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August 04, 1929 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1929-08-04

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news,
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise'
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Intered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier. $z.so; by mall
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director.........Howard F. Shout
Women's Editor ...........Margaret Eckels
City Editor .....................Charles Askren
Books Editor ........... Lawrence R. Klein,
Sports Editor..........S. Cadwell Swanson
Night Editors

Howard ?. Shout
S. Cadwell Swanson
Charles Askr

Ben Manson
Ross Gustin
Dorothy Magee
Paul Showers
Deirdre McMullan

Walter Wilds
Harold Warren
L'dru Davis
Margaret Harris
William Mahey
Marguerite Henry
Rhea Coudy

Telephone 21214
Assistant Business Manager............Vernor Davis
Publications Manager........................Egbert Davis
Circulation Manager...........Jeanette Dale
Accounts Manager_.......................Noah Bryant
Night Editor ........ LEDRU DAVIS
Great Britain has at last awak-
ened to the realization that much
of her foreign policy is out-moded,
and this with especial reference to
her influence in Egypt. With the
recent resignation of Baron Lloyd
of Dolobran as the British High
Commissioner to Egypt has come
a step that will do much to further
an amiable attitude toward the Un-
ion Jack in the Near East.
Anomalous and ridiculous as her
position has been since the treaty
of 1922, the "Independent Kingdom
of Egypt" has been taking long
strides to assert herself as a self-
governing power, despite strictures
imposed by Lord Lloyd in main-
taining the four remarkable rights
of the British Crown. Chief among
movers for the new policy toward
the African kingdom is Arthur
Henderson, Laborite Foreign Secre-
tary, who after a conference with
Lord Lloyd announced that he in-
tended to regularize Anglo-Egyp-
tian relations on a peaceful basis
with an Egyptian Government ac-
tually representative of the na-
With this announcement from
the British Foreign Office comes
the remembrance of Great Brit-
ain's opposition to the Wilson-is-
tic Fourteen Points and her sum-
mary disposal of the rioting in 1919.
British interests in the Near East
require (1) Retention of the Su-
dan, (2) Maintenance of an Army
of Occupation on the Suez, (3)
British protection of foreign inter-
ests and citizens in Egypt, (4) Pro-
tection of Egypt against foreign ag-
gression. Despite Secretary Hen-
derson's announcement it is still
a question whether the "Indepen-
dent Kingdom" has progressed far
enough along the way of self-gov-
ernment to warrant confidence
placed in her with the cessation of
Great Britain's domineering poli-
cy and of how long it will be<
possible for the Empire to keep her1
hands out of the Egyptian pie. E
With the rising importance of
the United States in World Af-
fairs it has become more and moret
imperative that the nation shouldt
be able as a whole fully and com-
petently to understand the ramifi-
cations of World Politics and es-z
pecially those of the individual for-!
eign powers. Despite this need,
however, the nation as a whole has
not yet come to realize this need,
and there is evident among the
hoi poloi a detached curiosity andL
general attitude of indifference and
willful ignorance. Especially is this t
true further inland where pro-o
nounced Americanism takes pre-t
cedence over intelligent and sym-t
pathetic understanding of Euro- v
pean political situations.n
As a remedy of this tendency, in- c
stitutions over the country are $
coming more and more to discuss P
foreign relations and to invite t
speakers in this field. Most im- r

portant in this movement is the e
Institute of Politics which is held t
every summer at Williamstown, s
Massachusetts. under the ausnices P

ly partly under those of the
state. Through these conferences
much has been done to popularize
the foreign point of view and to
eliminate the provincial attitude,
but the scope of influence has not
been able to extend over the en-
tire country for obvious reasons.
Except for intelligent and educat-
ed thinkers inhabitants of the Wes-
tern states are unmoved and con-
tinue in their beliefs that things
foreign consist merely of unwhole-
some and decadent politics, Paris-
ian dresses, and salacious litera-
The University of Michigan with
its abundant advantages and in-
I tellectual supremacy in the Middle
West would do well to follow the
example of the Williams college
and would be able to accomplish
I much in the way of overcoming
the provincial frame of mind, the
Detroitism which is beginning to
be found not only in Michigan but
in neighboring states. Foreign pol-
itics cannot help affecting the West
as much as the East, and it is
rather surprising and reprehensi-
ble that the University has been]
soi behind hand in realizing its
opportunities for gaining prestige
as being one of the more advanced
educational institutions.
The viciousness of the recent pri-
son rebellion at Auburn brought
again into prominence the question
of the feasibility of the Mutual
Welfare League plan of self-gov-
ernment in our state prisons, for it
has been tried there for some years.
'The League as the result of a
week's experience in Auburn in
1913, originated under the auspices
of Thomas Mott Osborne, at that
time president of the board of
trustees of the George Junior Re-
public. The machinery of self-gov-
ernment, as we see it, lies in the
hands of 49 delegates elected every
six months from the shops com-
prising the prison. To an admin-
istrative board of 9 members se-
lected by the delegates is entrusted
the administration of the League.
The responsibility of maintaining
order gravitates to the various com-
mittees and sergeants at arms ap-
pointed by the executive board. A
provision in the plan states that
every candidate for office must be
approved by the warden. Theoret-
ically, this system, Mr. Osborne
says, is an attempt to develop the
manhood of the prisoners by sur-
rounding them with an environ-
ment as nearly as possible like that
found in real life, and by teaching
them a feeling of responsibility for
the conduct of the group as well
as for their own individual acts.
This scheme, if properly manag-
ed, sems to us to be perhaps one
of the most scientific methods of
prison regime, but the unexpected-
ness of the recent uprising and the
tenacity of the prisoners once they'
had obtained a free swing seem
to imply that the Mutual Welfare
League as it functions in Auburn
is inherently lacking in the proper
methods of authoritative supervi-
sion. Perhaps the convicts are
made too vividly to realize the
constant surveillance under whicht
they are maintained through ser-
ies of mental and physical tests1
made for observation. Perhaps the
fact that under the League system
the first offender is permitted anz
easy, informal association with the1
hebitual criminal has been an in-
fluence toward deterioration of1

character rather than toward im-l
provement. A break-down in an1
apparently well-overhauled ma-1
chine necessitates serious investi-
gation, and perhaps the prison su--
pervisory management would ben-
eiit considerably by deep consid-
With the growing tendency for
capital to organize and for indus-t
try to expand, labor has gradually
become more highly organized andc
has found it necessary to seekf
means of protecting itself againstN
unreasonable hours of work, lowC
wages, unsanitary conditions, andE
arbitrary employers. The strikec
and collective bargaining haveC
been the weapons most effectivelyt
The half-million Lancashire tex-
tile strikers are to be commended C
on their courageous persistency ino
their walk-out protesting against1
the 12 1-2 per cent wage reductiona
which was imposed by the cotton n
mill owners last Saturday. This de- i
rease in wages, estimated at about
1.24 per week for men and 72 cents t
er week for women, would makeL
he average weekly income of theS
men only $9.84 and of the women o
mployees, $6.48. One is inclined i]
o question whether such a meager w
alary is a living wage and to sym- t
athize wholeheartedly with the f

About Books
versity of Chicago Press.
This volume would bear more
appropriately the German title of
Festschrifte than that of "Anni-
versary Papers," which rather sug-
gests past time, whereas, nothing
strikes up more forcefully as we re-
flect over the volume than the evi-
dence of an influence which will
continue for many years. The book,
then, ought to represent an occa-
sion for rejoicing; and the essays
really are Festschrifte, from the
pleasant memories of Professor
Scott's classroom by Professor Helen
Mahin to the celebration in the
final essay by the late Professor H.
S. Mallory of the artist developing
his "dream processes" into forms
which transcend the subjective, so
that "the work of art is designed
to make something which is not
the artist stand forth free and
solid from the mist or mold of cir-
Not all the essays concern the
abstruse problems of aesthetics.
There is an interesting and well
documented article by Professor
Fries on the sparing use of adject-
ives in the King James Bible. Not
only does the avoidance of adject-
ives make for a sturdy homely style
-a true people's book-but it makes
possible such effective rhythms as
"a rod of iron" for "iron rod," and
"a man of sorrows and acquainted
with grief." Professor Everett, in
an essay as neatly written as it is
argued, presents a solution of "The
Mytery of Edwin Drood' which not
only convinced me, but proved
more thrilling reading than Dick-
ens's story itself. Professor Ada
Snell contributes a study of "Chris-
tabel" which defends Coleridge's
own interpretation of the meter.
Some of the arguments seem to me
nonchalant (see, for example, page
102), and I cannot always agree as
to the reading of particular lines,
but the method is sound, and the
essay should be- read by everyone
who is trying to convey an under-
standing of poetry to youthful
Professor Denton establishes the
famou "principle of economy" in
Spencer's "Philosophy of Style" as
a natural product of Spencer's ear-
ly training and intellectual traits;
he traces the promulgation of the
principle to an earlier esay o1'
Spencer's, now lost, and indeed to
Campbell's "Philosophy of Rheto-
ric" from which Spencer borrowea.
The closing paragraphs of the
"Philosophy of Style" suddenly en-
large and vitalize the meaning of
economy so as to admit a rich and
varied style as the acme of literary
art. This passage Professor Denton
shows to be an addition to the ear-
ly essay (otherwise pretty faithfully
copied in the "Philosophy of Style")
attesting " Spencer's intellectual
growth and especially the influence
of the doctrine of evolution. It
strikes me that this "dynamic"
principle is hardly an improvement
on the earlier "static" view: any
one man who wrote, in various
moods, like Junius, Lamb, and Car-
lyle, would be a literary monster.
There are three studies in literary
history. Professor Fletcher sup-
ports with a careful review of the

biographical and literary evidence'
Grierson's late dating of Milton's
poem "Ad Patrem." Professor Bates
writes a most informative and react-
able essay on Shelley's youth, his
escape from a dull, hard world into
the thrilling atmosphere of the
"School of Horror" novels. Shelley's
own horrific tale of "Zastrozzi"
shows him completely drenched in
the morbid stuff, but still clinging
to religious orthodoxy in that sea
of villainy. His early verse on
equally forbidding t h e m e s is'
wretchedly written and not infre-
quently plagiarized from Byron,
Chatterton, Gray, and Scott. The
essay is a valuable contribution to'
our understanding of the Shelley
of "Queen Mab" and "Prometheus
Unbound." Closely related with
this essay is Professor Solve's sounct
and definitive study of Shelley and
Charles Brockden; Brown. Profess-
or Solve judiciously decides that
he points of similarity are due to
a common background in the ro-
mantic generation, not to borrow-
ings from Shelley's favorite novelist.
More closely related to rhetorical
heory are the essays on "The
Laughable in Literature", by H. P.
Scott, on "Allusion and Style", by
)akley Johnson, and the two most
cmpressive essays in the volume
which are contributed by the edi-
ors, Charles E. Whitmore and Pro-
'o .n f 1 ri+Lrtr AX. '7Tni we.,

somewhat austerely written investi-
gation of the "Approaches to
Literary Theory." Distinguishing
three approaches, the historical,
the psychological, and the scien-
tific, he makes what seems to me a
fair evaluation df the historical
and linguistic study of literature
as a means to understanding and
appreciation. Psychology throes
light on "the processes of literary
creation, the spiritual autobiog-
raphy of individual writers, ana
the conditions of literary success."
The scientific approach Professor
Whitmore regards as entirely dis-
credited, since i the material can
never be satisfactorily controlled.
The true approach to literary theo-
ry, then, is a combination of the
historical and the psychological:
the study emphdsizes the important
point that an adequate theory of
literature cannot be attained by any
one method, or the examination of
any one element. This broad at-
titude makes it all the more puzzl-
ing to me that the writer should
dismiss with such chill depreciation
the early efforts of psycho-analysis
in the field. Surely in building, as
he wisely does, for the future, Mr.
Whitmore should not leave out of
account a method which may be
able to tell us much about the
mind of reader and writer alike.
Professor Thorpe wrestles with
the exceedingly difficult problem
of the nature of the aesthetic ex-
perience. His essay is particularly
interesting in that it devotes con-
siderable attention to contemporary
literaure, though his method at
times forces him to consider writers
of precarious or transitory reputa-
tion. Pofessor Thorpe rightly in-
sists that the aesthetic experience,
is not a rare or difficult state of
mind achieved only by unpleasant I
arty people. Developing the cen-
tral idea of his book on Keats, he
defines the aesthetic experience as
a moment of expanded and clarifiea
vision, in which one transcends the
limited and confused understand-
ing of reality and truth which is
our usual mental state. In brief,
he who sees beauty, sees truth.
A volume which contains so many
readable and suggestive essays de-
serves good printing and binding.
The editors have chosen excellent
type, and the binding makes it a
handsome volume for table or shelf.
The proof-reading, though not per-
fect, will trouble no one except the
writers sinned against. And one
must not forget the competent
preface by Professor Rankin, nor
the extensive bibliography of Pro-I
fessor Scott's work at the end'
which gives some idea of the range
of -his intellectual activity.
N. E. Nelson.



"Oh, p lease
do soehn!
a, o



R l lO

Q r

IMAGINE Dix talking on the
screen for the first time. Helen
Kane singing songs that are posi-
tively upsetting. Louis John Bar-
tels ("The Show-off") and Ned
Sparks furnishing endless laughs
in one big comedy that is nothing
short of superb!
Get the Wuerth Habit





Forecasts of the popularity


black for fall wear have recently
been sent out from Paris. Holding
second place in popularity are
many shades of brown. Among,
the other colors, the darker shades
seem to predominate: dark green.
deep blue, and dark red. As an
accompanying color, emphasis is
on yellow.
The new accessories, the impor-
tance of which is so marked in the
creation of a completely harmoniz-
ing outfit, follow the color of the
ensemble, and are therefore mostly
black, with brown again running a
close second.
Black suede shoes will probably
be the most popular, since they can
be used with both tailored and
dress clothes. The opera pump of
suede will be used to a great extent.
A specialty for
twenty years.
Prompt service.. Experienced op-
erators.. Moderate rates.
17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615

"i ~ 100%/
100 % Loving
j U
e- ' Introducing Nubi,
Sgypsy love thief,
most tempestuous
siren the screen
has ever known.
She takes love
where she will-
from young, from
old; from father,
from son. Daring
as Carmen. Reck-
less as Tondoleyo.
Her multiple love
story will sweep
you off your feet.


A Jir& igIc>r

'. R e
Q '8

Direct from its
run on Broadway
at $2.00 per seat.


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