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July 27, 1929 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-27

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Fair and cooler.


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Kelly Claims Man Must Be Trained
in Mind and Health Matters
for Society Good
'The successful school superin-
tendent is the one who can see
visions and still keep his feet on
the ground," said Daniel J. Kelly,
superintendent of schools, Bing-
hamton, N. Y., in his address this
morning at the School of Educa-
tion's first health education con-
ference. Speaking on "The Role
of the School Superintendent in a
Health Education Program," Dr.
Kelly stated that this official must
know what education means; he
must be a hero of children-a lead-
er among men.
The superintendent's most im-
portant asset is to be able to dele-
gate responsibility to other capable
individuals, he said. In health edu-
cation, he pointed out, the condi-
tion is the same, but because of
the inertia of school superintend-
ents, other agencies have had to
bring this interest into the schools.
After all of the recent improve-
ments in the school plants, teach-
ers and curricula, he said "at last
we are recognizing the end of it
all-the child himself is now the
central figure."
"Our task," Kelly continued, "is
to train, not the mind alone but
the man, not for himself, but for
society, and health is the outstand-
ing objective in training the man."
School Is Fertile Field.
The superintendent's conception
to train, not the mind alone but
the schools, Kelly said quoting Dr.
Williams' statement that "Health
renders the individual to live most,
and serve best." Kelly hailed Lind-
bergh's success more to his control
of his own machine than to the
control of his flying machine.
Due to the enormous number of
physical and mental abnormalties,
and the importance of controlling
contagious diseases, the school is
the most fertile field in which to do
prophylactic work against small-
pox, diphtheria, etc.
It is up to the superintendent
he stated, to believe that every
child is entitled to every opportun-
ity for normal growth and develop-
ment, mentally, morally, socially,
and physically.
Few Free of Defects
"Of 700,000 individuals at the age
of 25, very few are found free from
defects," according to Dr. Fisk of
the Life Extension institute of New
York City, who also spoke yester-
day. "There is a great wastage of
human efficiency because of a lack
of human conservation," he said.
According to Dr. Fisk, most of
the difficulties arrive early in life
and the presence of these defects
seen in the early school years, and
even in the pre-school period is
one of the factors that has brought
about the organization of the

nursery schools for pre-school chil-
dren The speaker cited Arthur
Newsholm, the statistician, as hav-
ing said that malnutrition is re-
sponsible for more inefficiency
among school children than .any
other single factor.
Many Children Sickly
Dr. Fisk also stated that in a
survey made by Dr. Thomas Wood
of Columbia university, of the de-
fects among school children, three-
fourths of them were found to have
defects more or less serious in their
nature-defects, the presence of
*hich makes it difficult for them
as adults to make their adjust-
It has been facts like these, Dr.
Fisk declared, that have brought
about the shift of interest to the
biological phase of he child. "Un-
less the superintendent has this in-
terest he will have no place in the
school of the future," Dr. Fisk con-










Eugene L. Patterson,
Of Wellesley, Mass., first of her
sex, with two other girls, to swim
the historic Hellespont. The time
was one hour and a half..
Excursionists to Popular Ohio Resort
Will Enjoy Dancing, Goling,
Boating, Bathing
The Put-In-Bay excursion, the
seventh and the next to the last
of the summer series, will be held
Saturday a week from today. This
excursion, which has consistently
held its place as one of the most
popular of the series sponsored by
the University to points of interest
throughout the state, is expected
to draw an even larger number of
students than that of last year
when 180 students took the all day
trip to the popular Ohio resort.
Accomodations are being arrang-
ed by Prof. Jesse P. Rowe who will
be in charge of the party. The
group will leave the city at 6:30
o'clock Saturday morning from
State and Packard streets. The
boat trip to the island will take
about three hours, the party arriv-
ing there a short time after noon.
Several points of interest will be
visited during the four hours stay
on the Island. The Perry monu-
ment, erected in honor of Oliver
Perry, who won the battle of Lake
Erie, towers 350 feet above the sur-
rounding country and is visible for
20 miles from the waters of the
lake. Elevators will take the party
to the top of tht monument from
which a birds-eye-view of the sur-
rounding country may be obtained.
The Put-In-Bay caves, the chief
natural attraction of the island,
will be visited. Music and dancing,
golfing, and bathing may also be
enjoyed by any of the party who
may feel inclined.
An orchestra will alo furnish
music for the excursionists on the
trip home later in the afternoon.
It is expected that all of the party
will be back in Ann Arbor that
evening by 10:30 o'clock.
Tickets for the excursion may be
obtained in room 2051 Natural
Science building. The expenses for
the trip including luncheon and
dinner will be about four dollars.
The Put-in-Bay excursion of last
year proved one of the outstanding
successes of the summer session.
The caves were said to be some of
the most interesting sights ever ex-
perienced. It is planned to make
the exploration of the caves a fea-
ture of this trip also.
(By Assciated Press)
American League
Detroit 4, Boston 2.
New York 9, St. Louis 0.
Philadelphia 3, Chicago 1.
Cleveland 4, Washington 2.
National League
Chicago 13, Philadelphia 10.
Cincinnati 4, Brooklyn 1.
Pittsburgh 9, Boston 8.

Hoover Seeks to Reduce Expendi-!
tures Needed for Maintenance
of Army; Agree on Parity
(By Associated Press)
number of signs pointing toward
the convocation before next spring
of a preliminary naval limitation
conference of the world powers
appear to Washington observers
of international affairs to be mul-
tiplying with great rapidity.
Although official information on
the subject is lacking, they draw
their chief substance from analy-
sis of the pronouncements made
this week by President Hoover and
Prime Minister MacDonald and
meager comments in other quar-
ters generally well acquainted with
such matters.,
One of the signs into which the
clearest indication of such a con-
ference is being read is the action
of President Hoover in postponing
the construction of three cruisers
which were to have been laid down
this fall under the 15-cruiser pro-
gram that became law last winter.,
Can Postpone Building
Under the terms of that law, he
is given authority to postpone con-
struction of the first five of the,
contemplated cruisers after June
30-the end of the current fiscal
year-only in the event an inter-
national agreement on naval limit-
ation is worked out. In the light
of that provision, his action is in-
terpreted in some quarters as in-
dicating rather definitely that he
expects such an agreement to be
His manifest gratification over
the early evidence thatt he Kel-
logg-Briand treaty for renunciation{
of war is having the desired effect
throughout the world also is re-
garded as deeply significant, and
great importance also is attached
to his announcement Tuesday of
preparations, through a commis-
sion of general staff officers, to
find a way to reduce the govern-
ment's expenditures for mainte- 1
nance of its army.
Agree on Parity
Still another sign that vital foun-
dations already have been laid for
a preliminary naval conference is
visualized on the basis of Secre-
tary Stimson's explanation of the
principle of parity agreed upon
by Prime Minister MacDonald and
Ambassador Dawes as an outcomeI
of their discussion in England. 1
The question of parity of ships
of 10,000 tons or less has been a
troublesome one since the 1922
conference in Washington. Figures
available here show that England
now has 54 cruisers ranging from
3,750 to 10,000 tons, is building 6
of 10,000 tons and 2 of 8,000, andI
has made appropriations for 2. 1

Four New Spark Plugs Add New
Life to Worn Motor Still
Going Smoothly
(By Associated Press)
ST. LOUIS, July 27.-Determined
to establish an endurance record
that will write aviation history Dale
(Red) Jackson and Forrest O'Brine
tonight piloted their St. Louis mon-
oplane St. Louis Robin, on toward
the endi of their 14th day.
There was no sign of a wearing
out of a part of either plane or
pilot as hour after hour was added
to the world endurance record
they brokel last Tuesday afternoon.
At 5:17 p. m. C.S.T., the fliers had
been 322 hours in the air, and had
passed the old mark by 74 hours.
If they are still up at 7:17 a. m.
tomorrow Jackson and O'Brine will
haverbecome the first persons to
remain in the air in continuous
flight for two weeks.
The motor was given four new
spark plugs today and its steady
drone as the plane circled leisurely
above the Lambert St.eLouis field
gave evidence that it was function-
ing smoothly. A stunting perfor-
mance they indulged in this morn-
ing to break the monotony of the
endless circling and the fact that
they dropped down during' the day
were convincing that the fliers
were still in good spirit and had no
thought of landing.
It was estimated that the air
cooled Challenger motor had car-
ried its load a distance equivalent
to the aerial circumference of the
"We just started where the rest
left off," wrote O'Brine in a note
dropped for his wife. "We know'
now that a man could stay up here
six months and get fat. It isn't
bad at all.
"We have made up our minds to
set a record that will stand longer
than any of the other ones, O'Brine,
continued. What is the use of get-
ting a record and losing it in a few

Thomas P. Magruder,
Rear Admiral U. S. N., who has
been ordered back to active duty
after two years of penal idleness
assessed him because of his criti-
cism of the administration of the
Navy Department.
Political Science Professor Receives
Rank as Leopoldine Officier
for Research Work
Notice has beert received by Prof.
Thomas H. Reed of the political
science department that King Al-
bert of Belgium has been pleased
to confer upon him the rank of
Officier inn the Order of Leopold.
Professor Reed has been thus re-
cognized because of his extensive
study of the politics and govern-
ment of Belgium, having spent
much time in research in that
country. His most recent work was
the translation from the French of
"Leopold of the Belgians," by Com-
te Louis de Lichtervelde. This book
is an account of the political ca-
reer of King Leopold II.
The Order of Leopold, both a

French Need One More Match to
Hold Coveted Cup for One
More Season
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, July 27.-America's bid
to regain the Davis Cup, symbol of
world tennis supremacy broke down
today before the perfect defense of
Superb in his execution of every
stroke the French master Henri
Cochet, whipped big Bill Tilden,
fading American ace, in straight
sets. Jean Borotra the Basque,
beat the young Chicagoan George
Lott with a loss of one set in the
opening single matches of the
challenge round. With the doubles
scheduled for tomorrow and an-
other pair of singles Sunday, France
needs but one more victory to re-
tain the famous cup for another
That one victory should be any-
thing but hard to get on the basis
of todays' play. Opening America's
challenge this afternoon the best
22 year old Lott could do was to
keep Borotra from bouncing as
much as he was wont to do. He
could not keep him from winning
his scores of 6-1, 6-4 and 7-5 in
the Frenchman's favor.
In the second match, Cochet,
the world champion, played it with
all the ease and the accuracy of a
true artist inspired to his best effort
and gave the once invincible Til-
den the worst beating the Ameri-
can master of the racquet ever has
suffered in International play.
Cochet won with a loss of only a
dozen games. The scores were 6-3,
6-1 and 6-2.
If Cochet can even approach
on Sunday the unsurpassable form
he had today France need have no
fears for her hold on the Davis
The veteran Tilden displayed all
the strokes in the repertoire but
there seemed nothing he could do
to get the ball out of Cochet's
reach. The sturdy little French
tennis machine anticipated every
'move of his lanky rival and seemed
capable of returning the ball from
any position at any pace he chose.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, July 27.-The
possibility of a controversy between
President Hoover and Congress over
the time clause in the new con-
struction act similar to the dispute
between Calvin Coolige and the last
Congress the same question was
foreseen today in Washington
The White House disclosed that
Mr. Hoover felt the act gave him
authority to delay construction on

the 15 cruisers until June 30, 1931,
and shortly thereafter Chairman
Hale of the Senate Naval Commit-
tee, said at his home in Maine that
the chief executive was entirely in
error in this conclusion
The time clause was the time
given in the section of the bill pro-
viding the starting of work on a
warcratt within a specified period,
and for two years that was the crux
of discussion in the legislature.
Mr. Coolidge urged Congress to
eliminate the position and place
in the hands of the President the
power to dispend all or part of the
construction at any time he might
deem this advisable in view of in-
ternational association looking to
elimination of Naval Armament.
Overriding the wishes of the
President, the House and Senate
enacted a bill calling for the con-
struction of 5 cruisers a year for
the next thren vears and have snt

i . ..

days or a month." !civil and military order, was found-1
rThe fliers are now earning 112 ed in 1832 byeLeopold I, and is com-j
dollars an hour between them by pTised of five classes.r y
staying aloft.. The order will be formally con-I
Their earnings since breaking the ferred next month when ProfessorI
endurance records tonight were Reed again visits Belgium. He willI
earyn00 deolrs tnr receive the cross and official docu-
yments while in Brussels from M.
'nbcr o' lR i n . ~irfr

J ac1 on anu ,Brineie ttributedu
some of their good spirit to their
adherence to the rule not to turn
native in the air. Water is lowered
to them in cans from their refuel-
ing plane each day and they take
sponge baths and always present
shaven faces to their callers.
The 500-hour, achievement is not
a fantasy, in the opinion of two
motor experts, Arthur Nutt, de-
signer of the motor, and Seth K.
Prince, ,who installed it in the


A collection of reproductions of
famous tapestries, especially of the
early Flemish and later French
period, are now on display in the
lobby of the library. These displays
which were inaugurated several
years ago have become an integral
part of the library facilities. Most
of the exhibits, according to Ella
M. Hymans, curator of rare books
in the library, have been assembled
from the collections found within
the building atlhough it has also
been customary to accept collec-
tions from private sources and also
from the various other colleges and
departments of the University.
"The important feature of the
exhibits is to let people know about
the rare things we have in the li-
brary," Miss Hymans said. "The
Rare Book room on the fourth floor
of the library which contains some
of the most valuable books in ex-1

uate students or to those engaged
in research work. To make these
collections available to the public
and in a manner that is interest-
ing to the average person is the
purpose for which the exhibits are
"The cases in the lobby of the
library have space for about 90
books to be arranged and classified.
Only very special subjects may be
chosen for the exhibits and all of'
the books or articles must bear
upon this subject."
Exhibitions of Chinese woodcuts,
autographs, Japanese batiks, war
photography, reproductions from;
famous paintings and an Esperanto'
exhibit have featured the former,
displays. During Freshman week'
it is customary to arrange a special
exhibit which includes prints show-
ing the early days of Michigan and
other collections designed to help
the entering student to orient him-

Paul Hymans, first president of the
League of Nations, through whom
word of the honor was forwarded
While in Belgium, Professor Reed
will stay for a week in the Ar-
dennes at the country home of M.
Herbert Speyer, former Senator of
Belgium, and professor of law at
the University of Brussels. He will
at this time confer with Comte
de Lichtervelde in regard to the
translation of the latter's "Leopold
I" which is now being made by
uProfessor Reed, assisted by his son,
Russell Reed.
Professor Reed will sail August 17
for Antwerp, and will visit Berlin
and London before his return in
the fall.
This morning at 10:30, Miss Sally
Lucas Jean, consultant in. health
education in national and interna-
tional health education progrms,
will talk on the types of problems
existing in the Philippine Islands
and their distinct differences. Miss
Jean has just returned from - six
months in the Philippines and a
year in China with the new Na-
tional government and is well
equipped for her discussion.
Miss Jean is the first speaker of
the morning and her talk will be
followed. by Dr. Glenadine Snow,
director of health education at
,Michigan State Normal. School,
who will speak on "Interests and
Activities of the Health Education

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