Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The.Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches creditedrto it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news p.ub-
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier. $.so; by mall
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director..........Howard F. Shout
Women's Editor ...........Margaret Eckels
City Editor.. ...... ....Charles Askrea
Music and Drama Editor.. R. Leslie Askren
Books Editor............Lawrence R. Klein
Sports Editor............S. Cadwell Swanson
Night Editors
0 01
Howard F. Shout
S. Cadwell Swanson
Charles Askre
Bernice Davis
Ross Gustin
Dorothy Magee
Ben Manson
Walter Wilds
Harold Warren
Ledru Davis
Margaret Harris
William Mahey
Francis O'Keefe
Paul Showers
Telephone 21214
Assistant Business Manager........Vernor Davis
Publications Manager.......................Egbert Davis
Circulation Manager..........Jeanette Dale
Accounts Manager..............................Noah Bryant
Night Editor-S. Cadwell Swanson
The school of religion at Iowa
university has had its period of
trial, and has shown itself to be
a worthy enterprise. The school
was established for the purpose of
giving Iowa students an opportun-
ity to study religion, to compare
their individual creeds, and to
achieve a greater understanding of
the beliefs of other denominations.
The Rockefeller foundation has re-
cently guaranteed a renewal of its
support to the project, and this is
considered a sure indication of pro-
The purpose of the school of re-
ligion, as outlined by the Daily
Iowan, is "to foster religious edu-
cation." The same organ has also
stated that "it is to be hoped that
through its means of religious ed-
ucation, the three churches, Jew-
ish, Catholic, and Protestant, will
establish a basis for Christian
thinking, and that they will mini-
mize denominational prejudice."
These are certainly ideals of the
most commendable nature, but it
is only natural that the experiment
of introducing any sore of religious
training into the regular curricu-
lum of a publicly supported insti-
tution be entered upon with some
hesitation. If the purpose were any
other than to tear down the bar-
riers of creed and prejudice, the
project would rightly be condemn-
ed at once, for there would be too
much of a tendency to turn our
institutions of learning into open
forums where disagreement and
wrangling would prevail rather
than calm discussion. With such
an ideal as the above, however, the
school of religion; may well become
the center from which will radiate
religious harmony and friendship.
It is true that some such indepen-
dent organization will have to take
over ,this work, if anything is to
be accomplished; the, church itself
has failed miserably.-
Indeed the church has not only
failed to take steps toward inter-
denominational understanding, but
it has even gone so far as to at-
tack the universities where feel-
ing in these matters does not run
so high and where more or less
reasonable views on religion pre-
vail. Such statements as the fol-
lowing which appeared in the
Commercial-Appeal, are to be seen
from time to time: "Be on your
guard when a Ph.D. is around. In
nine cases out of ten they are in-
fected with the germ of rational-
ism, and that acts on faith exact-1
ly like the cut worms act on my
beans, or, some insect that spoils1
milady's beautiful roses. Some oft
our educational institutions need to
be sprayed with a theological Bor-t
deaux mixture to kill off the in-f
fidel microbes that are fatal to re-1
ligion." It is to be wondered wheth-f
er these ranting fanatics might nots
consider the Iowa innovation as a
"theological Bordeaux mixture." C
lished. Feminine calculators have
written in to say that this dis-
proves the contention that women
drivers are so much worse than
men, and shows to the contrary
that they are many times better.
Male correspondents, the dispatch
shows, are of the belief that this
has nothing to do with .the ability
of women to drive but rather with
their ability to avoid arrest for
traffic violations.
Probably the best excuse, if any
is necessary, is the great difference
in- the number of men and women
drivers. Undoubtedly, if there were
as many women behind the wheels
of motor cars as there are men, the
report from Washington would be
very different. That this is true is
no reflection on the women; it
means simply that the ordinary
run of the rouged sex do not have
sufficient stamina and cool-head-
edness to handle many of the
dangerous situations that arise on
the highways.
However, if we are to continue to
encourage and permit women to
drive automobiles, as we do now,
more must be done toward training
them to handle and care for them
properly. Chauffeur's permits
should be more carefully given out,
and these individuals should be
forced to take a comprehensive
course in driving and observance of
traffic regulations before they are
allowed on the streets behind the
wheels of motor cars. The dispatch
from the capitol city might then
show 59 instead of 859 arrests.
The recent finding of a million
dollars worth of opium in the bag-;
gage of Mrs. Susie Ying Kao, wife
of the Chinese vice-consul to San
Francisco, brings into question the
propriety of permitting all visiting
diplomats and their families to
enter the country without being
subjected to luggage inspection by
customs officers. It is, of course,
recognized as a courtesy to the
nations sending representatives to
America, but it is also an act of
trust in which the entering states-t
men are put on their honor to1
observe the laws of the United
States. It is almost a foregone
conclusion that some of the hun-i
dreds of envoys will not feel them-
selves bound, an will take ad-t
vantage of the privilege extended
to them.
This situation can easily be rem-f
edied and the friendship of all gov-
ernments still retained by a rule tot
the effect that all foreign repre-
sentatives to this country are to
submit to an ordinary customs in-
spection in which every respect fort
their position will be observed. This
would be no more than a gesture of
friendship on the part of other
governments and would result int
greater satisfaction for all con-
cerned. Naturally, envoys from ther
United States would be subject to1
the same action by the other na-f
TONIGHT: The Michigan Rep-
ertory Players present Salisbury
Fie'd's "Wedding Bells," an un-
blushing comedy of pre-nuptial
intrigue, in Mendelssohn The-
atre, beginning at 8:15 o'clock.
* * *
For their third production The
Michigan Repertory Players are
offering "Wedding Bells," a comedy
by Salisbury Field, in an effort to
combat the ravages of hot weather
on local morale. They have few
or no illusions about the play as a
contribution to dramatic art, but
it has this merit almost to excess
that it will positively tickle an au-
dience into hearty laughter, and if
a comedy can be guaranteed to
make people laugh then it would
seem to be a good comedy quite
aside fro mconsiderations of art or
what not.
As is usual with this sort of dra-
matic confection, there is a great
deal of plot. Inciaent after inci-
dent hurtles across the stage, al-
most before the curtain is up, and
for some two and a half advertised
hours the play careens madly in
narrating the adventures of Bertie
who marries, admires a redhead,
discovers that his amiable Rosalie
died her hair red in imitation, then
becomes divorced, goes to Japan,
comes back, falls in love again-
and then about that time the cur-
tain goes up on the first act. There
are few laugh-getting tricks left
out df this play, and those that are
are not much missed
Dramatic Query
There seems to have been some
doubt as to the meaning of the
word Romanticism as applied some
days ago to the direction of "Es-
cape" which the Michigan Reper-
tory Players offered last week. Per-
haps it was unfair and confusing to
apply so general a term to a process
that expresses itself in particulars,
but the absolute necessity for con-
densation in this short column fre-
quently leads to elliptic phrases
which, when unsuccessful in con-
veying their freight of sense, show
the columnist skating on the edge
of profundity with only a guide rail
of nonsense nouns to keep him
from falling over. Lacking the
Baconian pithiness, which captures
meaning safely, ideas frequently
escape a less skillful stalking.
But the use of Romanticism still
seems defensible in connection with
the direction Professor Wallace
gave the Galsworthy play; that
"Escape" was able to carry this
added burden seems a considerable
triumph for the English dramatist.
It would be too bromidic to re-
mark that the English are notably
unemotional if it were not for the
fact that Professor Wallace's work
was an attempt to deny it. Or per-
haps his idea was not to deny but
to show Americans a play in-
terpreted in terms they can under-
stand. Whatever the -motivation,
the fact remains that the interpre-)
tation given was not that conceived
by Galsworthy.
Perhaps the distinction can be
discovered in American and Eng-
lish psychology. The American
thinks in obvious symbols, and re-
acts directly and naturally; the
Englishman thinks in terms of
categories, and his reactions take a
form at least once removed from'
the natural. Perhaps it is a sign
of civilization, to be able to trans-
mute your reactions at least once
according to the demands of your
code from the natural reactions,
but, however, that may be the pro-
duction of "Escape" is an illustra-
tion in point.
An American in the position of
Captain enant, escaping from pris-'
on, would be aware of two emotion-
al states, the nervous fear of cap-
ture and the pathos of his position.
He would be consistently nervous,
and his intercourse with other peo-
ple would always have the quality
n it of "on't you feel sorry for
An Englishman, on the other
hand, although never forgetting
he danger of his situation, would
ry to disguise whatever feelings of
pathos he might have for himself
n an effort to "play The game,"
and his reaction to other people
would invariably be dictated by the
demands of his own social position,
not as a convict, but as a soldier
nd gentleman. The principle of
noblesse oblige finds wider accept-
ance in England than in this coun-
But Secord was not "English,"
nor did he try to be, which poses
he question whether a director
tages a play for an audience, or
nterprets it in behalf of the au-
Music And Drama
Prsstill decrees bows for all
types of dresses, coats, and blous-
es. Although bows have ornament-
ed feminine apparel for several
years no one seems to be tired ofj
They are made both large and
small, puffy and fiat. But the
smartest ones, now, are either big
and flamboyant, or flat and stitch-
ed. The perky, little ones and the
thin, languid ones are not so ap-
parent as they were formerly.
Every conceivable place on a
dress where a bow could be worn
sports one. Bows are worn at the
neck, at the waist, at the wrists,
are sprinkled carelessly over skirts.
Scarf collars are made to end in
large, childish ,bows which tie un-
' e youthful chins. Bows are even
placed on shantung blouses for
wear with tailored suits.
One of the smartest styles of
bows is appliqued on the left side I
front of wide fitted hip-yokes. It 1
is usually large, but being flat, it
does not break the silhouette line.
Loops and ends are about the same
Bows are particularly good for
evening wear. One Paris house of
fashion employs moire ribbon about
two inches wide for sashes around
high waistlines. These sashes tie
in front, and their long ends dan-
gle to. the hem-lines of the frocks
they ornament. They are charm-
ing in bright colors on evening
gowns of either black or white.
Large, bright-colored bows are
posed at the backs of pale, tinted
evening dresses, making the frocks
appear even more delicate. Others
are made of the same material as
the dress. In fact, the smartest
accessory one can wear is a har-
monizing scarf tied in a large bow
under the chin or on one shoul-
We have all makes.
Remington, Royals.
Corona, Underwood
Colored duco finishes. Price $60.
17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615,
S hortha
nd, Dictaphone, Typ
or, Bookkeeping, Pen
Secretarial Training
Enter Any Day
Write your name and address here for further information.
Name ................................ Address...................
You Too
may become capable by
taking our thorough
practical training. Be-
come prepared for a
splendid position with
opportunity for advance-
State and William Streets
Ann Arbor
An Educational Exhibit
Laboratory Apparatus
will be shown in
Room 2043 East Physics Bldg.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
July 9 to 12-8 a. m. to 4:30 p...
are cordially invited to call
Among the pieces included in the Exhibit are Cenco Thermo-
electric Magnet, Current Transformer, Linear Expansion of Wire
Apparatus, Steam Turbine, Impulse Counter, Spark Timing
Device, Magnetic Effects of Currents Apparatus, a new Boyle's
Law Apparatus, Audio-Oscillator, Variable Condenser, Student
Potentiometers, Brownian Movements Apparatus, Cenco- Pyrex
Stear Generator, Weston Meters, Six-in-One Galvanometer,
Charts, Insect Mounts, etc.
Special Information as to Laboratory Equipment required
for State Approval or College Entrance Requirements will be
available, as well as suggestive lists for Junior, or Senior High
School or Junior College Science Courses.
I. F. KENAGA, In Charge
We Offer Real Bargains
$40 to $55 Suits .... $22.50, $25.50, $28.50
$30 to $40 Topcoats............ $19.75
$7 to $10 Pants...... . . . . . . . . . . 5.85
$7 to $10 Wool Knickers..... . . .$.5.85
$30 Tropical Worsted Suits .,......$18.50
Editorial Comment
(From The Daily Gettysburgian)
Catering to the public's musical1
ear has become a herculean task.
Time was when a popular song hit
might have lasted as long as a year.
It traveled slowly and any one
audience was relatively small in
numbers. The intervals at which
it would assail an individual pair
of ears would be of some length.
Quite a while elapsed before the
novelty - principal characteristic
of popular music - had worn off
and the point of saturation been
Just before radio came into its
own, the life of a song-hit was
estimated by certain experts at 1
about two months. Now the esti-
mate has dwindled down to a mere
two weeks. There must be at least
a dozen such melodies in existence<
at any given moment. This means 1
that, on an average, song hits must
be turned out at the rate of at least <
one a day. So large are the au- l
diences and so frequent the repeti- i
tions that the wear and tear has I
become fast and furious. It is a
stout song that can stand up under 1
two weeks of it. t
Yet the conclusion that the pub- t
lic is losing its taste for jazz is open X
to serious questidn. The reaction i
is more likely due to the fact that 2
the attempt to meet the demand
for song hits has produced so many t
poor pieces-which must be taken r
for want of better-that they over- a
shadow the occasional good one. r
We are passing through a period a
of musical inflation. Bad money t
always tends to drive out the good.
It would be a real loss if the 1n
silver and god which is jazz at its t
best shoud be driven out by the s
iimsv and denreciated currencv i]
They are proud of their no-
madic life and of their knowl-
edge of how it should be ac-
complished. After all, if one
goes about a bit, a home at-
mosphere that is informal and
comfortable has its advantages.
Evening decollete and dinner
coats are not a requisite when
one travels to Europe ToURIST
Third Cabin. That pretty well
describes why the seasoned
traveler to Europe often prefers
this class. Then, it has the fea-
ture of being very inexpensive,
which is a big item in modern
travel. Round-trips cost from
$184.50 up.
In our fleets we offer you a
choiceof such famous liners
as the Majestic, world's largest
land, Lapland, etc.-and two
remarkable steamers, Minne-
TOuRisT Third Cabin passen-
Accommodations are reserved exclusively
for American vacationists - the sort of
people you will enjoy traveling with.
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Furnishings at Real Savings
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$5 & $6 Felt Hats, new styles,
X2.50 & $3.50 White & Fancy
$5 & $6 Plain Sweaters . ... .
$1 Silk Socks, 2 for ....... .
$6 Suede Jackets.........
... . ...$3.85
Shirts.. $1.65
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Athletic Underwear.,
. $3.95
. .59
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75c Shorts or Shirts....... .
$1.50 Silk Ties. ... ... ....
$2.50 & $3 Pajamas....... .
. p .S S
and hundreds of other Bargains
213 E. Liberty
Out of 859 arrests for traffic vio-
ations in Washington, D. C., since
Jliiv 1 only 28 were women accord-