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June 08, 1930 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-08

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c Ii rummni
___________OASEDROLL R
Published every morning except M'ndsty BR ATH NG
diigteUiest :umrSsinb NN'TEDIYthe Board in Control of Student Publications. STAGE WHISPER,
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all newsI In,.answer to the many requests
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise'
credited in this paper .And the =local news which have been plaguing this
published herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor,- Michigan, clm niqiycnenn h
postoffice as second class matter. specifications of the mysterious
Subscript-n" by carrier, $1.50; by mail, 1
$2.oo. author of the Stage Whisper cob-
Offices: I'- Building, Maynard Street,!
Ann Arbor, Mu "-iqan. umn, we decided last week to send
EDITORIAL STAFF one of our number to interview the
Telephone 4925 accomplished young lady. Thisf
MANAGING EDITOR fortunate individual '(the choice
GUREY ILLAMShad to be decided finally by lot)
Editorial Director........ Howard F. Shout had the ingenuity to place his sub-
City 1Editor .............Harold Warren, Jr. tin aspctac n e
Womnen's Editor .............Dorothy IMage ect i a ataeltctac n e
Mlusic and Drama Editor.. . William J. Gorman! cure from her an interview of her-
Books Editor......... Russell E. McCracken 1
Sp:orts Editor ................Morris Targer I Self.
Night Editors Here follows, the likeI of which
Powers' Moulton Howard V. Shout:WeaewligtboshsNE R
Harold Warren, Jr.weaewligtboshsNVE
Assistants been, seen heretofore on LAND or
Helen -Carrm Cornelius Buekema I SEA, the original, 'Undocumented,
Denton -Kunze William Mahey and -hruhyPROA'itr
Bruce Manley Roberta Reed d hruhyPESNLitr
Sher M. Quraishi i view of '.the " gifted author of the
BUSNES STFFStage Whisper column' by the- tai-
BUSIESS TAFFented author of the Stage Whisper
*Telephone 21214 column.
GEORGE A. SPATER Oh, my nmy. I've- been busy as
a -cat on a tin roof all' afternoon
Assistant Business Managers . chasing about. after this Carrm
William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin
Circulation Manager ........ Bernard Larson person. Apparently when a Play
Secretary....sitas Ann W. Verner; Productioner% does things, they are
lPP ThDavidsonDorohy Dnlavdone. in a marathon manner. Well,

Music and Drama
TONIGHT: The first of a series
of. faculty concerts with Mabel
Ross Rhead, pianist, and Hanns: Yp
Pick, cellist, as soloists : in Hill
Auditorium beginning at 8:159.

h. A


On the Huron River at the Foot of Cedar Street

Throughout the rest of the sum-
mer session, musical entertainment
will be afforded by a series of con-
certs by members of the faculty of
the, School of Music. The concerts
rare being arranged under the di-
rection of Professor Earl V. Moore
and will be. given every Tuesday
evening in Hill Auditorium.
The first concert tonight pre-
sents as Soloists Mabel Ross
Rhead, pianist, and Hanns Pick,
cellist, both outstanding members
of the faculty of the music school.
Mrs. Rhead has had wide exper-
ience in concert work, appearing
in recital and with orchestras in
nearly all the leading cities of the
country. Ann Arbor has frequent-
ly heard her in recital and as ac-
companist in several May Festival
Professor Pick is, one of the lead-
ing cello virtuosi. Before joining
the faculty he had a most enviable
and diversified musical career.
solo work in Europe and America
and finally he took the solo chair



for a mile

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Lelia M. Kidd
Night Editor-HOWARD F., SHOUT
ThisĀ° naval treaty is beginning to
"be a problem for the average man
ast well as for the Senate, but for
dfferent -reasons. The members of
the, Senate seem to be very dog-
mfatically for or against the treaty,
and their problem is to force the
ratification or refusal, as the casef
may be, of the agreement in the
forthcoming "special session. The
avNerage man, on the other hand, is
vengaged in ;the very" serious busi-
n"-tess -of attempting to find out -what
the treaty is all :about,. and -which
.I4nator is right concerning it.
In lall -the welter 'of discussion
conticering tonlnage and armament,
coastline and colonies, the one
clear fact is that each country is
tryingto limit naval power only to
the.."extent .that' "will not be .too
dangerous, to the, maintenance of
pts poitical-and-.commercial inde-
pe8ndence. As a result each country.
Pis =guilty of a tendency, to belittle
the needs of other nations and to
magnify its own requirements. This
is only natural. The question -then
becomes one of "comparing the
judgments of the delegates of. the
respective countries to the recent
London. conference. We may .as-
sume, in the first place, that the
'President and his advisors did not
choose our nation's representatives
without great care, that the men
chosen were known to be-naval ex-
' perts with high quality of good.
jutdgment and vision. They were,
indeed, the pick of the lot. It is
asking too much, therefore, to 'sug-
gest that we consider these men as
inferior, to any great extent, to the
"delegates from any other, of the
powters.f American interests were
' fully protected.
However, 'we must not be, un-
7 min dful of the ,fact that the naval
"treatyY was not as advantageous a
ones as might have been created,
4that many of our legislators may
be 'finding fault not'with the pro-
tection of American interests as
compared to those of the other
countries, but with the ideals and
ideas on which the whole treaty
"was "founded. It is possible that
some such thought was in the mind
of Senator Royal S. Copeland of
N 3ew 'York when he answered a
query concerning his attitude to-
ward the agreement with the ques-
tion,, "What do you think of count-
erfeit money." Was the treaty a
poor substitute for the real thing?
$We do not think so. It may have
been expedient to drop some of the
alldforms which had been planned
in naval armaments; but in essence
e .Ae reaty ,was an arrangement
Fwas an effective and beneficial re-
Iduction in the world's armed power.
We . ,6see that Mussolini is demand-
Ing a peace pact revision. There
wo'n't %be a, piece left in it by the
'ie they finish <the revisions.
Alfred E. Smith's son dropped
charges against a man who ran in-
to lhis' roadster because he was a
father. retty soon we'll have them
all going around wearing signs:
"I am a father."

to make a. long story short, I went IFor a. long. timeV he appeared in
to the Garden Room in the Men- with the Philadelphia Symphony
delssohn theatre and asked for Orchestra. He came to the local
Carrm and they told me to try the faculty direct from this position.
Rehearsal Room. I -went there and The program for tonight's con-
was told to go to the stage. I tried cert includes a performance of one
the =stage and was sent to ,the af-{ of Richard Strauss' most note-
eteria. Just then I was getting ! worthy compositions, infrequently
griped. Do you have any idea heard because of the rarety of thej
what I'm talking about? Well, combination. The complete pro-'
don't fly off the handle so much gram follows:
land don't sit at my left: my fork'j Sonata for Violoncello and Piano
has a habit of slipping. What aI R. Strauss
day! But I went down to the Caf- I Allegro con brio
eteria, tripping over Mrs. Hender- Andante
son's rugs all the way, and when Allegro vivo
I got to the Cafeteria all I could Mrs. Rhead and Mr. Pick
find was Wallace, Hickman, Windt,I Ich ruf zu dir Bach-Busconi
and 'Tennant playing fast and Scherzo Arensky
loose with . milk shakes. The asoda Prelude G major Rachmaninoff
clerk was shaking his :head grave- La: Camp anella Liszt
ly and growling about all thei Mrs. >Rhead
cleaning up there would be to do. Andante from Organ Roccata
So_ I guessed it was best I> didn't Gob. S. Bach
mention -anybody- connected with German Dance Mozart
Play Production. Chant Triste Arensky
Just as I was leaving the LeagueI Scherzo Kengel
whom should I run onto but-now Mr. Pick
contain yourselves, dears - that
Carrm herself, '31 and all. I gave "CLOSE HARMONY"
three cheery chortles of cheer and TO OPEN WEDNESDAY NIGHT
pounced upon my victim. "Where, The Michigan Repertory Play-
have you been? Why have you .ers' restoration of Close Harmony
been there? What have you been by Elmer Rice and Dorothy Par-
doing? Tell me something about ker is something in the nature ofI
'yourself ." I a "noble experiment". The play
I found' Carrm very obliging in has had a curiously fantastic ca-
spite of the warm weather. Before reer: a war really of public critics.
I could draw my breath for a ques- Its New York presentaion by Ar-
tion, she had me down on this one: thur Hopkins was lauded by the
"And now tell me about you." That critics: many of them got very
completely floored me- -if any. I was' purple boldly claiming it as the
powerless to resist. And there, my best example of its type in the cen-
dear, I 'stood for two solid hours: tury. The public unpredictable .
talking about..me instead of her, always, aenled it: denied it thrice
That's her fatal way. Don't (it being presented under different
smirk like that. Incidentally youI titles in Chicago and Detroit with
migh drop over and see the show similar, if not quite so disastrous
that starts tomorrow night--"Close; reception.
Harmony". It's just this and that'_ .The: public is still unexplained.
all the way through .. . such lines. The critics are still talking aboutI
You've simply; NO idea, it, Robert Benchley among others1
* * *; leading- :the. huzzahs for a New
Kenneth the King sends us the York revival. The authorship
following plaint entitled- would seem to bear out the critics:
TO A WOMAN DRIVER i it gleams talent, masculine and
Where are you going, my pretty feminine. Elmer Rice has been
maid, i year in and year out one of Broad-
In your sleek and handsome se-' way's most competent of techi
dan? cians. Hs ;talents were crystal-
If I only knew what you're next lized last year in Street Scene, the
going to do Pulitzer Prize winner, - a play
I'd be a much happier man, which was elevated above its pho-
tographic pretensions by the per-
Though your eyes are entran- fection of the craftsmanship. Dor-
cingly blue othy Parker has long been some-
And your figure so charmingly thing of a scandal: her journal-
slender, l ism penetrated most unbelievably
Are you not hen compassionate,I into secrets; her volumes of witty'
too?I verse produced discomfort all over
Pray, why must you smash in' New York by the obvious accuracy a
my fender?! of the satire. It was a brilliant
!partnership: two super-journal-'
If your intentions you'd give me fists, one of them a competent dra-
some notion, matist.
And stop being cute and per-! The product most people think
verse- is anything but disappointing. It
Say, how could I know that your is a study of middle-class life in;
very next motion a, New- York suburb in the manner
Would be to go into reverse? now made familiar by George Kel-
ly. But there is less sentiment in

TOURIST Third Cabin-that's
the. answer. $105 up--8185
roun d trip. That means you can
cross for as little as 3e a mile.
No sel f-respecting college stewd
can seechimself (or. herself)
passing up) a bargain like that I
It jest aint done. No cattle-ships,
either--bu. the most famous
liners on the seas, including the
Majestic, the world's largest
ship; Olympic, Belgenla nd,
Adriatic, Baltic, Minnekahda,
Penniand, Westernland, etc.
lM;; ,y of your crowd will be sail-
ig this summer-why not you?





to the


Michigan Daily



Send i*t home for





cause of your blunder of George Kelly's and more satire,
My fender so polisheda more .satire that is integrated.
Is: badly "demolished, There. is none of, Kelly's superfi-f
My bumper is broken asunder. cial exploitation of a few humor-
That my headlights are crashed' ous cliches (which has resulted
And my hubcaps are bashed in The Showoff being definitely
Mys taillight is all shot to than- dated) : but rather a careful effort
der.# to realize the dramatic effective-;l
ness of the naieve style.
The tragedy's that, though I The restoration of this "play1
blush to admit 1with a career" is being directed by
Such weakndss of principle to Chester M. Wallace of the Carne-j
you, gie Institute, one of the foremost!
That when I^ look at your peni-' directors of amateurs in the coun-.
tent face,, try..Performances will be Wednes-
I ha~ven't the couirae to sue you.i day, Thursday a n cl. Saturday


Call 2-1214
Come to the office on Maynard Street



from the Majestic


mayor of Atlanta set 200
rs free for the Fourth of
+1, o*,ii e i nvc afst

________, ___________ ____ _____ ___ 'I


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