gisiDr uHaeoEmerson, him into a tie but gave a remark-
Pressouinae nrit .fDPbli able total of 70 to the stylist who
heltsoilumiacun ivbesyaD.ieafrheAmerican Open as far
. Emrsn ideiscusliaetsys. back as 1910, the year his brother,
problem ofepdmogy
IDr. Emerson is a prominent pub-IthlaeAxSmheerdte
lic health authority and was the winner.
commissioner of health and presi- PE T R G OU
detof the board of health off NewiI
York from 1915 to 1917. 1 TO GIVE MATINEE
University of Chicago Appearing in "Close Harmony,
to Buld Feld ouseby Elmer Rice and Dorothy Park-
to Buld Feld ouseer, the Michigan Repertory players
(By Associated Press) of the Play Production department,
SCHICAGO, July 10.-r~lI Uni-I will present a special matinee per-
versity of Chicago at last i<; to have formance at 3:15 o'clock tomorrow
a field house for indoor ,.tLiletic afternoon in the Lydia Mendelssohn
'events. theatre.
For more~ than 10 years alumni ! The large houses which this, at-
and students have been after an traction has drawn this week, in
indoor plant and yesterday archi- addition to the fact that there will
tects were commissioned to pre- i be no performance tonight because
rnrP 1si-,e fr % 't700.000n hildino' I of the official Summer Session re-

Sharp-Shooting Scotsmen Smash
Interlachen Course Record
in Brilliant Finishes.


I "J C pl nk Sll . p t V*V.,tJV.VSV W lluta b. -
Actual work will start in November ception which will be held in the
on a site near historic Stagg Field., Women's League building tonight,
__________________________has necessitated this additional.
I - Iperformance, according to Donald
BASEBALL SCORES Kaufmann, business manager of the
American League group.
j Cleveland6-Detroit 5 "Close Harmony," a comedy of
Philadelphia 9-New York 1 family life in the suburbs of New
j Washington 7-Boston 2 York, enjoyed a long run in Chica-
St. Louis 7-Chicago 6 go under the name of "The Lady
Next Door."
NatiYonkl-Plauelpi Season tickets for the remaining
ONew Yom r 9Phuladepo8 six productions by the Repertory

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