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June 17, 1929 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1929-06-17

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L ITTLE e s Approve
TTLE Drmitory Plans

Text From Hebrews 4:12 Employed
For President's Address
To Senior Classes
For the fourth time in as many
years, President Clarence Cook Lit-
tle delivered the Baccalaureate ad-
dress yesterday morning in Hill
Auditorium. Dr. Little took for his
text Hebrews; 4-12:
"For the word of God is quick
and powerful, and sharper than
any two-edged sword, piercing
even to the dividing asunder of
soul and spirit, and of the
joints and marrow, and is a
discerner of the thoughts and
intents of the heart."
dividing his sermon into three
parts, attacking the "static and rit-
uaistic conception of God and of
His word which those religions in-
sist must be accepted;" discussing
"certain relationships which exist
between individuals under the new
order and which encourage free
exchange of hopes and of troubles
from one to another;" and lastly
speaking of three things obviously
in need of succor: patriotism, wo-
men, and children.
Dr. Little stated that there is a
weakening today in educated com-
munities of the hold which the or-
thodox religions have on the
thoughts and actions of those who
are young and independent. The1
church has placed a premium on
absence of individual or indepen-
dent thought, but this is of course
necessary to the perpetuation of
such an organized group.
"The orthodox church is on the
defensive," he said. "It is working
harder and harder to maintain its
hold. It formerly could afford to
ignore, but can no longer, the in-
roads made in its authority by the
truths which those outside of its
members are almost daily discov-
In cutting loose from the tradi-
tional and material "comforters"
and spiritual nursing bottles, we
find, President Little believes, the
"full implication of the text-the
word of God is not the word of the
words of man. It is quick-it is
sharp-it may even divide soul and
spirit-it is a discerner of the
thoughts and intents of the heart.
The word of God has never been
and never will be defined, meas-
ured, classified and organized by
In commenting on the needs of
patriotism, the 'narrowness of our
patriotism being one of our out-
standing national qualities, Presi-
dent Little declared, "Patriotism
too, bites deep "piercing even to
the dividing asunder of soul and
spirit, and of the points and mar-
row.' It may be close to a part of
the 'word of God.' '

Goodrich Resigns Post
To Become Law Dean
Prof. Herbert F. Goodrich, whose
resignation from the Law school
faculty was accepted by the Board
of Regents at their meeting last
Friday, will leave the University to
become dean of the Law depart-
ment at the University oft Pennsyl-
Professor Goodrich will join the
faculty of the eastern school July
1, succeeding Dr. William E. MI-
kell, who retires at that time.

Two resolutions consistent with
President Clarence Cook Little's
policy were adopted by the Board
of Regents at their annual meet-
ing last Friday, when they author-
ized taking of bids and letting of
the contract for the erection of the
proposed women's dormitory, and
when they issued the statement
that no revision of the Universi-
ty's present automobiledregulation
would be forthcoming during the
academic year, 1929-30.
The buildings and grounds de-
partment was instructed to ap-
prove the plans for the dormitory
prepared by Malcomson and Hig-
ginbotham. The building, which
will accommodate 450 women, will
cost $995,000, and will be started by
September 15.
Graduating Students Hold Class Day
Ceremonies; Dean H. C. Sadler
Addresses Engineers
Opening their final period of ac-
tivity, two senior classes of the
University held their annual Class
Day exercises on the campus Sat-
urday. The Seniors of the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts
held their ceremony at the band-
stand near the flagpole in front of
the library at 1:30 o'clock in the
afternoon, and the Seniors of the
College of Engineering met at the
Senior benches near the Engineer-
ing Arch at 10 o'clock Saturday
The exercises of the Literary
college featured five addresses.
Kenneth C. Schafer, '29, president
of the class, delivered the presi-
dent's address; Ruth Palmer, '29,
and William Emery, '29, made the
class prophecy; the history of the
class was -given by Sylvia Stone, '29,
and Philip Crane, '29; Louisa But-
ler, '29, presented the class poem;
Robert Gessner, '29, was class Ora-
tor; and the closing address was
made by Dean John R. Effinger, of
the Literary college. Gessner was
chairman of arrangements.
Originally planned for Friday
at 10 o'clock, the Class Day exer-
cises of the College of Engineering
were postponed to Saturday. John
R. Gilmartin, as chairman of the
Class Day committee, introduced
the speakers. Eugene Easterly, Jr.,
president of the class, delivered the
president's address and also read
the class history. An address was
delivered by Prof. Chester O. Wis-
ler, Class Mentor. Dean Herbert C.
Sadler gave the final talk.
The class memorial, presented to
the University by the Senior engi-
neers, is a bronze bust of Dean
Emeritus Mortimer E. Cooley, which
Will be placed in a marble .lined
niche in the Engineering arch. The
Senior class was assisted by the
faculty of the college in obtaining
the bust.
IhNo memorial has been selected by
the literary Seniors. Schafer an-
nounced that more than $900 was
now on hand, but that selection of
(Continued On Page Four)

versity must lose Professor Good-
rich, Dean Henry M. Bates of the
Law school said that "in the face
of such a splendid opportunity Pro-
fessor Goodrich could pursue no
other course." He also added, "We
shall greatly miss him as an assoc-
iate and teacher of great energy
and ability, but his new positionI
will offer him excellent opportuni-
ties for the outlet of unusual ad-
ministrative abilities with which he

Mrs. Shirley Smith Presides Over
Ceremony; Mary J. White And
Margaret Bush Speak

Michigan Men In Hoover's Cabinet
Included Among Graduates
Regents Honor
By action of the Board of Re-
gents, the University conferred up-
on men prominent in various fields
of achievement her honorary de--

1974 Graduates
Given Degrees
At Ceremonies
Michigan's eighty.fifth annual Commencement exercises were
held on Ferry Field this morning before a gathering of more than
8,000 persons. Sharply at 9 o'clock the gowned procession of
faculties and classes, led by the University band, swung onto the
field, and marched into their places. Degrees in course were con-
frred upon 1,974 candidates in order, and on behalf of the faculties,
represented by the respective deans of the schools and colleges.
Following the invocation which was pronounced by the Rev.
Allison Ray Heaps, the Commencement address was made by Rob
ert Andrews Millikan, Ph.D., Sc.D., LL.D., director of the Norman
Bridge Laboratory of Physics, at the California Institute of Tech-
nology, and Nobel Prize winner in 1923.
o Mini d

"This is something vastly more
than a monumental; structure
achieved by skillfully devoted arch-
itects and craftsmen. It is some-
thing more than a beautifully
adorned forum and rendezvous. It
is the product of mass loyalties
cheerfully dedicated to an ideal
by thousands of daughters who love
their Alma Mater and who have
toiled for it with incorrigible zeal."
Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg
paid well-earned tribute to Univer-
sity women in his address at the
dedication of the new Michigan
League Building last Friday after-
noon. Mrs. Vandenberg read the
address since the Senator was un-
able to attend the ceremony be-
cause of the extra session of Con-
Mrs. Shirley W. Smith, chairman
of the dedication committee, and
former chairman of the Alumnae
Council, presided at the dedication.
The Rev. Allison Heaps of the
Congregational church of Ann Ar-
bor gave the invocation. A quar-
tet from the Girls' Glee club, un-
der the direction of Miss Nora
Crane Hunt of the School of Music,
followed the opening service.
Mr. Irving K. Pond, joint archi-
tect of the League building with
his brother, the late Allen C. Pond,
gave a short talk on the architect-
ural conception of the building.
Mary J. White, '29, retiring pres-
ident of the League described the
various rooms in the building which
were especially dedicated at the
ceremony. Miss White spoke of the
Gordon Mendelssohn gift which
made it possible to complete the
League theater and hold the dedi-
cation service there.
Margaret J. Bush, '30, president-
elect of the League, followed Miss
White's speech with one concern-
ing the future of the organization
and the important part which the
new building will play in it.
Regent James Murfin of Detroit
concluded the list of speakers.
At the conclusion of the cere-
mony the chairman, on behalf of
the Alumnae groups throughout the
country, presented Mrs. W. H. Hen-
derson, Executive Secretary of the
League with a silver service, in rec-
ognition of her loyalty and effort.

grees at the eighty-fifth Com-
mencement today.
Prof. John G. Winter of the La-
tin department read the following
citations, after the reading of which T
the appropriate hood was placed on Y
the candidates by Prof. Alfred O. OPENJUNE24
Lee and Prof. Crawford C. Ed- -__
monds. Courses Will Embody Many Features
MASTER OF LAWS: j Hitherto Unincorporated Into
Henry William Webber, a gradu- Summer CurriculaI
ate of the Law School in the class C
of 1894, an honored member of the LRGE NUMBER TO ATTENDt
New York Bar. Constant and help-~ __
ful in his devotion to the best in-b
terests of the University he has With1 the promise of a larger at-I
kept undimmed the light of hisow i
loyty ndidledh inh ohrsa own tendance than last year and off er-
loyalty and kindled in others a new ing many new features, the thirty-
allegiance sixth summer session of the Uni-
versity will open in most schoolsC
MASTER OF ARTS: and colleges on June 24 and willc
Frederic Wilson Willard, a grad- continue for the regular period ofE
uate of the College of Literature, eight weeks, according to Dean{
Science, and the Arts in the class Edward Kraus.
of 1906, an authority on insulation Engineering students will be giv-
materials and metal protectives, j en the opportunity to do some
whose business career has been a practical work in their field atl
source of just pride to his Alma Camp Davis, near Jackson, Wyom-E
Mater. Long associated with the ing, as part of the University sum-E
Western Electric Company, he has' mer curricula. The University has{
steadily risen to positions of re- just acquired a tract of 120 acres#
sponsibility and has proved himself of land south of the Yellowstone1
equal to every task and trust. As National park near the JacksonE
its Personnel Director he now ad- hole country. The work of re-lo-r
ministers one of the great execu- cating this camp, which has been
tive offices in the industrial world. formerly located at Douglas Lakec
Ossian Cole Simonds, a graduate' and which has now been given overE
in civil engineering of the Univer- to the biology department, is al-9
sity in the class of 1878; an author- ready under way. One importantt
ity on landscape design, who holds feature of the new camp which
a commanding place among the makes it an ideal place for workY
members of his profession. A is the fact that there is a free;
staunch defender of the natural (Continued On Page Four)
charm of American landscapes,

Lr. Ivii ixan aa resse tre
assembled gathering on the topic
"Science and Spiritual Values."
Degrees in, course were presented
in the following drder, and on be-
half of the faculties named, by
these individuals: Dean John R.
Effinger of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts; Dean
J. B. Edmondson of the School of
Education; Dean Herbert C. Sadler
of the Colleges of Engineering and
Architecture; Dean Hugh Cabot of
the Medical school; Dean Henry
Moore Bates of the Law school;
Dean Edward Henry Kraus of the
College of Pharmacy; Dean M. L.
Ward of the College of Dentistry;
Dean Clare E. Griffin of the School
of Business Administration; Dean
S. T. Dana of the School of For-
estry and Conservation; Dean G.
Carl Huber of the Graduate school.
The recipignts of honorary degrees
were presented by Prof. John G.
Winter of the Latin department.
Professor Winter read the citation
appropriate to the conferring of
each degree, following which Prof.
Charles W. Edmonds and Prof. Al-
fred O. Lee placed the honorary
hood over the candidates' should-
After the conferring of the de-
grees in course and of honorary
deg ees, the candidates and audi-
ence sang the "yellow and Blue."
This was follov'ed by the benedio-
he shaped it to his will with energy
and conspicuous success.
Mortimer Elwyn Cooley, Dean
Emeritus of the Colleges of Engi-

sensitive to beauty and skillful in
the means of creating it, he has
found his joy and service in awak-
ening, civic ideals which express
themselves in the development of
city plans and parks. A better her-1
itage for later days can no man
Jesse Gurney Vincent, Vice Pres-
ident of Engineering of the Pack-
ard Motor Car Company, whose in-
ventions, chiefly in the simplifica-
tion of the mechanism of motors,
have profoundly influenced the de-
velopment of that industry. As co-
designer of the famous Liberty en-

gine and Chief Engineer of the neering and Architecture, whose
Bureau of Aircraft Production, he name and influence will remain for
rendered his country conspicuous! ever memorable in the annals of
service during the turmoil of the ithe University. In the long years
war. In conferring her degree upon of his devoted labors as Professor
him, the University recognizes his and Dean, he has contributed
high distinction as an inventor greatly to its eminence not only
DOCTOR OF BUSINESS .by his distinguished attainments
ADMINISTRATION: as an engineer but also by his stim-
Henry Sturgis Dennison, a gradu- ulating influence as a wise educator
ate of Harvard in the class of 1899, and by his achievements as an able
now President of the Dennison administrator. Repeatedly honored
Manufacturing Company. By ap- by the national societies of his pro-
plying to business administration fessioAz and by the Government
the methods and results of research which he has loyally served in
he won wide recognition as a pro-1 peace and war, his crowning re-
gressive leader in his field. As a ward is the affectionate esteem of
member and officer of various as- his fellow-men.
sociations devoted to the study of j DOCTOR OF SCIENCE:
scientific management and the I Ross Granville Harrison, Sterling
problems of industry, he has exem- Professor of Biology at Yale Uni-
plified in his career the highest versity, author and scientist, whose
ideals of modernbusiness and its studies of the nervous system have
rb won him honors from learned so-
DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING: cieties at home and abroad. His
Henry Herbert Dow, a graduate experiments in transplanting tis-
of the Case School of Applied sues and in regenerating peripheral.
Science in the class of 1888, Presi- nerves form an enduring contribu-

Alumni Association Re-elects E. J. Ottaway;
Class Reunions Continue Throughout Weekend

Officers for the coming year and
two new directors-at-large were
elected at the annual meeting of
the Alumni association Saturday
morning. E. J. Ottoway of Port
Huron was re-elected president,
Dean G. Carl Huber of the Gradu-
ate school and H. Hobart Corwin
of Jackson were elected first and
second vice-president, respectively.
R. J. Campbell, treasurer of the
University, was re-elected treasurer
of the Association, and Louis P.
Jocelyn of Ann Arbor was re-elect-
ed secretary, a position he has held
for 32 years.
Hiram S. Cody of Chicago was
r.nnlln a ,4r]..ann n4 a * a dtonfMn._

plete an unexpired term, and J.
Walter F. Bennett of New York
City was elected director-at-large
for a three year term.
Alumni meetings and reunions
continued over the week end. A.
S. Pettit, '79, and Irving K. Pond,
'79, two of the oldest alumni pres-
ent, recounted their experiences on
Michigan's first football team. The
first game was played 50 years agc
last Decoration day. They also re-
called a game in which 90 men
played on a side.
At Saturday's meeting, a portrait
of the late Prof. Robert M. Wenley,
painted for the University of Mich-
igan club of Detroit by Percy Ives,


dent and General Manager of the!
Dow Chemical Company. Giftedt
with the skill to invent and theY
capacity to develop and perfect!
various electrolytic processes for1
the recovery and manufacture of
chlorine, calcium, metallic magne-
sium and many other substances,
from the Midland brines, he had:
created an important industry in!
our commonwealth. Finding an

tion to medical science. Pursuing
the way to his chosen goal with
marvellous skill and acumen, he
has labored with effective zeal for
the advancement of learning and
the benefit of mankind.
Gregory Paul Baxter, Professor of
Chemistry at Harvard University,
a great and gifted investigator,
whose researches in determining
atomic weights have made his "name.

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