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June 10, 1930 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-10

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Published every morning except Mondry
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication ofiall news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news
published herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscript-n by carrier, $i.so; by mail,'
$2.00. t
Offices: Building, Maynard Street,I
Ann Arbor, Mician.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director ........aHowardeF.Shoutr
City Editor........... Harold Warren, Jr.
Women's Editor. ......Dorothy Magee
Music and Drama Editor... William J. Gorman
Books Editor.......... Russell E. McCracken
Sports Editor................Morris Targer
Night Editors
Powers Moulton Howard F. Shout
Harold Warren, Jr.
Helen Carrm Cornelius Buekema
Denton Kunse William Mahey
Bruce Manley Roberta Reed
Sher M. Quraishi
Telephone 21214
Assistant Business Managers
William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin
Circulation Manager ........ Bernard Larson
Secretary........... .. Ann V. Verner

Music and Drama,
TONIGHT: In the Mendelssohn
Theatre, the second performance
by the Michigan Repertory Players
of "Close Harmony" by Dorothy
Parker and Elmer Rice.
A Review
The first faculty concert proved
very entertaining: the program
perhaps too judiciously remember-
ing the heat (a trivial Arensky
Scherzo quickly following the Bach
chorale and the inevitable La Cam-
panella in Mrs. Rhead's group, and
some charmingly insignificant vir-
tuosity at the end of Mr. Pick's).
One was grateful for the Strauss
Sonata. It showed Strauss himself
in the very conventional 1890 set-
ting, to which his blazing tone-
poems were a reaction. Sentiment,
acceptable because honest, was the
word in the sonata. And Mr. Pick
was at his best here since, as I see
it, he is always more conscious of
his instrument's emotional possi-
bilities than of its simple, techni-
cal magnificence. That is, his
Strauss was better than his Bach
Andante. In Bach, refined, re-
strained building of sound is more
pertinent than a concern with ex-
pression, that is with the emotion-
alising of details in the writing.
Mr. Pick plays Bach in the way
Stowkowski plays Bach. I think

About Books
Laments for the Living by Doro-
thy Parker; The Viking Press, Newj
York; Price $2.50; Review Copy
from Wahr's University Book Store.
Laments for the Living is a col-
lection of thirteen short stories and
sketches which w e r e recently
printed in various magazines--
The American Mercury, The Book-
man, The New Republic, The New
Yorker, The Pictorial Review, and
Vanity Fair. It has been for the
several weeks since its appearance
among the best sellers. That is
neither pro nor con. The collection
makes very charming warm-wea-
ther reading. If you must find a
word to classify these bits of fic-
tion probably "smart" will do as
well as any word. They are clev-
er, cute, ripping, flashing with bur-
lesque, with precocious irony. As
far as I can see there is nothing
;n these short pieces that can be
interpreted as satire. There is
nothing in the lives of these hor-
ribly dull characters to take of-
fense at, to get vicious and nasty

Campus Opinion
Coltributors are asked to b. briet,
I-onfininaz themselves to less than ,.o
words if possible. Annymous com-
monications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants ili, however, Jewelers
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
ouest.Letters published shnoud not be State Street at Liberty
AcoTNtrued as expressing the TditCriaHGI

To the Editor:
We note with amusement that
the B & G boys are an example of
industry during these warm sum-
mer days. In fact one is disposed
to wonder whether he is not on
the well-known rock pile rather
than the campus of the University
of Michigan. In all directions of
the campus the boys are active
with their picks tearing up the con-
crete walks. On South University
a large steam shovel is engaged in
making what spectators believe to
be a trench after the fashion of
the A. E. F. battle grounds.
Just how necessary is this work,
Mr. Editor? Next year the Univer-
sity lobby will go to Lansing with
a noble plea for funds from the
not over-flowing state treasury,
and the wise legislators will make
the usual reply that funds are lim-
ited with a great many urgent
needs facing the state. This in all
events is probably true under our
present political system. Never-
theless the university representa-l
tives will return with reports of the'
activities of the University which
must necessarily be curtailed due
to financial reasons. Conferences
of educators will continue to dis-
cuss the great problem of state
owned universities in regard to
revenue. Michigan must suffer in
this category.
Meanwhile the B & G boys will
be busy tearing up the campus to
set off the Engineering buildingj
'with non-blooming plants or toI
replace old style 1930 pavement
with the latest thing in concrete.
Summer Student.

Come to Detroit
and treat your family to a grand one-day excursion
on the luxurious Str. Put-In-Bay to
In Lake Erie. Detroit's popular pleasure park. Free music
and dancing in the ship's big ballroom. Four hours at
Put-In-Bay to enjoy the bathing beach, the new golf course,
and all outdoor sports. Picnic in the grove, dance, explore the
caves and enjoy the view from the top of Perry's monument.

Perry Monment
Drive to Detroit and
enjoy the
Leave Detroit, 8:45 p.m.
Return, 11:30 p. m.
Saturday, Sunday
aid Holidays.

Str. Put-In-Bay leaves foot of First St., Detroit,
daily al 9 a. i., returning at 8 p. m., except
Fridays, 10:15 p. m. Fare $1.00 round trip,
weekdays; $1.50 Sundays and Holidays. Steamer
runs through to Cedar Point and Sandusky
daily. Lowest rate to Cleveland via Put-In-Bay
or Cedar Point. Perfect dining room and lunch
counter service.
On Fridays after July 4, a special excursion is
given to Cedar Point. Fare, $1.75 round trip; chil-
dren half-fare. A stay of three hours is permitted
to enjoy the great bathing beach, boardwalk and
the thousand-and-one attractions
of this Lido of America. On other
days a stay of one hour is allowed.
Write for Folder

Joyce Davidson

Lelia M. Kidd

Dorothy Dunlap

Night Editor-Powers Moulton


it the wrong way. certainly it wa
correct for the German sentiment

OVER PRODUCTION in the Strauss Sonata and (when
With the approach of the fall the size of the auditorium didn't
harvest, agriculturists are again mitigate) that was very fine. The
beginning to work about the glut- sympathy Mr. Pick showed for the
ting of the world's farm-produce Arensky Chante Triste which he
markets with an oversupply. Re- played very well, was further evi-
ports are coming in from all over dence. His virtuosity in the last
the country to the effect that the two numbers was very well receiv-
grain crops of this season will ed.
equal the high-point production of Mrs. Rhead gave further proo
last year. Secretary of Agriculture of her brilliance as an accompan-
Arthur M. Hyde has isued a warn- ist and offered a very attractive
ing to farmers to withhold their solo group. Her rendering of the
grain as long as posible from the Busoni transcription of a Bach
market, and has suggested that chorale was very refined and im-
they begin to think about reduced personal. La Campanella seems to
acreage as a means of eliminating be almost a matter of propaganda
overproduction. In this last point on Ann Arbor musical programs;
he has been seconded by Alexander Mrs Rhead perhaps played it com-
Legge, chairman of the farm petently enough to justify repe-
board. tition.
Although farmers have heeded
to some extent these voices from VICTOR RED SEAL
Washington, it is the more recent RECORDS FOR JULY
announcement of George S. Miller The "record of the month"(Vic-
of the 5Farpner' National Grain for has formed one of these things)
corporation at Chicago to the ef- is a performance of the Barber of
fect that an extensive loss will be Seville Overture by Arthur Toscan-
caused by glutting the produce ini and the New York Philhar-
centers with grain this year, that Monic Orchestra (Record 7255).
has demonstrated most clearly the The amazing reception this com-
immediate importance of finding bination has recently received in
more markets or decreasing the almost every musical center in Eu-
quantity of produce. Milnor ex- rope makes any of its recordings
plained his point as folows: "When timely.
the terminal storage is filled, or The Barber of Seville fantasia
approaches that condition, the would seem to be an unfortunate
margin between cash wheat and choice. Yet such is not the case.
futures will widen, as it did last It proves a quite amazing show-
year, thus penalizing the farmer piece. The striking precision of
who must sell now without bene- Toscanini's attack and the wit in
fiting in any way the farmer who the orchestra's palette-that is,
holds or stores his wheat." Ifconductor and orchestra's virtu-
However, it is obvious that the I osity - e x a 1 t this "music-box"
Milnor warning is for use this writing above a merely popular is-
y-ar especially and will do nothing sue into something capable of af-
to stop a repetition of farm losses fording pleasure to even the most
again next year if overproduction perspicuous (for a while at least).
continues. The suggestion of Sec- Tita Ruffo sings two sentimen-
retary Hyde and Alexander Legge tal, mediocre Italian songs in rec-
on reducing acreage to prevent ord 1460. Actually he over-sings
throwing a surplus on the market them and the effect is perhaps a.
every year, is advice that applies bit ludicrous (like Richard Crooks
permanently to the farm situa- singing Rio Rita). But the voice
tiQol- itself is, of course, very interesting.
In considering the question of Renee Chemet again proves her-
reduced acreage, however, we do self one of the most acceptable
not find it to be the panacea that purveyors of pieces de salon in her
it might seem at first. A reduction rendering of the very, very popular
on one crop might result by ras- Adoration of Felix Borowski. The
ing the price on it to a reasonable other side is better, Kreisler's ar-
level, but it would leave the pro- rangement of a Mozart Rondo.
ducer with waste acreage, and
there is no crop of major impor- MICHIGAN PLAYS
tance in the country, which he VOLUMES ONE AND TWO
could put in its place that is not
overproduced at present. Volumes I and II of .Michigan
According to many authorities, Plays offer a permanent record of
the mechanization of agriculture the growing tradition of drama on
has led directly to the overproduc- I this campus of which students of
tion at present facing America. f the Summer Session new to the1
The progressive farmer who took University have undoubtedly al-
advantage of the newer methods to ready become aware. The student
improve the quantity and quality presentation of student-written
of his crops, was taking the first plays has for the last two years
step toward oversupplying the been the purest, if not always the
world markets. With the consump- most entertaining, evidence of that
tion remaining practically station- tradition.
ary, and with countries such as Through the courtesy of George
Russia and Canada increasing Wahr, publisher, it has been pos-
their production through a simi- sible to publish the best of the.
lar use of improved farm machin- student plays for the last two
ery, the only possible result was years in a handsome format. A
oversupply. Reduced acreage will few copies of both of these vol-
not solve it; the reduction of the umes are still available at Wahr's ,
number of those engaged in agri- bookstore. The first volume con-,
cultural pursuits will solve it. Un- tains . four one-act plays. Volumer
less a landed aristocracy producing two is somewhat larger, including,
on a large scale is created, the not only the three one-act playsl
standard of living of the farmers that were included in the finals of
of the country will be reduced to 'the student contest, but a two-act
the minimum. Instead of a race I play from last year and a long
_a - n u,. . L. .. a a tR }ii ,nnamt l V bi, h Prt pt ~Tt7e1 f

s about. Nor is Miss Parker pitying
t the creatures. The foibles and pet-
tiness of their existence have not'
e the faintest whiff of tragic emo-
tion. She is but having some good
natured fun, the seriousness of the
work is only in appearance.
There are three outstanding
pieces in the book: "The Sexes",
f "A Telephone Call", and "Big
Blonde". The first is the conver-
sation between "the young man
with the scenic cravat" and "the
a girl in the fringed dress" who sit
( far apart on the sofa acting "fun-
ny all evening."This is because he
has talked with another woman at
a party the night before. They
talk of this woman until-"I think
you're perfectly crazy,' she said. I
was not sore! What on earth made
you think I was. You're simply
crazy. Ow, my hair net! Wait a
second until I take it off. There!, "
The thinness of their discussion, in
f subject matter and expression ,is
very evident funning.

Foot of First Street Detroit, Michigan


In "A Telephone Call" is found
what has been thought by some a
sincere expression of pathos. It
is the stream of consciousness of
a girl waiting for a call from the
boy she is in love with: "Please,
God, let him telephone me now.
Dear God, let him call me now. I
won't ask anything else of You,
God, such a little, little thing. Only
let him telephone now. Please,
God. Please, please, please." The
fact that the girl is serious about
the call does not necessarily give
the sketch the level of pathos. It
seems rather to be Miss Parker's
means of giving her characters
life, this making them intense and
grave about the situation they are
in. I say the fact that the girl is
so serious about the call, so whol-
ly unaware of its relative small-
ness, goes to produce a comedy of
the situation, not satirical comedy,
rather burlesque.





to the


Michigan Daily



If "Big Blonde", the story of a
harlot who tries to commit suicide
because she is sick of a life which
requires her always to be cheerful,
who fails in her attempt, is to be
taken seriously, it must be regard-
ed as old fashioned melodrama.
Surely the serious minded inter-
preters of Miss Parker would not E
pass by the description of Mrs.
Morse sobbing in the night club
over the horse she has seen fall
down without a laugh. Could they
weep as when children they did
over the degeneration of Black
Beauty? In this story Miss Parker
is having a damn good laugh at
the melodramatic Hazel Morse; she
even makes her style melodramatic
to gain this end.
And how does "Laments" get in-
to the title of the volume? It
might be explained as one of these
smart, subtle titles so common
these days. It seems to be rather
the characters' expression of their
attitude toward themselves than
Miss Parker's towards them. The
collection of people within the
covers of this book take themselves
very seriously, in the true manners
of the slap-stick comedian. They
are ridiculous and melodramatic.
Like a good artist Miss Parker pre-
sents these qualities in the charac-
ters objectively. She does not in-
tersperse herself into the story.


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