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July 19, 1929 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-19

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ix4ia P 1g Campus Opinion Music And Drama
Contributors arc asked to he briet, 0
Scnfnng themselves to less than 300 TONIGHT: The Michigan Re-
word ia possible. Anonymous com-
Published every morning except Monday munications will be disregarded. The pertory Players present Martin
during the University Summer Session byl names of communicants will, however, pre n
the Board in Control of Student Publications. be regarded as confidential, upon re- Flavin's drama, "Children of
______________ _____ ____ u-st. Letters published should nt be
P -n construed as expresing the editorial the Moon" i Mendelssohii The-
ThcAsoiaed Prss is edlui e l ' oiion of - th-,Daily;
titled to the use for republication of all news Dyater beginning at 8:15 o'clock.
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise y-
credited in this paper and the local news pub N OF DORMITORIES INTELLECT AND CHAOS
lished herein. INSTEA1D O OMTRE
- i IIn elaborating the criticism made
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, I I have just read the article on en
postoffice as second class matter, dormitories which appeared in to- i yesterday in this column it seems
Subscription by carrier. $.5; by m day's Daily. I have gotten so tired of primary importance to repeat
AnOnf Arbor, ess Building, Maynard street, of hearing of the glories of the the assertion that putting on a
-------- - - ;_- proposed dormitory that I can't play does not constitute a contri-
EDITORIAL STAFF help but take a last fling at the bution to the drama, any more than
Telephone 4925 whole situation. First of all, I'm founding a bank becomes a con-
still an undergraduate, and under tribution to financial theory.
MANAGING EDITOR twenty-oneSeondly, a nI The utter banality of this asser-
twenty-Cne.R.eKLndN I have been
LAWRENCE R. KLEIN in attendance at two other uni- tion is so obvious that it would nev-
l$ditorial Dlirector.......... Howard F. Shout e ealwdi rn fi.wr
Women's Editor...........Margaret Eckels versities besides Michigan. Third-er be allowed in print if it were
rity Editor................ .Charles vAert bideeMichigan Thi not for the almost inescapable fact
Music and Drama Editor. . R. Leslie Askren lY I'm an independent living in,
Books Editor............Lawrence R. Klein a League house and subject to thethat a review of the shows offered
Sports Editor............S. Cadwell Swanson eae fdbm hat th t e othshos om-e
Nigh Ediorsin the last ten months almost com-
Nigh Ediorsgeneral food problem which faces
wght Eateoissmost independents. mands its reiteration. To revive
S. Cadwell Swanson Harold Warren The administration on women's an old quarrel and illustrate the
Charles Askrene point rather strikingly it is only
Assistants self-government seems to be very
Ben Manson Ledru Davis much concerned with the enforce- necessary to mention Granite."
Ross (justin Margaret Harris That show seems to have been one
Dorothy Magee w illiam Mahey 1 ment of rules, etc. We are treat- I of those thin
Paul showers da w-erod n o vno hs things that just happen,
ed as two-year olds and not evenI
-__. _.-- i- without rhyme or reason. ComedyI
granted the ability of taking care Clu diyma of ita was oer
BUSINESS STAFF of ourselves during the 'terrible'I Clubs disavowal of it was sober
Telephone 21214 summer session. May I add thatand insistent; and yet the talented
mt tdtm I Paul Stephenson on occasion could
BUSIESSMANGERmost of the students at summer1
BUSINESS MANAGER school are not here for the same wax profane in an effort to deny
LAWRENCE E. WALKLEY pu sit as his own. Just like Topsy,
Ass',autBuincs anaci VeroiIjaipurpose as are those during the;
Assistant Business Manager.........Vernor Davis it happened; and no more remain-
Publications Manager--.---..-....Egert Davis regular session. The dormitory sys-be said. The public saw
Circulation Manager...........Jeanette Dale tem, apparently, will take care of o boe sd The di saw it,
Accounts Manager_-.................Noah Bryant the enforcement of rules in the ef- or some of them did, and came
-- --- iaway with a high opinion of Steph-
fective method of . . en masse. enson as producer and director, as
ight Editor HAROLD WARREN It is a well-known fact that most well as of the cast which did splen-
-sororities have a side door during did work. But the play amounted
FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1929 the winter session, and I think that
moresesion tosmehn less than a cipher as
- a little more energy could be ex- theater going experience. And
A PRESIDENT IS SELECTED pended in that direction . . . . of other producing groups are no less
It is at this time more than at Ito blame in this respect.
any other that the question of the usually must get in by 10:30 or 1:30 Choosing plays is a difficult pro-
as the case may be, but my friends .
selection of a new leader for the in sororities are never bothered by position. That is generally dmete
in sorordtiescarm mne erabotheredebywherdm the
University should be the subject 01 that little impediment. whim epblicls theeal
calm, unDiased consideration. Re- The food problem is a serious whim of the pubrc is the meal
ticket for the producer. But in
cently in these columns a year or ,one, I grant, but very little has campus circles whimsicality does
two of, conservative administration been done to btte: it. The Food cmu circe himsicalt lye
not influence the public absolutelyj
under 'Dean Mortimer E. Cooley Expert reaches only a very few, as the following Play Production
ut most of whom were not bothered astufloi slayleryusho,
was recommended before a definite, by the situation. There is a great has built up for itself clearly shows,
and commercialism need not gov-
long-time appointment was made. I number of independent men and
. emn the producers, as Play Produc-
The reasonableness of this plan is women on the campus who can re- tion's methods have again shown.
apparent to anyone who realizes sort only to the Union or to the
apaetLeague. Icntsyta h ul To deny this fact-mst clearly
the tension eisting on the campus itygof. can't say that the qual- demonstrable this year, perhaps for
at present and the conficts and food served at the prevailing the first time-is to be guilty of
prices betters the situation at all. muddle-headed thinking, and re-
antagonism which would arise i As a suggestion, think that thess
any inalchoie wee tobe mde Isuts in the campus mess of pro-.
any final choice were to be made method used at Columbia is an ef- ductions that has been obvious
by the regents. It is not ordinar- fective one and could readily be throughout the last college gener-
ily our belief that there should be adopted here. A sanitation com- ation.
grea deayin qubblig Imission should inspect the restau-1
any great delaying or quibbling Some time ago it was suggested
over matters affecting the life of rants around the campus at in- in this column that Mimes, Comedy
t ervals during the year, without
the University, but the appoint- d Club Play Production, et al., define
ment of a new president under warning, and should grant to those the field of their activities and stick
present conditions must be made coming up to the approved stan- to it. At the time there was con-
dard a placard which should be
an exception if the best interestsdw siderable favorable comment on
of Michigan are to be served. publicly displayed. This wouldsoon this suggestion and it is likely that
put out of business those Q and Dsthsugeioanitslklyht
The story given out by Regent (Quick and Dirty) which were ab- some clearly directed policy will be
William L. Clements to the Bay seen operating next year. But the
City Times seems very ill-advisea souylIn r e nefforts of one group, subsequently
for this reason; it gives the public militated against the suggestion
the impression that political in- dining-halls where good food could and considerably embarrassed the
fluences and "band-wagon" tactics .. ad a price not above cost others. The difficulty did not find
are being inaugurated into the . . and without imported cooks, clear expression at the time but did
who undoubtedly raise the cost
affair, and lends an atmosphere of pricecsbecome recognizable in petty jeal-
over-hurried decision to the selec- ie rpousies.
tion of a new occupant for the The group I have in mind wa
"white house on the campus." Such meet with favor in my eyes and Play Production, which so often ha
an action should be ignored rather the following criticism is the con- been lauded in this column as a
census of opinion of several dozen be addi hsclm sa
than seriously considered for it s example of excellence for others
can be classed as nothing but pre- women. The proposed double And the criticism, so incoherent a

mature. A decision made in this rooms will cause much unhappiness
nssthe time, was simply that Play
way can have no satisfactory re- for no matter how efficient a social Production was invading th
sult. What is needed is a more irector may be, she will not be amusement field.
careful and deliberate considera- able to cope with the problem of It has already been too well sai
tion of all men who have the adjusting the varied personalities that camp us draigatics are a mess
necessary qualifications. of several hundred girls so that But order would soon come out o
We stand on the edge of a great everyone will be satisfied. Dormi- chaos if 'Play Production, with al
decision affecting the future of tory dining-halls get tiresome, and the facilities at its disposal ofa
the University as no other decision if we must have dormitories let permanent laboratory, a profes
could. It would be well to take them be smaller 'housing dorms, sional director, and the fund
note of the remark of Dr. Ray Ly- ith reduce rents The large dnwhich this summer will bring, wer
man Wilbur, Secretary of the In- to fulfill its educational function
terior, that "the training we call institutionalized atmosphere of se- by putting on the sort of pla
education is to give more than the gregated diners. I which will constitute a contribution
mere economic capacity to feecd Miss Woodrow says, "No less im- to dramatic appreciation-Shake
one's self and to raise others up to portant is the opportunity for the speare ,some of the Greek trage

I 'itillllilIllIlliillIlliIIIiIItIIIIIII PORTABLE
N Maeo heHa We have all makes.
F A S H I O=Made n the Head Remington, Royals.
P A EFriday and Saturday Only Corona, Underwood
Complete $5.00 Colored duco finishes. Price $60.
Every summer the mode of fa McKINSEY HAT O. D. MORRILL
SHOP 117 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615
shion is dominated by some out-I 227 South State St.
standing tendency. Chilliness{-
seems to be the prevailing mode
for the woman who would be
smartly attired this season. The
sleeveless frocks, with the still more
abreviated bathing suits advocat-
ed by Dame Fashion certainly sug-
gest little of warmth or protec- Beyond A Shadow of Doubt!
The ascendency of the sleeveless Your first case of mysteria thrills and fever of excitement-
n y 110 degrees of dramatic action
gown is most strongly evident in
the popularity of the tennis frock.
Whether she plays the game or not,
no woman's vacation wardrobe is ,_
complete without several of these .
so-called dresses. One piece styl-
ing, combined with a judicious se-
lection of colors, makes ensemble , . . . .
combinations possible. And the en-
semble is admittedly a popular fea-
ture of the summer.
While the recent tendency is for
the raising of waist-lines, this is
accompanied by a movement in the
opposite direction, namely, the
lengthening of the skirt.

for the
at the
212 South Main Street


t \ LAST
F'east y ou rTIE
yes and de- TIMES
ires on this TODAY
astou n d i nig Policy
a s t. Reads 25c-35c-10c
ike a fairy 2:00-3:35
ale. 7:15 -and 9:00
sory ey c.eaiEj DONALD CRISP
A Sennett Comedy SAT.
"The Rodeo" Colossus of Sea Thrillers
Paramount Jungle I"lc d
News ntOrphans Blockade
News And Topics____




Ly l
'- I

There is variety in this offering for we have grouped together
many of our higher cost models-coats of tweed, broadcloth,
kashas and silk with and without fur are included.
All Sizes
Our better dresses which carry all the evidence of workman-
ship and quality are placed on the racks- at good size range.
During July and August We Close Saturdays at 6 P. M.

be fed. A woodpecker can do,
that!" If an education were only
a business training, the choice of
a new president might not- be so
important; it could be filled on al
moment's notice by any large em-
ployment agency. But as Doctor,
Wilbur pointedout, an education
is something more than that, and
an educational institution, for that
reason, should have something
more than a firm hand to guide it.
Those responsible for the selection
of the man who will bring to the
University -the spirit and vision to
guide it on to the true ideal of
education, "the advancement of
the happiness of mankind," should
consider fully the qualifications
and attributes which that man

making of many friendships, which1
is impossible in a small group in so
short a time as the Summer Ses-
sion affords." May I add that a
small group is more conducive to
the making of friendships because
of the intimacy. I have made morej
intimate friendships in smallI
groups than I ever have in a dor-
mitory where I was in daily con-
tact with over a hundred girls. Miss
Woodrow's conclusion, in this re-
spect, is more theoretical than
practical. I have drawn my -con-
clusions from personal experience
and am sincere in everything that
I have said here. Lastly, I think
that the more friendly and infor-
mal atmosphere during the sum-
mer session is far more pleasant

dies and comedies, Gilbert and Sul-
livan, the plays of Ibsen that are
not comna.ercially possible, or others
of the historical landmarks that
Mimes or Comedy Club could not do
-and so leave the field open for
pure 'entertainment to the extra-
curricular groups. pgd
IOfl course,, such a program wouldI
require intellectual effort, but
surely Play Production cannot fail
us in that respect. Else what is a
Univeirsity group good for?
R. L. A.
the re gular session. If I ever come
back to Michigan for further work,
I cert ainly will come back during
the si .mmer, when people drop off
their ridiculous pretenses.
d rn ir

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