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'Beyond the Horizon,' Tragedy
of New England Life, Will J
Open Wednesday.
First Produced in New York byl
Provincetown Players With
Richard Bennett.
"Beyond the Horizon," one of the
best known plays of Eugene O'Neill,
will be presented for four nights
beginning at 8:1 o'clock tomorrow
by the Michigan Repertory Players
of the Play Production departmentI
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
This will be the first production
of the summer season to be direct-
ed by Prof. Elmer W. Hickman, of
the Carnegie Institute of Technol-
ogy, guest director of Play Produc-
Setting in New England.
"Beyond the Horizon," a tragedy,
is a profound study of country life
in the hills of New England. Al-
though written by the author of
"Strange Interlude," the manner of
treatment is entirely different
from that of the nine act drama.
As one of the earliest of O'Neill's
plays, "Beyond the Horizon," has,
become one of the most popular of
contemporary dramas; having been
mounted throughout the country
by mapy repertory and amateur
groups. The play was revised in'
It was first produced in New York
by the Provincetown Players, meet-
ing with instant success. Richard.
Bennett appeared in the role of
Robert Mayo, the younger brother
of the, family. Robert Kelly played
the part of Andy, the sea-goingd
brother and Blanche Yurka, noted
for her performance in "The Wild
Duck," by Henrik Ibsen, achieved
success as the wife of Robert.
Director Is Widely Experienced.
Professor Hickman, who is here
'for the Summer Session, has spent
Wins Only Victory
in Davis Cup Play
Describes Methods of Marketing
in First Afternoon Lecture
of Conference.
Italian Earthquake Evidences Mountain
Growth Says Professor William H. Hobbs
rI Therecen earhnu,1rain the
slow xrfilterino' in rof news. accord-i-
"Big Bill" Tilden,
The mainstay of America's Davis
Cup team, who won the only match
of the contest against the formida-
ble French machine.
Prof. Cleo Murtland Describes
Work of Child Protection
Speaking on the subject of the
White House Conference on Child
Health and Protection to be held
in Washington in November, As-
J. B. Edmonson Says Publishers
Would Welcome Careful
Text Selection.
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education delivered the
first lecture of the week in the Aft-
ernoon'Conference series yesterday
afternoon in the auditorium of the
University high school. His subject
was "Ethical and Unethical Prac-
tices in the Marketing of Text-
Dean Edmonson presented a sum-
mary of the opinions of superin-
tendents and text-book company
representatives on present stand-
ards for selling and selecting edu-
cational works. It indicated that it
was the concensus of opinion that
the standards followed in the mar-
keting of textbooks were higher
than those followed in other kinds
of business. It was also the general
opinion that much higher stand-
ards of practice were followed in
the selecting of textbooks than were
observed a decade ago.
Training Betters Selection
"Among the influences which are
tending to develop higher 'stand-
ards in the selection of textbooks,"
Dean Edmonson stated, "are the
better training of administrative
and supervisory officers in the
techniques of selection, and the
development of a greater sense of
responsibility on the part of teach-
ers and superintendents for the se-
lection of the best type of text-
"Keener competition between
text books companies," he contin-I
ued, "has tended to raise the stand-
ards of textbook making and to
eliminate certain unethical prac-
tices in the marketing of books."
Dean Edmonson stressed the re-
sponsibility of educators for the se-
lection of textbooks and for setting
standards to govern the textbook
business. He pointed out that edu-
cators could very quickly force a
publishing house to discontinue
any of its unethical practices. He
condemned the suggestion that
state legislation was needed to in-
sure high standards of practice in
the selection of textbooks, and ex-
pressed theopinion that the teach-
ing profession should devise ways
of protecting the schools from pos-
sible corrupt influences of business
ankle of Italy has followed the pat-C ing to Professor H o b b
tern of practically all earthquakes climbing over the footl
in tal an thougouttheworld," Apennines after the 1901
n Italy and throughout the rd, related, he came upon a
said Prof. William H. Hobbs of the pletely destroyed with
geology department in an interview all the inhabitants k
yesterday. complete destruction is
"Such quakes always come with- by the fact that though
out warning, and the first shock been completely wreck
does most of the damage," Prof es- continue to build their
sor Hobbs pointed out. Dispatches deadfalls, he said. The
report other shocks which terrorize pointed out, are built
the people, he said, but these do bodlders and mortar
little harm; they represent a pen- rafters and heavy tiler
dulumn-like failing out of the dis- shocks, he said, suffice tt
turbance. roof down upon the he
Earthquakes such as this betray inhabitants.
the growth of mountains, in this "The earthquake of 1
case the Apennines, according to compulsive measures by
Professor Hobbs. "While we cannot government, requiring
predict the time, we can in some the first time in history
measure predict the place," he said. their houses according1
"The seat of this disturbance is earthquake experts," sai
between Avezzano, where quakes Hobbs, "and I dare pro
destroyed a large section of Italy in the district of Cala
east of Rome in the first year ofearthquakes will bring
the Great war, and the area visited age, for it is possible to
by the great earthquake of 1905 in hazard almost entirely."
Calabria, which I was able to study Like fireproof construc
at the time," said Professor Hobbs. quake-proof constructio
"At that time, the king and queen what more expensive,
hurried to the earthquake district the zones where earth
and were followed by a division of prevalent there can be
the regular army to render aid to for any other kind, ac
the stricken people. Communica- Professor Hobbs. Woo
tions were broken down, and it was. are quite satisfactory pr
necessary to travel on foot or in have a strong frame,
such vehicles as could be comman- cent of the houses in
deered." It is this breakdown of would be leveled by a he
communications which explains the shock, he said.
s. While
hills of the
5 quake, he1
town com- I
tilled. This
s explained
towns have
ked, people
houses as
houses, he
of rounded
with light
roofs. Light
o bring this
eads of the
Archaeologist Says Expeditions
Are Needed for Life of His
Much Ancient Money Reported
to Have Been Unearthed
by Staff.
Knocks-out British
Before Crowd of
King Directs Engineej
Reconstruction of
Cities of South
many years on the professional sociate Professor Cleo Murtland of
stage in addition to his experience the Educational School lectured be-
as director. At Carnegie Tech he fore the Women's Educational Club
is associated with Prof. Chester M. last evening.
Wallace who left here last week af- The coming conference is to be
ter acting as guest director of Play the third of such meetings held at
Production for three weeks. the call of the president to inves-
Seats are now on sale at the box tigate and study child welfare con-
office of the theatre and are priced ditions, the two previous ones hav-
at 75 cents. ing been called by Presidents;
a____n__._Roosevelt and Wilson.
iMiss Murtland reviewed the his-
tory of the work done by the two
H O L L IS T E RB P L A9i s M u t a d re i w d h -
former conferences, and explained
the organization of the coming
B 1W one. To develop plans for thise
comprehensive survey to determine
(By Associated Press)
July 28.-Whatever hopes England
had for a world heavyweight cham-
pion were blasted tonight by the
slugging fist of William L. (Young)
Stribling, pride of Georgia. The
Macon youngster knocked out Phil
Scott, gangling British title holder,
in two rounds and did it so thor-
oughly that so far as England -is
concerned, the career of their
champion is done.
A crowd of 35,000 saw Stribling
belt Falling Phill to the floor four
times in the first round, polishing
him off in the second with a smash-
ing left poke to the ribs.
Stribling completely outclassed
the Briton in the 10-round engage-
R-100, Famous British Airship
Leaves Britain on Flight I
to Montreal.
present progress and future needs,
the President appointed a planning
Weekly Program of Short Poems
and Lyrics to be Conducted 4
for Summer Students.
Prof. R. D. T. Hollister will con-
duct a program of informal read-
ings at 7 o'clock this evening in
room 302 Mason hall. It will consist
of lyrics and short poems by Robert
Browning read by students of the
Summer Session and by ProfessorI
Professor Hollister yesterday an-,
nounced that the readings will be'
held weekly throughout the sum-
mer. They will be conducted in the
same place every Tuesday from 7
to 8 o'clock.
"The programs," Professor Hol-
lister stated, "are designed to give
those interested a chance to read
This evening's program will begin
promptly at five minutes past sev-
en. Those who attend have been re-
quested to be seated before that
S. T. Dana to Leave
for Vacation in Maine
Samuel T. Dana, dean, of the
school of forestry and conserva-
tion and professor of forestry will
leave soon for a summer vacation
at the Isle of Springs, haven for
vacationers on the coast of Maine,
it was reported recently.
Dean Dana will spend the re-I
mainder of the summer. there, and
committee of 27 persons whose Publishers Act Ethically
national interests were closely re- "The great majority of publish-
lated to the work at hand. Three ing houses," he said, "would wel-
Michigan people, Frank Cody of come an agressive attitude on the
Detroit, Mrs. Bina West Miller, of part of the teachers in the direc-
Port Huron, and Mrs. Elizabeth A. tion of the elimination of any brib-
Perkins, of Ann Arbor, are in the ery, trickery, or political manouver-
principal group. ing in the selection of textbooks."
It is hoped that out of the find- The material presented by Dean
ings of the Conference there will Edmonson is a part of a report
be formulated unified programs which will be published in 1931 as
through which the interests of all a Yearbook of the National Society
children will be forwarded. for the Study of Education.
Students at Camp Filibert Roth,,
the summer station of the School!
of Forestry and Conservation, are
occupying them elves with various
types of work, ranging between
plowing firelines and playing base-{
ball, according to Dean S. T. Dana,
who returned from the camp last
Besides cutting the fireline, which
surrounds the camp, and doing the
American League
Philadelphia 6, New York 5
Cleveland 7, Detroit 6
Chicago 6, St. Louis 5
Only games scheduled.
National League
Brooklyn 2, Boston 0
New York 5, Philadelphia 4
Chicago 3-5. Cincinnati 2-3
regular class work, the studentsa
h a v e constructed a permanent
look-out tower to replace an older
one built in a high tree.
+hThere are three large cabins at
the camp, one containing class-
rooms and bunks is appropriately
named "Angell hall." The m e s
cabin is known as "The Union,"
while a third cabin, containing lab-
oratories and a photographic dark-
'r o o m is called the "Engineering
building." The camp is full prac-
tically to capacity.
Dean Dana spent a day looking
over the Mackinac Purchase unit
of 280,000, while at the camp, with
W. F. Barker, the supervisor in
charge. He has also spent some
time on field. trips.
Two baseball teams meet for
league games every Monday. The
games are of the high scoring type,
(By Associated Press)
CARDINGTON, England, July 28.
-The R-100, famous Britisn dirig-
ible airship will start her flight to
Montreal at 3 o'clock tomorrow.
morning (9:30 p. m. today e. s. t.)
it was announced by the Air Min-
istry this evening.
All was ready on board the huge
craft and weather conditions, as
disclosed in official reports, were
considered favorable for the start
of. the voyage.
The official route to be taken, it
was said, would depend on the com-
mander's discretion immediately
before and during the actual flight.
It was believed the conditions fore-
cast indicated the northern course
would be followed. Perhaps the
great circle course by way of the
north of Ireland to a point south
of Cape Farewell, Greenland, across
Labrador and along the St. Law-
rence river to the St. Huber Air
station at Montreal, approximately
3,385 miles.
Our Weather Man
Made all speed today to tell us
that Tuesday would be generally
fair and cooler with west to north
westerly winds. Slightly cooler
.wona i a+ ale nQaf n e-
M (By Associated Pr
ROME, July 28. -
housing construction
stricken population<
Italy who lost their h(
week's devastating quo
gin tomorrow.
The distribution of
was regular and sanit
were in operation., I
ports, Premier Mussol
number of dead and
not changed appreciab
last reports when the 1
ed 2,122 dead and 4,551
Partly aided by a fl
contributions from Am
tives and by aid from
ment and large corn
Italy, the quake region
structed on lines laidc
ally by King Victor
himself. During his v
the king was inform(
ruined section of Mel
houses built on the
ruins of 1815.
"Then," said the Kin
be logical to buildc
ground this time. n
The houses, moreovei
being constructed of
with little mortar, as
will be of earthquake r
terial. The same prin
applied to all the strick
Prof. Francis B. Hag
of State Teachers coll
burg, Pennsylvania, w
lecture, "The Child in
tionalMachine," at 4
afternoon in the audit
University high school
the ninth speaker on ti
Conference series spon
School of Education.
Professor Haas nas
iant career in the fiel
tion. In 1913 he was w
adelphia School of P
1920, after a period as
ary school principal, 1
nected with the state
of public instruction
vania. Since 1924 he hi
superintendent of scho
sylvania. In 1925 Pr(
was electeri vice-nres
Some departments of the Univer-
905 lead to sity have apparatus for research
the Italian right here on the campus, but work
people for in archaeology would s t a g n a t e
y to rebuild without operations going on at con-
to plans by siderable distances, remarked Prof.
d Professor Leroy Waterman of the Semitics
)phesy that department, speaking yesterday on
bria future "The Michigan Archaeological Ex-
little dam- pedition in Mesopotamia."
remove the The expedition, working 20 miles
south of Bagdad at the narrowest
tion, earth- point between the Tigris and Eu-
n is some- phrates rivers in Iraq, is almost
but within 8,000 miles from Ann Arbor, he said.
quakes are It is drawn to such a distance by
no excuse the lure of lost cities, "derelict" cit-
ecording to ies, of which there are several in
den houses Babylonia, he stated.
ovided they When Professor Waterman de-
but 99 per cided several years ago to investi
Ann Arbor
Annh earbor gate, the ancient palace of Opis, it
althy earth developed that theauthorities on
geography did not know its exact
location. Xenophon, returning from
Cunaxa, passed the site and gives
us the name Opis in his "Anabasis,"
according to Professor Waterman.
AS TheXenophon maps, however, were
practically useless for locating the
site, he said.
Trace Buried Cities
rs Plans for The staff of the expedition stud-
Wrecked ied references in ancient literature
Italy and discovered that there would be
Iy three or possibly four cities if the
T RISEsite were found, he added. Follow-
TO ing hints from the works of Strabo,
they traced a moat, which with a
wall had been constructed by Neb-
- Temporary uchadnezzar between Sipar and
for the Opis, and reached some large
of southern mounds. The remains, about five
ames in last miles in circumference, stood in the
ake will be- desert about two miles from the
food now Tigris. The work of three seasons
tary servicesIon the mound and the work of a
:n latest re- German expedition at Ctesiphon,
ini said the opposite it, indicates that the river
injured had once flowed between the two cities,
ly since thehi
list number- The city of Opis was found to
1 injured. have dropped out of sight, Profes-
low of cable sor Waterman asserted. Selucia had
ierican rela- been built upon it, and the large
the govern- scale work last season proved that
porations in two levels built by the Parthians
will be con- lay above Selucia. At the bottom of
down gener- the mound is Ak Shak, a Sumerian
Emmanuel city dating back to 3000 B.C.
isit to Melfi, Tnearth Parthian House
ed that the The expedition has unearthed a
fi contained house in the Parthian levels with a
sites of the court 60 feet square and the re-
mains of an altar. Another discov-
ig, "it would ery was a tomb which contains sevy
on different eral vaults, one intact, holding
many valuable curiosities.
r, instead of By airplane photographs, a regu-
huge stone lar design of blocks was discovered
at present, in the ruins, Professor Waterman
esisting ma- said. The workmen excavated one
ciple will be block and unearthed a large build-
:en towns. ing which the staff has decided to
be a Parthian palace.
DRESS Among other discoveries are tax
receipts in Greek which give dates
to the city of Selucia. A sealed jar
with a bronze cylinder containing
s, president a fabric like papyrus was also un-
ege, Blooms- earthed. Much ancient money has
ill deliver a been brought out, Professor Water-
the Educa- man remarked, about half a bushel
o'clock this having been taken last year.
orium of the An Arb Wat P
. He will be
he Afternoon Health Officer States
sored by the Ann Arbor's water supply, con-
trary tao reports circulated yester-
naa a brill- day, is not contaminated, according
d of Educa- to an announcement made yester-
ith the Phil- day by Dr. John A. Wessinger, city
edagogy. In health officer. During the week-
an element- end the reservoir was thoroughly
he was con- sterilized with chloride of lime to
Aat iLLUVf 4.JULLt UL Iof ±1IJeivLni4UU
of Pennsyl-
as been state[
gals of Penn-
ofessor Haas
ident of thel
remove sources of conzamrnation
said to have been found there sev-
eral days ago, and the water sup-
ply is now believed to be pure.
City water department records
I show that the reservoir was last