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July 21, 1929 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-21

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Researches. To Result in Organiza-
tion To Control Republic's
Forest Consumption
Sailing August 10 on the S. S.
American Legion, Professor D. M.
Matthews, professor of forest man-
agement in the School; of Forestry,
leaves for Brazil to study the
Brazilian forests and to organize a
Federal Forest Service at the re-
quest of the Brazilian government
and the Tropical Research Founda-
tion, Washington, D. C. Acting
upon the request of the govern-
ment of the South American repub-
lic, the Board of Regents has
granted Professor Matthews a six
months leave of absence. He will
return to the University at the be-
ginning of the second semester
next year.
Forest Tour
The first/ two or three months of
Professor Matthews' trip will be
spent in touring the forests of the
country. He will probably ascend
the Amazon river as far as Manaos,
making a hurried inspection of the
region. Most of his investigations
will center upon the districts where
agriculture has begun to encroach
upon the forest. The last six weeks
of hic rt'r xillb hp tnn in Rio di

New Premier



Forced Down C


Great Britain and France intervene
To Prevent Further Troub'e
In Eastern Asia

Premier Juliu Maniu
Who recently quelled an at-
tempted coup d'etat in Bucharest
in which over 200 persons, most of
them artillery officers, were arrest-
ed. It is suspected that Vintilia
Bratianu, last of the Bratianu dic-
tators, who have ruled Roumania
Ifor 48years. was implicated in the
abortive bouleversement.
Makes Trip From Detroit To Ad-
dress Summer Session Students
In League Theater

Carl Lindegren, Noted Vocalist,
and Emily Mutter, Violinist,
Will Appear
The program for the fourth fac-
ulty concert Tuesday evening at
8:15 in Hill Auditorium will give
the music loving students of the
Summer Session an opportunity to
hear a wide variety of selections by'
distinguished musicians. The ar-'
tists are largely guests appearing
upon the invitation of the School
of Music and will offer groups of
vocal, violin, and ensemble num-
Conservatory Head To Sing
The vocalist of this concert is
Carl Lindegren, head of the Voice
department at the Normal Con-
servatory of Music, Ypsilanti. Mr.
Lindegren is a distinguished bass
who has appeared on the concert
stage in many cities. At one time
Mr. Lindegren was a student in the
University School of Music after
which he studied extensively under
masters in New York City.
Emily Mutter, violinist, a former
student of the University School of
Music, now a member of the violin
faculty at the Michigan! State Nor-
mal Academy, will also appear as
guest soloist. She has been heard

"Not only a longer lifetime, an (v Associated Press)
increased health cycle and work NANKING, China, July 21.-The
cycle, but also an augmentation of j=r..jistate council of the National Gov-
the power of living is the objective ernment last night decided to sever
of the life extension group," de- all relations with Russian diplo-
dared Dr. Eugene L. Fisk, medical 'matic officials, who will be request-
director of the Life Extension In- 4 .ed to leave China. The Nationalist
stitute in his lecture yesterday aft- ,4 Government has requested Ger-
ernoon before the fifth Public many to take over 'direction of
Health Institute. ,tChinese affairs in Russia, since all
There exists a vast opportunity for Chinese diplomatic officials will be
improving living conditions, fo withdrawn.
raising the physical standards of j.The council drew up a proclama-
the people, and for clearing up a Capt. Ross G. Hoyt tion explaining the position of
great deal of social misery that is Flying from Mitchell Field, New 'Chade preset chisignaturill
inevitably bound up with all men- York, to Nome, Alaska, was forced be made public at the signature of
tal and physical ill according to down at Vanderhoff, British Col- th the fve Yuas.
Dr. Fisk. umbia, after his fuel gave out in a lthough the text has not yet
Outlines Work ba.ttle against adverse winds. His been released it was unnecessary
"The work of the Life Extension first hop. was 1,030 miles to Mm- that since China and Russia find
Institute is strictly in the pre-clini- neapolis, which he completed in the Kellogg pact outlawry of war,
China has,. been forced to take
cal field. It gives no treatment and seven. hours, and after refueling,p
G E peaceful means to terminate Rus-
makes no dtiagnoses. It collects1 continued to make a night flight sian propaganda in Manchuria. It
facts which enable it to act as a: to Edmonton, Alberta.
guide, philosopher, and friend to sia has moved to interrupt Inter-
its patrons and steer them in the [[ ! national communication between
right direction. Of course the ul- the two countries and that if war
timate result is to bring under med-r becomes inevitable the responsibil-
ical supervision of the practicing ity then rests solely on the Rus-
profession a vast number of peo- Isians, despite their signifying their
ple who would otherwise drift along agreement with the Kellogg pact.
perhaps for years without seeking Ben Hedges, Captain-elect of Tigers,; Plan No Invasion
medical attention," he stated. Leads Princeton-Corne'l Squad China and Russia disavowed any
Specialists and Surgeons To Brilliant Victory intention of invading the other, but

Lecturer Says Physician and Doctor
Must Be Confined to Disease
in Early Stages

oz ns stay wi De spenui nioue
Janeiro, were he will draw up !Dr. Samuel Forrer has been in Ann Arbor on several occasions
lanirs, werehe illdraw up aobtained by the Student Christian [ and has won great distinction for
plans for the organization of a Association for the first convoca- heri artistic interpretations and at-
ed lFoest Srvce tion of the Summer Session to be tractive personality.
Feels .World's Need !held at 8 o'clock this evening in
Writing in a recent issue of the the Lydia Mendelssohn theater of The Program
Michigan Alumnus, Professor Mat- the Women's League Building. The I Quartet in G, Op. 60, No. 1
'thews says, "The new countries, subject of his lecture will be "The -R. Bohni!
especially those of the tropics, are Secret of Victory." Andante con moto, allegroI
just beginning to feel the pressure A graduate of Princeton Univer- moderato
of the world's need for increased sity, Dr. Forrer holds the degrees Andante
production. The temptation to of Ph,D. and D.D. After 10 years Allegro
meet increased demands by tap- residence in Erie, Pa., he came to Double Quartet
ping new reservoirs of fertility as Detroit a few years ago to occupy Oh, Isis and Osiris (from Magic
represented by virgin forest areas, the pulpit of the Jefferson Pres- Flute...............Mozart
is an overwhelming one and no- byterian church. He has an en- Le Tambour Majour ..... Thomasj
where 'is the temporary reward viable reputation as a scholar and 'Serenade ........ ..Brahms
greater than in the tropics; ...... is widely known as the author of, Sing ye a joyful song.....Dvorak
the effect which the ill-advised re- several books. In view of his ex-
moval of forest cover may have on perience and reputation as an in- Mr. Lindegren
the productive capacity of other spiring speaker all those who at- Londonderry Air .......... Kreisler
permanent agricultural areas in tend are assured of an excellent Zigeurnerweisen ......... Sarasate

"Doctors must be both health -
counselors and healers. We shall, SCORE 9 FIRSTS TO 3
always need the surgeon and the
specialist and the general prac- (y Associated Press)
titioner, but, as time goes on, they NEW YORK, July 21.-Breakin
will deal with the earlier stages the spell that for eight years has
of disease and hence their own sat-' held them powerless to defeat their;
isfaction in their work will be in- English cousins on track and field.
creased, as well as the satisfaction the capable athletes of Princeton
of their patients, because the ratio and Cornell rose in their might to-
of cures will be higher. The pub- day, and overwhelmed Oxford ancj
lic must be educated to expect serv- Cambridge by a score of 9 first'

it was clearly recognized


the region, is rarely considered."
Brazil Aware and Active
He continues to state that Brazil
has already become aware of the
necessity for action in this matter
and is putting into full effect a
comprehensive forest law which,
was approved some years ago. This
law involves the organization and
development of a modern forest
service whose responsibility it will
be to promote a profitable and con-
servative utilization of forests.
In order to execute this project,
the Brazilian government secured
the assistance of the Tropical Re-
search Foundation which has al-
ready outlined an administrative
forest policy. In accepting the re-
sponsibility, the Foundation called,
upon the University of Michigan
for its active cooperation since it
regards the University as par-j
ticularly well-qualified to be of

This convocation of the Student
Christian Association is to take the
place of evening worship which is
not held by the churches during
the summer months.I
Prof. Thomas E. Rankin, of Carle-
ton College, will deliver a lecture
tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock in
Natural Science Auditorium on the
subject, "Matter and Mianner in
Modern Poetry."
Author of numerous texts deal-
ing with English and Rhetoric and
frequent contributor to literary
and critical magazines, Professor
Rankin was the former acting
head of the rhetoric department
of the College of Literature. Science

Miss Mutter
Aftonstanning (Evening Song)
(Swedish) .....Peterson-Berger
Ter Svinherde . Swedish Folk Song

ice in the earlier stages of dis-
ease. They must not wait until "si-
lent" sickness becomes audible be-
fore they regard it. They mustI
constitute the medical profession
a detective organization searching'
for the earliest signs of these men-
acing conditions and making avail-
able the scientific knowledge and
equipment that we now have for
dealing with pathological states,"
declared Dr. Fisk.

Clorinda ..................
Barrack Ballad (Kipling) .
Mr. Lindegren

.... Bell

Mi viejo amor (Arranged by Women's League To
Maddy)..................Oteo Give Tea For Clu
The Rosary (Arranged byj
Maddy) ................. Nevin' Entertaining in honor of t
The Hallelujah (Messiah) ar- Cosmopolitan club, the Wome:
ranged by Ernest Fritsche) League will give a tea from 3:30
-Handel 5:30 next Wednesday afternoon
Double Quartet the garden cloister.


Women's Club To Give and the Arts.
First Twilikht Picnic Author of many books on Rhe-
toric and English, .his best known
Instead of the regular Monday ones are History of American Lit-
night lecture, the Women's Educa- j erature and Adventures In Essay
tion club meeting for this week Reading.
will be a picnic. The members are During the Summer Session Pro-
to meet at the Women's League at fessor Rankin is acting as guest
5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. professor of the rhetoric depart-
Games, stunts, and music will take ment and is conducting a course
the place of a formal program. I in the study of the nature and the
Only one more meeting of the significance of the drama and the
club will be held during the Sum- technique of playwriting. The
mer Session, on Monday evening, course is similar to the popular one
July 29. Arrangements for this which he conducted while a mem-

Requests For Dormitory Rooms
Are Exceeding Accommodations
"Considering the fact that a sity for two or three consecutive
great many more women apply for summers. It is almost always th<
rooms in the dormitory than can case that they prefer to return to
possibly be accommodated, the pop- the same house," added Miss Lytle
ularity of large houses for women "I believe that dormitory life
seems to be very evident," stated allows many friendships, duet to
Betsy Barbour house, in a recent the large number of women who
interview. "Requests fdr reserva- are living in one house. On the
tions are made between November other hand, it provides for inde-
and February of the preceding pendence, since it is always pos-
year, and early in April notices are sible for each student to be alone
sent to those women who have ap- for work or study. At the same
plied for rooms, stating definitely time, one can always find com-
that the reservation has or has not panionship," Miss Lytle observed.
been made." "I feel that the dormitory is
"Most of those residents who do really a part of college life, and
not join sororities return to the l that the woman who has lacked
dormitory the following years, and the opportunity of living in a dor-
remain there until they have grad- mitory has missed what seems to
uated," Miss Lytle continued. "Be- me to be an essential part of the
sides that, we have many graduate college atmosphere," was Miss

places to 3.
Ben Hedges of Plainfield, N. J.
Princeton captain-elect, rorAped1
to victory in all of the 12 event,,
except the 100 yard dash, quarter
mile and one-half mile run.
These three classic cinder-path
events went to the Oxford and
Cambridge forces, but their mern
were outclassed in the field events
and beaten even in the hurdllr
races where the English have hoped
to make their finest showing.
Tisdall Falls
But for a bad header take byR.#
M. M. Tisdall of Cambridge, as he
leaped the final barrier five yards
ahead of the field, the invaders
might have taken the two-twenty
yard low hurdles. As it was John.
Lincoln, of Princeton, who up tr(
that moment had looked like noth-
ing more than a good runner up,
went on to win while Tisdall strug-
gled to his feet and smiled game-
ly. Hedges cleared six feet, two'
inches in the high jump, one-half
an inch better than the mark set
by C. T. Van Greisel, of Cambridge,
in 1925. Another Princeton ath-
lete, John E. Gore, covered the
mile in the new record time of z
minutes, 23 seconds fiat, 4-5 of e
second faster than H. B. Stallard
of Cambridge, travelled in 1921.
Orson C. Daman, of Cornell, won
the two mile run in 9 minutes.
33 4-5 seconds, bettering the 1926j
mark of T. C. Fooks, of Cambridge,
by a full 11 seconds. Tom Hamp-
son, of Oxford, beat out Bob Gar-
land, of Princeton, by two feet, giv-
ing his team one record to take
back to England, his brilliant one
minute 56 seconds, slicing 4-5 of a
second off. the half mile running
march, made by B. G. D. Rudd, of
Oxford, in 1921, the year these in-

border incidents constituted the
chief danger to peace.
At Moscow, Jan E. Rudzutak, act-
ing head of the Soviet govern-
ment, declared it was not neces-
sary for Secretary 'Stimson to re-
mind Russia of: its duties as a sig-
natory of the Kellogg pact, and
said that "unless the Chinese gov-
ernment commits a warlike act we
shall stand loyally by the pact."
Great Britain Intervenes
The British foreign office an--
1 nounced it had informed the
United States and France that
Britain associated itself with the
efforts these governments are mak-
ing to bring about relaxation in
the Chinese Russian tension.
The text of the official govern-
ment ani. x.cement was as fol-
"His majesty's government has
informed the United States and
French ' governments that they
entirely associate themselves with
the effort which those governments
are making by friendly advice to
both sides to bring about relaxa-
tion of the tension that has arisen
between the governments of Chinrt
and the Union of Soviet Socialist
Naval Activity Reported
Official reports from Manchuria
I said that Soviet gunboats had
'moved down the Amur river to its
junction with theSungari river, F,
waterway penetrating the heart o
'Manchuria. Harbin is located on
the Sungari.
Aengo news agency reports from
Harbin said four Soviet gunboats
had appeared at the confluence of
the Amur and the Sungari, on the
northeast Manchurian boundary.
Three Chinese gunboats were sent
down the Sungari to reinforce the
three already in that vicinity.
The official reports stated that
Soviet airplanes were making dem-
onstration flights over border
" towns. The Japanese general staff
estimated the Russian concentra-
tion opposite Manchuli was equiv-
alent to one division with cavalry,
while an arny corps, based at
Khabarovsk, on the Amur river.
was moving its main strength in

.'F .

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