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SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1929
Miri#4 Uan j
Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The AssociatedP ress , is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice asasecond class matter.
Subscription by carrier. $1.50; by mail
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director ...... Howard F. Shout'
Women's Editor............Margaret Eckels
Ciiy Editor...................harles Askrea
Music and Drama Editor.. R. Leslie Askren
Books Editor............Lawrence R. Klein
Sports Editor .............S. Cadwell Swanson
Night Editors
Henderson as the driving force that oc0
made the club a reality, are in the Music And Drama
main the principal donors of theDrm
funds that raised the building, and 10
the st~ucture per se is a heritage POETIC AND PSYCHOLOGICAL
which future Michigan women will PLAYS SAFE FROM "TALKIE"
ever hallow. INVASIONS
Pessimistic speculation about the By R. Leslie Askren
financial status of the building, The Saturday Evening Post car-
that is, whether or not it could be ries a-ticles; screen magazines edi-
made into a paying proposition, torialize, print backstage pictures,
seems to have been cleared under run long stories of its strange an-
the presenlt management. Its var- tics; and trade magazines editorial-
ios departments are in constant ize with a strange note of wist-
use. The dining rooms and cafe- ful query, criticizing with jumbled
teria are well patronized, both pub- criteria. And at last Actor's Equity
licly and for private teas, dinners, Association jumps to the west coast
and banquets. The theater, in spite to start a drive for union member-
of its rather inadequate technical ship.
facilities, is rented for months in This, all because speech synchro-
advance. nized with action on the cinema
There is an atmosphere of free- screen has finally captured a pop-
dom and ease about the League ular imagination too timid at first l
building that is coldly absent from to accept more than the silent, but
most clubs of a similar nature, and now convinced that novelty in an
yet it is efficient, sufficing, and accepted amusement form is the ul-I
well-handled.1 timate good. The silent movie is(
Justification for its construction now classicized-and the talkie is
is attested by its very popularity.1 off in a blaze of syllables, possibly
Golfers Attention!
Ann Arbor Municipal Golf Course
At Island Park
North of University Hosp.
GREEN FEES, 35c and 50c
Howard F. Shout
S. Cadwell Swanson
Noah W. Bryant
HA Rnlv
Walter Wilds
Harold Warren
Ledru Davis
Telephone 21214
Assistant Business Managers . Vernor Davis
( George Spater
Accounts Manager.............Egbert DavisI
Circulation Manager...........Jeanette Dale
Night Editor-Charles A. Askren
SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1929
State funds again show a large
deficit at the end of this fiscal year,
$2,000,000 being due outside of the
budget allowance. Various reasons
have been advanced for this sit-
uation, but all of them seem in-
adequate. The fact that there is an
unusually large deficit remains.
One excuse advanced is that the
soldier's bonus sinking fund, now
owing from the general fund, was
partly left over from the Groesbeck
administration. It seems a little
peculiar to look so far into the past
for an excuse, and, ignoring the
fact that the G.een administration
has had more than four years to
make up the small deficit left over,
the fact that only about one-third
of the sinkging fund, or approxi-
mately $1,000,000 of the $4,159,968,
was really a heritage from the
Groesbeck regime makes the apolo-
gy seem rather feeble.
Excuse number two is that the
state prisons and hospitals have1
been unusually heavily populated.
This might be very true, but it is
difficult to believe that there could,
be such an increase in one year that
it could not have been, and was
not, reasonably expected and pro-
vided for. It is too much to sup-
pose that the legislature is deliber-
ately making appropriations so
small that deficits are inevitable at
the end of the year.
The same reasoning applies to
the third excuse, that the highway
department had an over-draft of
$1,536,125. Has the governor no
supervision o0 control over the ex-
penditures of the people's money
by the various departments? The
pressing necessity for good and bet-
ter highways must, of course, be
recognized, but the necessity for
spending so much more than the
appropriated amount seems almost
direct contempt for the legislature's
wishes. And we still have some $3,-
000,000 to be accounted for prop-
There seems to be some so t of
a tradition in Lansing that a year
of government without a deficit in
the state funds is a poor year in-
deed. The tradition had best be
discarded for the citizens of the
state cannot have a great deal of
respect for a governing body of
so little financial ability that it not
only creates a deficit but also ac-
tually expect to end each year with
an entry in red ink on the state
books. A little more attention to
the caliber of men appointed to
official posts, and a little less to
their light to be rewarded for work
done during the election cam-
paigns, might not be amiss.
- 0
The hesitant credulity that
watched the development and fin-
al completion of the new Women's
League building should by this time
be strongly fortified with reassur-
ance as to its justification, manage-
ment, and the general underlying
idea that motivated the realization
of the completed building.
The Michigan alumnae, who must
The League, unheralded to the new in the direction of Art.
student body of the Summer Ses- Parenthetically, there may seem
sion, is popular and populated. to be some form of fundamental
Aside from its popularity, it serves fallacy in discussing the screen. But
a purpose that Michigan women argument from the historical anal-
have long been denied-a democi a- ogy suggests a certain amount of
tic house that is dignified and-yet snobbery in drawing the distinc-
less austerely formal than the nar- tion. But drama there is, certainly,
row confines of a.sorority house. It at least in some of the pictures that
should better the spirit and morale have been shown locally, and with
I of all types of campus women. that as a platfoim perhaps the
The League is cutting its own ( movies may be called safe in these
way into campus life, and by the precincts.
opening of the new term next fall But if the movies are safe, there
should be firmly entrenched as a still remain many people who want
standard institution. to know if the legitimate stage is
o safe, if vaudeville is headed for
The youngest member of a ball the booking office rocks, and last in
team in London, Ontario, is 71 a very much longer list of queries,
years old. We'll wager they play what will happen to the musicians
ball about like the Yankees this now driven out of the pit? Figures
season. are quoted that some 135,000 of
o Ithese are out of work.
We suppose Colonel Lindbergh Prophecy in this welter of tran-
has a new conception of "WPe" sition is as foolhardy as it is tempt-
now. ing. The not so far distant C6n-
jtoversy of versus the drama'
is an ironically complete proof of
Editorial Comment__ that. gut at least the signs to the
highroad of prophecy are already
CENSORSHIP REVERTS TO BONE to,be seen in recent productions.
(From The Chicago Tribune) The silent screen, after the nick-
Commissioner Russell and the Ielodeon experiments, discovered
censors have prevented the show- that pantomime was its field. Dia-
ing of the moving picture play logue was displaced by titles and
made of "The Trial of Mary Du- a miimum of these was used; they
gan." The commissioner said. that! slowed the picture up and destroy-,
Mary was not a virtuous girl. Con- ed continuity. Now, with dialogue
sequently there couldn't be a pic- achieved, two methods are used;
ture shown of her. The woman who one goes directly to Broadway and
heads the censorship board said I transfers a play to the screen, to
that Mary was kept off the Chi- make such a hit as "Alibi," taken
cago screen because of the children. fom the stage play, "Nightstick;"
A picture called "Careers" was al-th otermn sh r a
'oe ntecniinta hl scenario technique, including titles,
dren were not admitted. The board but breaks into dialogue when "the
Seven muddles its own rules, if it leads" stop long enough to look at
has any rules. i none another and wonder "Do You
When Russell took notice of the Love Me?" or something similar.
fact that there were two offensive But a tightly woven stage play al-
plays in the theaters the facts lows only three or four, or at most
seemed to justify him. He was five changes of scene. For the
supposed to have sent an investiga- screen five is hardly a beginning;
tor to determine if compaints were and then there is always the ad-
well founded. The investigatdr said ditional "expressionism" of camer-
they were and the commissioner a-angles and variety in "shots," to
closed one show and made the oth- say nothing of the aesthetic value
er cut out offensive parts. possible in photographic composi-
It was conceded then that if po- tion which the stage cannot achieve
lice action taken to protect ordin-I with corr esponding consistency.
ary public decency were not al- But for all these advantages, the
r, -
KEEP Yourself In-
formed of Campus
Read The Daily
Official Bulletin.
Summer, Students
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lowable no restraint could be put
on any lasciviousness or indency
which any one wanted to exhibit
for profit. At the same time the
danger of supporting police cen-
sorship was recognized and that has
quickly become apparent.
No trust can be put in any board
of city appointees whose job is
regulation and suppression. A cen-
sorship board will be a stupid'nuis-
ance because it is its nature to be.
It will not show any intelligence
because it does not contain any.
Its job is to prevent something. In
the two shows the police were act-
ing when exhibitions were becom-
ing noto. ious. The distinction
should be apparent, but it was
quickly lost, and the only thing ap-
parent now is that there is no dis-
cretion in- the police department.
"The Trial of Mary Dugan" was
not offiensive to public decency. It
was a good show. If the police had
interfered with it they would have!
been regarded as crazy or worse.
There was no reason why the peo-
ple of Chicago should not have
seen the play in pictures. Commis-
sioner Russell made himself a moral
Simple Simon when he said that no
girl who was not strictly moral
could be brought to trial on the'
screen while he was on guard. He's
thinking of the exhibition of Jii-
das Iscariot in wax in Utica. The
censors feel their oats and proba-
bly will insist on proving that the
embodiment of censorship stops at
screen relies on motion and action
for interpretation. It revels in
melodrama, panoramic drama like
"The Covered Wagon," and in low
comedy where the trajectory of cus-
tard pie isdthe graph of laughter.
Its use of dialogue is almost pure-
ly explanatory. But drama of psy-
chology, the struggle between char-
acters that are not stock types but
individuals in themselves, or the
comedy of wit and flippancies-
all demanding the poetry of words
to conjure up the emotional geni-
ies-or to adopt the movie point of
view, all making demands that can-
not be interpreted into informative
or representative action-these are
beyond the range of pantomime or'
the laconism of "talkie" dialogue.
They do remain for the stage,
however; and if some feel that the
loss of melodiama to the stage is
severe they may console themselves
by reflecting that the movies can
and will do it greater justice than
the stage which has hitherto
cramped it by the unities of real-
ism. At least the stage is freed of
that vast mountain of melodrama,
annually issued purely for the
amusement of a populace that be-
longs in movie houses anyhow, and
now is at liberty to develop the
poetry that lies hidden in the dra-
ma of the spoken word-a 'poetry,
in contrast with the inescapable re-
presentation of photography, that
lies inherent in the imaginative
communication of emotion through
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