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August 03, 1930 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1930-08-03

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VOL. X. No. 30,



- - . ----- --- - ------ I

W. Somerset Maughan's Brillian
Comedy Will be Presented
Four Times This Week.
Florence Tennant, Harry Alen
to Have Leading Roles;
-Matinee on Friday.
W. Somerset Maugham's brilliant
comedy, "The Constant Wife,"
will be the sixth summer public
presentation of the Michigan Rep-
ertory players of the Play Produc-
tion department, opening at 8:15
o'clock Wednesday night in the Ly-
dia Mendelssohn theatre. Per-
formances will also be given at 8:15
o'clock Thursday and Saturday
nights. Only a matinee will be
given on Friday.
Valentine B. Windt, director of
Play Production, is in charge of
the staging of "The Constant Wife."
Mr. Windt, this summer, has also
directed the mounting of "Holiday"
and "The Guardsman."
Play Opened in Cleveland
This sophisticated drama by
Maugham was first presented at
the Ohio theatre, Cleveland, on
November 1, 1926, meeting with in-
stant success. Ethel Barrymore ap-
peared in the original company as
Constance Middleton. C. Aubrey
Smith had the role of Dr. Middle-
ton, her husband. The part of
Bernard Kersal was played by
Frank Conroy.
Maugham is also the author of
"Rain," "The Circle," and "The Let-
ter," which was made famous
through the performance of the
late Jeanne Eagels.
In the local production, Florence
Tennant, one of the best known
actresses in campus dramatic cir-
cles, and who has also had exer-
ience playing with a stock company
in the East, will have the part of
Tennant has achieved notable su-
Constance, the Barrymore role.
Miss Tennant has achieved not-
able success both in the presenta-
tions of Play Production and Com-
edy club, having given notable per-
formances in "Granite," by Cem-
ence Dane; "Children of the Moon,"
by Martin Flavin; In Play Produc-
tion's staging of "The Constant
Wife" here more than a year ago;
and ni this summer's presentation
of Philip Barry's "Holiday," in
which she appeared as Linda.
Allen Is in Cast
Harry R. Allen, Who has been
seen this summer as Johnne in
"Holiday" and as the Guardsman
in the Molnar drama, will appear
in the part originally played by
Frank Conroy. Arthur Secord, re-
membered for his parts in Gals-
worthy's "Escape" and in "Close
Harmony." Pauline Bauersmith,
from Carnegie Institute of Tech-lgwohsbe enti
summer in "Close Harmony" and
"The Guardsman," has also been
cast in this week's production.
Reserved seats are now on sale
in the box office at the theatre.
All tickets are priced at 75 cents.

Thousands Flee as Communists
Advance Towards Yangtze.
(By Associated Press)
SHANGHAI, Aug. 2-The Yangtze
river cities of Hankow, Hanyang
and Wuchang, with a joint popula-
tion estimated at several millions,
today lay in the path of China's
advancing bloodcrazed revolting
armies and Communist forces.
Thousands of terrified Chinese,
bearing their property, sought re-
fuge in the barricaded foreign con-
cessions of Hankow as Communist
armies moved toward the tri-cities,
fresh from the conquest and de-1
struction of Changsha. The cities
were under martial law. The capital
at Nanking also was under military
-Changsha still was reported oc-
cupied by remnants of looting Red



With a tour planned that will
include a visit to Greenfield village,
Henry Ford's Museum of Ameri-
cana, with its examples of early'
American architecture, and Edison's
original Menlo Park laboratory, the
seventh excursion of the summer
session will leave the campus for
the Ford Airport at Dearborn, on
Because of Mr. Ford's efforts in
gathering together memorabilia of
the past century in one vicinity,
Greenfield village has become one
of the leading show places of
Michigan. Here on the Michigan
countryside he caused to be con-
structed a typical central Michigan
town of forescore years ago, and to
perfect the illusion the nation has

- - - i

been scoured for articles of all sorts
then in use.
Perhaps the most famed of the
buildings erected in the village is
t he Edison laboratory brought
piecemeal from the East, in which
was staged the rediscovery of the
incandescent lamp during the Edi-
son Golden Jubilee last year. A
copy of the train in which Mr. Edi-
son served as a news butcher, and.
which brought President Hoover
and the inventor to the celebra-
tion, is also preserved here in the
Edison group.
To more modern-minded people
the airport itself will perhaps be of
greater interest. Including such fa-
cilities for modern commerce as a
dirigible mooring mast, a revolving
beacon, shops, hangars, and service
equipment, this is one of the larg-
est and most completely equipped
commercial airports in this country.
In the hangars are many inter-
esting exhibits, such as the plane
in which Commander Byrd made
his epochal flight to the North Pole,
and "The Pride of Detroit," the
Stinson monoplane in which Schlee
and Brock flew from Detroit to


New Head of Violin Department
Has Had Wide Experience
on Concert Stage.,

Canada's New Premier
Favors Higher Tariffs

Marjorie Mansell, Entertainer
at Detroit Radio Station,
Detained for Bond.
Attempt to Find Wealthy Youth
Believed Acquaintance
of Second Woman.



National Meeting Convened
President to Discuss
Building Work.


(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.-Coordi-
nated effort to remove influences
which are depriving thousands of
Americans of the advantages of
home ownership has set in motion
today at the direction of President
Privately financed, and with its
studies directed at co-ordinating
and stimulating private effort
rather than seeking relief through
legislation, a national conference
on home ownership and building
has been called by the president.
A score of associations represent-
ing the majority of the interests
touching on the problem were in-
vited to detail their chiefs as mem-
bers of a planning committee
which will make up the confer-
ences program.
Mr. Hoover pointed out that fi-
nancing conditions surrounding
home building have been extremely
bad and are particularly in need
of adjustment, but this, he said,
would be only one phase of the
conference's work.
"Greater comfort and reduction
in cost of construction in many
parts of the country through im-
proved design, the better layout of
residential areas are all of first im-
portance," the president said. "The
expansion and betterment of'
homes in its bearing upon comfort,'
increasing standards of living and
economic stability, is of outstand-
ing importance."
Three one-act plays were pre-
sented by the members of the Play
Production classes in the Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre yesterday aft-
ernoon. Holders of season tickets
for repertory series and theirs
guests attended the matinee per-
A stylized Russian comedy, by
Chekov, a negro spiritual play by'
Eulalie Spence, and a satirical com-
edy by Alice Gerstenberg composed I
the program.
Student directors in the staging
of the plays were Seward Reese and
Mrs. Rachel F. Kent for "The'
Boor;" Mrs. Ethel McIntosh, Edna
Johnson, and Agnes M. Thomas for1
"Fool's Errand;" and Mrs. Jose-
phine C. Barnes and Helen Allan
for "He Said and She Said."
Properties and staging were han-
dled by members of the stagecraft
(By Associated Press)
Reports that he has a feeling!,
that he, or rather, it will be unset-;
tled and decidedly warmer today. I
He is shown above fleeing to Whit- ,

Prepares for 1,900 Mile Jaunt
Dublin in Longest Lap of
Round-World Flight.


(By Associated Press)
HARBOR GRACE, N. F., Aug. 2.-
John Henry Means, who twice in a
comparatively short lifetime has
broken the round-world time rec-
ord only to see it again shattered,
was poised here tonight for the
longest step of his latest efforts,
1,900 miles across the North Atlant-
ic from this airport to the Baldon-
nel airdrome in Dublin, Ireland.
Mears dropped out of the sky at
1:55 o'clock p. m. in his red and
silver monoplane, The City of New
York, after a scenic flight from
Roosevelt field, N. Y., in the unus-
ual good time of eight hours, 15,
minutes. The distance was 1,1501
With him were two passengers,
Henry J. Brown, 31-year-old air
mail pilot, who acquitted himself
perfectly in his first long over-
water test and Tall-wind II, a ter-
rier and a gift to Mrs. Mears from
Mary Pickford.
If all goes well, and there was
every prospect tonight that weath-
er tomorrow would see it as near
to ideal as possible over the. dead,
stretch of the fog shrouded North
Atlantic which they must next ne-
gotiate, the flyers hoped to be off
at dawn.
The world's record for the cir-
cumferential Journey they have un-
dertaken is 21 days, 8 hours and
26 minutes, and it belongs to thel
Graf, Zeppelin which made the
mark last year. Mears and Brown
hope to cut it to 15 days.

School of Music Program Will
Present Noted Partner
of Lee Pattison.
Prof. Wassily Besekirsky, violin-
ist, and Prof. Guy Maier, pianist,
will unite their artistic efforts in a
miscellaneous program of violin
and piano numbers at the School
of Music concert to be presented at
8:15 o'clock next Tuesday night in
Hill auditorium.
This concert will mark the Ann
Arbor debut of Professor Besekir-
sky, who has recently been appoint-
' ed head of the violin department of
the music school, succeeding Prof.
Samuel Peirson Lockwood, who
h e 1 d that position for nearly a
quarter of a century.
Studied at Moscow.
Prof essor Besekirsky has had a
notable cre as a concert violin-
ist and has also been associated
with some of the leading ensemble
organizations. He is a graduate of
Moscow conservatory and was in
charge of a violin department of
the Odessa conservatory, where he
made an excellent reputation. He
has given many concerts through-
out music centers of Europe.
At the outbreak of the World
war, Professor Besekirsky was va-
cationing in America preparatory
to a full concert schedule which
was to take him throughout conti-
nental Europe and Great Britain.
On account of the war, the tour
was abandoned, and he decided to
remain in America. He won dis-
tinction with the Russian Sym-
phony orchestra, the Rhode Island
trio, and in concert performances
under most of the great. conductors
of this country as well as in gener-
al concert appearances.
Mrs. Rhead Is Accompanist.
Professor Besekirsky will be ac-
companied at the piano by Prof.
IMabel Ross Rhead of the piano
faculty, who has won distinction as
an ensemble player and as a solo
perf ormer.
Professor Maier of the piano fac-
ulty likewise has won distinction as
a concert artist throughout three
Phi Delta Kappa Group
to Give Noon Luncheon
All members of Phi Delta Kappa,
national educational fraternity, will
hold a luncheon at 12:05 o'clock
Tuesday noon in the Union, as the
first meeting of the. organization
during the Summer Session.
W. C. Darling, of Saline, will pre-
side. Tuesday's meeting is intended
to be a get-together for the ben-
efit of all members of the organiza-
t ion who are in residence on the

R. B. Bennett,
Conservative leader, who sur-
prised all Canada when he snatch-
ed the premiership from W. L. Mc-
Kenzie King in the recent election.
Morgan Nichols Boat Finishes
Three Minutes in, Lead
of Enterprise.'
(By Associated Press)
NEWPORT, R. I., Aug. 2.-Weeta-
moe today defeated the three other
aspirants for the honor of def end-
ing the Americas cup over a 37 1-2
mile course, from New London,
Conn., to Newport. The course rep-
resented the opening run of the
eight-day New York Yacht club
cruise and it was sailed in a light
southwesterly, air as a broad reach
and except off of Point Julius, in a
smooth sea.
The Morgan Nichols boat crossed
the finish line more than three
minutes ahead of Enterprise, sailed
by Harold S. Vanderbilt. The only
boat seriously to contest the Nich-
ols was Weetamoe.
Whirlwind, sailed by Landon K.
Thorne, was unable to finish bet-
t~er than a bad third although her
rig had been radically changed
since she last met the cup candi-
dates off here. She was nearly 15
minutes behind Weetamoe, Yankee,
the Boston, and only non-New
Yorker came home last following
Whirlwind by approximately five
Vanity, the unsuccessful candi-
date for defense of the famous cup
a decade ago, furnished the great-
est surprise of the day's sailing.
With Resolute, the successful 1920
defender, Vanity started five min-
utes later than the new cup boats
but she finished ahead of both
Whirlwind and Yankee.
English Actress Will
Give Readings Monday
With a program that will include
two dramatic recitals, Miss Elsie
Fogerty, L.R.A.M., of the Central
School of --Speech, Training. and
Dramatic Art, Inc., located at Lon-
don, England, will appear at- five
o'clock Monday and Tuesday nights
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
The subject announced for the
Monday recital is the "Speaking of
English Verse." Tuesday's presenta-
tion will be an interpretation read-

(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, Aug. 2. -Police today
tightene their hold on a young
woman whom they say knows the
voice which lured Jerry Buckley to
his death and took another into
custody for questioning.
kMiss Marjorie Mansell, entertain-
er for radio station WMBC, the sta-
tion for which Buckley was the mil-
itant politcal commentator, was
ordered held for 48 hours more un-
den the equivalent of $200,000 bond
after a hearing this morning before
Judge Henry S. Sweeney in record-
er's court on a writ of habeas cor-
The latest woman to enter the
case is Miss Ethel Bronson, said by
police to have been with Buckley
24 hours before he was shot down,
on recall election night.
Second Woman Held.
She was taken into custody this
morning and questioned most of
the ,day. With her detenton, police
revealed they had been looking
since shortly after Buckley's death
f or a girl referred to by Buckley as
his "Smiles" girl. They did not di-
vulge the part she was supposed to
play in the case.
Meanwhile the police said they
were continuing their search for
Egbert M. Hoffman, scion of a
wealthy family, whose bank book
showing average daily deposits of
$2,000 for recent weeks was found
in Miss Mansell's apartment.
Hoffman Made Statement.
IHe had not been found, but his.
attorney, Fred A. Behr, said Hoff-
man had made "some sort of a
statement" to police commissioner
Thomas Wilcox. The attorney of-
fered an explanation for the dis-
covery of Hoffman's bank book in
the raided apartment.
Hoffman's secretary, he said,
lived with Miss Mansell. She fre-
quently made deposits for him of
rents collected for his mother,
whom he described as a very weal-
thy woman.
The large sums of money repre-.
sented in the book were principally
legitimate, he said. It is perfectly
natural that his secretary should
have taken the book to her home.
and then to have forgotten it. She
left early this week for her vaca-
tion and no one knows where she
Hoffman, he added, knew Miss
Mansell only because his secretary
brought her to the office.
Famous Geologist, 'Wife Leave
on 10-Day Tour of Canada.
Prof. Laurence M. Gould, of the
geology department and geological
director of the Byrd Antarctic ex-
peditions, was married last night
to Miss Margaret Rice at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mr.
Herbert Rice, in Barton Hills.
The marriage culminated a ro-
mance which started on the camp-
us of the University more than WiX
years ago, at which time Miss Rice
was' a student in a geology course
given by Professor Gould. A license
to wed was secured by Professor
Gould on June 27, Immediately up-
on his return from the Antarctic.
The marriage was in the garden
of the Rice home. Details of the
affair were carefully guarded and
only the immediate family of the
couple were present. The Rev. .

ficlated. Following the wedding, the
couple left for a 16-day tour of
Canada. They will return to Ann
Arbor and then go to New York
where Professor Gould will contin-
ue his work on the findings of the

Geological Curiosities of Put-in-Bay Region
Inspected by 100 University Excursionists

Minor casualities marked the trip
of 100 Summer Session excursion-
ists to Put-in-Bay yesterday under
the leadership of Prof. William H.
Hobbs, of the geology department.
A charging bull found many of the
members of the party in the way
and adjusted the matter by knock-
ing one young woman over in his
field through which they had tres-
passed. A 41-inch rattlesnake was
exhibited by some islanders which
had been killed on the path fol-
lowed by the party but a half hour
before their arrival
Upon leaving the dock at the is-
land Prof. Hobbs led the group
across the island through fields and
up and down dale to the cliffs on
the further side which illustrated
the wave cutting action of the wa-
ter. Proceeding along a narrow and
precarious path at the edge of the
cliff and then turning inland, east
and west striations of the original
glacier and the three famous caves
on the island were viewed succes-

At the caves, the heat of the day
was relieved by the cooled air un-
derground and water from the
wishing well. Commodore Perry, in
1813 during his naval engagement
with the British, is said to have de-
posited many valuable for safe-
keeping in the Perry cave which is
the largest on Put-in-Bay.
Mineral laden water which has
been dripping at the rate of 1 inch
every 100 years has formed many
curious stagmite features, such as a
petrified man, a cauliflower, and a
replica of Mt. Vesuvius, in Main-
mouth cave where there is also a
wishing well 200 feet long by 100
feet wide.
Crystal cave is known as one of
the most unique of its type and is
formed by prismatic crystals of
blue clestite or sulphate of stron-
tium which make solid walls of
crystal in clear cut brililance.
Many of the party ascended Coin-
'modore Perry's memorial monu-
ment to get a bird's eye view of the


American League
Detroit 13, Chicago 2
Cleveland 12, St. Louis 4
Philadelphia 9-8, Boston 2-7
Washington 9-3, New York 8-5
National League
Boston 3-5, Philadelphia 2-4
Pittsburgh' 14, Chicago '8
St. Louis 9, Cincinnati 8
New 'York 8, Brooklyn 6

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