Light winds and slightly
rising temperature.
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Attacks Problem with the Definite
Purpose of Seeing That
the Class Learns
Drawing a contrast between per-
formance and learning, Prof. H. C.
Morrison of the University of Chi-
cago in speaking yesterday after-
noon in the School of Education's
week end conference, stated that
"the procedure is to attack the
problem with the definite purpose
of seeing that the class learns."
Dr. Morrison named three ele-
ments that are to be found in ev-
ery class. "First," he said, "there
are some members of the class al-
ready sufficiently well-grounded in
that subject. Second, in the mod-
erate sized class, there areusually
some individuals who haven't the
background for that unit. A pre-
test and a responsive administra-
tion would have organized a course
that would have met their needs.
The pretest period, as the third
element, orients the teacher, pre-
test and then teaching followed
by more tests. By teaching, I mean
not only direct teaching but also
directed study and the conduct of
According to Dr. Morrison, the
objective of testing should not ne-
cessarily be the written paper. The
real teacher does a lot of "sens-
ing" from keen observation of the
class attitude and conduct. The
critical part of this systematic pro-
cess hangs on the teaching, test-
ing, and reteaching notion. It is
the systematic adaptation to in-
dividual requirements in relation to
the specific situation in hand.
"The Organization of Material for
Teaching" was the topic of the
morning session led by Professor
Morrison. "Teachers," he said,
"must have objectives definitely in
view and then work until the pu-
pils get them. Education is the
evolution of personality. The child
learns by doing."
Education, he continued, is the
simple matter of acquisition of
learning, and as we pass on through
courses of study, we find many
things which will contribute to per-
sonality as it develops. Materials
represent racial learning.
Mastery of environment comes,
he said, through the addition of
the various factors and the learn-
ing product of each. When the
primary child learns to read, he
becomes a reading product. Edu-
cation, Dr. Morrison states, devel-
ops intelligent attitudes toward life
and the race or the evolving act of
living together at a maximum of
Declaring that there is a ten-
dency to mistake the methods
through which learning takes place,
Professor Morrison pointed out
that we learn from experience but
the powerful tendency is to mis-
take the experience from the learn-
ing. The teacher's mind, he said,
is centered on the experience; per-
sonality is not in the foreground.
Textbooks elaborate the parts of
First Loan Will
Benefit Florida
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9.-Agricul-
tourists of the south, rather than
those of the great wheat regions,
are the first to get a share of the
federal farm board's $500,000,000
revolving fund.
Recognizing the menace of the
Mediterranean fruit fly and the
need for emergency aid to minimize
the loss trom its depredations, the
board's first loan has been, allotted
to the Florida United Growers and
the Florida Citrus Growers ex-
change to help those co-operatives
LE BOURGET, France, Aug. 9.-
Capt. DieudOnne Coste, French
trans-Atlantic avi tor, after scan-
ning weather reports today,dan
nounced he world taleoioff at dawn !
Sunday tor' a "'long dastitrce flight
record in a straight line."
Field attaches began their pre-
parations for the take-off on what
no one doubted was to be another
attempt to reach America in an
east-west flight fram Pxr. l crecy
was maintained, however, so as not" :
to run afoul of restrictions of the
air ministry on trans-Atlantic fly- ! The B
ing. with the n
Weather conditions over the At- record whi
lantic were said to be favorable, recor
English Doubles Combination Is
Winner Over Helen Wills and
Edith Cross, 6-4, G-I
ritish liner Mauretania,o
aew German liner Breme
ch she held for years. T
(By Associated Press)
although 22 years old, is contesting FOREST HILLS, N. Y., August 9.
n to regain the transatlantic speed -The American Helens of tennis
the Mauretania's engines have just from Berkeley, Calif., asserted their
'he aurtani's ngies hve ustskill today to give the United States
a lead of two matches to one over
Great Btritaiin in the bhattlefn fr the.
John Garland Pollard, above,
supporter of the Governor Byrd ad-
ministration in Virginia and also
of Alfred E. Smith in the 1928
presidential campaign, has been
nominated by Virginia Democrats
for governor. He trebled the com-
bined vote of his two opponents, G.
Walter Mapp and Rosewell Page.
Mr. Pollard Las long been one of
the outstanding figures in Virginia
Russian Expert Finds Difference
Between Teaching of Two
Great Schoos
"Bolshevism can not be overlook-
ed nor treated lightly by America
today,"' declared Prof. Clarence L.
Meader of the Russian literature
department in an address on "Tol-
stoy and His Relation to the Pres-
ent Russian Covernment," ls3t
Thursday in Natural Science au-
Although Bolshevism resembles
the teachings of Tolstoy in many
ways, Professor Meader believes
that if Tolstoy were living today he
would condemn the Russian gov-
ernment as a whole inasmuch as
his theories were based on the
teachings of Christ. Diametrically
oppose to this, the Soviet govern-
ment has practically adopted the
slogan, "Religion is the Bunk," and
conducts, Professor Meader said,
most of its activities on an anti-
religious basis.
Comparing Tolstoy's teachings
and Bolshevism Professor Meader
indicated that both were the same
in their scope-each wanting to
transform the world we live in.
Tolstop has written, he pointed out,
"of all human passions, the only
ones which can be realized are love
and self-renunciation." With this
in mind, Professor Meader con-
tinued, Tolstoy sought the abolition
of all private ownership, as does
Bolshevism today. In "The Slavery
of Our Times" Tolstoy writes: "Pro-
perty is the root of all evil," the
speaker showed. In addition he
pointed out that Tolstoy believed
that the only things which are tru-
ly man's own are his physical and
mental powers.
"Physical labor has come to be
defied," Professor Meader stated,
"today in the Soviet state as it was
by Tolstoy who wrote "Labor is the
fundamental law of life." Bolshe-
vism teaches that only he who
works shall eat."
MacDonald Invited
To VisitMill Area.
(By Associated Press)
MANCHESTER, England, Aug. 9.
-Premier MacDonald and Miss
f Margaret Bondfield, minister of
labor, have been asked to come to
Manchester in an effort to reach a
settlement of the textile industry
"This would be a gesture to bring
both parties together," Joe Comp-
ton, M. P., for Groton division,
0- - -o Wightman cup, emblem of su-
NOTICE premacy in, women's competition.
World's champion Helen Will
OTheIntramural Building has overpowered Mrs. Phoebe Watson,
announced a tentative date, 6-1 6-4, after which Helen Jacobs
-PHSeptember 1, at which time the staged two sensational ralleys to
Building will be closed for the j conquer Betty Nuthall, youthful
Tilden-Hunter Combination Nearly Reports from Eckener Encouraging; vacation interval. The swim- j star of the English team, by 7-5,
Eliminated by Youngsters as Fast Time Is Promised over ming pool, however, will be I 8-6.
Mercur-Hall Fall Rest of First Lap closed at the end of the regular Instead of faltering after these
'summer session. All locker two setbacks, the British forces
DOEG DOWNS MANGIN I PLANS WORLD VOYAGE renters are expected to take gathered strength and romped off
D D SL W DAcare of the contents before leav- with the double matches, the third
(By Associated Press) B U L L E T I N ing Ann Arbor. and concluding contest of the day,
SOUTHHAMPTON, New York,I WASHINGTON, Aug. 9-The o o with Mrs. Watson combined with
August 9- ill Tiidenx and Frank IIGraf Zeppelin reported to the Mrs. Peggy Saunders Michell to
Hunter, America's old soldiers of Navy department at 7:05 o'- P11C 1ITFl 1114111 defeat Helen Wills and Edith Cross,
the court, received a warm recep clock Eastern standard time 6-4, 6-1.
tion today in their first playing ap- that she was passing over Sicit- As the final event of the two-day
pearance since they returned from ly Island in the English chan- LIseries for the trophy, now in pos-
the Davis Cup wars abroad. nel. ON session of the British after an even
Aferwn _yni-split in six years of competition,
Afte dr win a ye nd in- B A socate Prss)the Am erican team is counting an
ning two matches, America's first (By Associated Press) Student Drawings To Be Seen Inath erin trip fomn the
and second ranking players were FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Aug. 9 - Corridors of Architects another twi n triumph from the
forced to go five long sets before The transatlantic air liner Graf Building California Helens to win back the
they beat out Bradshaw Harrison Zeppelin tonight appeared making! _ cup.
of the University of Oregon and good progress as she neared the Those interested in architecture Miss Wills today was harder
Kenneth Apple of Princeton to European coast on the first leg ofa and the fields related to it will find hessed to win than possibly in an
reach the final round of the Mea- a round the world flight, with anntplayd
dow Club invitation doubles. likelihood that she would reach' an attractive exhibition of student three years. Mrs. Watson forced
The scores were 4-6, 14-12, 5 Friedrichshafen by tomorrow night work in the corridors of the Archi- 9 of the 17 games to deuce, fought
T19 and 6-2. or early Sunday. tectural Building. In addition to back to even terms after trailing
Dr. Hugo Eckener, commander of problems in architectural design at 2-4, and three times was within
In the singles semi-final, John- on ffrigtestt ec
Iny Doeg of Santa Monica, Califor- the dirigible, hoped to reach his from the classes of Prof. Albert J. a point of forcing the set to deuce
yDegf ntMniCafr-home port some time tomorrow. In before Miss Wills reeled off five
nia, outlasted the Newark star message to the Ministry of Com- Rousseau, and also of Prof. Earnest successive points and won the tenth
Gregory Mangin in another mem- munication he said he would be un- Wilby, W. C. Titcomb, W. J. Bennett deciding game.
orable five set tussle, 8-10, 4-6 able to fly over Berlin on Sunday, and others, there is on the third Mrs. Watson, to the complete
6-3, 6-3, and 7-5, and Fritz Mercur Germany's Constitution Day, as he floor a group of studies in decorative surprise of the critics, as well as
of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, turn- expected to land Saturday. His d f th c ducted Miss Wills, chose to battle it out
ed back Norman Farquharson ofesignrom ecasses con from the baseline, where the Amer-
SuhArc6-,-2an6-. message read, "Hearty thanks for IbprfHebrA.FweanMr.(fo rthbsliweeteAmr
South Africa 6-0, 6-2, and 6-4. your invitation, but the airship by Prof. Herbert A. Fowler and Mrs. ican is as supreme as any woman
Tilden and Hunter battled grimly will, as far as can be foreseen, al- T. Bittinger, on the second floor, player in the world.
against what at times appeared to ready be in Friedrichshafen by adjoining the library, are some A gallery of some 7,000 gasped
be sure elimination. Harrison and August 10. figure compositions in clay from repeatedly as Mrs. Watson not only
Apple forged into a lead of one The Graf's progress on her re~ the modelling or sculpture classes held her own but often outdrove
set to none, then made it two to turn voyage on the Atlantic so far the hardest feminine hitter in th
one, but were unable to withstand has been entirely satisfactory to of Victor V. Slocum. game. In the face of so determined
the rush of their more experienced Dr. Ludwig Duerr, chief construe- The exhibit in decorative design an opponent, Miss Wills could take
opponents. tor of the Zeppelin works. contains in addition to patterns few chances. Her most serious lapse
Both college boy combinations "On Saturday morning we will for textiles and wall paper a num- was in the seventh game of the
caused plenty of trouble for Tild- know pretty definitely if our ex- ber of studies of interiors, and two final set when she lost her own serv-
en and Hunter who will clash in pectation is justified that the Graf measure drawings from furniture ice at love and then dropped th.
the final tomorrow with the win- will return to her home hangar in I in the Detroit Institute of Arts. next as Mrs. Watson drew up to
ner of the match between the Man- the course of the night of Satur- From the advanced architectural one all. It took all of Helen's re-
gin-Berbely Bell team, and a for- day to Sunday," he said. "Judging! classes there are well-thought-out sources to capture the next two
eign pair, Farquharson and Paul by the progress thus far, which has plans and colorful elevations for a games for the set and match. The
Derico of Combridge and Oxford been quite fast, the airship should municipal auditorium, an airport match between the two youthful
universities respectively. be able to make it by then." terminal, a labor temple, a memo- rivals, Helen Jacobs and Betty Nut-
rial, and an art sales building. Some hall was a dingdong affair. Beam-
STUDENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION of these hang in the large third ing Betty, taking the first ten points
floor exhibition room. in a row, raced into a lead of 4-1
TO HAVE FRESHMAN RENDEZVOUS; The first year work illustrates in the first set, only to have bare-
(.__-' - - the severe training in draftsman- legged Hellen rally to take six of
Will Bring Together the Leaders men leaders with Michigan ideals. ship given architects. These exer- the last seven games.
Of Freshman Class To Meet Freshmen often find the begin- I cises are partially based on the On top of this, the American girl
Prominent Upperclassmen ning perplexing as they encounter Greek, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian piled up a lead of 5-2 in the second
different methods of ir!struction orders. Studies of the outdoor set, giving her eleven winning
Upperclassmen are glad to make painting and sketching class will games out of fourteen in a row,
Michigan, the Student Christian any suggestions that may prove be shown the last half of next but Miss Nuthall, throwing caution
Ascigain thos spena selective helpful. Such suggestions will be week. to the winds, slashed through the
Association holds a special, selective offered at the Rendezvous. Du(gterglrya h four successive games while allow-
meeting of incoming Freshmen rec- OfteutilacvtesSos During the regular year the fu ucsiegmswiealw
mee g r r Of the outside activities Sports Architectural School conducts clas- ing her opponent only five points.
oSmith. This is bylRegistrar Ira men provide one of the greatest oppor- ses in drawing and painting from
and s knwn s th "Fesh en-tunities for development and serv- life and still life, and in pencl
nis nas e" o Re ice to the University. Coach Yost charcoal, and pen and ink drawi Scientists Gain
dezvous..and Captain Truskowski of the ing. Prizes are annually awarded No ta b1e o a 1
At this meeting the Freshmen football team will be at the Ren- for good work n paiting and
come in contact immediately with dezvous to offer suggestions. The modelling.
the leaders of the University both editor of the "Daily", presidents of __1sy Asciated Press)
faculty and students. The group the Student Council, Oratorical As- COLD SPRINGS HARBOR, N. Y.,
meets at the Student Christian As- sociation and other leaders will Big Bank Merger Is Aug. 9.-Isolation by scientists of a
sociation Fresh Air Camp on Pat- speak in assembles and group meet- Planned For Coast long-sought and powerful hormone
terson Lake, a short distance from ings during the three days. that plays an important role in
Ann Arbor. Thus they have the The camp is located within 25 (By Associated Press) feminine health was revealed today,
advantage of contact not only miles of Ann Arbor on one of a SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 9.-Crea- in an account of some new experi-
through talks and group meetings, chain of connected lakes and tion of the largest banking house ments at the biological laboratory
but through informal associations streams. The 10 cabins will ac- of the Long Island Biological asso-
in swimming, baseball, personal comodate a hundred fellows. Swim- in the Pacific northwest will be ciation.
chats and the like. . ming and athletic equipment, boats completed here Saturday if stock- This hormone is an internal gland
The purpose of this gathering is and 180 acres of wooded hills make holders of 10 Seattle banks approve I secretion, the existence of which
a rapid and profitable adjustment the camp an ideal place to play, a merger plan which will combine I has been recognized for years as an
to the University life with its com- and rest and talk and prepare for institum&ons with resources of near- essential principle of small bodies
plexities and strangeness, and a a big year at the University. ly $120,000,000. Details of the pro- called corpora lutea. The experi-
cooperative friendly association of September 20, 21, and 22 are days posed consolidation were announc- ments were described by Dr. Regin-