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July 10, 1929 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-10

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Prof. Koehler to Speak on Mentality
of Apes in Natural Science
Prof. Wolfgang Koehler of the
University of Berlin will lecture on
the subject, the Mentality of Apes,
tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock in'
Natural Science Auditorium. Pro-
fessor Koehler, who is acting as
guest instructor in the psychology
department this week, is director
of the psychological institute at the
University of Berlin and the recog-
nized leader of the new psycholo-
gical movement: Gestalt psychoo-
In 1913 Prof. Koehler went to
the Anthropoid station at Tenerife
to make a six-months' study of the
behavior of apes. While there the
war broke out, and he was unable
to return for' four years. As a
result of his lengthy reseirch, he
published his well-known volume,
"The Mentality of Apes."
Koehler Adopts Psychology
At the time of these observations,
Prof. Koehler was tending toward
the ideas embodied in the Gestalt
psychology, which has flourished to
such an extent during the past ten
Gestalt psychology,, which takes'
its name from the German word
for "shape," or "form," emphasizes
the experience as a whole rather
than being composed of parts or
single elements: sensations, etc.
Much of its terminology is new as
it has renamed many of the psy-
chological processes due to the fact
that much of the old material has,
been reinterpreted in the light of
the dominant idea of unity of
Lecture Based on Book
Prof. Koehler's lecture wlil be il-
lustrated and will be based upon
the material found in his book
which bears the same title as the
lecture. Indhis experiments with
apes he used champanzees, sub-
mitting them to many varied kinds
of simple mental tests. He also
used small children, dogs, and hens
in his experiments in order tot se-
cure estimates. As he states in the
preface of his book, one of his
purposes was to "ascertain the de-
gree of relationship between an-
thropoid apes and man."
Prof. Koehler has lectured in this
country before, having acted in the
capacity of guest instructor at
Clark for half a year and likewise
at Harvard for an equal length of
Flyers Drink Whiskey
On Arrival In Spai,
(By Associated Press)

STANDERT, Spain, July 10-Ro-
ger Q. Williams and Captain Lewis
Yancey after a tran-Atlantic air
voyage of three thousand four hun-
dred miles, from Old Orchard, Me.,
slept on their laurels here tonight
before completing their flight to
Rome tomorrow morning in their
airplane, Pathfinder.
Want of gasoline forced them
down today as night was falling
over the northern Spanish coast
not far from the very spot where
their French comrades of the Yel-
low Bird had to land. They did
not seem fatigued when the As-
sociated Press correspondent found
them drinking a glass of whiskey
with Governor General Saliquet.
Williams and Yancey said they
ha drealized a few bours after
leaving Old Orchard, they could not


Injured Seaman on Larger Gressel
Dies; Similar Disasters Take
Toll of 221 Since War
(By Associated Press7
LONDON, July 9-Two British
submarines collided today in St.
George's channel off Fishguard,
sending the H-47 to the bottom
with a loss of all but two of her
crew of 23, and damaging the L-12
and killing one member of her
Rescue work was immediately be-
gun. The best diving apparatus
available were dispatched from
London and Portsmouth. These
are to be used in the search for
the H-47, one of the smaller type
of British submarines used for
training purposes, which went down
in 270 feet of water.f
The first Lord of the Admiralty,
Alexander, had little hope that the
crew of the H-47 could ever be


Commercial Aviators Re-fuel and,
Remain in Air to Stay
Till Motor Stops

Picture of little Miss Mary Ellin
Berlin, daughter of Irving Berlin,
famed song writer.
Former Grid Captain Will Act as
Yearlings Line Coach During
Coming Season
(Special To The Daily)
MADISON, Wis., July 10.-How-
ard Hancock, athletic director at
the State Teachers' College, Osh-
kosh, has been secured by the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin to serve on the
football coaching staff for the 1929f
season. Hancock will be line coach
of the freshmen, working under
Guy Sundt. Since assuming his
post at Oshkosh Normal he has
been a prominent figure in the
state's college athletics.
The new mentor learned his foot-
ball under John Richards, formerj
Badger coach. He graduated from
the University of Wisconsin in 19171
and that season was captain of the
eleven. He playeu tackle. At the j
present time Hancock is enrolled'
in the Wisconsin summer session,
studying toward his master's de-3
gree in physical education.
The signing of the former Car-
dinal grid captain provides the new'
yearling coach, Guy Sundt, with an
able tutor for the linemen. Some
time ago it was announced that
Jack McAuliffe, former Beloit Col-
lege athlete, would probably be
obtained to work with the Frosh
backs. Although McAuliffe has
not been definitely signed, tlat
technicality will be taken care of
upon the return of Glenn Thistle-
League Will Honor
Staff Of Library
The faculty of the library science
department will be the honor{
guests at the tea which the Michi-
gan League will give from 3:30 to
5:30 this afternoon in the garden
of the League building. Miss Mar-
garet Mann, Miss Gertrude Maginn,
Miss Edith Thomas, Miss Adelaide
Evans, Mrs. Gertrude G. Drury,
Prof. Carleton B. Joeckel, and Prof.
F. L. D. Goodrich will be honored.
Miss -Grace Richards, adviser to
women, will also be present. Miss
Dorothy Woodrow, '30, summer
president of the League, and Miss
10 - _ 0--11 1- 4-!1

brought up alive. He announced in
the House of Commerce that sal-
vage of the submarine in such a
depth of water was most improba-
The H-47 lay tonight three times
as deep as the level to which the
American Submarine S-4, sank in
1927. Battleship, dockyard, tug, and
expert submarine officers hasten-
ed to St. George's channel tonight
from Portsmouth and Plymouth
Naval Stations.
Ocean salvage experts tonight
thought it would be possible to
locate the hull if the weather con-
tinued fine, but the great depth at
which it lay would make diving
operations most difficult.
American League
Washington 2; Detroit 1.
Chicago 6; Philadelphia 4. 1
ew York 8; St. Louis 7.
Nationa4 League
Boston 6; Chicago 2.
St. Louis 7; Philadelphia 4.
New York 8; Cincinnati 5.
Pittsburgh 3; Brooklyn 1.

Miss Julia Bradham
Evidently gentlemen no longer prefer blondes, for the National
Association of American Business clubs, meeting in Asheville, N. C.,
chose Miss Julia Bradham, brunette, of Rocky M6unt, N. C., as "sweet-
heart" of the organization.
U. S. Commences Issue Of New
Species Today; Bills Smaller'

(By Associated Press)
CULVER CITY, Calif., July 10.-
Two commercial aviators, L. W.
Mendell and R. B. Reinhart set a
new world's endurance flight record
here today with their single-mo-
tored biplane Angelo, and con-
tinued to pilot the ship with no in-
dication of a landing.
At 2:29 P. M., Pacific coast _time,
they bettered by an hour the record
of 174 hours and 59 seconds, estab-
lished last Saturday at Cleveland
by Roy L. Mitchell and Byron K.
Show Dissatisfaction
Apparently not satisfied with
beating the former record by a
mere hour the plane was re-fuelled
and continued in flight late today
with the men in excellent spirits
and the plane in apparently good
When they took-off, the aviators
planned to fly at least 200 hours or
until they were forced down.
When the record was beaten the
men flew low over the airport here
and werelcheered wildly by the
crowd below. Mendell stu~ck his
head out and grinned through his
whiskers and Reinhart came out on
the fuselage and waved and shout-
ed something inaudible.
Try for Real Mark
'We're going to stay up as long
i as the old motor hangs together, if
it runs a month, we'll stay up a
month. We both feel better than
before we started. We're going to
show you a regular he-man record.
We're going to stick close to the
field now in case something hap-
h pens. We told you when we went
up we'd stay until the motor fell
apart. We're going to, because

Many New Features Are Found in
New Money of all
This is the day Uncle Sam starts
taking your money away from you.
Of course he's going to do it grad-
ually, but even at that, it will make
a difference in the size of your
bankroll. We're going to have new
paper money, you know.
The new bills are only two-thirds;
as large as those you have in your;
pocket now-2 9-16 inches by 6 1-4
inches. Maybe they will slip through
the fingers easier. The one dollar
bill bears a picture of Washington'
on one side and a great big 1on
the other. George was our first
president, you will remember. If
there were a three dollar bill, it
would bear a likeness of Jefferson;
but as there is none, we find him
on the two. Lincoln is pictured on

the five, Hamilton on the ten and
Jackson on the twenty. The fifty
has U. S. Grant on one side and the
Capitol on the other. Frugal Ben
Franklin will adorn the hundred.
Perhaps you'll be interested to know
what the bills of higher denomina-
tions look like; we present herewith
a complete table of the new money:

On Face

On Back

$1-Washington ....Ornate "One"
$2-Jefferson ...........Monticello
$5-Lincoln....Lincoln Memorial
$10-Hamilton ...........Treasury

Wisconsin's Gridiron Stars
Find Summer Work Outdoors

$20-Jackson.........White House were a couple 0f tough nombres."
$50-Grant ................Capitol
$100-Franklin; Independence Hall PLAY IS FASTER
$500-McKinley.............. ,, IN TENNIS MEETS
.........Ornate 'Five Hundred
.Ornate "One Thousand" Play in both the Intramural as
$5,000-Madison.................well as the Ann Arbor City tennis
.Ornate "Five Thousand" tournaments is moving along at a
$10,000-Chase.................fasterpace than over the week end,
.~Ornate "Ten Thousand" As yet no dates have been set for'
h . a ...obvatee Thofsald the finals but it is expected that
The face or obverse side of all if the play continues at the pres-
r errency is printed in black, the ent rate of speed the finals will
reverse in green. Silver certificates be played on the week end of the
have blue seals and serial numbers; 21st.
U. S. notes, red; gold certificates, The play of Bob Johnson, elon-
yellow; Federal Reserve notes, gated Detroit net star and a mem-
green; national bank notes, brown. ber of this year's freshman team,
All bills of less than $500, except stamps him as a ranking favorite
the one, carry pictures of buildings I for top honors in all four tour-
on their backs. When you get a neys.
$5,000 bill, don't carelessly jam it__
into your pocket until you have Lcturer From Oxford
looked at the back. If it has a pic-
ture of a building, you'll know it is Gives Talk On Science
a counterfeit. Perhaps the new__
money will be a little confusing at "Astrophysics is of great benefit
first, but there's one thing you can to science in the aid which it gives
bank upon: even in its changed to physicists in the study of the
form, it's just as hard to get as atom," declared Prof. E. A. Milne,
ever. visiting lecturer from Oxford Uni-

(Special To The Daily)
MADISON, Wis., July 10-Many
types of outdoor labor have been
sought by Wisconsin's football
players whose vacationing amounts
to nothing more than three months
of physical conditioning. The boys
who will answer Coach Glenn This-
tlethwaite's call September 15 have
lost no time in securing jobs which
keep them in the open air and de-
veloping their physiques for the
autumn grind.
A great variety of tasks may be
found in the list of summer occu-
pations undertaken by the Badger
gridiron athletes. Some of the men
have remained in Madison to at-
tend morning classes in the sum-
mer school, and must content
themselves with exercising in the
afternoons, whether at work or at
In checking on the behavior of
his football players, Thistlethwaite
found among their new roles sev-
eral lifeguards, a motorcycle pa-
trolman, waiters, farmers, miners,
camp supervisors, as well as day
laborers of all descriptions. Num-
bered among those who are guard-
ing the bathing beaches are: Russ
Rebholz, promising young half-
back, Howard Jensen, leading re-
cruit end, and Sam Behr, Milt Gan-

Capt. John Parks, guard, is sail-
ing for Europe this month. The
new Badger pilot will have charge
of a group of young folks on the
tour abroad. Hal Rebholz, veteran'
fullback, is a traffic officer in one
of Madison's suburbs, and Lewis
Smith, end, is peddling ice in Mil-
waukee. Harold Smith, tackle on
the freshman eleven last season, is
doing manual labor in Freeport, Ill.,
his home town.
Larry Shomaker, center, is toil-
ing in the mines at Herrin, Ill.,
while' "Moose" Krueger and Nello
Pacetti, two new men, are using
the pick and shovel with street la-
bor gangs. Milo Lubratovich, giant
Serbian tackle from Duluth, is driv-
ing a tractor; George Casey, one
of last fall's wings, is with a bridge
construction concern, and Ebert
Warren, another end, has gone up
north as a councillor in a boys'
Al Leithan, a lineman who show-
ed promise in spring drills, is la-
boring in a grain elevator. Chetl
Miller, reserve center in 1928, has
been handling lumber in the yards
since the close of school. Doug
Simmons, a recruite pivot, is learn-
ing the roofing game, while Henry
Hardt, also an inexperienced line-


versity, in an illustrated lecture on
MichiganSt"Star Colors and Their Interpreta-
tion," delivered at 5 o'clock yester-
Will View Heavens( day in Natural Science auditorium.
The speaker showed how the
Only a limited number will be weight and distance of stars are
admitte dto the observatory on vis- estimated by the mathematical
itors' nights, July 15, 16 and 17. physicist by calculating the char-
Tickets may be obtained at any acter and density of the fogginess
time in the office of the Summer between them and the earth. Meth-
session by students upon presenta- ods of determining the constituents
tion of their treasurer's receipts. of the stars were shown, and the
Since the number has been limited use of the spectrascope in the study
to 150 for each nght, all are urged of the composition of the sun was
to get their tickets early. Last sum- discussed by Professor Milne.
mer visitors' night proved so popu- I The lecture was especially inter-

lar that quite a large number were
Each night there will be three
sections limited to 50 persons each.
The first group will meet from 8:15
to 9 o'clock, the second from 9:15

esting for the way in which several
sciences were used to develop the
one subject. Principles of mathe-
matics and physics were applied to
astronomical problems, and the
results were astonishing. The close

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