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August 02, 1929 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1929-08-02

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Continued warmer.

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Receiving Line Will Form in Con-
course during Early part of
Evening's Entertainm ent
All students and faculty ,nembers
of the Summer Session will assem-
ble tonight at the Women's League
building for the last big social func-
tion of the Session. The ocasion is
an informal reception anda dance
to be held from 9 o'clock -ntil 12
There will also be bridge f or those
desiring to play.
The receiving line, which.' will be
formed in the Concourse duxiing the
early part of the evening, will in-
clude Dean Edward H. Kraus and
Mrs. Kraus, Dean Alexander G
Ruthven and Mrs. Ruthven, Reg'ent
Junius E. Beal and Mrs. Beal, De an
G. Carl Huber and Mrs. Hubt r
Dean Clare E. Griffin and Mr. s
Griffin, Mrs. John R. Efinger, Mist,
Grace E. Richards, Professor Field-
ing H. Yost and Mrs. Yost, Dr. Mar-
garet Elliott, Miss Alice Evans, Pro-
fessor Carlton F. Wells, Professor
Francis L. Goodrich, and Professor
Carleton B. Joeckel.
Gordon Packer's "Polar Bears"
will furnish the dance music. In
accordance with University princi-
ples, there will be no stag line in
the ballroom. Professor and Mrs.
Ralph A. Sawyer and Professor and
Mrs. Ora S. Duffendack will chap-
erone the dance.
About twenty University under-
graduates will act as hostesses dur-
ing the evening. They, will 'usher
guests to the receiving line, and
will be glad to show any strangers
over the building.
(By Associated Press)
PLYMOUTH, Eng., Aug. 1.-The

Morrison To Give
Mondays Lecture
Changes in the program for the
regular 5 o'clock lectures for next
week, as announced by Edward H.
Kraus, dean of the Summer Ses-
sion, provide that Prof. Roger L.
Morrison will speak on Monday
and Prof. John L. Brumm will be
the speaker for Tuesday.
Professor Morrison, who is pro-
s fessor of highway engineering and
highway transport and director of
- the highway laboratory in the Uni-
versity, will discuss "Highway Traf-
fic Control."
Professor Brumm, head of thc
journalism department, has chang-
ed the topic of his address from
"The Newspaper and the Citizen"
as previously announced, to "The
Strategy of Advertising."
. 1
Parade over Route Taken by Lindy
after Return from Heroic
Atlantic Crossing
(By Associated Press)
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 1-Tens of thou-
sands of St. Louisians who weath-
ered a sweltering mid-summer heat
wave today to roar a tribute to the
ceity's new air heroes, hailed Jack-
sopn and Forrest O'Brine who flew
their monoplane St. Louis Robin
to all amazing new endurance rec-
ord o 17 and one-half days.
It w,1is one of the hottest days
.f the summer, but nen, women,
and child-en lined seven miles ,of
street to cheer and wave their sa-
lutes as the aviators were parading
over a winding; route through the-
down-town district to the City Hall
where they were formally congrat-
ulatesd in behalf of St. Louis by'
acting: Mayor Charles A. Meumann.
The flyers were taken over the
route traveled by Col. Charles A.
Lindbe rgh when he was given an
aviatio i ovation two years ago on
his reti irn home as an air hero,
conquer - r of the Atlantic.
They s at on the folds of a decor-
ated autt imobile that headed a long

One Concern Loses $100,000 Due
to Faculty Flumination
in Building
"Over $100,000 were wasted by one
manufacturing concern because of
inadequate investigation of prob-
lems of illumination in the design
of the building," stated Prof. Henry
H. Higbie of the department of
electrical engineering in his lec-
ture yesterday afternoon on "The
Natural Lighting of Buildings."
However, in the past few years
extensive investigations in this
field have been carried on in or-
der to discover the most efficient
design of building construction to
obtain proper illumination, accord-
ing to Professor Higbie. In struc-
tures intended for manufacturing
purposes, many radical changes
have been made in the size and
position of the windows. In a ma-
jority of cases nevertheless, it was
simply to cut and try to procure
the desired result. To eliminate
the uncertainty in these methods
a laboratory was built to conduct
illumination research in the Uni-
versity. At the same time mathe-
matical formulas were developed
to cover any set of given conditions
of illumination through windows.
When the formulas were compared
with experimental results a sur-
prisingly close check was observed.
By means of several sets of curves
derived from these formulae it has
been found possible to predict with
a sufficient degree of accuracy the
character of the illumination for
any particular building design.
Since this is possible it has become
a comparatively simple problem
to make changes in the design of
the building to increase the distri-
bution and quantity of illumination
in the interior of the structure.
(By Associated Press)
Tentative arrangements for an
address in Ann Arbor this month
by James W. Davis, secretary of
labor and grand dictator of the
Moose order, were made Wednes-
day night in Detroit by a commit-
tee from Loyal Order of Moose, No.
1253, of this city.
Mr. Davis indicated that in the
event of his visit here he would
advocate the relocation of the
State Public school at Coldwater, in
Ann Arbor, to give the children the
opportunity and benefit of the ex-
pert medical attention and educa-
tional faciliti+ available in this

"Elijah" To Be Given
By Musician Campers
Barring rain, on Sunday evening,
August 4, at the Interlochen "Bowl,"'
will be a presentation of the ora-
torio "Elijah," of Mendelssohn.
There will be a full orchestra and
the chorus work will be done by 250
students of the orchestra camp
which is located at Interlochen.
Soloists will be Miss Thelma Lew-
is, soprano and Mr. Theodore Har-
rison, baritone, both of the faculty
of the University School of Music
at Ann Arbor and Mrs. Grace Gude-
kunst, contralto, of Grand Rapids,
and Mr. Arthur Kraft, tenor, of
Chicago. This program will be
Iurin inundr the direction of Mr.

Be-Buttoned Dean

Dean William R. Inge
The "Gloomy Dean" with the ap-
proach of warm weather proceeded
to sponsor lighter, more sensible
clothes for men, after rebuking the
German Nudist movement from St.
Paul's pulpit. The plea comes
from his being compelled to wear
more buttons on, his uniform than
any other British prelate.
(By Associated Press)
LAKEHURST, August 1-The des-
tination of Lieutenant Jack C.
Richardson as United States Navy
observer aboard the Graf Zeppelin
on a proposed flight around the
world was announced today at the
Naval Air station.
Richardson, a balloonist and a
member of the crew of the Navy
dirigible Los Angeles, will be a
guest of the owners of the German
Preparation for the expected ar-
rival of the Graf Zeppelin Sunday
caused little change in the routine
of the station, the ground crew of
300 men which ordinarily lands the
Los Angeles was augmented by
more than 100 marines and blue
jackets from the Philadelphia Navy
Yard to haul down the largest Zep-
pelin. Landing arrangements were
placed in the hands of Lieutenant'
Commander V. A. Clarke.
The Zeppelin works at Frederick-
schaffen, Germany, received a ra-
dio message from the Graf Zeppe-
lin just before midnight reporting
it had passed Cape Degata, Spain,
at 11 o'clock Eastern Standard
The Cape is about 186 miles east
of Gibraltar, which the message
said would probably be reached by
2 a. m.

Kraus Announces
Examination Plan
Final examinations, in all schools
on an eight weeks basis for the
Summer Session, will be held in
accordance with a plan differing
from that of previous years in that
all examinations will be given on
Thursday and Friday, August 151
and 16, only, concentrating the ex-E
amination period into two in place
of two and one-half days, Edward
H. Kraus, dean of the Summer Ses-
sion, announced yesterday.
A copy of the examination sched-
ule may be found in the Daily Of-
ficial Bulletin of this issue of The
Daily, or on page 29 of the1
Summer Session Bulletin. Exam-
ination periods will be two hours
Trouble Breaks Out In Mess Room
As Inmates Break Furniture
To Wield as C'ubs
(By Associated Press)
Aug. 1.-Fierce rioting was seen
here this afternoon among the
2,500 convicts in Leavenworth Fed-
eral Penitentiary and unverified
reports were that seven prisoners
had been slain.
The trouble was reported to have
started at the noon meal and the
rioting was in full flame early to-
night despite the efforts of guards
to quell the mutiny.
Gates to the prison were closed
and armed guards mounted on the
high walls enclosing the prison ap-
parently had prevented the escape
of any of the convicts.
Shouts and screams of the in-
mates could be heard outside the
walls punctuated by the sounds of
shots as the guards fought to down
the mutiny.

Structure Will House 450 Girls
When Completed, According
to Plans
Work on revised specifications
for the new University of Michigan
$955,000 women's dormitory will
proceed, in spite of the slight check
administered by the state to the
financing program, it was said last
night by Secretary Shirley W.
Smith of the University. The state-
ment followed an announcement
today that Attorney General Wil-
bur M. Brucker disapproved a
clause in the agreement between
the board of regents and the Guar-
anty Trust company, of Detroit,
the financing corporation.
Though the state's demand for
alternation of the agreement can
easily be satisfied, so that the struc-
ture which is to accommodate 450
women students can be completed
by September 1930, it nevertheless
marks another development in th2
interesting contest to secure one or
more dormitories. The University
has met and overcome various ob-
stacles, chief among which was a
contingent of 7,000 Ann Arbor res-
idents who petitioned Governor
Fred W. Green to require further
investigation of the plans before
allowing construction to proceed.
Objection of the state is based on
the clause which permits tne De-
troit concern to obtain money it
has invested from student rentals.
It is the attorney general's con-
tention that should the amount
coming from student rentals be in-
sufficient, the state under this
plan, will have to provide payment.
Mr. Smith said last night that
the Detroit concern is willing to
allow such changes in the agree-
ment as will conform to the at-
torney general's demands.

German liner Bremen, flagship of pro .essioi of flight and city offic-
the North German Lloyd fleet, -to- iafs. Airy lanes and two army diri-
day took from the British, Maure- gibles frlin Cott Field, Illinois, fol-
tania its last north Atlantic cross- i lowed t, te parade down-town,
ing record, beating by eight hours where I;he, aviators were greeted
and 17 minutes the Mauretania's with ael vial bombs, a storm of torn
previous fast time from New York papers :roni. windows of buildings,
to this port. and lust y cheers.

The prisoners were said to have
objected to the grade of food served BUBONIC PLAGUE OUTBREAK
them and the strict discipline.
None of the inmates was report- M (1y AssociatedPress)
ed with guns. They were wielding MANILA, Aug. 2.-Bubonic plague
clubs obtained by breaking the has broken out in parts of India
an China and the Philippine
mess room furniture. Knives and and
health authorities have started a
forks were being used in close quar-
ters. campaign against rats, the princi-
ple carriers of the disease.
The last report on the population f__
of the prison placed the number at K WOMEN'S LEAGUE
2,785 the total number of guards! In answer to the many ques-
is 124. 1I tions which have been coming 'E

Miss McClench Says Persona I Experience
Sways Her Favor Towar d Dormitory Plan

EDITOR'S NOTE-This is te sixth of a
series of interviews with prominent women on
the campus concerning their views on the forth-
coming new dormitories for women. The inter-
views will appear from tite to time during the
remainder of the Summer Session.
Miss Marion McClench, president
of the National Federation of Pro-
fessional and Business Women's
Clubs, whendinterviewed yesterday
concerning her attitude toward the
establishment of a dormitory sys-
tem for women, declared herself
strongly in favor of the plan. Miss
McClench based her arguments
upon personal experience.
"While I was in Smith college,"
Miss McClench observed, "an argu-
ment similar to the present one at
Michigan occurred. The landladies
of the women's rooming houses ob-
jected to the adoption of the dor-
mitry project, but the college went
ahead and erected its own houses
for women. Now it is safe to say
that no one in Northampton would
return to the old system. Both the
town and college people feel that
dormitories have helped the city
very materially," Miss McClench
Commenting upon the economic
consideration, which is always an!
important one, Miss McClench said,
"While the building of dormitories
taes awvfnpf h eilne~

tion of t- .e city. Though the estab-
lishmer it of dormitories necessarily,
increaE es the whole tax level of a
city, t o ti 'e individual the dif-
ference is ; hardly noticeable."
Mirjs McC lench also pointed out
the social t dvantages which have
been, readiL ' recognized since the
eretfon of dormitories. A "Dor-{
mitory life fi much better for thet
women theme iselves," she said.
"There is moi *e social life, more,
activitiesa, and more opportunities.
Looking back,, i t seems to me that'
life in large gr. cups rubs off rough
corners, and thi it the more a girl
meets and as 'ciates with other
girls, the rcore U iose corners come
"In a 'dormitorw, the four classes!
are grjthened t( Aether in one1
group,"' Miss McCjk nch continued,
"and all types are re >resented. The
result is a little CM ss-section of'
university life in each dormitojy.1
"I know from experie. nce that af-i
ter the first feeling al , change has
worn off, the dormftoi -y systemc
works for the benefit O all con-'
cerned," Miss McClench included. i
"As I see it, the complex estab-<
lishment of University- hoi ses for1
} n_" ,1'1 ^^- ,- '-, r. 'Wll]1

There is no confirmation of they
reports that seven of the prisoners
had been slain. The chief clerk of
the prison reached by telephone
refused to give any information.!
Warden Thomas B. White was be-'

into the League office, Mrs. Z.
B. Bolles, business manager of
the League, announces that the
cafeteria, the private dining
rooms, the beauty parlor, and
the bedrooms of the League will

GLIDING STUDENT TAKES lieved to be directing an. effort to remain open after the close of
end the riot. ! the Summer Session.
YPSI-AKRON AIR FLIGHT Extra forces of guards were called "The League wishes to be of
( s e eto the prison but early tonight the (!service to its friends in every
(By Associated Press) assistance of troops stationed near-!! way possible, with no cessation
Towed by an airplane from Ak- by at Fort Leavenworth had not of activities," stated Mrs, Bolles.
ron, 0., a glider piloted by Wallace benrqetd1o-
Franklin, student in the glider sec-_beenre___sted.
tion of the University Aeronautical
society, made two flights at the RVSEARCH DEPARTMENT ASSISTS
Ypsilanti Airport yesterday morn- INDUSTRY BY STUDY OF METALS
ing, A trial flight was made first
land on the second hop the towing
an oa thescond houppe twing aEvidence of the nature of the ticular report dealt with the study
plane, a Waco, equipped with a,
Wright Whirlwind motor, and the experimental work being carried of lead alloys containing, respect-
glider headed for Akron, where ! out for industrial concerns in uni- ively, .00, 6, and 12 per cent of
further experimental work will be versity laboratories through the antimony. These alloys are exten-
o dusively used in the coating of cables
conducted. Department of Engineering Re- for the transmission of electric cur-
- bI t

University Student
Honored Aboard Ship'
Benito H. Lopez, '30, on his way
home to the Philippines, was thej
featured musician in a Kreisler
Night program presented on board!
the S. S. President McKinley.
Among his selections were "Sicili-
ano." "Liebesfreud," "Frasquita,"

searchnhas Just seenD rougnt ou05 {
by information contained in a re-
port submitted by that Department
to one of its clients.
The report has to do with work
in connection with "a study of
metals at elevated temperatures"
which has been under investiga-
tion in the university laboratories
for some time -past. The study was
originally of ferrous metals but

rent, particularly those run through
underground ducts. It has been
found that, especiallf in very hot
weather, the temperature in these
underground ducts reaches as high
a point as 80 degrees centigrade
(176 degrees fahrenheit), The in-
formation contained in the report
of the university scientists will un-
doubtedly be used by the clients of
the department in the determina-

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