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July 13, 1929 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-13

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To 1ummrr-I
Published every morning except Monday
during, the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoff'ice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier. $r.So; by mail
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director.........Howard F. Shout
Women's Editor ...........Margaret Eckels
City Editor.................Charles Askrea
Music and Drama Edtor.. R. Leslie Askren1
Books Editor............Lawrence R. Klein
Sports Editor............S. Cadwell Swanson
Night Editors

pressure age in which the securing
of an education is an investment
from which the greatest possible
dividents are tob e extracted. Even
youth is not to be wasted today;
it must be employed to the fullest
advantage to the end of making the
life of every individual of more
service and benefit to society. Un-
der the new methods set out in
this plan every student will have
a certain amount to do each week
and a certain time in which to do
it. This is the scientific side of
modern education and balances the
personal objective of giving the in-
dividual a broader range of intel-
lect, a higher spiritual existence.
The only possible conclusion from
this review of the salient features
of the Dalton Plan is that it a
constructive innovation in the ed-
ucational world, a plan which is
not in the experimental stage but
i which has proved itself practical,
beneficial, and in line with the
modern spirit in teaching.
This endurance flying question
is now becoming one of how long
the public can endure it.
Babe Ruth is reported to be in
debt $14 for taxes in Florida. Let's
see now-$14 from $70,000 leaves-?
Wyoming adopted woman suff-
rage in 1869, being the first state
to make the move. Well, they
could afford to in 1869; they didn't
have any women out there then.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to he brief,
conhning themselves to less than 300
words ni possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded.- The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.

Howard F. Shout
S, Cadwell Swanson:
Charles Askren

Walter Wilds
Harold Warren
Ledru Davis
Margaret Harris
William Mahey

Ben Manson.
Ross Gustin
Dorothy Magee

Paul Showers

Telephone 21214
Assistant Business Manager ..........Vernor Davis
Publications Manager..... .......Egbert Davis
Circulation Manager............Jeanette Dale
Accounts Manager..... ..........Noah Bryant
One of the outstanding achieve-
ments in modern instruction meth-
ods is the Dalton plan sometimes
known as the Dalton Laboratory

Dear Editor:

Plan. This system of classroom It was with deep interest that I
work is based on three principles: read the letter of "Vis Viri" to you
freedom, community living, and yesterday, especially since it tend-
budgeting time. By freedom is ed to corroboratea asuspicionh o
meant the encouraging of the stu- my own to the effect that there
dents to assume the responsibility are the germs of a great tragic
for organizing their own programs drama in this latest stage of the
of study; by community living is relations between the sexes. May
meant the making of the school I go on, abstractly (and I warn
into a model community so that the you) profoundly?
student will have the same assoc- I refer, of course, to the gradu-
iations and problems as he will al disappearance of the chivalric
have when he goes out into active attitude in man that is so clearly
life; and by budgeting time is evidenced in Vis's letter. Man long
meant the individual arrangement ago recognized the stifling monot-
of plans of work. This plan had its ony of his actual earthly relations
origin in Dalton, Mas., wher it with woman and demanded a mas-
was developed about 1923, and qur3.d2, a triumphant hallucina-
since then it ha, bean itnding wi- ion. Rhecognizing Woman as the
der and wider recognition las a i'irst Cause of his existence, he
practical method of conducting blazed a halo around her head and
school-work. worshipped her. With characteris-
The advantages of this system tic energy, Man hastened to make
are more or less obvious at first the delusion firm and perennial;
glance. Probably the greatest in- the imagination of the artist was
novation is the freedom and re- applied to lend color and an en-
sponsibility which is placed on the ticing variety to the picture of the
pupil. This is certainly a trend new Goddess; the average man
in the right direction and away planned and often enacted bold
from the old methods of suppres- physical dramas in tribute to her
sion and domination which were radiance and inspiration.
in effect many years ago. Individ- The earthly woman, possessing
ualism has become the keynote in any way in her nature a peculiar
modern education, and the partic- aptitude for hyprocrisy and the
ular characteristics and talents of masquerade, were for the most part
each student are being developed successfully deceitful, using rosy
and guided as they have never been blushes and undulating movements
previously. Undoubtedly, the new in very plesaing angelic style. Of'
Massachusetts plan will carry on course, from time to time, they be-
this trend to even more beneficial came reckless in their hyprocrisy;
results than have already been ac- and gave evidence of that compo-
complished. site of simplicity and cunning, wis-
Individual instruction and the dom and folly, which is their true
placing of greater responsibility on nature. Man's feminine religion
the pupil will do at least this: it quivered under these blows from
will more or less eliminate the ten- fact; looking more carefully at rec-
dency to uniformity and mass pro- ords he found the truth-a history
duction which have become char- reeking with the awful, malignant,
acteristics of much of our Ameri- sinister truth about the actual wo-
can system of education and it will man. There was some disillusion-
lessen the importance of extra-cur- ment; there were pessimists and
ricular activities by making more hermits.
interesting the work in the class- But it is to the great credit ofI
room. man that in the face of such dam-l
The purpose incorporated in the ing evidence he continued to pred-1
plan of making the school a min: icate all his relations with women!
iature of a larger community out- on the assumption that she was an-
side is practically as important as gelic and delicate, in need of pro-c
the matter of attention to the de- tection. Year after year man's in-
velopment of the individual. The genuity in defence of his greatest

o o
Music And Drama
o 0
TONIGHT: The Michigan Re-
pertory Players present Salis-
bury Fields' laughable "Wed-
ding Bells," in Mendelssohn
i Theater beginning at 8:15 o'-
* * *
Reviewed by R. Leslie Askren
When critical reactions to a play
differ so widely from the genera
audience reaction that a play which
makes a whole theater rock with
laughter seems only a tissue of
glumness and horrors, then the
critic has no right to criticize. There
t must be something wrong. It would
be a trifle rash to call the en-
tire audience braying fools, and
yet no self respecting critic will
admit himself to be one without
some definite proof. Perhaps not
enjoying "Wedding Bells" is proof
enough, but I had a good dinner
and my great aunt Harriet was
in a good humor so there was no
reason why I should not have en-
joyed the show if it had been en-
joyable; I suppose the only refuge
is in the platitude that there is
no accounting for tastes.
Fields' comedy is billed as two
and a half hours of laughs; it ap-
pears to have been written from
just that point of view, There is
little use in stirring up the pedan-
tic quarrel of the unities;the uni-
ties are only the red rags that gen-
ius uses to bait the critics with,
and every critic sooner or alter suc-
cumbs to the temptation to write
a good stiff indictment. So I shall
call Mr. Fields a genius, and mere-
fly point out the interesting variety
of characters he has collected in his
play. There was the sentimental
comedy, Alfred Foster; the high
comedy type of the butler; the
comedy of Manners type, Arthur
Hinkley; the remnant of Brieux's
influence, Shirley King, and so on
down to the shoe, which after all
was not a shoe but a symbol, per-
haps of the intellectual level the
play achieved.
With such conglomerate charac-
ters it was fairly easy for the play
to split the difference between
comedy and farce; and the split
was considerably widened by the
directing. It is a little difficult to
believe that Professor Wallace is
entirely responsible for the direc-
tion; it looks much more like the
work of an inexperienced zealot,
afraid that his audience will miss
the point. It would have been a
relief if occasionally the point
could have been missed. The
sledgehammer technique becomes
a bit tiresome after a while.
But there were some good things
in the production, Perhaps the
chief of these was Shirley King.
For the Thursday night perform-
ance the charming Miss King was
so taken with an attack of ptomaine
poisoning that a man was kept in
constant readiness to drop the cur-
tain. Only the courage and grit of
a "trouper" kept her on the stage
and carrying on her part. And be
it said to the brave lady's credit
that her performance that night
was the most satisfying of a long
series. Perhaps it was the driving
insistence of illness that made her
take refuge in her part, but the
simplicity and straight-forwardness
that characterized her version of

the tantalizing Rosalie was a grat-
ifying achievement.
Alfred Foster played a very stu-
died and carefully executed senti-
mental comedy hero. Mr. Foster
has already once proved his will-
ingness to appear a fool on the
stage for the play's sake-in "Take
My Advice." In "Wedding Bells"
he repeats, with the addition of a
maturer element than character-
ized his Buddy in the earlier play,
Distinctly limited in the range he
can play, Mr. Foster nevertheless
is a brilliant example of a con-
scientious intelligence brought to
bear on the problem of interpret-
ing character. And the solution of
the problem bears unmistakable
signs, of individuality.
The remainder of the cast ex-
hibited a wide range of mixture of
the good and the bad in interpre-
tation, among which the cockney
maid was adequately repulsive, and
her much marrying husband was
a charming fellow, ifnot quite the
comic character that his lines
seemed to suggest.
Of the play itself it is a little dif-
ficult to decide whether or not it
is the worst that has been offered
locally; "Take My Advice" was
pretty bad. But then, the audience
laughed, and these hot nights a
good laugh is a worthwhile achieve-








8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
11:00 A, M.--Sermon: Preacher,
The Reverend Henry Lewis.





1\~ . .

Huron and Division
10 A. M.-Student class. Merle
H. Anderson, D.D., teacher.
10:45 A. M.-Morning worship.
Sermon: "Through the ages--
O n e Increasing Purpose."
Bastile Day.
5:30 P. M.-Social hour for the
young people.

One Block North from Hill Auditorium
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
$7.50 per week
Lunch and Dinner, $6.00 per week
Service Location
Courteous Treatment
Main at Huron 707 North University Avenue

At Liberty Street

6:30 P. M.-Young


a.. .._ ...

10:30 A. M.-Regular morning
service. Subject: "Sacrament."
11:45 A. M.-Sunday School fol-
lowing the morning service.
7;45 Wednesday evening testi-
monial meeting.
The reading room 10 and 11
State Savings Bank Euilding
is open daily from 12 to 5
o'clock except Sundays and
Corner S. State and E. Wash.
Arthur W. Stalker, D.D., and
Samuel J. larrison, Ministers.
10:30-Morning Worship. Ser-
n-on: "The Christian Right of
Eminent Domain" by Rev.
Mlarshall Russell Reed, Ypsi-
lanti, Michigan.



\ ,_T -


of Cedar St,


Every Afternoon and £

Saunders' Canoe
On the Huron River at the foot

12: Q-Stwdent Class meets at
Wesley Hali under the leader-
ship of'Dr. Qarrother4.


"T1ll/:1kI ." ~/Y/l..~1 ." "/.J I1 .'/Oi..." "l/~«.«"r 1." ;/l

6:00-Wesleyan Guild
tional Seryice. Miss
Brandt will lead,


E. Huron below State
Rev. R. Edward Sayles, Minister.
Rey. Howard R. Chapman, Min-
ister to student~.
9: 30-Ail studepts affiliated with1
the church are asked to join
the group meeting at the
Guild House, 503 E. Huron.
Mr. Chapman will open a dis-
cussion of a chapter in Bih
op McConnell's recent volume.
10:30-Morning worship at the
church. A bief Organ Recital
by Mrs. McGregor- opens the
service. Mr. ayles will bring
a message on "THY WILL BE
DONE," in the series on The
Lord's Prayer.
6: QO-Student, gathering and
discussion at the Guild House.
Social halt-hour with refresh-
ments at opening.


73 Years Serving Washtenaw County
Two groups of separate skirts in pleated or
bodice top effect. Plain and pleated styles.
Colors to harmonize with the new Summer
sweaters. Black and white checks, navy, light
blue, brown, green, red, yellow, and fancy plaids.
I 5,95,m$975)P

tree function of an educational in-
stitution-the broad function-is to
prepare the student for the life he
will live after he completes his ed-
ucation. This is unquestionably
better accomplished by giving him
training under the same situations
as he is to meet later, by gettingI
him into the "public life" of the
school, by giving him an opportun-
ity to test his ability in various
lines so that he may make a wise
choice of a career, and by enriching
him mentally so that he may later
enrich others by association.
And as for the last main objec-;
tive set out in the Dalton Plan,
this too is subject only to unquali-
fied endorsement. Time must be
budgeted as well in the school room

work of art never failed, dispos-
ing of the facts about women as
tactfully as ministers dismiss the
not dissimilar problem of Evil; so'
that by the Victorian period, the
age of universal grace and dissim-
ulation, man's worship was one of
well-oiled acceptance.
But today-instead of chivalric
JMan, willing persistently and pas-
sionately to see Woman in a sha-
dow, mystic, holy light, we have (I
speak with feeling) Vis Viri of yes-
terday's letter (probably a rejected:
adolescent) carping severely overt
such a trivial thing as woman's
traffic offeness and protesting at
her beautiful treatment of police-
men. Alas, alas-woe is me, and
other expressions of gentle but deep

State and William Streets
Allison Ray Reaps, Minister
Dr. Tyril Haas, missionary from
Adeva, Turkey, will speak at
10:45 on missionary medical
work in Turkey.




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