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July 19, 1929 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-19

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Light winds and slightly
rising temperature.
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VOL. X, No. 22


FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1929









Ancient Greeke City, Constructed of
Bricks, Formerly Buried
in 50-Foot Mound
The life of the archa cologist is
not all a matter of cut and dried
digging about the ruins and study-
ing the discoveries made. There is
an element of romance that en-
ters into work as well as that of
scholasticism was the opinion of
Prof. Arthur E. Boak, professor ofI
ancient history. This statement,'
a quotation from an eminent arch-
aeologist was the concluding re-
mark of his lecture, "Archaeological
work of the University of Michigan
in Egypt" delivered yesterday aft-
ernoon in Natural Science audi-
Professor Boak, who has spent
more than a year in active work
with the University expedition in

"Probably the greatest distinc- control and supervision of the gov- P OTESTS JJDI NI
tion that I find between the Uni- ernment as are the state univer-
versity of Michigan and my own sities here. "However, there is ab-T [T
university is the difference in the solutely no political domination of 1 NVIt 0 Ii 1. i


life of the students," declared Prof.
Leon Brillouin, of the University of
Paris, in a recent interview. "Over
there the students are not so close-
ly associated with the institution
after they leave the campus. What-
ever they do and wherever they
live is largely left up to them. Here,
I understand, there is more super-
vision off the campus."
The visiting physicist also men-
tioned that the campus there pres-
ented a very different appearance
from the Michigan commons. "We
do not have the large, newI
buildings that are found here, and

these institutions; although the
government appoints the profess-
ors and administrators, they are
chosen by the faculty members
and the appointment is merely an
"The Michigan Daily, your stu-
dent newspaper here, interests me
very much," Professor Brillouin
continued. "We have nothing of
the sort at the universities in my
country, but my. observation of
both your own publication and the
student paper at the University of
Wisconsin has shown me that Am-
erican students have plenty of in-

Wolverine Sprint Star Is One of Six]
Americans Chosen to Compete
in European Countries
(Special To The Daily)
DETROIT, July 19.-Eddie Tolan,
sophomore sprint ace of the 1929
University of. Michigan track team,
and recently crowned national 100
and 220 yard sprint champion, was
treated to a "home town" decision
in the 100 yard feature dash event
at the British Columbia invitation-
als in Vancouver, when it was de-
clared that Percy Williams, Van-
nrn.rnu annn flip ,n mA

Murin, Hanchett
Fail To Approve
Clem ent_'<tory
In the face of Regent William L. Clements' statement incorporat-
ed in a copyrighted story published yesterday in the Bay City Times
to the effect that Alexander G. Ruthven, Dean of Administration in
the University, was certain to succeed retiring President Clarence Cook
Little by a 6-2 vote when the Regents meet August 2, two Regents
last night denied knowledge that any agreement had been arrived at
by the individual members of the Board. The two members inter-
viewed were Regents James 0. Murfin, of Detroit, and Benjamin S.
Hanchett, of Grand Rapids.
The Regents will meet in Ann Arbor on the second and will
consider then the recommendations offered by the presidential com-
Omittee headed by Regent Walter

there is not so much spaciousness," itiative and ability."
he said. "Education seems to me to bej
Professor Brillouin pointed out much more specialized in America
that the French Universities, with than it is in Europe," he said in
few exceptions, were under the comparing educational standards.



cover A y, won th a~e.
Pictures in the possession of To-
lan show the Wolverine star lead-
ing Williams by less than a footf
at the finish with Frank Wykoff ofI
California,' a close third. At the
conclusion of the race, however,
the judges went into a huddle and
announced, when they emerged,
that Williams and not Tolan was!

Ann Arbor Is Convention Place for Courtside Seat Prices Soar as Trenn
First Time Since Founding of and Moldenhauer Prepare to
Organization in 1915 Meet Tilden, Hunter


Egypt, opened his lecture with4"
the winner.
location of the excavation site, Ka- LORCH CHARTER MEMBER TO PLAY SINGLES TODAY Tolan stated today just beforef
ranis,,on the edge of the Lybiann
desert in the Province of the Fay- The meeting of the Michigan (By Associated Press) leaving for New York for a Eur-
oum. The slides with which he State Board of Examiners for arch- BERLIN, July 19.-On the eve of before, but never have I felt that
illustrated his talk first presented itects, engineers, and surveyors was the opening of the Davis Cup I was picked second when I was
the site from the air and then from held yesterday in this city for the matches between America and actually first. In fact, the finals
the ground as seen from various first time since the 'organization of Germany, speculators had no dif- of the national 100 at Denver.
points of the compass. Karanis as the board in 1915. .Previous to ficulty getting three, four, and five where I beat out Claude Bracey by
it is now to be seen is a series !1915 no examinations had been re- times the printed price for seats inches, was even closer than the I
of clay-brick honeycombing rising quired in the state for the prac- around the Red and White Club Vancouver race."
out of the debris of the accumulat- tice of these professions. At first court where the interzone finals The Michigan sprint star is one
edcnuis t amamound ThesMichiganosrint starrisoon
ed centuries to form a only architects were required to start tomorrow afternoon, of the six American athletes who
which before excavations rose to. register and pass the examination The Germans in their methodical have been selected to compete in
the height of from 35 to 50 feet. but in 1919 the regulations were way went through the tennis 'daily half a dozen European countries.
Traceable along the sides - of the extended to engineers and sur- dozen,' and those whio watched this summer. Others named are
mound so far uncovered are levels veyors. Daniel Trenn and Hans Molden- Leo Lermon of the Boston A. A.,
of houses which have been super- Under the present regulations a hauer, who are to represent the middle distance star; Fred SturdyE
imposed upon each other as they student of architecture must cam- iFatherland in doubles as well as of Yale, pole vault; Reginald S.
have decayed or fallen into dis- p y singles, were not at all pessimistic Bowen, of Pittsburgh, 400 meters
us.plete six years of combined tech-I over Germany's chances to win one Boeo'itbrh 0 ees
use. nical training and experience with lr tw rofny f aces. Richard Rockaway of Ohio State
Rich Rubbish Deposit a- or two of the five matches. University, hurdler, and Leo Sex-
RihRbihDpsta duly qualified practitioner be-; In the opening single matches y
Kom Esheen, which is the mod- fore he may be termed an archi- Inmtho Tpen emgne Mold- ton of Georgetown University,'
en Arabic for the earlier Greek tect. The examinations are held thro Tiande unterets Trenn. weights.
city Karanis, because of its exis- twice a year at the University for Tolan wilg see competition, 3n cen-i
tence in antiquity, is especially rich all candidates throughout the il a e Amrican eterans tury and 200 meter sprint events.
in a sort of rubbish deposit, Sebak- state Three days are dvoted to hcnt eHamburg, Germany, will be the
heen, used extensively throughout the testing of the applicants in first stop for the American ath-
Egypt in place of fertilizer. Thus architectural design, the history and Allison, tackle Trenn and Mol- letes. July 31 has been set as the'
the actual excavating of the Uni- architecture, and steel and con d The optimistic Trenn is already date for their appearance there.
versity is greatly simplified as crete construction. looking forward to Sunday when Other dates have been arranged
whatever dirt that is dug is re- Prof. Emil Lorch of the College the first day's pairings are revers- sertother ermns.nAfterente
moved by a fertilizer company. scin fGray fe h
or Architecture is vice-president of ed and he is to try conclusions German tour the American team
The actual digging, however, is the Board and has been a member with Tilden while Hunter matches will copet e Swe iand,
performed by trained men who since its inception strokes with Moldenhauer.ompete Sweden, Finland,
have to exercise the greatest care sinceitsinceptEngland, Norway, and France.
as no one can tell when a paper LTThe American team will return
thin example of antique glass or SOCIALIZED LIVING IS RESULT OF to this country on September 12,
a cache of papyrus documents will DORMITORY LIFE-MISS RICHARDS in time for Tolan, Sturdy, Bowen,
be unearthed. The dirt is then and Sexton to take part in college
removed by girls and boys in bastO icurricula. The trip will be made
EDI]TOR'S NOTE-This is the second follows an exchange of opinon, of under the auspices of the Amateur
kets carried on their heads and of:a series of interviews with women on
the campus concerning their views on the ideas, of experiences, which makes Athletic Union of America and the
thrown into narrow gauge dump- forthcoming new dormitories for women.
carts. The articles will appear from time to time for wider understanding and, of International Athletic Federation,
Three Story Buildings S g the reader of the Sunimner course, friendship, the European governing body, and
TP"A second advantage," continued has been officially sanctioned by'
The slides which Professor Boak Commenting upon"what dormi- Miss Richards, "comes from the Charles H. Brenan, president of the
thsa tory residence contributes to the emphasis on socialized living, which Michigan A. A. U. and member of
emerging from the Kom show that Summer Session, Miss Grace Rich- is one of the shibboleths of our the foreign relations committee of
these were nearly all of a clay ards, chairman of the advisers of time. This means adjustment and the national body. The University
brick, cemented with mud gathered ,women, said yesterday, "One ad- consideration for all members of a of Michigan has also approved the
from the bottom of a nearby canal. vantage of attendance at a Sum- group, and is certainly facilitated trip for Tolan.
The line of the bricks conforming, mer Session is the acquaintance by group organization. This or-
to the contours of the ground and which a student makes in contrast ganization is much easier of BULLETIN
to a gentle sagging from the cen- to the winter session. In winter, obtainment in a large hall of res- (By Associated Press)
turies of disuse were once straight with the longer term, this is not so idence than in smaller house NEWPORT,, R. I., July 19.-The
and the walls rose to the height of marked, but the thing one is likely groups. It soon becomes apparent invading Oxford-Cambridge tennis'
two or three stories with narrow to carry back from a sum'mer's ex- that certain things are expected, team increased its lead over "the
windows set in them almost at the perience is the inspiration from that certain practices are in effect, combined Harvard-Yale team toi
ceiling level. These walls after be- people. Part of this comes from and the members of that group three matches to one here this af-
ing carefully mapped are torn down lectures, from attendance at class, occept these things as matters of ternoon when Norman Farquhar-
so that the excavators may be able and from individual social activ- their common living. Their uni- son and Guy Cooper defeated B. H.
to reach the lower levels of the ities. Much more of it can come formity makes for an easier un- Whitbeck, captain of the Crimson-'
city. In constructing the founda- through the arrangement of living derstanding than do the incidental Blue combination, and Arthur Ing-
tion and the floor of the house, the under one roof. Where the rel- differences which come with separ- raham, Jr., 6-4, 4-6, 6-2, in the first
ancients used beams laid on the atively large group is gathered in ate houses. The result is socialized of the day's three doubles matches}

Capt. Ross G. Hoyt Expects to Make
8460-mile Trip in 75 Hours;
Six Hours in Alaska
(By Associated Press)
-Starting a day ahead of sched-
ule, Captain Ross G. Hoyt took off
for Alaska today expecting to be
back Sunday, the fastest flight of
such length ever made.
He had not planrned to ;leave,
until tomorrow, but weather re-
ports were favorable so he hopped
off at 2:38 Eastern daylight saving
time this afternoon. His course to
Nome, Alaska, is 4,230 miles long
and he expects to make the 8,460
mile round trip in 75 hours and 40
minutes elapsed time, including
eight one-hour stops for refueling
and a six-hour layover at Nome.
Actual time in the air is scheduled
at 61 hours and 40 minutes, an
average of 140 miles per hour.
Captain Hoyt, who had charge of
refueling the army endurance plane
Question Mark, planned this flight
to test the efficiency of increasing
the range of army pursuit flying
by stepping upon the present horse
power and adding extra gas tanks.
His plane, a black and yellow sijgle
seater with U. S. Army painted on
the under side, is capable of 180
miles an hour, but he figured ,o a
certain amount of head winds in
arranging his schedule.
At midnight tonight he planned
to swoop down over Fargo, N. D.,
to let that city know of his passing,
and some three hours later to make
a similar dive above the housetops
of Regina, Alaska.
For nourishment he carried three
bottles-one of water, one of or-
ange juice, and one of eggs and
Million Dollar Blaze
Razes Railway Docks
(By Associated Press)


the board as to its intentions. I
know that several names will be
placed before the board for its con-
sideration, but I am unab e to say
which will be selected."
Regent Hanchett's statement fol-

," ,
r ,

lows. He considered the Bay City
d1^patch most extraordinary.
"I have not committed myself
to anyone and wil not until the
board meets. I ,don't see how
any one 'else can. I do not un-
dersiand the reports that any
one else has committed him-
"I have a high regard for
Dean Ruthven, but the ques-
tion of the selection of any one
cannot be safely made until
after the meeting and a further
report of the presidential com-
n'ttee has been made."
Regent Beal when called last
night refused to comment on the

Sawyer, of ,Hillsdale, who is at
present said to be in Califgrnia.
The statement of Regent Sawyer
p; ecludes even the report of the
committee, according to the two
men interviewed.
Regent Murfin stated that his
only knowledge of the affair was
"that the board would meet Aug.
2 and I certainly hope they will
pick a president." .In an Associat-
ed Press dispatch he is quoted as
saying: "I have not canvassed

story that appeared yesterday af-
ternoon. The story stated that
Regents Hanchett and Beal were
the two who constituted the oppo-
sition to Ruthven.
The precedent of the Board of
Regents decrees that the selection
of a president by the body shall


be an unanimous one, and whether
the forthcoming meeting will break
precedent and resort to mere maj-
ority for selection is conjecture.
The story yesterday stated tha'
there was more than a remote pos-
sibility that the entire board would
change its policy and favor Presi-
dent Jessup, of Iowa, who in an in-
terview some four weeks ago ex-
pressly stated that he would undes
no circumstances leave Iowa to

come to icuhiga n.

SEATTLE, July 18-Fire which Speaking on the subject of "Fran-
destroyed the Union Pacific dock co-German Relations," Dr. Stern,
here late Wednesday caused a loss Rubarth, editor-in-chief of the
of almost $1,000,000 and sent five Wolff Teelgraph Agency, semi-of-
firemen and a dock worker to the ficial voice of the German foreign
hospital burned or overcome by office, will appear before students
smoke. of the Summer Session at a special
Thirty-one companies of firemen lecture at 4 o'clock this afternoon
and three fireboats fought the in Natural Science auditorium.
blaze-for an hour before getting it This will be the only lecture
under control.. A cigaret, thrown which Doctor Stern-Rubarth will
carelessly aside by an employe, give during his short American stay
was blamed for the blaze, which and Michigan will be the only uni-

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