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June 02, 1930 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-02

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Fair, Continued Cool.

T 4 P









Democrats Successful in Raising
Pension Rates After Bill
Comes From House.
Conditions Indicate Conference
Between Senate, House
of Representatives.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, July 1-A new
world. war veteran relief measure
was passed today by the Senate
after the Democrats had succeeded
in raising the disability pension
rate above the level provided by the
House bill bearing the Adminis-
tration's approval.
This change in the House mea-
sure, which was voted 37-26 forces
the bill into conference for adjust-
ment of differences. There were
hints of another presidential veto if
the increased rates were allowed
and administration supporters were
seeking a way tonight to reach a
Over-riding the Hoover forces on
the increase, the Senate showed its
irritable mood in the closing hours
of debate. It refused to enter an
agreement to vote tomorrow on the
bill and then conceded to vote to-
Vice-president Curtis was taken
to task tonight for ordering the
vote to pass after a shout of ayes
and then proceded to have a record
It was a day of short work.
The record vote on passage of the
legislation was 56-11.
Senators Walsh, of Massachu-
setts, and Connolly, of Texas, Dem-
ocratic members of the finance
committee, sponsored the higher
pension rates. The schedule would
give the world war veterans the
same rate allowed Spanish war vet-
erans with a maximum of $60 a
month for permanent disability.
The new bill, passed by the House
after President Hoover had vetoed
the general disability compensation.
measure, allows world war veterans
who can not prove their disability
was caused by the injuries while
in service will be allowed to collect
government compensation never-
There was every indication to-
night that the House would dis-
agree to the higher rate levels and
would accept the offer of the Sen-
ate for conference on the measure.
However, Congressional leaders
were confident of quick agreement
on a compromise.
Senator Walsh also succeeded in
adding by a vote of 36-27 an
amendment to allow veterans who
contracted veneral disease while in
service and are suffering disability
as a result to collect.
Senator Reed, Rep. Penna., who
lead the fight for the administra-
tion in behalf of the House meas-
ure, vigorously protested this.
Senator Cutting, Rep., N. M., who
had threatened to force a roll call
vote on the original vetoed veter-
ans relief measure recently passed
by the senate 66-6, withdrew his
motion ofter the Senate increased
the pension rate.

Students to See City,
University by Motor
More than 100 new students will
participate in the first tour of Ann
Arbor at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon,
according to Carlton F. Wells, se-
cretary of the Summer Session.
The excursion will start from the
Natural Science building in auto-
mobiles furnished by citizens of
Ann Arbor. It will circle the cam-
pus, and then pass through the
residential sections of the city. Ac-
cording to the plans, a short stop
will be made at the Stadium.
Returning to the campus, the
students will inspect the General
library and the William L. Clements
library.. They will hear an address
by Randolph G. Adams, custodian
of the library, on the subject of the
collection of rare Americana, and

Repertory Players Open Season
Tonight With Comedy Holiday'

With more than 150 persons en-
rolled in the Play Production divi-
sion of the speech department, the
Michigan Repertory Players should
this year meet with greater success
in their SummernSessionseason
than ever before, in the opinion of
Prof. Chester M. Wallace, guest di-
rector, and head of the drama de-
partment of the Carnegie Institute
of Technology.
Seven plays, one new production
each week, will be mounted by stu-
dents in Play Production. Philip
Barry's brilliant comedy, "Holiday,"
the opening vehicle for the student
players, will be presented at 8:15
o'clock tonight in the Lydia Men-
delssohn theatre to inaugurate the

summer season.
Professor Wallace,

many of the plays given by Play
Production last summer, will be
here for only three weeks. He has
been on the faculty at Carnegie
Tech for 11 years. In commenting
yesterday on the large enrollment
in the department, Professor Wal-
lace expressed satisfaction withthe
spreading interest in the courses
offered by the department as evi-
denced by the phenomenal increase
in the number of students enrolled.
Discussing the work done by the
department during the last Sum-
mer Session, he stated that only
through the strongest interest and
genuine enthusiasm on the part of
the students could the task of pre-
senting seven plays in a -period of
eight weeks have been accomplish-
ed. The Mendelssohn theatre, he
said, is probably the most complete
plant in the country available for
the use of college dramatic com-
Professor Wallace is being assist-
ed by Prof. E. W. Hickman, also
from the Carnegie Institute of
Technology, who will remain here
during the entire session. Mr. Val-
entine Windt, director of Play Pro-
duction, has directed the produc-
tion of "Holiday" which will appear

Speaker 'Considers Merits
Several Representative
American Artists.


who directedI

Professor Donaldson Lectures
on Distinguished Modern
American Painters.

Helen Wills Moody, Elizabeth
Ryan Reach Semi-Finals
at Wimbledon.
(By Associated Press)
Wimbleton, July 1-The unex-
pected downfall of Helen Jacobs,
America's second ranking tennis
player, at the hands of Cecilia Aus-
sem, of Germany, featured play in
the British championship today,
but failed to prevent the United
States from landing two of its rep-
resentatives in the semi - final
round of the woman's singles.
Miss Jacobs, sadly off her game,
and lacking stamina, was elimi-
nated in the quarter finals in
straight sets, 6-1,6-2.
Elizabeth Ryan, veteran Califor-
nia player, who makes her home in
England, came through to the
semi-final along with the defend-
ing champion, Mrs. Helen Wills
Moody, Faulein Aussem, and Mme.
Rene Mathieu, who holds Suzanne
Lenglen's old place as ranking
player of France. Miss Ryan had
been conceded little chance against
the youthful Betty Nuthall, of Eng-,
land, but her greater experience
and more varied game brought vic-
tory, 6-2, 6-6, 6-0. Mrs. Moody
overwhelmed England's 1a t e s t
schoolgirl sensation, Phyliss Mud-
ford, 6-1, 6-2. And Mme. Mathieu
disposed of Joan Ridley of England
6-2, 6-1.
In the semi-finals tomorrow Miss
Ryan meets Fraulein Aussem, while
Queen Helen opposes Mme. Math-
In doubles also Mrs. Moody and
Miss Ryan forged into the semi-
final round. This strong combi-
nation which recently won the
French championship eliminated
an English team consisting of Mrs.
Ranadolph Lycett, and Mrs. J. E.
Hill, 6-2, 6-0.
Edith Cross and Sarah Palfrey,
Boston, also .advanced, defeating
Mrs. M. A. Mayne and Mrs. V. H.
Montgomery, of England, 7-5, 6-4.1

James Morton, '31,
for First Semester
Regular School

of Next
Year. j

James D. Morton, '31, has been
suspended for the first.semester of
the next school year as the result of
having flown an airplane without
first having having obtained a per-
mit, Walter B. Rea, assistant to the
dean of students, stated yesterday.
Morton's case is the first involving
discipline in which the automobile
regulation has been applied to use
of an airplane.
Morton dropped into Devil's lake,
near Adrian, while flying a plane
owned by Milo Oliphant of the Yp-
silanti airport, on May 31, the acci-
dent being cause by motor trouble.
The plane was badly damaged, and
Morton sustained a fractured jaw,
several broken ribs, and cuts and
The accident report brought the
case before University officials and
an investigation revealed that the
student has nearly 40 hours of fly-
ing time to his credit. While he
holds no pilot's license, a license
given for 10 hours of flying, he
lacks only 10 hours of the time
necessary to earn a limited com-
mercial license.
More than a dozen students hold
University permits to fly planes,
such permits being granted in cases
where the student is seeking a li-
cense. It was pointed out that Mor-
ton might be classed with this
group, and that his suspension
l is due to failure to make applica-
l tion for a permit.

"Much that modern painters
claim as discovery is merely re-
discovery," remarked Prof. Bruce
M. Donaldson, speaking on "Dis-
tinguished M o d e r n American
Painters", yesterday afternoon in
Natural Science auditorium. With
the aid of screen ilustrations, Pro-
fesor Donaldson commented in his
lecture on the merits and faults in
the works of a group of promi-
nent national painters, some con-
temporary, but, as he pointed out,
not all strictly "modernistic."
Recalling Whistler's statement
that there never was an art lov-
ing nation or period, Professor Don-
aldson noted the fact that works
of art come from the few who are
most sensative to certain influ-
ences of nature. An artist, he
stated, may earn recognition be-
cause he holds a distinct place in
a period of development or trans-
ition, but he may also become not-
ed for excellent technique or acces-
siveness to impulse.
"There were radicals and conser-
vatives among the cave-painters of
Spain," Professor Donaldson said,
in considering George Inness, who
began as a realist. Inness, he
showed,awas intelligently radical,
representing what he saw without
selection or arrangement and not
exposing the back alleys of a city.
Inness, too, was capable of change
and development.
Frank Duveneck was indicated as
an artist who gave distinction to
his work through sheer skill, com-
parable in craftsmanship to Val-
asquez and Frans Hals. "Today, his
place is more firm than it was ten
years ago," Professor Donaldson
Particular attention was called
to the painting, "Jonoh and the
Whale," by Albert P. Ryder, which
"makes you feel the meaning
through lines," according to the
As a contrast to the other paint-
ers of the group, John Marin, a
modernist, was mentioned. Rep-
resentative of the radical tendency,
Marin distrusted the lines of de-
velopment of the existing stand-
ards and went back to elementals,
Professor Donaldson indicated.
Arthur B. Davies, termed a "lyr-
ical artist',, was presented as one
sensitive to the influences of his
time and big enough to try any
means to gain the ideal.
(By Associated Press)
Lansing, July 1.-Despite two an-
nouncements that he "will not
run," friends of Gov. Fred W.
Greencame to Lansing Monday to
demand he be a candidate for a
third term. They brought with
them nominating petitions bearing
more than 130,000 signatures. The
governor told them he will think
over their proposal, but hastened
to add "that does not mean I am
going to run."
The delegation, made up of about
100 persons, arrived in a motor
cavalcade from Detroit. Its mem-
bers carried gay green banners
with the inscription, "Green for
Governor." James Degan of Detroit
as spokesman, told the governor
that persons anxious to sign are
deluging those circulating the pe-
Teachers Hold Initial
Gathering of Session
Graduates and undergraduates in
the School of Education yesterday
met for the first time as a group

during the Summer Session. Dear
James B. Edmonson conducted the
meeting, in which new members of

Wireless Enables Flyers to
Speak With Family.
(By Associated Press)
Chicago, July 1-Mom and the kid
sister had a family reunion with
the enduring Hunters today.
John and Kenneth came back
to work for the first time in three
weeks, came back by radio, but
kept their feet off the ground and
sailed on through the pages of
aviaton history.
Above the tune of their faith-1
ful motor, the pilot shouted a com-
forting 'hello' to the folks on the
ground and heard Mom and Irene
send aloft a word of concern and
By means of a short wave hook1
up with another plane, Kenneth
and John broke up the monotony
of the ceaseless circling by a short
visit with the rest of the Hunter'
clan below.
As the 20th day of flying died,
a third plane, the famous St. Louis
Robin, whose record of 420 hours
has been beaten by the "City of
Chicago" made a contact and 'Red'
Jackson and Forest O'Brine sent
down their good wishes to the
At 3:40 p. in. CST, the orange
and black monoplane had turned
into its last day of its third week
in the air, close to 60 hours be--
yond the St. Louis Robin's mark.
Six Ann Arbor Students Among
Those Who Have All
A' Records.
Six of 29 students in the literary
college of the University to receive
perfect marks for work completed
in the semester just closed are from
Ann Arbor, a report issued today at
the recorder's office of that college
states. One more of the group of
29 comes from within Washtenaw
county. She is Lorinda A. McAn-
drews, Ypsilanti.
Those from Ann Arbor to earn
all A grades are Charles D. Camp-
bell, Cecil B. Ellis, Marjorie H.
Drake, Louise E. Rorabacher, Eliza-
beth B. Shull and Frederick Y.
Others to receive highest records
are: Jule Ayers, Abraham Becker,
Frank E. Cooper, Catherine
Dziurewicz and Helen F. Hum-
phrey, Detroit; Edward T. Calver,
Pontiac; Elizabeth Cibble, Ish-
peming; Catherine W. Shannon,
Gaylord; Philip Bernstein, Cleve-
land, O.; Marjorie R. Bettler, Ak-
ron, O.; Dorothy A. Birdzell, Bis-
mark, N. D.; Robert M. Dickey, Co-
lumbus, Ind.; Mark S. Donovan,
'Buffalo, N. Y.; Edith V. Egeland,
Chatham, Ont.; Joseph F. Haas, At-
lanta, Ga.; Byron O. Hughes, Spo-
kane, Wash.; Max J. Irland, Wash-
ington, D. C.; Homer Kipke, Toledo,
O.; Harry Mehlman, Toledo, O.;
Ann E. Nation, Kokomo, Ind.;
Franklin C. Smith, Fort Wayne,
Ind.; and Laurence C. Stuart, Mas-
sillon, O.
Harry Mehlman of Toledo car-
ried the highest number of credit
hours of work with perfect marks.

He took 19 hours. Cecil B. Ellis ofI
Ann Arbor carried 18 hours suc-

Lack 306 of Last Year's
Biological Station
Not Included.

Dean Kraus Announces Increase
of 269 Over Same Day of
Previous Session.




Summer Session enrollment yes-
terday showed a decided gain over
last year's figures for the same day,
a gain of 269, or almost 8 per cent.
Last year there were 3,365 enroll-
ments on the second day of the ses-
sion; yesterday the total had reach-
ed 3,634, and this total does not in-
clude some 100 enrollments at the
Biological Station at Douglas Lake.
Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the
Summer Session, declared his be-
lief that there will be some 300 or
400 more enrollments for the ses-
sion, and he said: "I am very well
satisfied with the progress and the
popularity of the summer session.'
Enrollments for special subjects
will take place next week. Week
end courses in the school of edu-
cation and public health institutes
will be held during this session, be-
sides the Geology and Geography
field station maintained in Ken-
tucky and a surveying station at
Camp Davis in Wyoming.
The gradate school shows the
largest gain in attendance with an
enrollment this year of 1,477 to
date. The figure for the corres-
ponding date last year was 1,422.
There was an increase of.55 for this
year, or almost four per cent.
The college of Engineering and
Architecture had an enrollment to-
day of 347, showing an increase of
17 over yesterday's figures and a
gain of 5 over last summer's en-
rollment for the same day.
The law school recorded 159 stu-
dents for the Summer Session ac-
cording to the latest figures and
showing an increase of eight over
last year's enrollment.
I The total registration today was
short only 306 of last year's final
total. If further enrollment during
the week is normal a new record
will be established with total en-
rollment passing above the 4,000
mark. The total enrollment last
year was 3,940.
Keeler Traces History
of Power in All Ages
In outlining the history of power
from the time of its origin to the
present, Prof. Hugh Keeler of the
University of engineering faculty
explained to Kiwanians at their
meeting Monday that the greatest
advances in civilization have been
made in the utilization of 'power.
"There are four kinds of power,"
Prof. Keeler stated, "steam, tidal,
wind and water and all have their
origin in the sun." The use of wa-
ter power dates back to the time of
Mech Nic, an Egyptian from whose
name the word "mechanic" is be-
lieved to have derived." It so hap-
pened," he said, "that this man was
the only person living on the Nile
who was able to make use of water
power in the grinding of grains.
Others living along the shores of
the river sent :or him and he soon
became famous."


Messrs. Robert E. Jones and Hor-1
ton Smith with their slick niblicks
and petting putters will soon pale
into insignificance in the news of1
sport; a tournament, or perhaps we
sould say tourney, is beginning
this week at the shortest 18-hole
links in Ann Arbor, the Pewee Golf
Any golfer, semi-golfer, or quasi-
golfer may play his qualifying
round for the tourney at any time
before the morning of July 10, ac-
cording to the manager of the
course. The qualifying round con-
sists, of course, of 36 holes, medal
play. The 32 players having the
lowest qualifying scores will be en-
tered in the championship compe-
As will be easily seen, this
"tabloid" golf has its advantages,
especially for tournament playing.
For one thing, it is more difficult
for one's opponent to perform any

Then again, the gallery doesn't
have to move around very much-
unless some disgusted golfer hurls
a club in his direction.
The 32 putters who qualify for
the championship matches will
putter around through the semi-
finals and finals. Each contest will
be 36 holes, match play. The win-
ner and the two runners-up will
be rewarded for proficiency as fol-
lows: first prize, silver cup; second
prize, medal; third prize, member-
ship card.f
Those who fail to qualify for theI
match play competition are to hold
a special handicap tournament, it
was announced. This consolation
tourney will probably be held some
time next week.
Those who play in the qualifying
rounds will be required to pay only
half the usual "green fee," accord-
ing to the course manager. For
the 32 who reach the semi-finals


A memory of the old days on the
campus when, hand fire engines'
were used and water came from
special cisterns was recalled this
week when the buildings and
grounds department began work
filling in two of five or six huge
cisterns, only a little below the sur-
face of the ground.
One, a tremendously large reser-
voir, is located just east of Univer-
sity hall, and is being filled in, the
top having been torn open by the
department, revealing the magni-
tude of the subterranean tank.
Another cistern which is being
filled in by the department is lo-

The filling is being done, accord-
ing to the buildings and grounds
department, for the sake of safety,
some fear of danger being felt be-
cause of the necessity of running
the department's heavy trucks
across the campus at times.
Probably four or five such cis-
terns exist on the campus, and were
the sole water supply in case of fire
before the University installed its
present high pressure water supply
Besides the cisterns nearUniver-
sity hall and the Economics build-
ing, another is located near the
West Engineering building and an-

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