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August 03, 1930 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1930-08-03

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The .\ssociated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news,
published herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan.
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $i.so; by mail,

Offices: Press Building, Maynard
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925


Editorial Director... ....Howard F. Shout
City Editor............ Harold Warren, Jr.
Women's Editor . ..-I...Dorothy Magee
Music and Drama Editor.. . William J. Gorman
Books Editor..........Russell E. McCracken
Sports Editor................Morris Targer
Night Editors
Denton Kunze Howard F. Shout
Powers Moulton Harold Warren, Jr.


Dorothy Adams
Helen -Carrm
Bruce Manley


Cornelius H.
Sher M.


Constance M. Wethyl
Telephone 21214
Assistant Business ManagersI
William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin
Circulation Manager........Bernard Larson
Secretary ...........Ann W. Verner
Joyce Davidson Dorothy Dunlap
Lelia Mf. Kidd
Night Editor-Denton Kunze



Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words if possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicantswill, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.
An unwritten editorial whichI
have often expected to appear is
one pointing out how for practical-
ly every fault blamed on the pres-
ent student generation, there ex-
ists to a large degree and in some
cases worse form, similar ones
among those who constitute the
other part of the university body.
To give vent to ones feelings in
this column of the Daily is almost
sufficient to brand one as belonging
towards the bottom of such a list
but the announcement which occur-
red in the Daily bulletin on July
16th concerning faculty parking
makes one feel that he must follow
the example of the student and let
out a wail.
Faculty members certainly are
not exempt from the possibility of
doing very petty things but we do
not believe that the number that do
do such is very large. Nor do we
believe that the cases suggested by
the recent bulletin are as bad as
the temper of the order would in-
dicate, even though it did incite
the city daily to an editorial on
the subject.
A few months ago the writer
drove in and parked along side two
other cars and was told immediate-
ly to move his car to the east end
of the parking space. On asking
the new man on duty as to why he
could not park alongside these oth-
er cars, received the reply that Mr.
always parked in that particu-
lar place. "But what about the
second car?" To this there was a
similar reply. As to how one re-
I ceived these special privileges how-
ever, the officer hesitated to state.
Not more than a week later on
driving in and parking at what
seemed the proper place and also
what seemed sufficiently close to
the neighboring car, the same of-
ficer was in the car before the
owner had entered the building
and was reparking it closer to the
one next to it. On returning to
the car there was the evidence of
the officer's over eagerness,-a scar
received from the opening of the
neighboring car door. On at least
two other occasions there were very
adequate reasons for not wishing
to park at certain parts of the
parking space and when there was
ample room elsewhere.
I All the particular cases one might
mention of course proves nothing,
but such treatment as this to mem-
bers of the faculty by an ever so
competent parking expert doesn't
seem to indicate that he should
have the sole power to oust con-
scientious objectors at will.
Could there not be some marking
on the curbstone on either side of
the door of University hall and at
the entrance, showing where park-
ing shall begin or end? And since
all cars regardless of make are es-
sentially the same width, could not
alleys be marked off all along to
prevent misuse of space? If either
or both of these are undesirable we
would appreciate being told about
it (by the parking committee) for
it does seem this would help to
avoid the trouble which the order
is trying to correct
C(omplaining) Parker.
l 0- n


This is the day of the pessimist,
when prohibition has been shifted
to the background as a topic of
conversation and all the barber-
shop business men and retired auc-
tioneers gather together to discuss
the dire financial and industrial
condition of our country. With de-
mands that the "government do
something about this and about
that", and with mucli dark fore-
boding of the future, these indiv-
iduals have succeeded in getting
the ear of the nation.
Without doubt America has en-
tered upon a time of difficulties.
Many causes and reasons have
been suggested for it, but they do
not alter the fact of its existence.
We are at the low point of a busi-
ness cycle, waiting and hoping for
the .rise to begin. However, it is
not realized, apparently, that we
are delaying the advent of better
conditions by heeding the preach-
ings of the pessimists. It is a
fool's psychology of "follow the
leader" that has made us a nation
afraid to dig in and work for new
success and prosperity.
Henry Ford and Thomas Ed-ison
have both pointed out in recent in-
terviews that the American public
is potentially capable of an imme-
diate rise from the slough of busi-
ness and industrial failure into
which it has fallen, but that it is
afraid to buy, and sell, and trade,
and get back into the fight for a,
better footing. It is, at least in
part, fear alone that is causing our
unemployment situation, our sur-
pluses on home markets, and our
increasing business losses.
True it is that there were 423
major business failures in the Unit-
ed States for the week ending July
31, as compared to 368 for the same
time last year and 271 for the year
preceding. True it is also that 66
out of 95 lines of business in New
York City report collections less
than those of a year ago. We can
and do still contend, however, that
these are mere evidences of the
same psychology that has affected
us in all lines in all parts of the
country. To look on the more op-
timistic side of the situation, wheat
exports are practically equal to
those of last year, textiles have
shown little decline, and both
wholesale and retail trade, espec-
ially in some branches of the steel
trade and the automobile industry,
show greater resiliency.
Unless the nation can show an
assured fighting spirit and a high
degree of optimism in the present
situation, it must seem that theJ
easy prosperity which has been'
America's for some time has taken,
away all our individual initiative
and made us turn accusingly and"
expecta'itly toward our already
overburdened federal governmenta
with the complaint that it hasj
caused our difficulties and with theI
demand that it should relieve and
subsidize us. Why delay the up-t
ward swing of the pendulum withr
a pessimistic and conservative at-I
titude? Now is the time to invest;I
now is the time to produce; now is1
the time to work. There is noth-i
lng but this "fool's psychology" re-I3


Some day we are going to hunt:
up the person who first started the .
idea of putting captions on the
Rolls Column - such as the weak
one above-and draw and quarter
him with a right good will. When
our readers realize that a good
twenty-five minutes of the twenty-
six that it takes to compose this
popular column are consumed in
deciding what sort of drivel will be
printed at the top of it, the sym-
pathy of many critical tongues'
will be melted into tears of con-
With which parenthetics
Out of the way,
Let us proceed to the
News of the day.
-Poem. '
As we noted hereabouts yester-
day, they publish a paper out in I
Seattle, Washington, which bears
the important title of "The Twice-
A-Week University District Herald,"
and contained in its chummy col-
umns are to be found items of sur-
passing wonderful rhetoric. From
an article entitled
Three Meals a Day!
Three Times That In
Hospitable Honolulu
we glean the following item of in-
"We partook of the famous 'luau'
festival given in our honor by full-
blooded Hawaiians. The luau is a
traditional tribal feast, eaten in the
open, with the fingers. We were
supposed to sit on the ground, but
out of deference to some of the
rmembers of our party, we were al-
lowed to eat at a leaf covered table.
"For food we had a variety of
meats, rolled in ti leaves and roast-
ed on hot stones. For dessert we
had 'poi,' a very fattening Hawai-
ian pastry."
Somehow we have always coveted
that we-know-what-we're-talking-
about-whether-you-do-or-not style
which manages to drag in curious
words by the score. With the kind
consideration of our readers-who
must realize that we write this aft-
er having spent a delightful, if too-
extended, afternoon at a nearby
bathing beach - we shall recount
our adventures at Whitmore Lake
in this extremely interesting if
somewhat obscure style. Thus-
* * *
We spent yesterday afternoon in
a most enjoyable fashion, partak-
ing of a good "blbj" or gdzk" as it
is often called by the well-tanned
natives who frequent the "blbj-
fltfyoy" (a native expression for
bathing-beach which translated
means shore-of-the-many-washed
up-dead-carp) in great numbers,
coming from many miles inland in
their crude "Fjords" and "Whgip-
pets"-odd vehicles that are pos-
sessed in the main by "plefpts" or
insolvent students taking summer
school courses because there are no
jobs to be had.
We were supposed to go into the
"sljop"-water-but out of a keen
desire to get a sunburn we remain-
ed for the most part on the "htx."
At the conclusion of our after-
noon's ceremony, we went to the
central "gyjp" and bought "pkop,"
"htoosgd," and stuck coins into the I
"Sijotmachinje," an innocent form
of amusement developed by the
simple natives to an art of surpris-
ing complexity.
There is nothing quite like the
spirit of these westerners, either,
and we read that a certain Mr.

C. E. F-, who with his wife, son,
and daughter has just returned
from an automobile trip to North-
ern Idaho, "is loud in his praise of
crop conditions in the PalouseI
Country, which promise to surpass
everything in the history of the
Applying the same methods of
journalism to our own item aboveI
concerning yesterday afternoon's




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a brief pause
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Editorial Comment


(From the Daily Iowan)
Behind the recall of Detroit's
mayor lies a significant fact. If
Bowles was elected-and he prob-
ably was-by the underworld ele-
ment, either that city abounds in
a large number of crooks or only
a small minority of respectable
citizens voted. The latter is more
probably the case.
Moline, Ill., lost its airport and
its chance to become an important
city in the air world. How? In

Impro'ving transmission

S~peding up ser'vzes

&tduding rates

Encouraging the long
distance habit

precisely the 'same way by which swim, we would add to what has
Detroit got an unfit mayor. One gone before that:
large group of voters did not vote. The Doctors Whoofle and friends
Detroit and Moline are not unique, returned home late yesterday aft-
in this matter of not voting. ernoon from an automobile trip to
Throughout the United States there Whitmore Lake, spending the time
are large numbers of qualified vot- there in alternately going into and
ers who are strangers to the polls. coming out of the water.
Why? The Doctors were loud in their
The right to vote is one of the praise of the magnificent cow-
most important criterions of de- stables of Washtenaw and Living-
mocracy. Are Americans ready to stone counties which flank the road
give it up? on either hand and lend an atmos-
If some foreign power were to phere full of prosperity and prog-
try to infringe on this right, how ress which promises in itself to sur- i
many would then go about their pass everything in the history not
private business, leaving every- only of this country but any rural
thing in the hands of that power? section adjacent and will probably
Very few. Most citizens would make it most advisable to take a
immediately be ready to risk their detour to the lake hereafter with
lives to regain or retain that the continued warm weather.


An interesting example of organization is
the development of long distance telephone
business. Men and women of the Bell
System made this service worthy, and the
public has recognized this by its greatly in-
creased usage.
The Bell Laboratories improved the quality
of sound transmission by modifying existing
apparatus and designing new. Western Elec-
tric manufactured the necessary equipment

of the highest standards. Operating telephone
companies, working with the American Tele-
phone and Telegraph Company, shortened
the time for completing calls and reduced
the rates.
In all a coordinated work, bringing to-
gether many and varied activities, and typical
of the way in which telephone service is
constantly being made a better tool for the
nation's needs.


a4 nation-uide system of inter-connecting telephones

_.. TT 1T +p

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