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June 30, 1929 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1929-06-30

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Modern Play In Nine Episodes Will
Be Shown Four Times Starting
Wednesday Night
"Escape" by John Galsworthy, is
the second play of the summer
series by the Michigan Repertory
Players, and will be given this
week at the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre. The nights the play will
be produced are Wednesday, Thurs-
day and Saturday, with a Friday
"Escape," in itself, is very unique.
Instead of the customary three or
four acts that divide our modern
plays, this is put on in nine epi-
sodes. The cast is unusuallly
large, containing thirty members,
only one of which goes all the Way
through the play. The location of
the first episode is Hyde Park, Lon-
don, while the other eight'episodes
take place all over England. "Es-
cape" has to do with the reactions
of different people to an escaping
The members of Play Production
classes as a whole take part in this
play, and not members of a par-
ticular summer stock company.)
This policy will bt continued
throughout the summer; all per-
sons enrolled in that section of the'
speech department will be given
chances to show their ability in the
seven plays produced. "Escape" is
a very good play for the further-
ance of this policy because of the
fact that it requires so many char-
acters. The parts of most of the
actors are not large.
Arthur Secord, formerly of the
Western State Teachers College in
Kalamazoo, takes the lead in this
powerful drama, which in struc-
ture is a tragedy. Although it is
tragedic, "Escape" is not the lay-
men's set idea of tragedy. Other
members of Play Production who
have had experience in this line
on the campus are Shirley King,
Alfred Golden, Arthur Hinkley, and
Bertha Thompson.
"Escape" is comparatively new
though very popular. It played a
long run in London and was also
very successful in New York. Jessie
Bonstelle produced the play a short
tme ago in Detroit. So far there
has been no company that has
taken the play on the road in the
United States.
ROME, June 30.-A group of
young Italo-Americans will be
among the youngsters given their
"bath of Italianity" in Fascist sum-
mer camps this year.
In order to foster Facist prin-
ciples and loyalty to Italy among
children of Italians living abroad,
the Fascist party, with the sanction
and assistance of the government,
brings thousands of youngsters to
Italy each summer.

Merger Consolidates
Two Ypsilanti Banks,
YPSILANTI, Mich., June 30.-The
First National Bank, of Ypsilanti,
has acquired the assets and as-
sumed the liabilities of the Peoples
National Bank, in a merger an-
nounced today by D. L. Quirk, Jr.
The consolidation gives the bank
resources of $4,500,000. Approval
was voted by stockholders of the
Peoples Bank.
The merger becomes effective im-
mediately, and a branch will be es-
tablished at the Peoples building
until the transfer is made to the
First National Bank building. Wal-
ter C. Sturm, cashier of the Peoples
Bank, will serve as manager of the



(By Associated Press)
WIMBLEDON, Eng., June 30.-
Helen Wills and Edith Cross, Amer-'
ican girl aces, from California,
eliminated Mrs. Molla Mallory,
former American women's cham-
pion, and Miss Desmidt from the
doubles play today in the Wimble-
don championships. The scores
were 6-1, 5-7, 6-1.
Miss Joan Ridley, English girl
star, defeated Fraulein Cilli Aussem
of Germany in straight sets scor-




FRENH DEATE "I COSEDing somewhat of an upset. The
J. C. Gregory and Miss Ryan
Feeling In Lobbies Reaches Fever Farm Leaders Show Great Interest teamed in the mixed doubles to de-
Heat As Committees Go Ahead In Appointments Of Last feat the British pair, George W.
With Ratification Plans Two Members Hillyard and Mrs. Satterthwaite,
6-1, 6-3.
PARIS, June 29-Early ratifica- (By Associated Press) H. W. Austin, captain of the
tion of the French debt settlement WASHINGTON, June 29 - Two Cambridge tennis team of last year,j
with both the United States and more branches of agriculture, dai- defeated Charles H. Kingsley, Ox-
Great Britain now is considered a rying and fruit growing, were given ford captain in 1923, in a hard
certainty since Ambassador Claud- recognition by President Hoover to- fought match by scores of 6-2, 4-6,!
el at Washington reported that day in selecting the personnel of 6-1, 4-6, 11-9.-
there would be no chance of post- the newly created Federal Farm George Lott, American tennis!
poning the maturity date of the Board. star, reached the quarter finals of'
debt fo: American war stocks. The places on the Board, to which the men's singles of the Wimbledon
M.. Claudel's report of his conver- will be intrusted the task of car- championships today, eliminating
sation with Secretary of State Hen- rying out the provisions of the ad- Jan Kozeluh, of CzechoSlavakia,
ry L. Stimson, in the course of ministration's farm relief law, were 6-4, 6-1, 6-4, in the feature singles
which Mr. Stimson made plain that offered to W. S. Moscrip, secretary- match.
the American government couldn't treasurer of the Twin City Milk1
accede to the postponement request Producers' Association of St. Paul,,
of the Chamber of Deputies, clear- Minn., and Charles Ceague, of the
ed the atmosphere in Paris. California Citrus League. A defin-'
T? 11- l. . -,. . . .. .... L ...._... , i- rs1v m v .- - - - - -fL..... . ,. ....1

Monte M. Lehman, who is pic-
tured above is one of the latest
men to be appointed to President
Hoover's National Law Enforce-
ment commission. He is an attorney
with a practice in New Orleans.

Found Adrift 100 Miles Southeast
Of Santa Maria In Azores;
Gibraltar Sends News
(By Associated Press)
MADRID, June 29.-Success and
failure marked Saturday's develop-
ments in aviation, with the crown-
ing feature the' finding of the four
Spanish airmen who have been
lost for nearly a week in. the At-
lantic Ocean.
News that the British airplane
carrier, Eagle, had rescued Major
Rao Ramon Franco and his com-
panions near the Azores, came
after nearly all hope had been
given up for the missing men and
their plane.
All but given up for dead, Maj.
Ramon Franco, famous Spanish
aviator, and three companions
who started a trans-Atlantic flight
to the United States by way of the
Azores more than a week ago and
had since been missing, today were
en route to Gibraltar aboard the
British airplane-carrier Eagle
Sna.tched from the waters of the
Atlantic at a point barely 100 miles
southeast of the island of Santa
Maria on the tip of the Azores
archipelago, the airmen were re-
ported all well by the British res-
cue ship. Even their plane, a huge
two-motored Dornier-Wahl, was
salvaged, although slightly dam-


Both the finance and foreign af-
fairs committees of the Chamber
adjourned until Tuesday after Am-
bassado: Claudel's report had been!
communicated to them.
'Students And Friends Are Welcome Deputy Franklin-Bouillon, whose
Time, Says Dean Dana impetuous eloquence roused thel
Chamber to put through a resolu-
STATES REGULATIONS tion asking for postponement, is
Tstill determined to oppose ratifica-
tion of the debt settlement. He will
Pedestrians will be welcome at try to reopen the debate on Tues-
any time at the Saginaw Forest of day by interpolating the govern-
the University on West Liberty ment on the results of M. Claudel's
Street, said Dean S. T. Dana, of request at Washington.
the Forestry School yesterday. The Premier Poincare, with a majori-
forest, which has ordinarily been ty of the Chamber behind him, will
oppose any furthe: discussion of'
open to automobiles only on Satur- the question until the report of
days and Sundays, will be open to the joint foreign affairs and finance

ite arrangement with them has not
been reached as yet, however, and
President Hoover is awaiting their
decisions as to whether they will
be able to serve.
As the situation now stands, three
of the eight appointments have1
been definitely made and accepted,1
three other places offered, and two
are yet to be filled. James C. Stone,
of Kentucky, representing the To-
bacco Growers, C. B. Denman, of
Missouri, representing live stock,
and Carl Williams, of Oklahoma,
who is presumed to represent cot-
ton, have accepted membership. In

Atlanta Amateur And Chicago Pro
Are Deadlocked With Total of
294 For Each
(By Associated Press)
1",TA 1M " ) " " " .' I



June 30-Bobby Jones, Atlanta

visitors every day until 9 P. M. The committee is before the Chamber.
park will be closed to visitors only Agitation and nervousness in the
at times when there are great fire lobbies of the Chamber, which were
hazards, very feverish at times during the
In placing the park at the dis- past three days, subsided after the
posal of visitors Dean Dana has re- committees decided to go ahead
quested cooperation in maintain- with procedure for ratification.
ing the following regulations:
The Saginaw Forest of the Uni-
versity on West Liberty Street is
ordinarily open to automobiles on
Saturday and Sunday afternoons *nt- en ***

and evenings. The gate will be
locked promptly at 9 P. M. Pedes-
trians who are careful with fire
are welcome at any time, except!
that it may occasionally be nec-
essary to exclude both pedestrians
and automobiles during periods of
exceptional fire hazard. Since the
main purpose of the forest is for
teaching and research, rather than
for recreation, hunting and fishing
are not allowed. All visitors are
earnestly requested to cooperate
with the University in keeping out
I fire and in protecting its plant and
animal life from interference.
Dr. Carl E. Guthe, director of
the anthropological museum at the
University, will make the principal
address at the annual meeting of
the Michigan Archeological society,
beingh eld today and Tuesday in
Three Oaks.
Dr. Guthe has just returned from
National Research council work in
Alabama and Washington, D. C.
He will return there to continue
the work as soon as he comes back
from Three Oaks.
Changes in the field personnel of
the oil and geology division of the
state conservation department were
announced today coincident with
the arrival here of Floyd R. Frye,
newly-employed state oil produc-
tion supervisor.
Two geologists were assigned to
the Muskegon field and the resig-
nation of one was announced. Fred
Loveday, who has been a part-time1
geologist in the Lansing office, and
C. Riggs, an assistant instructor in
geology at University of Michigan,

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, June 30.-A shift
int he Prohibition Enforcement
Bureau, with the eventual ousting
of Seymour Lowman, assistant Sec-
retary of the Treasury in charge
of prohibition enforcement, was
forecast in official circles here to-1
day with the report that President
Hoover had requested Mr Lowman's
The President's action is said to
have been taken because of recent
sensational articles relating to pro-
hibition enforcement. It was pre-
dicted that the changes would be
made within the next 30 days.
Reports that the President had
summarily dismissed Lowman from
the service, however, were denied
at the White House, and Lowman
emphatically denied his resigna-
tion had been requested.
President Hoover has given close
attention to prohibition activities
this week and is known to have
consulted Treasuyffliils in eat-

addition to the two others made amateur, and Al Espinosa, Chi- First news of the rescue was
known today, the President has cago professional, clashed to- given out at the Spanish ministry
tendered a place on the board to dayfortheof State, which announced it had
Alexander H. Legee, of Chicago, the ay or e open golf champ- received the word from the Span.-
Alexade . of Chcao, he ionship of the United States, ish consul at Gibraltar. The con-
President of the International Har-.
vesters, as the representative of each with 72-hole totals of 294, j sul's message read:
general business interests. . after a hectic last round in "Franco and companions picked
Two appointments thus remain to which the hopes of a small up ive by Eagle near Azores, co-
be filled. The wheat growing in- group of contenders were al- L nr."
dustry has yet to be given repre- ternately raised and blasted. T London Confirms eport
sentation and following his inten- Thed cwhcTil e 'his news -later was confirmed
tionThe deadlock, which will be by the British admirality in Lon-
tion it is expected that the chief played oli in 36 holes tomor- don which re d
executive will select a man, exper- row, was Definitely settled when from the Eagleestating the miss-
ienced in the field of finance and, the few remaining challengers ing plane had been found in lati-
banking, for the eighth appoint- fell by the way. tude 36.28 north and longitude
ment.. 24.14 west.
Although there have been no de- MAIARONECK, New York, June The time of the rescue was not
finite suggestions from the White 30-Bobby Jones regained the lead stated, but it was assumed that it
House as to who the two other se. in the third round of the national took place during the night or
lections would be, there have been open golf championship today by early today, the assumption being
reports at the Capitol that the scoring 71, one under par. His 54 that the commander of the Eagle
place is to be offered to Arthur T. hole total of 215 put him three had notified Gibraltar by wireless
Knapp, of Lake Charles, Louisana, strokes ahead of Gene Sarazen, who as soon as possible.
a banker who has had extensive slipped back from the top with 76 The position reported by the
dealings in rice. There also have for 218. iEagle indicated that the Spanish
been reports that H. L. Hartshorn, Al Espinosa of Chicago, who shar- airmen had either flown or drifted
of Ford, Kansas, connected with a ed the lead with Sarazen after 36 a considerable distance toward the
large wheat growing cooperative holes also slipped on the last nine island of Santa Maria after they
association, would be Mr. Hoover's to card 77 and drop back with a were last definitely reported by the
choice as the representative of that total of 219. British steamship Greldon, which
crop. Tommy Armour of Detroit, the heard the sound of their motors
With all but two of the places 1927 champion, likewise, finished about 175 miles southwest of Santa
'on the board accounted for, farm poorly, taking 76 for a total of 221. Maria Saturday morning, 12 hours
leaders at the capital are express- Jones, starting the day two strokes after they had left Cartagena for
ing an unusual amount of interest' behind the pace-setters, overhaul- the Azores on the first lap of their
in the last two to be named. Some ed the incoming nine. flight to New York.
representatives of cotton states ex- As on his previous rounds the Sighted from Airplane
pressed disappointment that their great Georgian was wobbly at the An airplane from the Eagle spor
industry would not be represented start but he shot a sensational ted them floating in their plane.
by two members. eagle three on the ninth to break They were picked up, all alive and
par for the outward nine with 35. well. Besides Maj. Franco there
H i anSpurred on by this, he played to were Maj. Gonzales Gallarza, Capt.
Hi. : and Park .YS ls mM d M Ruiz de Alda and the mechanic,
-' I last nine almost faultlessly, off- IRi eAd n h ehnc
Spcend Day On Camnpus setting two poor shots on the short Sgt. Pedro Madariaga.
stitnthwipor htsfn thde hr Te four mnlfAlcazares Air-
Ti irty Highland Park boys, rang- thirteenthewith his fine bdie four drome, Cartagena, Spain, at 4:50
.t.e m Frwlt.id of10+
].ngin ~ ~:cn 1 to 5 yersspen ~ - f_

least two instances relative to his,-ng m S ra o t
new program for the Prohibition Saturday on the University cam- Baseball Scores
Bureau. pus. The group was sent to Ann --
0 o Arbor by the Highland Park Ex-j(By Associated Press)
UNION POOL , change club, transportation being American League
For all those men students provided by the Highland Park Cleveland 12, Detroit 9.
who wish to make use of it, the j Studebaker sales agency. Severall St. Louis 2, Chicago 0.
Union swiimming pool will be j members of the Exchange club ac-: St. Louis 12, Chicago 4.
j open every Sunday afternoon ofj, companied the boys to Ann Arbor.. New York 7, Philaedlphia 5.
the summer session from onej They arrived here about .9 o'clock Boston 5, Washington 2.
until six o'ciock. 'This is an I this morning and fl:st visi ad the
j opportunity for those students j University athletic plant. Lunch- National League
who would like to swim on Sun- j eon was served at nion at Lane Brooklyn 4, Boston 3.
j days and are unable to find ( hall and the afternoon was devoted Brooklyn 8, Boston 7.
transpor'- ic to any of the j ito inspection trips through the Philadelphia 10; New York 6.
j nearby lakes. A Union card and ( various buildings on the campus Philaedlphia 1, New York 6.
I ten cents will admit men to the and the hospital units. The boys Cincinnati 0, Pittsburgh 3.

v.. . *iay o w last keek They
( passed over Cadiz and last were
heard from about midnight Friday
U in a radio message saying they had
just passed Cape San Vincent, Por-
tugal, and were heading out to sea.
The aviators' plane, in slightly
damaged condition, was hoisted on
board the Eagle.
The summer Students Direc-
tory, which is now being
printed, will be put on sale the
first week in July on the cam- I
pus. It will contain the names,
addresses, and home towns of
I all the faculty and students of I

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