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June 29, 1930 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-29

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TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1930


Ulli f 'mmer
Published every morning except MondayI
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of allnews
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news
pubjished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoflice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $i.5o; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,1
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director..........Howard F. Shout
City Editor............ Harold Warren, Jr.!
Women's Editor............. Dorothy Magee
Music and Drama Editor... William J. Gorman
Books Editor.......... Russell E. McCracken
Sports Editor ...............Morris Targer
Night Editors
Denton Kunze Howard F. Shout
Powers Moulton Harold Warren, Jr.

system, and the savings to arise!
out of the change, it is said, would
in large part pay for the installa-
tion of the plant. Every year of
delay means that the shift, when
it finally comes, will be more ex-
pensive. Why not act at once?
Ann Arbor needs a new water-
works system.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 3oo
words if possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.


I T . ATTEND THE_ __ _
/^A T"~ T f- r-^

State Street at Liberty


To the Editor:

Dorothy Adams
Helen Carrm
Bruce Manley

Cornelius H.
Sher M.


Constance M. Wethy
Telephone 21214

Assistant Business Managers
William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin
Circulation Manager ........Bernard Larson
Secretary ..............Ann W. Verner

Joyce Davidson

Dorothy Dunlap
Lelia M. Kidd

TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1930
Night Editor-Howard F. Shout
The recent discovery of contam-
ination in the open water reservoir
maintained by the city of Ann Ar-
bor, which reservoir had not beenj
cleaned for ten years, calls again
to attention the need for a better
water supply. There are few of us
who have not heard many com-
plaints about the inconveniences
caused by the hard water; and its
taste and odor are seldom appre-
ciated favorably. Despite the many
health-giving properties which it
may contain, they are outweighed
by its unfavorable qualities.
Undoubtedly there are many in-
habitants of Ann Arbor, both of the
town and the University, who have
become so a'ccustomed to the use
of this mineral water that they dis-
like intensely the idea of a 'change.
However, even these are forced to
admit the advantages accruing
from the new system as suggested

It was unfortunate that your
moving picture critic had not, ap-
parently, the advantage of read-
ing Arnold Zweig's novel before
reviewing "The Case of Sergeant
Grischa." Grischa, a simple Rus-
sian peasant, turned soldier, is tak-
en prisoner, escapes, is recaptured,
and finally is condemned to death
by a German court martial. The
i sentence is probably legal, but pal-
pably unjust. The military judge,
a radical Jew, has a passion for
justice, both in the abstract, and
as a necessary element in state-
craft. He arouses the interest of
his superior, General von Lychow,
who takes up the case partly for
similar reasons, partly out of yen-
timent, and partly because, as a
Junker of the Old Army, he resents
the interference of his own su-
perior, G e n e r a l Schieffenzahn,
whom he regards as an upstart of
the new military school. Schief-
fenzahn refuses to reverse the sen-
tence, partly for the obvious rea-
son, and partly because he sincere-
ly believes that the interests of
military discipline demand the sac-
rifice of Grischa.
These complex motives cannot be
satisfactorily explained even in a
talking picture, so there is some
reason for your critic's being puz-
zled as to why the German High
Command should disturb them-
selves about the fate of an obscure
enemy prisoner; similarly an un-
informed person might not under-
stand why French public opinion
remained heated for a decade over
the unjust condemnation of the
bourgeois Jew Dreyfus, nor why a
European War should be dedicated
to the memory of Captain Jenkin's
There is less excuse for failing to
grasp the other theme which is
manifest in the picture itself,
namely, the helplessness of the in-
dividual soldier caught in the
1 wheels of the military machine, or,
if you like, of any person entangled
in the mesh of circumstance. This
idea, a familiar enough one, but
always fascinating to the thought-
ful person, is here presented in a
novel setting, with excellent act-
ing restrained emotionalism, and a
refreshing subordination of the sex
Altogether, for one who has read
the book, "Sergeant Grischa" is one
of the best tragic pictures which
has yet been produced, while even
without that background, it is
three or four times better than the
average run of motion pictures.
S. M. Scott. ..

. THE SIGHTS 4.....I
Here's a charming individual who
writes in protesting against the
sartorial display-or lack thereof-
at the Tuesday night concerts in
Hill auditorium.
"The male costumes were con-
spicuously informal," she writes.
"One noted that a great many evi-
dently indulged in occupations
which required the 'sleeve rolled
up' angle, some were gaily attired
in fetching sweaters of one sort or
another, some of the boys were
charmingly uncombed ....
Gazelle, who sent us this bit, dis-
claims snobbery with vigor-"lest
you think I am too particular, may
I admit having indulged in Green-
wich Village habits and tastes for
several years past--but even there
one 'dresses' for such functions."
"Either be a man and jump right
in and defend the boys ... or else,
dare to agree with me that it be-
hooves the boys to look to their
galluses a little more carefully."
What say, boys? Shall we defend
you or are you going to be nice and
put on your ties, your galluses, and
your coats? .
As for ourselves, we care not
what others may think, but we
shall probably go to the concert
tonight, leaving our small children
at home, attired in the same fetch-
ing costumes which we wore twice
before and which was probably one
of the very ones Gazelle saw and
objected to. Let us picture our-
selves to you. dear reader.
0 --- --.-
Messieurs was tastefully dressed
in dark brown trousers, unpressed
save for several gigantic wrinkles
of uncertain origin, of a heavy
stuff much too much for the sum-
mer heat but about all the poor
sucker had other than the violent
athletic trunks beneath-the shade
and shape of which latter neces-
sitates the wearing of the former.
The torso was swathed in a semi-
white shirting of some indetermin-
ate material-the collar open at
the throat, the sleeves done up well
above the elbows, the tails thrust
partially-at the moment, though
not always-into the waist-band of
the trousers which were caught
about the fragile hips by an imi-
tation leather belt, much soiled, its
paper surface peeling in spots, the
buckle an indescribable affair of
worn chromium plate with chipped
enamel buckle. The shoes, thin-
soled affairs at the most, were of
a dust-gray appearance-kid in
patches, no kidding in others. The
socks were an interesting mixture
of vari-colored darning cottons,
the interstices between the darned
areas-which preponderated - be-
ing occupied by the original (fad-
ed-red) socking. The hair was
worn attractively down upon the
forehead with a tuft at the base
of the skull kept kept erect so as
to suggest a topnot of an enraged
fish-hawk. Messieurs was reason-
ably cool and indifferent to the
disapproving stares which greeted
their entrance into the brilliantly
lighted salon.
After all, Gazelle, it' too much
bother to dress, and then we always
shut our eyes when listening to
Music which has no particularly
attractive women in its audience-
dressed or otherwise-consequently
what goes on about us is of minor
Speaking of the concert tonight,
we hope you saw the program in

Sunday's Daily as announced on
the front page. We are glad "it
will include, as usual, the favorites,
'Varsity', and 'The Victors,." But
we wonder just what our Music
critic will have to say about this.
He's awfully choicey about the pro-
grams, you know, and he'll prob-
ably deplore, in a paragraph or
more, the selection of these last
We are rather pleased, however,
to see American composers get
some recognition along with all
these foreigners. After all, you
never heard of Chopin or Liszt or
Wagner writing a college march,
did you? I guess not. They didn't
have the pep. It takes the good old
U. S. A. to put things over every
time, doesn't it, friends? Write us
and let us know how you feel.
We are more and more for Amer-
ican songs at the Tuesday night
concerts. And we think it would
be good idea to have one of the
Deans as conductor, open the con-
certs with "America the Beautiful"
or some sweet song like that, too.1
We mustn't let these foreigners
crush out our native art, you'


TONIGHT: In Hill Auditorium at
8:15 Stanley Fletcher, pianist, and
Guy Filkins, organist, in the fourth
of the Faculty Concerts.
Beyond the Horizon needs no in-
troduction. It was O'Neill's first
long play. It received its first per-
formance ten years ago in a series
of trial matinees with a cast, in-
cluding Richard Bennett, selected
from various productions enjoying
regular commercial runs.
Alexander Woolcott, then dictat-
ing from the New York Times, in-
sisted that New York pay attention
to this modest production. He
called it an "absorbing, significant,
memorable tragedy". Reviewing
O'Neill's career as a one-act play-
wright with the Provincetown
Players, he decided that Beyond
the Horizon established O'Neill as
"our foremost playwright." Wool-
cott had his way. The critics of
the larger journals went to one of
those matinees.
Ludwig Lewisohn came to make
the following significant remarks
in The Nation: "The production of
O'Neill's Beyond the Horizon estab-
lishes America's kinship with the
stage of the modern world. Here
at last is a full-bodied dramatic
work which, whatever its ultimate
and absolute value, exists in the
richest sense, today . . . Mr. O'Neill
is a naturalist. And that is for-
tunate, for it is by now quite clear
that the naturalistic is the greatest
and most memorable mood of the
modern drama. It is the natural-
istic movement that is adding new
fields to our dramatic experiences,
enlarging the boundaries of imag-
inative sympathy."
Joseph Wood Krutch had an in-
teresting compliment to pay to the
same play at the time of Actor's
Club production in 1926. His gen-
eral thesis, in this book The Mod-
ern Temper, is that Tragedy in the
nobler consolatory sense of Greek,
or Elizabethan Tragedy is quite im-
possible to realize today because of
the loss of religious belief and be-
lief in man's inherent nobility. Yet
he was willing to grant that "per-
haps the real greatness of O'Neill
lies in the fact that he has come
nearer than any other American
dramatist to writing tragedy in
this best sense."
Many of us may in the reading
feel that Beyond the Horizon is on-
ly a weary monotony of nagging,
issuing from a foolish betrayal of
temperaments-a dreary sequence
of dull disasters.
At any rate, as I am trying to
suggest, the production this week
of O'Neill's play will offer an op-
portunity for thinking around these
points. Beyond the Horizon is cer-
tainly America's greatest contribu-
tion to naturalistic tragedy. Now,
when the enthusiasm for the wid-
ening of one's experience which
naturalism achieves has consider-
ably waned, one is in a position to
calmly order one's thinking about
the concept of art implied in the
naturalistic procedure.
The Tatterman Marionettes again
this summer provided two large au-
diences with an entirely amiably
hour and a half. Their newest ve-
hicle, Pan Pipes and Donkey Ears,
however, would seem to be a bit
questionable. It has considerable
gawky humour: the fine fun of un-

usual motion and unusual voices
(in the three little Pans and the
pygmy, who was marvelous). And
this delights children and adult
But as a sustained effort for
adults, it is little ineffective and
colorless. There is little amusing
life: life subtly satirised, such as
one has come to expect of mature
puppeteers. The writing for the
king and queen and Pan is quite
ordinary; and in spite of Miss
Reighard's experience, does not
seem to exploit these effects (of
rhythm, of satire, of tableaux even)
which are peculiar to the medium.
It is frequently dull: that is, when
the magic of the technique of ma-
nipulation itself has worn off.
The acts that were added to the
program in the evening, however,
were thoroughly amusing. Two of
them were dancing acts, exploiting
the gravitational freedom of the
doll. The perfection of the ensemble
in the last act was almost a sneer
at every human chorus. The second
tableaux was very droll.
Mr. Duncan's and Mr. Mabley's
voices remain as interesting and
versatile as ever. This aspect of



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by the committee of engineers whc
studied the situation in 1926.
According to the engineers' re-
port, the cost of a water systen
drawing largely from the Huror
River would be between $715,00(
and $870,000. The recommendation.,
included the construction of a new
pumping station, a water softenei
and filtration plant, and repairs
and reconstruction work on the
city mains and the reservoir. This
report was made in 1926, and sub-
sequently, another report was so-
licited by Mayor E. W. Staebler,
Notwithstanding all this, the of-
ficiaLs and also the citizens have
not seen fit to take this mattel
seriously. This can only be con-
sidered a lack of foresight, and
failure to recognize the poor qual-
ity of the present supply.
According to a responsible esti-
mate, the householders of Ann Ar-
bor pay a minimum of $153,000 an-
nually in indirect taxation for the
hard water which they use. This
does not taken into account the
enormous amounts spent for water
softeners of the small, residence
type and the larger systems used
by the University and by other lo-
cal industries.
Some of the benefits of soft wa-
ter as compared to the hard water
*now in use are listed in the manual
of the American Waterworks as-
sociation. A summary of them in-
cludes: an enormous saving in
soaps, and softening elements, the
elimination of the expense of cis-
terns, double plumbing systems,
damage to fabrics in washing, loss-
es in operation of steam boiler
plants, and heat losses in hot wa-
ter boilers and heaters. It might
also be mentioned that the usual
treatment of river water includes
the use of lime which kills many
disease germs such as those of ty-
phoid and intestinal bacteria.
Manufacturing interests are also
much more easily induced to es-
tablish plants in towns with soft-
water systems, if other conditions
are equal.
Taking into account the fact that
the present system is considered
adequate only for a few more
years, is Ann Arbor showing the
vision and progressiveness which
it should in this matter? All the

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Editorial Comment


I. p
(From the Daily Iowan)
S o m e enterprising magazine
writer has repeated to a world no
longer easily shocked the observa-
r tion that persons of "genius" usu-
ally have no children or very few.
This discovery gives him occasion
to view with horror and point with
alarm to the way he claims genius
has of cheating posterity by being
self centered and childless.
Since these persons of genius are
usually among those "in the know",
it is not unlikely that one reason
for their failure to reproduce is
birth control.
Aside from arguments on the
birth control question, does the
genius owe society children? Is
genius usually the son of genius?.
Is genius most effectively felt
through influence on its own sec-
ond generation, or for the contri-
bution it makes to society as a+
whole through its own work? Would
children of Thomas A. Edison ever
be worth as much as his Inven-
If the conflict is between creative
energy devoted to production of
literature, art, or scientific dis-
'covery and reproduction of kind,1
which is more important? .
What genius does for the world,e
good or bad, is the business of thet
world, but the family life of gen-I
ius is no more anybody else's busi-c
ness than is that of the commonk

!~kaik ue abit of
.k tic or boning, e121e
with brocade or soft
swami, to acbiev toi
DOWwande siiusw o

1. ~ +
t j
.. .


The Gossard line

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