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July 21, 1929 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-21

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rA(.* TWU
2tirummir Ience today. Prohibition enforce-
tt w ent arguments, if they have any
ir 43 anit a i place at all, have one in the front
of the village store.
Published- every morning except Monday 0


SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1929


V usican Drama12

during the University Sum
the Board in Control of Stu
The Associated Press is
titled to the use for republic.-
dispatches credited to it o:
credited in this papertand the
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann A
postoffice as second class ma
Subscription by carrier.
Offices: Press Building,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4
Editorial Director..........B
Women's Editor ...........
City Editor......... .
Music and Drama Editor.. I
Books Editor............Lav
Sports Editor............S.I
Night Edito
Howard F. Shout
S. Cadwell Swanson
Charles Askrer

mer Session by 1
dent Publications. NICARAGUAN CANALj
exclusively en- President Hoover has authorized
ration of s11 nown
r not otherwise the formation of a commission to
survey the project of building a
- Nicaraguan Canal to take over part
krbor, Michigan,~
rbtter. of the traffic on the Panama Ca-
$I.,o; by mail nal. Congress recently gave its
Maynard Street, stamp of approval to the commis-
- sion, which is to consist of both
TAFF army -and civil engineers.
925 Although the cost is estimated in
the neighborhood of one billion dol-.
)ITOR lars, it is believed that the project
KLEIN will prove worthy and beneficial to
3oward F. ShoutA
Margaret Eckels Aerica and to the nations of ther
Charles Askrea world. Any action which stimu-
i. Leslie Askren
wrence R. Klein lates world commerce is a beneficial
Cadwell Swanson action, a movement toward peace,
Iar e and a boon for internationalism.
Walter Wilds
Harold Warren Add these considerations to the
n i enormous income from the work
Ledru Davis !which results afterward, and the,
Margaret Harris fact that the canal is in the directI
steamer channel, and the wisdom of
it t tnO~ifn io " n o-f M_


Reviewed by R. Leslie Askren
It was intimated in yesterday's
review of this play that some of
the features of the acting in the
production would be discussed to- I
day. The discussion that the Fla-(
vin opus had aroused seemed to
justify giving over so much space(
to its examination, particularly in
view of some of the editorial opin-
ions that had been expressed in1
this space.,
Of the production in general it I
is only obvious to remark that thel
acting in it was worthy of a finer1
play. In many respects "Children
of the Moon" is the farthest step
Play Production has taken in the
matter of acting. Perhaps it is the
excellence in this respect that pre-1
judices against Flavin's creation.#

A Review by W. J. Gorman
Perhaps it is not necessary to
analyze a play, the weaknesses of
which each audience must have felt
quite strongly. But as the play was
deemed worthy of the care that
went into its production, it should
be worthy of analysis. More im-
portant though, the legitimacy of
the subject matter, long ago es-
tablished in a number of plays by
Flavin's master, Ibsen, arouses one's
curiosity as to the reason for the
baseness of the finished product in
this case.
The most obvious defect is, of
course, the extreme awkwardness of
Flavin's exposition. This is pecu-
liar in a pupil because Ibsen's re-
trospective method, his amazing

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t O rC
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The Choicest of Wholesome Foods

Ben Manson
Dorothy Magee

Mrs. Anna Kalmbach

Paul Showers

Its COnsmi(Ition 1.q n.nnn.rant


g dP One difficulty in pointing out the skill in unfolding the past natur-
BUSINESS STAFF advantages all tend to make Pres-
ident Hoover's move a wise one; most excellent performance is in ally and quickly, is one of the per-
Telephone 21214 and we are thus introduced to th the necessity for distinguishing fections in his dramatic technique
.r . . skill from picturesque character
BUSINESS MANAGER first engieerig project of an en- portrayal. Robert Wetzel played a most commented on. Flavin's ex-
LAWRENCE E. WALKLEY gieer's administration, flawless character part, but the position takes place in a series of
Assistant Business Manager..........Vernor Davis problem for him was to accentuate slow, dull dialogues which are
Publications Manager .. ................Egbert Davis
Circulation Manager............Jeanette Dale , Editorial Comment already obvious characteristics. crudely these: the sergeant and
Accounts Manager........................Noah Bryant INorman Brown's problem was to the butler let us know of the aces-
creat( a character from the rather dent and of the fogs; charming do-
THElLIBERAL UNIVERSITY meager, ordinary lines of the Ma-dg
Night Editor-Charles A. Askren (l orjor. He need not have done that mestic scene between Jane and her
(Daily Northwestern)f
SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1929 jeven; he might have gone through grandmother sets forth the love af-
In our fancy we often imagine the play interpreting his part mere- fair; the grandmother and the doc-
PROHIBITION ARGUMENT ourselves as sole proprietor of a ly as the stock type of hero and tor in conversation analyze quite
large and wealthy university of his performance would have been elaborately the mother's character
The erm f pohibtio arg- adequate. But he chose instead to j
ment has broken into another sup- which we are chancellor, president, kr and the significance of her return,
make a splendid character out of an;hIiniiac f e eun
posedly impregnable stronghold in board of trustees and exclusive con- Major Bannister-a character of promptly destroying such suspense
America. The eightieth convention troller. All the opportunities in the great self control, considerable as was created by the previous an-
of the American Medical Associa- world for making the ideal univers- depth of feeling, but withal a man nouncement of her return to the
tion, which for years has avoided ty! Which we will now do. conscious of his social obligations butler, and enabling the audience
almost all subjects which might The Ideal University will be a above his emotional desires; in fact, to sit back calmly and murmur,
lead to bitter antagonism and dis- man's school, that much is certain, the type of man Galsworthy must 'so that's how it is.' Significantly
sension in its organization, was a aedanhs a eatfo
startled atw irgnt n, adds as fter just hearing the comments have drawn his Mat Denant from enough, the one element in the first
startled last week in the address of of the girl next to us in Sociology A in "Escape." Brown achieved this act that is not strictly expository,
Wliliam Sydney Thayer, Baltimore ibymselueofteugsiv
y this morning. It will be limited to by masterly use of the suggestive that of the grotesque added by the
physician and poet, when he de-
physnced-estreae ton he e- one thousand but the limitation half-gesture, by fine control of his vivid appearance of the moon-gaz-
nounced all legislation against the will not be on the basis of passing body and by sensitive inflection of ing judge, is the most interesting
rights of men to use intoxicating college board examinations but on his voice. If his characterization bit in the act. But even that is
liquor.',the interest and knowledge dis- was noti obviously noticeable it was made to have an expository intent
Thayer strongly condemned any Iplayed in a few broadly cultural the more a tribute to his skillful when it becomes the cause of Jane's
legislation which attempts to rule and universal matters of interest work. explanation to the Major of the
on "what we may eat or drink, as like history, sociology, literature, Almost in the same category nature of the insanity. An audi-
to how we may dress, as to our re- current politics and political sci- comes Florence Tennant with her ence must surely resent so clear a
ligious beliefs, or as to what we ence. altogether delightful interpretation picture as this first act affords of
may or maynot read." He strongly lass attendance ill not be com- of the grandmother. "Granite" a craftsman tearing his hair be-
exhorted the association to turn its pulsory, nor will "cuts" be awarded seems to have receded far enough cause theatrical convention won't
influence against Prohibition, de- on a cut-and-dried basis, or on any into the memory distance that her' allow him to attach a short ex-
Glaring "This is no longer repub- woki oIardb etga s o
lican government. g is tyranny. basis at all. Discussion will super- work is not marred by vestigial pository paragraph to the pro-
In t g rne. Ingishtypak- sede the obsolete lecture. Why the mannerisms, but the technique that grams.
In the long run we English-speak-
,, survival of the medieval lecture made her so successful in that play1 The difficulties in the second act
The remarks of Mr. Thayer and system in this day and age of uni- she seems to have brought to bear are perhaps more interesting be-
the trouble which immediately versal use of the printed page? on her present role, with the re- cause they can stimulate psycholo-
arose in that august gathering o j Classroom contacts will be free and sult that careful thought on voice, gical and aesthetic comment. An
eminent doctors and scientists are informal; forums, where smoking carriage and manner has; produced impressive condemnation would be
evidences of the fact that the Pro- spermitted. All students will be a very vivid characterization. Only that the act makes the much-
eideineso the facttg ther- housed in comfortable residences in one respect has this mechanical- awaited cathartic effect in the
ibitoqutonisampltnhAtron the campus and grouped as best ism been overdone and that is in! third act absolutely impossible (a
ica into two camps, and that ourposbe(
national unity and peace of mind suits their tastes, separately and the grandmother's constant sway- fact which Flavin by. his gloriously
t d b dl uih- collectively. ling on her feet. Almost hypnotic ,romantic and improbable ending of

... ..
. . .

July Clearance

One grouping in prints and pique
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smaller sizes with

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One grouping in prints, chambrays, English broadcloths, etc.
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One grouping in pique, garbardines, prints and voiles, in sizes
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Dark long'sleeve Dresses in plain, printed and flat silk crepes
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mediate ages . . . values up to $12.95 are included for
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Closing 0 t al

1s being des roye Dy enlM5 ess
bling and wrangling throughout'
the country. Our churches, homes,
offices-yes-even our schools are
full of propaganda and turmoil1
over the very smiple "to drink or
not to drink." At no place can a
number of citizens collect that the
arguing does not begin; and the
whole commercial as well as social
world is being disrupted by it.
It seems' scarcely necessary to
mention that a little quiet on either

Athletics will be for everybody
and contests expressly for the stu-
dents and not for the public.
Coaches and trainers will all be
drawn from the student body; thel
library will be as fine a piece of
property as the gymnasium and as
handsome as the stadium, if there
is any. Donors of gifts will be re-
quired to leave them with no
strings attached and under no cir-
cumstances will the university un-

in its effect on the audience, it is
nevertheless unfair to the stock
stage grandmother who immemor-I
ially has been a little stiff in the
Grandfather Atherton is an-t
other proof of Robert Wetzel'st
grasp of "character" problems, and
his brilliant ability to solve them i
through eccentricities of makeupi
and manner. His voice, distinctlyI
of "type" caliber, was eminently an

the play may possibly have recog-
nized). The main defect is the
faulty characterization. The moth-
is ladled out so obviously that she
can't be taken seriously by the in-
tellectuals whose main pleasure in
tragedy is the enjoyment of the
activity of the imagination mirror-
ing truthfully intense life. None
but the sadist or, another way, the
masochist can relish her first
ghastly entrance, her quarrel with

side, and some attempt to recon- dertake research or provide favor- asset in this case. And with him ! the grandmother, her torture of her
cile the views of the two groups able publicity for industrial or com- comes Rupert Cortright as the but- daughter. There is tragedy impli-
would result, very probably, in mercial interests. ler. Cortright has interpreted him cit in all these situations but to the
something definitely constructive. The humanities and liberal arts sanely, as a human being, and his (normal, she is unbearable because
This idea was embodied in Mr. will be the only subjects of instruc- violation in spite of the lines-of its normality and to Flavin's lack
Thayer's address, and in the Wick- Ition; music and art will be in as thelstock characteritofhaughtys-of isprmation ind ti chari' act b
ersham proposal to some extent. wide favor as corporation finance the stock characteristic of- haughty of spiration in this character by
At any rate, some attempt to and marketing in most other humility suggests that perhaps atflaughing heartily at many of her
agree on the differences might not schools. last a real butler has been played actions, in no manner funny. If
be such a bad thing, since it would Student publications will be ab- on this campus. one could forget normality and
clear up all troubles and point the solutely free from all censorship Elizabeth Whiteman is an extra- come off the intellectual high-horse
way to greater uniformity of en- I and discussion of campus interests ordinary example of casting to there is a banquet of emotions in
forcement. encouraged. Men of the Clarence type. Her first entry was a vivid this second act and in its end a
When members of the American Cook Little and the Meikeljohn dramatic experience. But her sub- calm resembling a catharsis - but
Medical Convention presume to type will feature the faculty. The I sequent performance showed the the calm is one of emotional ex-
bring prohibition into the limelight Ph.D. will not guarantee its owner weaknesses of that type of casting. haustion, not at all pleasant.
in this way, it is a cue to a hun- permanent tenure of a teaching Her gestures, facial contortions and The third act needs little com-
dred other small organizatians to post, and the LL.D. will not neces- voice levels showed not so much ment. It consists of a little medical
announce their views on questions sarily be at a great advantage over careful planning in an effort to discussion, a little more horror at
with which they are in no way re- the A.M. or the B.S. in matters of achieve dramatic interpretation as the telescope, and an impossible
lated also. salary. sincere desire in Miss Whiteman as ending, made possible by nothing1
The law enforcement commission And so we might go on, catalog- a person to rise to emotional inherent in the major's character
would do well to turn its attention ing, describing, de-limiting. We heights, and the result was monot- but by a combination of circum-
to problems of real importance in I hope our idea is clear: that our col- ony. stances.
the field of legislation, rather than lege would be, in the best sense Charlotte Orr was an immensely It was inevitable that something
to waste time on the matter of reg- of the word, a liberal one. That it improved Jane from her Mabel in like "Children of the Moon" should
""; + A I- - -- . .---_ ..1..


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uuating liquid diet, and the Ameri-
can Medical Association would do
as well to concern itself with the

would attempt to broaden and de-
velop for the highest type of citi-
zenship and role in business or the

The Cassilis Engagement," but in' follow "Ghosts," "Hedda Gabler,"
this cast she still shows the long and "The Wild Duck," but it'd pro-
period of training necessary to ad- duction here, even though a good


eT __ i

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