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June 17, 1929 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1929-06-17

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively. en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and therlocal news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $x.5o; by mail
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.-
Telephone 21214
Editorial Director...........Howard F. Shout
Women's Editor...........Margaret Eckels
City Editor............Robert L. Sloss
Music and Drama Editor.. R. Leslie Askren
Books Editor............ Lawrence R. Klein

Night Editor
Howard F. Shout
S. Cadwell Swanson
Noah W. Bryant
Edna Henley

Walter Wilds
Harold Warren
Ledru Davis

the body will bring no little dis-
appointment to the student body.
That the ban during its past
two years of existence has been a
success, there is no doubt. This is
due to the rigid but not altogether
unfair method of enforcement from
the offic& of the Dean of Students.j
That ^it has proved unpopular is
equally doubtless. And not a shade
of a doubt clings about the fact
that the entire student body, reach-
ed in its entirety by the sweeping
effect of the ban, has proved its
willingness to cooperate with the
administration in the enforcement
At the time when the auto ban
was introduced to the campus it
was promised that a plan of mod-
ification would be gradually intro-
duced as soon as it was deemed!
feasible by the administration. The
almost complete success of the ban
during the past two years has
seemed to The Daily to be sufficient
warrant for the modification pro-
cess, affecting at the most the stu-
dents in graduate schools.
There remains only the weary
task of extenuating the argument.
It is not the policy (and never has
been) of The Daily to advocate the
complete removal of the ban, al-
lowing every student to drive, but
instead to place in effect the plan
of modification, affecting first the
students in professional and grad-
uate schoos and lastly juniors and
seniors of the literary college. It
is difficult to maintain this policy
in the light of administrative and
public opinion, wherein The Daily
is judged as a representative of
puerile student opinion yelling for
freedom and release from control.
Our policy, however, remains stead-
fastly the same.-

£ 1 ML L .1U J4LP'LcU.L1i IJ
o 0
With the resources of this vast
institution given over quite to the
business of graduating this year's
product of the educational mill, and
doing it as "beautifully" and im-
pressively as possible so that the
quaking Senior knees at facing the
cold hard world will not play a*
death rattle too loudly through the
hymns to Alma Mater and what-
not that will grace the occasion,
the spirit of ithe drama retires,
perhaps a bit grimly, in favor of the
scholastic amenities.
It seems a bit of a shame to
tease the old lady for news; any1
one who has followed' the situation
locally will admit that Dame Drama
is entitled to a rest. But the grim- I
ness with which she has retired'
from 'the limelight suggests that'
instead of iesting she is really ma-
turing further plans for local ex-
citement, in which case it mightj
be well to have the situation fa-
miliarly in mind.
The major activity will be that"
of the Michigan Repertory Players
which Play Production is sponsor-
ing for the Summer Session. This
repertory group will include a num-
ber of students who have been
teaching dramatic technique dur- I
ing the regular school year and
are anxious to find new ideas in!
summer work. With them will be
a number of students from the reg-
ular school year who, too, are tak-
ing their dramatic work seriously
enough to keep them in Ann Ar-
bor for the summer months. The
result would seem to be Play Pro-
duction going very serious mind-


Miic;d- A nt4 T rama I

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Telephone 4925
Assistant Business .............. Vernor Davis
George Spater
Accounts Manager............Egbert Davis
Circulation Manager............Jeanette Dale
MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1929
Two weeks ago, in addressing the
graduating seniors of the Massa-1
chusetts Institute of Technology,
Prof. Robert E. Rogers, of the Eng-
lish department of that school, ad-
monished his audience to affect a
bold front in facing the world and,
in short, to be what he himself
termed a social "snob."Professor
Rogers made no reference to the
maintenance of arx intellect.
Today some 2,000 Michigan men
and women sever official connec-
tion with the University. Whether
or not they travel their various
lanes of endeavor under the shal-
low guise of social snobbery is, we
believe, a matter of individual tem-
perament. People cannot blandly
announce "I am now to become a
snob" and thereupon complete the
metamorphosis. Fundamentals of
character are ingrained and firmly
implanted before a person reaches,
the age of graduation. By that time
it is too late to become a .snob or
to refrain from snobbishness.

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Editorial Comment


(From the New York Times)
Einstein has given us a new con-
ception of the universe. All that we
see about and above us is as finite
as any globe, because matter has
the gravitational property of curv-
ing space around it. It is utterly
impossible for most of us to grasp
either the reasoning or the con-
clusion. We seem to find the infin-
ite more comprehensible than the
finite. But the astronomer has
thrown the old infinite universe
overboard because he must deal
with realities. He stretches a math-
ematical tape from star to star in
an effort to measure the "radius,

While it is impossible to mask of curvature of space-time" and'
matured characteristics under false thus to determine the size of the
pretentions and term the result cosmos.-
natural snobbishness, as Professor A newcomer among these celest-
Rogers would have us do, nothing ial surveyors is Dr. Ludwik Silber-
could be more noble and more cred- stein. He created not a little stir
itable on the part of a body of among astronomers and the twelve
graduates than a bearing of intel- mythical wise men who alone were
lectual snobbishness. Instead of supposed to understand relativity,
"shaving every day," "keeping by announcing before the American
clothes pressed, and lots of them," Physical Society that the radius of
and 'acting like a gentleman," in- space is but a paltry five million
stead of 'marrying for social posi- light-years. Hence the universe
tion," "affecting superiority," and must be smaller than most Ein-
"joining good clubs, even if you can steinians insist. The estimate is
not afford them," the graduate not to be lightly dismissed. It has
could force himself farther up the been trebly verified by applying a
ladder of social esteem, both in his governing formula to one group ofI
own opinion and that of his critic, 35 stars, another of 29, and a thirdJ
if he would, on the eve of his grad- of 246. All three computations are
uation, undergo a mental house- in pleasing but none-the less dis-
cleaning, 'free his mind from can't," concerting agreement.
learn to think independently and If Dr. Silberstein's work is ac-
act accordingly. A society compos- cepted, astronomy will have to re-
ed of such persons would be in- vise its methods of measuring stel-
finitely more mentally aloof than lar distances and rewrite those
the tribe of sycophants that wouldss
do-chapters which deal with the struc-
result from Professor Rogers' doc-i ture and size of the universe. Mod-
trine. In place of attempting to'ern telescopes seem to have pene-
inherit the earth and cram it down trated to the very borders of space
their tasteless gullets, the gradu- in the Einsteinian sense. Far out
ates should attempt an application lie faint nebulae, masses of gas
of their cultural potentialities, an which have no relation to our own
effort both naturally adaptable and Milky Way and which are therefore
noticeably civilized, regarded as "island universes." Dr.
And so we would leave the grad- Hubble of Mount Wilson and Pro-
uate with this interpretation of fessor Shapley of Harvard estimate
the value of snobbishness to the that some of them are 140 million
world in which he lives. We feel light-years distant. Eitherl Dr. Sil-
that if Michigan's graduating sen- .berstein's five million light-years
lors would -leave their Alma Mater as the measure of the radius of
possessing this viewpoint, they space is wrong, or the accepted
would do much to counter-act what methods of estimating stellar dis-
seriousness Professor Rogers' mes- tances must be revised-methods
sage may have been taken with, which consist in applying the time-"
honored principles of the surveyor,
CONTINUED POLICY converting stars that vary in
There will be no modification of brightness into plumb-lines and
the present code of regulations gov- using the colors of distant suns as
erning the operation of student au- yardsticks.
tomobiles on the campus during the Fifteen years of arduous mathe-t
school year of 1929-30, it was as- matical work by Shapley and others
sured by Bert Watkins, clerk to may have to be discarded, and Har-
the Board of Regents, following a vard may have to revise the splen-1
recess in their meeting last Fri- did ten-year program which it hast
lay. This decision on the part of undertaken to follow in nnttino ha

The leader of activities will be
Prof. Chester M. Wallace, head of
the Drama Department at Carne-
gie. institute of Technology and
visiting director of Play Produc-
tion's activities for the summer. Di-
rector Windt insists on staying in
the background and letting the full
glare of publicity fall on his old
time teacher and personal friend,
himself serving merely as assistant
to Prof. Wallace. The introduction
of Prof. Wallace's methods into thej
stream of campus producing will
be a case of getting back to the!
original fountain head of the in- J
fluence which has molded Mr.
Windt's efforts, and should be a
valuable experience as well for stu-
dents as for audiences.
Producing rights have been se-
cured by Mr. Windt for ten plays.
Only seven of these will be given,
choice from the ten being determ-
ined by the possibility of casting
from the repertory group.
The Cassilis Engagement
-Sir John Hankin
Escape .......John Galsworthy
The Good Hope
-Herman Heijermans
Smart Alec and Amaryllis
Carroll Fitzhugh
Redemption ........ Leo Tolstoy
Children of the Moon
-Martin Flavin
The Show Off......George Kelly
The Dover Road .... A. A. Milne
Craig's Wife ......George Kelly
The opening bill is announced as
"The Cassilis Engagement," which
is St. John Hankin's old-time fav-
orite, a satiric study of romantics
on an English country estate. The
general theme is the essential im-
portance of a common background
of ideas and training for marriage
as opposed to romantic infatuation.
This, late in the Victorian era, when
Love was a great big value in Life,
and intellectual young ladies puck-
ered lily brows and asked their
whiskered "callers" if they didn't
think, after all, that love is every-
thing. The Romantic Ideal has
subsided sufficiently until now it
lingers mainly in popular lyrics
about "cottages small" and "dream
houses" and similar intellectual
bric-a-brac, but Hankin's play
stands out, a signpost of not too
bygone ideas, but primarily as de-
lightful entertainment.
But with the concluding perfor-
mance of "The Firebrand" last Sat-
urday night by the Henderson-
managed and Evans-directed group
of semi-pros dramatic activities
have been suspended until the
white knicker crowd of summer stu-
dents arrive to stir stings up in
their inimitable collegiate way and
Play Production's season gets un-
der way.


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distribution and distances of clus-
ters, novae and nebulae in an effort
to find out what are the structure
and limits of the universe.


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