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July 31, 1930 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-31

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VOL. X. NO 27.





Describes Work at University
on Complete Dictionary
of Early Period.
New Work Will be Concordance
of Tudor-Stuart Stage
in Literature.
"If one is really to understand
the significance of the task of com-
posing our new dictionary, one must
be fairly familiar with the Oxford
English dictionary," said Prof. C. C.
Fries of the English department
yesterday, discussing the "Early
Modern English Dictionary," on
which he is now working with a
staff of assistants.
After a consideration of earlier
lexicons, Professor Fries brought
his discussion to the the Oxford
English Dictionary.
Scientific Dictionary
"The Oxford English Dictionary
is fundamentally different," Pro-
fessor Fries explained. "It is the
outstanding document in the scien-
tific attitude toward language." It
attempts a historical view of lan-
guage, he said, and assumes that
there can be no correctness aside
from usage. It therefore makes no
judgment of acceptability.
The writers of the Oxford work,

rrva. LlreX yVVaWai t- X,
Of the Semetics department, who
will leave for Syria August 23, as
director of the University archeo-
logical expedition to Mesopotamia.
He will head the dig in Selucia,
near Bagdad. Professor Waterman
will be accompanied by five other
members of the staff. Excavation
operations will begin September 15,
he announced recently.
Asks Action on Unemployment;
Extra Sesion of Parliament
Probable September 9.

Repertory Players Present Opening PLANS BUILDING
Production of 'Beyond the Horizon UNITED EUROPE
A Review by William J. Gorman j febrile, awkward. He suggested a
The irstten inues aains a provincial inarticulateness in the
theinlfisttiuetesagitahecharacter -which is 'contrary to
strkinly acttius et wih teO'Neill, who undoubtedly meant
students playing Robert and Ruth ! im oeta rit iieadfx. X
incredibly awkward, and maneuver- him a potential artist, virile and
full of an important zest for life,
ing themselves into an octopus and broken only by the bondage of
clinch, the pictorial stupidity of'faewaces nda.hea.rmace
which the director should certain- I O'Neill meant him to have a sad
ly have been aware of - promised grace in the living, the sad grace
one of the most silly evenings spent of a thwarted spirit, that would
in the theatre in some time. The dignify the character, stimulate our
next three scenes rather tended to interest in him. Boyle made him
fulfill that promise. something of a country boy who
The first scene of the third act didn't like the country-too easy!
almost balanced the evening. The pathos in other words. The result !
direction there was very fine. Mr. was that the play seemed a little
Hickman played this waning of a silly (as of course it is the first
life very carefully and restrained- scene) : with its appeal a senti-
ly with a dull, dark picturea wierd mental one about Ruth's unfortu-
monotone in the voices, and almost nate mistake. As a result, Boyle's
no movement. It was almost styli- performance never i n t e r e s t e d:
zation. At any rate, it effectively when his detail wasn't awkward, it
realized the rorce of O'Neill's writ- was dull.
ing and held the audience. Charles Moyer was excellent as
But the first acts will be a night- Andrew however. Moyer had a fine
mare. Apart from an inadequacy in grasp of the character, realizing it Aristide Briand,
technique, Kenneth Boyle's inter- simply with a few basic character- Premier of France, whose plan
pretation of Robert Mayo was in- istics of voice and manner that re- for a United States of Europe was
accurate. He made him rather too vealed sympathetic understanding. partially adopted by the four na-
It was a good performance, naive tions of Denmark, Holland, Swe-
and unpretentious technically, but den, and Norway when they held a
genuine and effective. discussion of their common prob-
Miss Thompson's first scene was lems. _
too quick, girlish and silly. Her hys-
terical outburst in the second act
was bold and perhaps good: though
for me it lacked form (preparation C H
and climactic molding) and thus
Investigation Proves Ann Arbor became disturbing.
Citizens Pay Huge Sums in Both she and Mr. Masselink as
Present Conditions. Mr. Mayo lacked the maturity to
adequately "genuinize" O'Neill's Says Legislatures Should Have
DISCUSS SOFTER WATER fearfully melodramatic language. Professional Guidance in
The emotions inherent in both School Questions.
Huge sums are being spent by those violent scenes is genuine
Ann Arbor citizens due to the dam- enough; the language is too vio- CITES PROGRAM NEEDED
age caused by hard water, it was leni. clealTompson and Mr. Mas-
brought out at the meeting of the rather thanny to the emotion forguageir Prof. William G. Carr, assistant
rather ta oteeoinfrter.
committee on the advantages and conception of the part. The result director of the research division;
disadvantages of soft water held was silly violence: that provoked National Educationassociation, de-
in the council chambers of the city in response from an audience, a livered the tenth lectunoon Conference series of the
hail yesterday evening,.ur of th ead. ,ternoon oferce ysers of-
Conservative estimates by plumb- Miss Yealy's (or the director's) rSchool of Education yesterday af-
of Ms Akinswasternoon. His subject was "Legisla-
ers place the number of water interpretation of Mrs. Atkins was tion As a Factor in Producing Good
softeners in Ann Arbor at between curious. The part is always played Sosa"c
13 and 14 hundred. At a cost of comically for relief: that is played "GSchools.s
$150 a water softener, the amount very richly, as caricature. Miss Yea- hu"Good schools are impossible
invesed i water softeners b the u y played it with no variety and without good school laws," he stat-
.people of Ann Arbor is about seemingly with no purpose except ed. "School legislation is the ulti-
$200,000. This does not take into to add irritation to the farm atmos- mate means by which each shapes
account the amount spent by the phere. She was successful. its educational policies.
people for maintainance of the The little girl, a Miss Byrum, was ! The law may dictate what shall
oftnersr mndelightful and something of a con- be taught, who shall go to school,
esolation. who may teach school, when school
Damage caused by hard water in -___shall be opened and when closed."
flaw.., i n lnaa 1 n A a ..S .4. ..

Reporters, Cameramen Gather
to Wait for Arrival
of Great R-100.
MONTREAL, July 30.-With 'the
greatest airship the skies had ever
known bearing down on Canada on
its first long flight from England,
St. Herbert air force outside this
city teemed tonight with prepara-
tion for its reception.
Out beyond the great mast where
the R-100 will swing tomorrow
night, long rows of tents were rais-
ed to house the 600 soldiers and
police who will handle the huge
crowds expected to gather from all
over the province.
In the hangar itself provisions
were made to take care of the 44
men who are exhaling the ocean air
in Britain's latest bid for aerial su-
Largest in the World
Throughout the day the wireless
station at St. Herbert was in con-
tact with the mighty dirigible,
which is larger than either the Los
Angeles of the United States Navy
or the Graf Zeppelin of Germany.
From ships at sea and from the
R-100 itself it was learned that the
airship was sailing smoothly over
the aerial highway of the Atlantic
and from late afternoon reports the

Soldiers, Police Make Ready
to Handle Huge Crowds
at Port Tomorrow.

Professor Fries asserted, covered OTTAW Ontario, July 30.-Pre-
more than 26,000 books In an at- mier-elect R. B. Bennett today pre-
tempt to record usage. But they pared to take over control of the
were trying to include uses for a Caredtakegovercntroothe
period of about 13 centuries, and Canadian government from the
had to limit the number of quota- Liberal ministry of Mackenzie King
hadto imi th nmbe ofquoa-and carry out the campaign prom-
tions for any single century. Such ise he made to deal with unem-
quantities of material were left that ployment immediately after July 28.
one of the editors suggested a spe- Several prospective ministers in
cial dictionary on the Tudor and P r e m i e r Bennett's Conservative
Stuart periods. This work is now cabinet are not members of Parlia-
being done at the University. ment or were defeated in the last
Many Schools Assist election, and he is anxious to an-
Professor Fries and his staff now nounce their selection so that those
have 3,000,000 slips illustrating six- not already members can stand for
teenth and seventeenth century election.
usages, all of which were left over It appeared possible today that
from the creation of the Oxford!September 2 would be set aside as
work. By co-operating with 1611 bye election day, with results told
American universities and colleges i seven days later in an extra ses-
and at least 12 in other countries, sion of Parliament brought into
the staff has added 150,000 new session to deal with unemployment.
slips from literature of the Tudor- Probable cabinet selections, which
Stuart period that has become will not be announced until Mr.
available. The slips are being ar- Bennett formally takes over the
ranged and will probably be ready premier's portfolio, were the chief
for editing by October. Professor topic of discussion among political
Fries hopes to complete the work, observers today. Dr. R. J. Manion,
which will fill five or six large vol- former postmaster - general, J. D.
umes, within ten years. It will be Chaplin, E. D. Ryckman, Premier
an approach to a concordance of E. S. Rhoce of Nova Scotia, W. G.
the sixteenth and seventeenth cen- Ernest, J. A. MacDonald, J. H. My-
turies, he said. ers, Sir George Hurley, former high
By buying books of that period commissioner to London, and Mor-
for reference in the dictionary ris Humphreys, have been promi-
work, it is hoped that the Michigan nently mentioned for posts in the
Library will accumulate one of the new cabinet.
most important collection of six- The( Conservatives gained one'
teenth, seventeenth century litera- more seat today in the official an-
ture in the world, Professor Fries nouncement of the election at Long
said- Take ask


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commercal and manuiacTuring
plants, C. W. Lighthall of the
Hoover Steel Ball company report-
ed that their company spent more
than $3500 a year to remove chem-
icals from the water.
Other damages and expenses
caused by water not often noticed
are in such things as destruction
of clothes by chemicals in the wa-
ter, time to boil potatoes in soften-
ed water was found to take more
than fifty per cent less time than
in hard water, the amount of soap
used to wash clothes in hard water
was found to be about 11 times as
much as needed in soft water, also
much damage is done to plumbing
fixtures from stain and clogging of
pipes by hard water.
- After a discussion as to the ex-
penses and advantages of a water
softening plant it was decided to
postpone action till more informa-
tion was obtained by the circula-
tion of questionaires.
New Record for Power
GlidersBelieved Set
(By Associated Press)
OAKLAND, Calif., July 30.-F.
Myrten Johnston soared 14,600
feet in a two-cylinder, 30-horse-
power airplane Tuesday, setting
what is believed to be an altitude
record for power gliders. The
plane's sealed instruments were
sent to Washington, for official re-
Our WetherMan

Those who sign up for the Put-
in-Bay excursion Saturday will ex-
perience an unusually interesting
trip, according to Prof. William H.
Hobbs, head of the geologyedepart-
ment, who will be in charge of the
The party will sail from Detroit
to the island of South Bass, usually
referred to as Put-in-Bay island,
Professor Hobbs explained. This is-
land lies off the coast near San-
dusky and is famous as the place
where the battle of Lake Erie was
fought and won by Commodore
Perry, in the war of 1812. A monu-
ment in commemoration of the
event is located at this point from
which a fine view may be had, Pro-
fessor Hobbs said.
"South Bass island is also famous
for its peculiar types of caverns,"
he stated. "Unknown elsewhere,
these caverns have the forms of
mushrooms and appear to have
been produced, as shown by Dean
Kraus, through the expansion of

change caused the limestone to
swell up in mushroom-like undula-
tions, after which the lower layers
sank, leaving the, caves. One of
these caves is lined with crystals of
celestite as large as the hand. When
illuminated by electric lights the
walls and ceiling of the crystal cave
offer an impressive sight," Prof.
Hobbs said.
In another cave, ne continued,
there is a pool of water, directly
connected with Lake Erie, in which
the water has risen until stalactites,
pendant from the roof, are in part
submerged. According to Professor
Hobbs, this betrays uptilt to the
north causing the water of Lake
Erie to move from the northeast to
the southwest side of the lake.
For the class in geology, Professor
Hobbs said, there are many inter-
esting features due to wave action
on the shore of the island, and stu-
dents may observe marks of former
Reservations for this excursion

"Legislatures carry a heavy re- I
Lingle Murder Suspect sponsibility," Prof. Carr continued,
Identified by Policeman "Therefore, the legislature should
expect and receive .intelligent and
(By Associated Press) professional guidance in its ap-
CHICAGO, July 30-Frank Foster proach to problems of educational
was identified in Court today by a policy. The educators of the state
traffic policeman as the gunman he ought to have a comprehensive
chased through throngs of shop- legislative program to offer."
"This program should look to the
pers June 9 as he fled from the future, should cover the entire state
scene of the assassination of Alfred school system in its scope, and
J. Lingle, Chicago Tribune reporter, should be based upon objective re-
in the Randolph street subway to search data, should capitalize the
the Illinois Central Station. experience of other states, and
The identification was drawn should be continuously interpreted
from the witness unwittingly by to the public so that the people
Foster's own attorney and it turned may at all times know the ultimate
the tables on his effort to free the purpose and goal of their educa-
gangster from the county jail where tion system," he went on. "Such a
he has been lodged since his return program in every state for the next
10 days ago from Los Angeles, un- ten years would result in an edu-
der indictment for killing Lingle. cational renaissance which would
Anthony Ruthy, traffic officer place our state school systems on a
stationed at Michigan boulevard new plane of effectiveness."
and Randolph street, had described Legislation is almost inevitably a
the man he pursued and lost in the unifying agency, Prof. Carr said.
crowd. Education needs diversity.
(By Associated Press)
LEWELLYN PARK, New Jersey, osophy and education, and busi-
July 30.-Henry Ford sat in the sun ness.
on the estate of his old friend, "What this country needs," he
Thomas Edison, and passed an hour said, "is more bathtubs and water
of his 57th birthday discussing phil- with a kick in it."
Only last night, he added, he had
been making some notes on possi-
BASEBALL SCORES ble new industries.
American League "I was thinking," he said, "that
Detroit 6, Cleveland 5 there might be a new water pro-
New York 8-10, Boston 2-1 duced which would do good and
St. Louis 3-6, Chicago 2-1 have a kick in it. I believe there
Philadelphia 7, Washington 4 might be a great industry in that.
There are many places in this
National League country where the water is bad."
Brooklyn 9-9, Philadelphia 5-4 "What do you mean by kick?" a
New York 5, Boston 2 reporter asked.
Pittsburgh 6, St. Louis 5 "Just get dry enough and goW

R-100 was then off Belle Isle straits.
It could be estimated with fair
accuracy that the time of arrival
here would be late tomorrow prob-
ably between 4 and 6 o'clock
Radioed Safe at Sea
So far as could be told*"from mes-
sages from the airship there were
no mishaps such as injured the
success of the first ocean voyage
of the Graf, when wind tore the
covering from one of the rear stems
and exposed the great bag to the
There was plenty of evidence to-
day that interest in the arrival of
the R-100 was not confined within
national boundaries. Newspaper re-
porters and cameramen by the
dozens from the United States
gathered here today and from the
navy bureau of aeronautics at
Washington came C o m ma n d e r
Charles R. Rosenthal, chief of
American dirigibles, who has him-
self flown the Atlantic in both the
Los Angeles and the Graf zeppelin.
Liberals Will Discuss
Educational Programs
Programs of Fascist and Soviet
Education wil be discussed this eve-
ning at 7:15 o'clock at the Union,
third floor, in the third meeting of
the Liberal Discussion Group. Prof.
E. D. Grizell, Professor of Second-
ary Education in the University of
Pennsylvania will lead the discus-
"General interest in propaganda
f or promoting causes .has held the
attention. of educationists ever
since the War," said John M
Brumm, the organizer of the Dis-
cussion Group in speaking of the
choice of the subject for discus-
sion," and in the interest of devel-
oping an unbiassed and critical
print of view we must differentiate
between propaganda and educa-
Fire Damages Exhibits
in BartonArt Gallery
(By Associated Press)
BOSTON, July 30.-Fire believed
to have been of incendiary origin
swept through the John T. Barton
Art Gallery late Tuesday night,
destroying paintings valued at
thousands of dollars. The gallery
opened Monday, and although Mr.
Barton could not be located Tues-
day night, it was stated that the
collection contained: 56 pieces of
art valued at about $100,000: Fire
officials said all had been destroyed




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