Cloudy and Cool
(';' 4 P
# ummrrx
ON T 19YIg t By E. G.G.
0i~ REAT PAPRS'SMore than 115 students of the
Summer Session embarked on the
INEXTRASESSION University Excursion number two
ysterday afternoon to inspect the
_River Rouge plant of the Ford Mot-
All Sides Agree on McKellar or Car company.
IInformal discussions on, such
1 ER 1
Resolution With Some
merits oc
away t2
Advocates Claim Constitutional proved t
Right to See Documents Mtortbe
on Naval Pact. ed produ.
(BY Associated Press) We learn
WASHINGTON, July 9..- Five betweeni
more hours of feverish debate by concerns
the Senate ended today without ac- material
tion on the MKellar resolution re- 50 hours
questing production of the diplo- aemllic
matic correspondence leading up to
the negotiation of the London Nav-
al treaty. f oRRi
Treaty proponents were openly
disturbed over the delay predicted W INS'
a v t to o r w a d a r s m t oode a e o th tr a y i s l.All sides seem ed agreed tonight
that the resolution would pass but Byrum,1
with some modification. Pending Defea
adjournment were three amend-
Amendments Pending REACH
One, by Senator Robinson, of Ar-
kansas, the Democratic leader and
a delegate to London, would request DETRC
the papers "if not compatible with "Skinn
the public interests." Another, by y
Sen. Thomas, Dem., Okla., would Pion in t]
call for their consideration by the tennis t
Senate in a "closed executive ses- the quar
sion." A third, by Sen. George, Dem. at the D
Ga., would permit President Hoo- defeated
ver, in transmitting the documents the Uni
to make such recommendations as team, in
he saw fit as to how they shouldk Along
be considered. players ri
Advocates of the resolution on- round M
tended that it was not a question matchesr
of publicity, but one of asserting the third
one of the Senate's constitutional were Wil
privileges in obtaining the papers George RE
before voting on the treaty. One of Milton B
them, Sen. Thomas, of Oklahoma, Ruth R
said unless he could see the docu-I er of th
ments, he would "either refuse to Pearson
vote or vote against the treaty." Johnson;
Possession by Reed Question naffs of t
All of the leading senatorial de- juniors s
baters got into action before ad- so be pl;
journment with both Senators Rob-I the quar
inson and Reed, Rep., Pa., another events.
member of the American delega- The E
Lion to London, arguing the Presi- which w
dent had a right to withhold that conteste
p0o r t i o n of the correspondence just ano]
which he might regard as of a pion B
strictly confidential nature,ig i
At one point, Sen. Moses, Rep., Hammer
N. H., a treaty opponent, charged turns at
Reed with being "wrongfully in leaving
possession" of the secret papers, his champio
right to them having ended with In onec
the termination of his foreign mis- es of the
sion. eral time
Reed, has invited a ny sena- elminate
tor to inspect the documents on Grand R
the condition they hold them in closely c
confidence. A form
_____________the comr
and thir(
View Campus Buildings While sion of t
on Carnegie Tour. tee willa
European editors who visited the Graf
University Wednesday afternoon FliP'g
as a part of the itinerary of their
American visit expressed surprise
at the completeness and size of the' COPE:
plant and at the facilities offered -Dr. Hu fo re ach w k. T eg up as G f Zr
composed of 14 editors of leading shafen a
newspapers of the continent, flight to
The group was welcomed at the proceedi
Clements library by Regent Junius headingf
E. Beal, and after inspecting the way. Be
library and a collection of early over the
newspapers there, visited the Law- ed to av
yers' club, the general library, the
Union, and the athletic plant. The i -
University was complimented on Detz
its buildings and equipment as Clev
contrasted with the plants of oth- New
er universities which the group has W
visited on its stay in this country. Wa
The group was escorted by Dr. Bo
Frank E. Robbins, assistant to theI
president, Dean John R. Effinger, of' Bro(
the literary college, Prof. L. C. Kar- Brc(
pinski, Dean Fred B. Wahr, Prof. Phil
Fielding H. Yost, Randolph G. Ad- Cin
n m c dirpe'fnr of the C 1lemnts li-.. Q+4.
mnatters as the education of
's youth and the respective
of Detroit versus Chicago
eorder of the day to pass
he traveling time, which
to be all too short.
plant, we first entered the
gilding where guides shout-
uction. statistics above the
din which met our ears.
:ed the essential difference
the Ford plant and other
is the production of raw
in the finished product in
3which comes off the as-
lie after passing through
)sses, Iron ore is converted
Defending Title-Holder,
ts Hammer, Michigan
Tennis Captain.
(By Associate.d Press)
)IT, July 9. - Warren
'Byrum, defending chain-
the Michigan State closed
tournament, advanced to
,er final round Wednesday
Dtroit tennis club when he
Eddie Hammer, captain of
to hard cash which means to us
but another form of ore-that elu-
sive dollar.
Miles and miles of traveling con-
veyors ran in every direction. On
these hung the various parts to
which the 35,000 men added their
bit of labor to complete the part
which might be sent in the huge
boats waiting in the river to Japan
or South America. Complete parts
for about 10,000 cars are assembled
each day to be shipped to the 36
branch factories for assembling.
We next viewed the final assem-
bly line where auto frames, placed
on conveyors, pass through the as-
sembly line in 45 minutes to be
driven off at the other end. Men
here, intent upon their job, add a
bolt, a tire, a body, a fender, or
gasoline as required to satisfy the
great god, Production. Seven hun-
dred cars a day are being driven
off the assembly line at the Rouge
It was hot outside, but cool in
comparison to the open hearth
furnaces, which were fired to 2600
d e g r e e s Fahrenheit, when we
watched our old and battered T-
model Ford being added as scrap
with the iron ore to be poured out
a few minutes later in red hot
of Health Service Rise
to Enlarged Equipment,
Increased Staff.
America Must Follow Example
in Preserving Cities' Historic
Features, He Says.
Sentimentality S ho ulId Not
Prevent Intelligent
"American city planners may
learn a good deal from the recent
work being done in Italy as the
problems of city planning are more
difficult and complicated there,"
said Prof. Aubrey Tealdi, of the
landscape design department in an
address yesterday in the Natural
Science auditorium. "The replan-
ning of old towns with an eye to
preserving the historic, archeolog-
ical and artistic treasures of cen-
turies when modern improvements
I f sanita~ion and transportation
must be incorporated in such
Sentimentality had in the past
held back the modernization of
cities, but true sentiment, Profes-
sor Tealdi said, does not stand inI
the way of elimination of old but
unartistic buildings when by their
removal the slums and tenements
are abolished. If any buildings in
Italy are demolished under the
present regime, Professor Tealdi
was certain that there would be no
artistic loss to the world as the
government deferred to the opin-
ion of artists as to the merits of
any old buildings in its city plan-
Old Walls Utilized.
In some cities where the old sur-
rounding walls and fortifications
are wide enough they become the
base of circular boulevards and
parks around it and thus the old
structure is preserved but adapted
to a new use, he said. Before there
was a united Italy or a national
policy of preservation of national
monuments s u c h fortifications
would have suffered a different
fate, Professor Tealdi continued.
"Carefully prepared plans for the
economic renaissance of Southern
Italy ,contain the regional develop-'
ment of the City of Naples," said
Professor Tealdi, "and these plansj
capitalize the scenic grandeur of
the country. Plans for the port en-
largement which have been com-
pleted since 1927 and only await
funds for their realization will not
include skyscrapers to hide Mt.
Vesuvius, but will be in proportion
and harmony with the back-
Has Fine Modern Highways.
Toll roads that have no grade
crossings and no speed limit and
are fenced in extend from Rome to
Ostia which is a part of the re-
gional plan for the harbor devel-
opment of Rome. "The excava-
tions at Ostia," Professor Tealdi
continued "are already rivaling
those of Pompeii."
The keynote of all recent town
planning is that the artistic
treasure of the ages that is in It-
aly is in safe keeping in the hands
of the Fascist Government," said
i rfso Tealdi.1
Alex J. Groesbeck,
For three times governor of
Michigan, who yesterday announc-
edd his intentions of seeking the
Republican nomination for gover-
nor in the September primaries.
To Provide Work for Students
Who Are Unable to Attend
Summer Session.
"Public Health Institutes to ac-
commodate those health workers
who can not attend the regular
Summer Session have been organ-
ized," according to a statement giv-
en out recently by the Summer Ses-
sion office, "and although the six
institutes form a series, single in-
stitutes may be attended with
Gubernatorial Race May Attract
Green or Haggerty as
Opponents in Fight.
Three-time Governor Asserts He
Is Not 'Draf ted Candidate';
Brucker 'In to Stay'.
By Gilbert Shilson,
A. P. Staff Writer
DETROIT, July 9-Alex, J. Groes-
beck reversed his political retire-
mnent today to enter the Republi-
can gubernatorial contest, He an-
nounced his candidacy f o r t h e
nomination for governor in the
September primary election. Groes-
beck vacated the executive office at
the end of 1926, after having served
three consecutive terms.
Simultaneously with his an-
nouncement that he is a contest-
ant, petitions designed to qualify
Groesbeck as a candidate went in-
to circulation in many counties. An
airplane bearing a huge placard,
"Groesbeck for Governor," left
Lansing on a swift tour of strategic
points bearing petitions w h i c h
( esbeck supporters will circulate.
I The former governor saiid that as
soon as sufficient names are se-
cured, he will fie a petition with
the department of state.
Sharp Contest Expected
The entrance of Groesbeck set
c(nPjecture as to the ultimate field
for the gubernatorial nomination
bubbling again. A sharp contest be-
tween the outstanding Republican
fa~ctions, the Groesbeck and Green
groups, may ensue. John S. Hlagger-
ty, secretary of state, has said
.LV.LJL u wneiL5Ond 1Le
straight sets, 6-3, 6-4. All university enrollment fees
with Byrum, four other will be $5 higher. beginning next
reached the quarter final
Wednesday with th r ee fall according to an announcement
remaining to be played in by Herbert C. Wagner of the office
Iround. Those advancing of the Secretary of the University.
Liam Irwin, Grand Rapids; It is explained that the increase in
Zeindel; Milton Savich, and ;the schedule is due to the increas-
Reise, third ranking play- e oto elhsriegvnb
he middle west; Marian the University and the specialized
Nellie Naydor, and Emily and larger amounts of service de-
advanced to the semi-fl- manded by the students.
the women's singles. The So far a fee of $10 was required
ingles semi-finals will al- for the school ya oad h
ayed Thursday along with 1cost of health service offered; this
'te fialsof ll oubeshas been raised to $15. The opera-
Byru-Hamer a tc hting expenses of the department.
Byru-Hanme ina tc hof Health service have increased
's expected to be a closely because of the enormously increas-
d her, thnefor thechai-ed service and the augmented staff
tthe math fo t worka- and the enlarged equipment need-
yrui's srvic wased for the work.
usual good fashion, and
"was unable to make re- I First enrollment fee for residents
teach end of the court; of the state in the literary college
set-up shorts for the; will now be $138, instead of $133.
gyn. Subsequent j enrollments will be
of the outstanding match- 1$103. New non-resident students
day, Milton Bielfield, sev- will pay $148 and returned non-
aes municipal champion, resident students a fee of $123.
ed Dr. W. H. Thaites, The same fees are in force for the
Rapids, 5-7, 7-5, 6-2 in a School of Music, School of Forestry
:ntested affair. and Conservation, School of Edu-
aal protest was lodgepd withi cation and the Graduate school.
profit."+ many times he would run if Groes-
Many nationally p r o m i n e n t beck did. Today, however, he de-
health lecturers have been secured Glared he has "nothing to say at
for these institutes and among the this time." Governor Green, who
out-of-state lecturers to t ppear this twice -,.:=eted he will not run, may
year are Dr. Hugh S. Cuinming,' change his mind to battle his arch-
surgeon general, United S t a t e s enemy, Groesbeck, in the opinion
Public Health Service, Washington,
D. C.; Dr. C. E. A. Winslow, profes-
sor Department of Public Health,
Yale university; Dr. Haven Einerso,
professor at the Institute of Public
Health, Columbia university; Dr.
L. L. Lumnsden, Senior Surgeon,
United States Public Health Serv-
ice; Dr. W. W. Peter, director of
health service,= Cleanliness Insti-
tute, New York City; and Dr. E. V.
McColluin, professor, department of
hygeine, Johns Hopkins university.
Among the prominent nationally
famous public health lecturers to
address the second health institute
July 11-12 are Dr. Haven Emerson,
professor at the Institute of Public
Health, Columbia university. Dr,
Emerson was commission of health
and president of the board of
health of New York from 1915 to
1917; he was professor of hygiene
and preventive medicine, Medical
college, Cornell university; he has
been professor of public health ad-
ministration and director of insti-
tute of Public Health at Columbia
university since 1922. Dr. Emerson
was decorated by the French gov-
ernment as a chevalier of the Le-
gion d'Honneur in 1929.
mittee by Thaites for a re-
,e match; the Grand Rap-
rer claimed that Biefield
courts between the secondI
'd sets without the permis-
the umpire. The commit-
act Thursday.
Zeppelin Be~gins
hit to Spitzbergen
(By Associated Press)
gHAGEN, Denmark, July 9.
zgo Eckener, who took the
ppelin out of Frederich-
.t midnight for a three-dayl
aSpitzbergen, today was
ng along Jutland w e s t
for the west coast of Nor-
scause of rough weather
Baltic, Dr. Eckener decid-
toid Copenhagen and Oslo.
Fees for enrollment in the School
of Pharmacy, College of Engineer-
ing and Architecture will be $123,
while new non-resident students in
these schools will pay $163. Subse-
quent enrollment will be $138 for
non-resident students and $113 for
resident students.
of many of his friends.
Groesbeck's announcement was
brief. He said he was not a drafted
candidate but is going into the
contest of his own volition. His
statement follows: "I will shortly
have nominating petitions circu-
lating in several counties and when
sufficient signatures have been .ob-
tained I shall file them and become
candidate for governor.
Was Not Drafted
"Realizing the successful candi-
date will have two years of hard
(work ahead of him, it will not be
easy sailing by any means. Howev-
er, the. primary election was de-
signed to afford the voters a full
opportunity to express their pref-
erence at the polls. Therefore, there
must be candidates whose names
appear on the ballots.
"I make no pretense of having
been drafted. While many persons
have urged me to run, no petitions
are as yet signed.
"Everyone, I am sure, appreciates
the importance of the many public
problems within the domain of the
governor and for this reason, there
'must be a large vote in September.
'If nominated and elected, my
aim shall be to assist in doing
everything possible to advance the
best interest of Michigan."
The only °avowed candidates be-
sides Groesbeck are Wilber M. Bruc-
ker, attorney-general, Charles De-
land, former secretary of state, and
L. E. Warner, of Sandusky. It is ex-
pected Deland will withdraw in
favor of Groesbeck.
Brucker declared he is "in to
stay" regardless of what happens,
however. Haggerty has been a sup.-
porter of the attorney-general's
campaign. There was hope in the
Brucker camp of swinging the gov-
ernor to his side.
Women students who wish to
ktry\ out for the women's staff
of The Daily are requested to
call at the offices in the Press
Building, Maynard Street, be-
tween 2 o'clock and 4 o'clock to-
day. Newspaper experience is
American League
troit 6, Chicago 1
weland 9, St. Louis 5
w York 12, Philadelphia 6
tshington 5, Boston 2
ston 2, Washington 1
National League
aoklyn 8, Boston 0
ioklyn 6, Boston 4
iladelphia 5, New York 4
.cinnati 4, Chicago 3
A Review by
William J. Gorman
"Close Harmony," as a play, is in
that tradition in American letters
that became almost a mania about
eight or ten years ago, dating prob-
ably from Main Street. Dullness-
suburban dullness of a very famil-
iar kind - is meticulously studied.
Heaps of verinisinilitude are plied
with great sincerity and accuracy
and skill.I
One grants the verinisiinilitude.
'But in talking about it, one should
not forget to add that the play is
Ivery dull. The' measure of the
dramatists' skill in reproducing the
dullness is almost the measure of
the audience's tedium.
The tradition represented Amer-
ica 's nascent sophistication getting
sociolpgical just to prove that it
I "knew about the other classes." By
ly admitted that the man who re-
prdue dullness is neither a witj
nor an artist-but a dull man. Most I thing clicks just like tha' -.1 Kat is,
of us have relatives somewhere in
the suburbs and if we feel the urge
to know the atmosphere, can visit.
I think we are inclined to call two
concentrated hours of it in the
theatre unnecessary tedium. These
wifes who reek with their dutiful
weariness (from being on their feet
all day of course) and nibble at the
souls of their husbands (whose ro-
mantic desires to play the mando-
lin and smoke a pipe have been
stifled) no longer interest.
The production is competent
enough. The feminine Grahains
and the visiting Ada manage to be
irritating enough to justify Ed Gra-
ham looking very pitiful through-
out. Clarence Dainmon as Bertram
Sheridan was very "brutal (so very
quite as superficially.
Amateurs shouldn't be 1a:,! -this
sort of thing. The witty impersona-
tion and gusts of technical humour
(superimposed on the play) that
only mature actors can give are
needed to give the domestic pathos
theatrical vitality. The amateur
cast gave nothing but an im-
mature sort of concentration, an
insistence on one emotion (the
general air of letting them have
it). Arthur Secord's pathos and
Clarence Dainmon's brutality are
cases in point. These were very
poor performances.
This is all very discouraging aft-
er "Holiday"-which is tantamount
to saying that this review is dan-
g erously based on a matter
m ie Bauersmith is justified in feign-
ing an intense nostalgic., Every-