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July 30, 1929 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-30

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Fair and warmer.

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Development of Different Sections
of Forum by Successive
Rulers Is Traced
Massive ruins, the only remnants
of the grandeur of ancient Rome,
give mute testimony to the solid
construction and the wonderful
sticking power of Roman cement,
according to Prof John G. Winter
of the Latin department of the
University in his lecture yesterday
afternoon on "Ancient Monuments
in Modern Rome."
Roman building construction first
came into being as a military neces-
sity. About the fourth century B.
C, a wall as a protection against
tribes to the North was completed
entirely surrounding the city. Pro-
fessor Winter showed slides of frag-
ments of this wall which are still
standing in various parts of Rome.
The Aurelian wall, completed about
500 year later, was also described.
The Palatine hill was probably the
location of the earliest settlement
and later became the site of the
palaces of the rulers of the Roman
empire. Views of the palaces re-
stored to all their former glory gave
a slight-idea of the enormous sums
which must have been lavished on
their construction. Before the final
edifice of this group had been com-
pleted a period of several hundred
years must have elapsed as each
emperor felt the urge to add to and
elaborate the original structure. Of
the stately buildings and beautiful
gardens the slides showed remnants
of a few crumbling walls and bases
of columns scattered here and
"So much has been heard of the
Roman Forum that it is apt to
prove rather disappointing on first
sight," stated Professor Winter.
"Little comprehension can be had
of its ancient grandeur from the
conglomerate mass of broken col-
umns and ruined arches which
greet the eye today. However, pic-
tures of the Forum in a restored
condition present a spectacle which
is striking both in beauty and in
contrasts of different periods of
After showing views of the
Forum from different angles, Pro-
fessor Winter went'on to trace the
development of various sections of
the Forum by successive rulers.

Dr. Sappington Believes Dormitories
Furnish Greater Material Comforts

EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the fifth of a
series of interviews with prominent women on
the campus concerning their views on the forth-
coming new dormitories for wonen. The inter-
views will appear from time to time during the
remainder of the Summer Session.
Presenting reasons both for and
against the advisability of dormito-
ries for women, Dr. Edith P. Sap-
pington, assistant physician for
women, stated as a preface to her
remarks: "Dormitories have ad-
vantages and disadvantages, con-
sidered from the hygienic stand-
"Domitories are decidedly good
for social development by bringing
people into contact with one an-
other, but at the same time, living
en masse puts one under a certain
amount of nervous strain," Dr. Sap-
pington observed. "I believe that
all dormitories should have single
rooms, in order that residents may
be alone part of the time.
"Sleeping in large groups is not
apt to be as restful as in a single
room. Even in a double room the
sleeper is apt to be seriously dis=
turbed," she added.
"Another disadvantage is that
girls are apt to waste time in too
much socializing, such as gossip-
ing, and it is then necessary to
stay up much later at night in
order to get work done."

Concerning diet, Dr. Sappington
said, "It is better for a girl to be
on a fairly well balanced diet, such
as supervised dormitories provide,
than to be eating around in various
cafes. On the other hand, feeding
'in the mass doesn't meet with every
girl's requirements. Some need
high calory diets, others low calory
diets, while still othersneed diets
with a high iron content; and al-
though dormitories do their best,
they cannot be expected to meet
these needs entirely. Such girls
would be better off eating where
they could selectstheir, own menus.
"Dormitories usually provide for
material comfort better than do
small boarding houses, where the
boarders are restricted in bathing
and laundry facilities," continued
Dr. Sappington.
"Dormitories foster a spirit which
produces greater participation in
intramural athletics than is obtain-
able in scattered groups," she
pointed out. "This] increase in the
amount of exercise is a desirable
Turning to the social considea-
tion, Dr. Sappington next observ-
ed, "I've noticed that at Michigan,
so far, living in a dormitory has
been considered a privilege, shared
alike by members of sororities and
non-organization women."


Test Proves New Motors Satisfac-
tory; Eckener Sets Start for
Next Thursday Morning
(By Associated Press)
With all of the new motors func-
tioning satisfactorily during a test
flight of nearly 12 hours the giant
airship Graf Zeppelin is ready for
its next flight to America.
Dr. Hugd Eckener, commander,
has fixed Thursday morning for the
start, it having been thought im-
possible for paying passengers to
arrive here before Wednesday
night. Wednesday has been tent-
atively set for the start.
Already much of the freight for
the Trans-Atlantic crossing is
stowed away in the big airship. It
includes a Rubens painting, a
grand piano, several gorillas in-
stead of the solitary one on the
recent unsuccessful voyage, as well
as a bust of the late Baron Von
Huenefeld, owner and passenger of
the Bremen, which flew to America
last year.

Mrs. MacGregor, Stanley Fletcher.
Are To Be Featured Artists:
Shumann Group Included
The sixth concert in the series of
summer recitals presented by mem-
bers of the faculty of the school of
music will be given this evening at
8:15 o'clock in Hill auditorium. An
interesting program of wide range
and variety has been provided for
the occasion.
Mrs. Margaret MacGregor of the
organ faculty, will render two
groups of selections on the Skin-
ner organ. Mrs. MacGregor, who
has been a member of the faculty
of the school of music for the past
two years, has been heard on
numerous other occasions. She is
an accomplished artist and the
numbers which she will play will
provide her listeners witn a splen-
did opportunity of hearing the re-
sources of this exceptionally fine
An especially interesting feature
of the program will be the appear-
ance of Stanley Fletcher, a young
English boy, who came to this
country a few years ago and settled
in Springfield, Mass. Because of
his exceptional pianistic ability, he
was called to the attention of Guy
Maier of the piano faculty, who
was very much impressed with his
musical resources. He has since1
become a student of Maier through
the assistance of the Juilliard Mu-
sical foundation.
The program is as follows:
First movement from Fifth Sym-
phony ................... Widor
Lento and Air from Orpheus ....
....... ................... G luck
Prelude and Fugue in E minor
Mrs. MacGregor
Scenes from Childhood.. Schumann
The Little White Donkey.....Ibert
At the Donnybrook Fair......Scott
Mr. Fletcher
In Springtime...........Kinder
Reverie ........--Debussy-Christian

Victims Trapped Like Rats in Town
Full of Starving Refugees
from Other Districts
(By Associated Press)
PEKING, July 29-Massacre by
Mohammedans of 20,000 men and
boys in Dangar City, Province of
Ching Hai, was reported today by
Findley Andrews, American mis-
sionary, with details which read
like pages torn from the worst
chapters of Medieval persecution
and regime.
Andrews, who has just returned
from a 3 months investigation of
the famine areas in northern China
for the China Inland Mission, as-
sembled information for magistrat-
es and other Chinese officials re-
ports to the international famine
relief commission that Mohamme-
dans in the lapse of 2 hours anni-
hilated the male inhabitants of
the unhappy city, and then looted
the homes.
Men Weakened by Famine
From what the missionary learn-
ed the raiders attacked the moun-
tain town mounted and afoot with
shouts of "Kill the men. Kill every
male from 17 to 70," they rushed
the city gates in religious frenzy.
Oniy a few women were killed,
mostly those who attempted to
shield the men. The Chinese men,
weakened by famine conditions and
privations could offer little resist-
ance so far as Andrews could ascer-
tain, every able bodied man was
killed, while the aged, the very
young, and the few who managed
to hide in cellars escaped.
A raid on Dangar occured dur-
ing the winter and was described
by Andrews as the most gruesome
in the long history of Moslem out-
breaks in China. It was not the
most terrible in loss of life, how-
ever, for a Kansu Moslem rebellion
in 1877 is said to have cost 14,000,-
000 lives.
By "Will of Allah"
Andrews,.in reporting to the In-
ternational Famine Relief said
"Dangar presents a new type of
problem. Therehare thousands of
women there without husbands or
brothers and who are in absolute'
despair.' By his account the Mos-
lems made such a butchery of the
male inhabitants because "It was
the will of Allah that if a Moslem
killed 10 Chinese he will surely go
to paradise."
Ching Hai province was created
last year out of the northwest part
of'Kansu and is one of the famine
areas Andrews did not visit per
sonally. From reports of Chinese
officials he supposed it happened
some months ago.
At the time of the Mohammedan
swoop down on Dangar, the city
was filled to overflowing with
starving refugees, from other fam-
ine districts. The victims were
trapped like rats, when the attack
broke early in the morning.


Michigan Team
Michigan's great Conference championship baseball team en-
trained from Ann Arbor last night enroute to Japan where the
Wolverines will spend four weeks in baseball competition with college
teams of the Orient, returning to the University on October 14.
As a guest of the Meiji university of Tokio, which team was
in action against the Fisher coached combination on Ferry Field
in a series of two games during the past season, the baseball team
will take advantage of one of the biggest athletic adventures which
members of this University every engaged in.
Captain Truskowski of the football team, who did most of
the catching for the Varsity during the season, is the only regular
who will not make the trip as his football duties necessitate his pres-
pence in Ann Arbor before the re-

Meiji University
Kx_ t 721 U_~a

Finals In Tennis Still To Be Played;
Boyd, Davis, Kortner Capture
Swimming Events -
Final round play in nearly all
forms of intramural competition is
either a thing of the past or is now
under way. The team of.Jones and
Sunderland has already been
crowned summer school handball
doubles champions.
In the tennis singles the diminu-
tive Rene Suazedde has reached
the finals in the lower bracket and
is awaiting the winner of the Chris-
tiansen-Hicks match. in the doubles
Christiansen and Hasseltine will
meet Rosenthal and Shafron in the
final round of play.
The intramural swimming meet
which was held in the mammoth
intramural pool under the personal
supervision of Director Paul R.
Washke attracted much interest
from campus natators and the
competition was strong. Individual
gold medals were awarded the win-
ners of each of the five events.
Individual high- point honors
went to Fulghum who gained two
first places, one in the 25-yard
back stroke and one in the 75 yard
medley event, and captured a third
in the 25 yard breast stroke event.
In the 50 yard free style Boyd
captured top honors, negotiating
the distance in :27.2. Davis in
winning the breast stroke turned
in the fast time of :16.1. Folghumi
swam the back stroke number in
:15.6 and turned the medley in
56.8. The winner of the diving,
Kortner, scored 25 out of a possible
(By Associated Press)
American League
Chicago 8, Philadelphia 6.
National League
Boston 10, Pittsburgh 9.
Brooklyn 10, Cincinnati 2.
Chicago 12, Philadelphia 10.
New York 11, St. Louis 2.

turn of the baseball team in Oct-
Enroute to the Pacific coast the
Wolverines will play 10 games, sail-
ing from San Francisco on Aug. 14.
The first stop will be at Aberdeen,
S. Dak., where an American Legion
team will be met Wesdnesday. Fri-
day and Saturday of this week
Fisher's men will play at Spokane,
August 5 the Tacoma Tigers will
be met while on Tuesday, August 6
there will be a doubleheader at Se-
attle with the Commercial Colleg-
ians and the champions of the
Pacific fleet.
On Wednesday and Thursday,
August 7 and 8 there will be games
at Everett and Bellingham and on
August 9 and 10 at Vancouver. The
final game before sailing is sched-
uled on August 12.
The Michigan party will arrive
in San Francisco on Wednesday
morning, August 14 and will sail at
noon. Providing the boat is on
time, a game will be played with
the University of Hawaii on August
20. The arrival in Japan is set
for August 29.
Thirteen games will be played
with the leading college teams of
the Orient within a four-week per-
iod. Considerable time will be
spent in sightseeing. The return
trip will start Sept. 27, the arrival
in San Francisco being scheduled
for Oct. 11.
The following men will make the
Donald Corriden, Logansport,
Ind.; Harvey Straub (captain-elect)
Toledo, 0.; Ray Nebelung, Detroit;
Harvey Straub (captain-elect), To
ILedo, 0.; Ray Nebelung, Detroit;
Louis Weintraub, Chicago; Harold
Myron, Detroit; Harry Eastman
Detroit; Anthony Centanni, New-
ark, N. J.; Louis Kubicek, Chicago;
Earnest McCoy, Detroit; Gerson
Reichman, New York City; William
McAfee, Chicago; Fred Asbeck,
Cleveland, O.; Augustus Kiegler,
Honesdale, Pa., and Richard Mon-
tague, South Bend, Ind.The list in-
clUdes four pitchers and one catch-
rer in addition to infielders and out-
Missourian Flyers
Near 400 Hour Mark
(By Associated Press
ST. LOUIS, July 29.-With all
rivals out of the running Dale
(Red) Jackson and Forest O'Brine,
pilots of the monoplane "St. Louis
Robin" were nearing the 400 hour
mark tonight in their record break-
ing endurance flight.
At 5:17 o'clock tonight the flyers
had completed 394 hours aloft and
had exceeded the record of the
Angeleno by 148 hours, or more
than six whole days. The joint
earnings of the pair, accumulating
at the rate of $116 an hour since
they broke the record, amounted
to $17,462.
"Everything going fine," was the
message sent down by - Jackson


Elieri huh


Novelty, Doll-Like Strangeness Make
Marionette Performances Effective

A Review by Howard F. Shout
An imaginative and sympathetic
audience combined with a rare
efficiency backstage succeeded in
making the performance of The
Tatterman Marionettes last night
in the Mendelssohn theater one of
the most interesing enertainments
that have been offered on the
campus this summer
There was, cf course, the difficul-
ty of becoming accustomed to the
wooden jerkiness of the actors, but
with the passing of the first scene
or two all awkwardness seemed to
disappear and the novelty and
strangeness of the performance was
"The King of the Golden River,'
the first and longest part of the
program, was undoubtedly the most
engaging and delicately amusing
of the evening. Especially was the
dog with the "educated jappend-
ages" a success. The spirit of the
original tale was very well pre-
served, and there was always pres-
ent that subdued atmosphere of
doll-like strangeness to add to the

The choice of "The King of the
Golden River" must have seemed
to some on the campus as strange
for an intelligent, adult audience.
But it was rather the highest type
of a compliment for it assumed
from the beginning that those sit-
ting "out front" were sufficiently,
cultured to appreciate the whimsi-
cal, unreal characer of the immor-
tal fairy tale, and to accept it as a
reminiscence of childhood dreems.
As important as the efficient
handling of the doll actors, was
the matter of the dialogue and its
synchronization with the moving
scene. This, in general, was per-
fect; although there was at times
something of antagonism between
the mature and cultured diction of
the voice and the diminutive, child-
like character of the actor. This
is, very possibly, an unfortunate
The Pickaninny Dance was the
most amusing and effective of the
shorter sketches although The
Melon Thief had a great deal of
subtle wit in the dialogue. The
Clown can be mentioned only for

Scientist Describes New 'Televox' Man;
Robots Are Not Dangerous, He Claims

Only a short time ago the Czech
playwright, Karel Capek, produced
a play which created what was lit-j
tle short of a sensation. The title
o fthe play was, "R. U. R." and it
attempted to present a picture of
the world after the ultimate triumphl
of machinery. Man in this imag-
inary world remained in the back-
ground and played a rather unim-
portant part, most of the work,
being transacted by machine menI
known as "Robots."
Morgan W. Gibney who writes in
the "Wheel" compares this auto-

Westinghouse engineer, to the
legendary great brass head that
was reputed to answer any question1
that was put to it. He goes on to
explain that the Great Brass Brain'
in Washington, an appartus which
mkes accurate forecasts of the
movements of the tides, and even
the automobile may be said to be
modern "Robots" in the same sense
as the "Televox" man. The name-,
less dread with which the average
man hears the name "Robot" pro-
nounced may therefore be laid to
the psychological effect of the
Capek play rather than to any


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