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July 22, 1928 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-22

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Probably showers; cooler.

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VOL. IX, No. 25.



'iss Kelly As Hjordis, Henderson As
Sig'urd, And Bohnena As Guninar
To Play Three Leads
In salutation to the centennial of
the birth of Henrik Ibsen, the Rock
ford Players will present tomorrow
xniglI4 and Tuesda~y Ibsen's great he-
roic epic, "The Vikings," in Hill and-
itorium. Augmenting the performance
will be the painting of the sets in
living light by means of the Clavilux
the famous color organ invented by
Mr. Thomas Wilfred, internationally
known stage artist. Accompanying the
production: will be the second addi-
tional feature, Prof. Earl V. Moore,
of the School of Music, who will
operate the new Frieze Memorial or-
gan for musical effects throghout
the performance.
"The Vikings" has been moved from
the rather cramped quai'ters that Sa-
rah Caswell Angell hall provided to
the more spacious and comfortable
Hill auditorium in order that the tri-
umvirate of artistry-light, music,
and drama-might be utilized to the
most adaptable advantage.
Three Leads
The play itself is Ibsen's famous
epic of the north country, originally
entitled "The Warriors of Helgeland."
Carrying the three powerful leads will
be Katherine Wick Kelly, leading lady
of the company and formerly of the
Cleveland Playhouse, Robert Hender-
son, director of the company, and
,Roman Bohnen, leading man of the
troupe and late of the Goodman me-
morial theater, of Chicago.
Miss Kelly will interpret the part
of Hjordis the wife of Gunnar, the
rich yeoman of Helgeland, who will
be played by Bohne.n. Robert Hen-
derson will act the role of Sigurd the
strong, a viking. These three will
bear the brunt of the heaviest char-
acterizations and parts.
Others of the players who will ap-
pear in the cast in more. minor adap-
tations will include E. Martin Browne,
who will act as Ornulf of the Fjords,
an Iceland chieftain; Marvel Garns
ey, who will be cast as his wife; Paul
Stephenson, who appears as Ornulf's
youngest son; and Lillian Bronson,
assigned the part of Egil, the four
year old son of Gunnar.
Difficult Sets
It is only with the aid of the Clay-
ilux that a proper and justifiable pro-
duction of "The Vikings" can be play-
ed, for s6 many of the sets call for
the picturing of moving objects, such
as ships in a storm- action made
practically impossible with hand
painted sets. With the aid of the
Clavilux these sets can be played from
the organ in light, painted on the
set background by the artist operat-
ing the machine.
Wilfred, in addition to directing the
play, will operate his Clavilux per-
sonally from the console of the ap-
pa.ratus. He has a thorough know-
ledge of the Ibsen mood, having read
him in the original Swedith.
Professor Moore will aid in the ef-
fort to obtain the atmosphere re-

quired by accompanying the showing
with the Frieze memorial organ.
There will be no advance in prices
for the performance, it was announced
by Thomas Denton, business manager
for the compiany. Tickets will be
sold at the usual two prices, 75 cents
for unreserved, and $1 for reserved.
They may be obtained at any of the
State street book stores or at the
box office. Unlike patst policy, there
will be but two performances of "The
(By Assoelated Preas)
MEXICO CITY, July 21.-Mexico
City and the country continued peace-
ful today, but there was a general
tension among the people, much sup-
pressed excitement, and feeling of dis-
tinct uncertainty.

Dr. Max Mason
Who has resigned as president of
the University of Chicago to become a t
research director of the Rockefeller p
fo na.tin. rHe v:2 :is4 ;$i.n ?a wold"i
timfreatiof hunger, poverty,wandsick-
ness '';
'rkil <isus usetend 1
M0lr- cupureomro
j w
"St.adardsi ncent and Mroer n 19
Scu.r"wi su c f
lectuehby rof.igneR.asprdentofth
Universityof Wiscosgint 'cock
tooun rown Naturlonscorle aui-
Piereofssorngard,wo itasch-ing
t n s ardas ceenltrdderi n the n
Jhtn Hokinunierty and o the
University of Wisconsin at 5 o'clock
tomorrow in Natural Science audi- I
torrum., BI
Professor Agard, who is teaching
two courses in Greek civilization here w
this summer , has been lecturer in the ti
history and appreciation of art at b
Johnsd Iopkins university and at the
Maryland Art institute. He is now p
on the faculty of Dr. Alexander b
Meiklejohn's experimental college at c
Wisconsin. He is acquainted with a
several of the leading contemporary s
sculptors, including Bourdelle, Mes-
trovic,eand Paul Manship, and has a
published a number of articles on d
modern art in International Studio, t
Art and Archaeology, the Art Bulletin,
the Dial, the North American Review, R
and other periodicals. G
aDuring his lecture tomorrow Pro-
fessor Agard will show slides of the n
work of leading modern sculptors,
European and American, and compare t
them with Greek and Renaissance t
masterpieces. Main cirrents in con-
temporary sculpture, chief character-
sti's of the art of ancient Greece and f'
its development and influence on other j
nations, and the significant differences t
and similarities between Greek art
and that of today are some of the e
topics which will be considered. The
work of some of the more bizarre
modern experimentalists will be brief- E
ly touched upon. lb
,S-y Associated Press)
LAREDO, Texas, July 21.-Mexico's a
Lone Eagle was returned today from

the country to which he flew on a
mission of good will that international
misunderstandings might be over-1
Between a solid wall of packed hu-
manity that overflowed into the
streets of Laredo and Nuevo Laredo,
the body of the late Captain Emilo
Carranza was borne in highest mili-
tary honors through the center of the
International Bridge, where General,
Jose Maezzua, Chief of the Aviation4
forces of Mexico, and a squad of
picked men waited to receive their
former comrade who will be laid to
rest with Mexico's immortal heroes.
There was a pause of five minutes,
in which 10,000 heads were bared as
"taps" sounded the final tribute to the
man who lost his life in an attempted
non-stop flight from New' York to
Mexico City after coming to this coun-
try to repay the visit of Colonel Char-
les A. Lindbergh to Mexico.

S Political Situation On II
cific Coast With Young
In (Californial Home
(By Associated Press)
.Abandoning his original
a quiet week-end at his home
erbert hoover today began a
f poltica 1 conferences which
continued intermittently until
of his notification August 1. Here are the three leaders of the i
. C. Young of California was Democratic party photographed at the h
of those from whom the Re- ELLENI T 10I ULEAD meeting of th national committee in s
t presidential nominee sought New York. They are John J. Raskob,
ion as to the political situaA- fTRlI8rF I L [Sc dian ofthe national committee;
the Pacific coast. AFER Dov. L1~0 Alfred E. Smith, presidential 1>
overnor was invited to lunch- nominee; and Joseph eTRobinsone
for a discussion afterward in vice-presidential nominee.
over's study, located in one F amous English Actress Succumbs To
. Combination Heart Attack And ILJANNINBS COMES
ouse which nestleson a hill- Cerebral Hemorrhage L
a setting of evergreens and PA
eflowers of mi species. END COMESPEACEFULLY HERE IN G
the early days of next week ( sAY
ver vAll confer with Senator (By Associated Ke)t, g a
Johnson and leaders from Famous Star Appears At Michigan i
acific coast states. July 21-Dame Ellen Terry, British This Week In Drama Depicting t
Hoover will spand Sunday actress, beloved by playgoers the The Slums of London i
at home, but will attend world over, died this morning in the o
services, probably in the beau- 'NIGUT AT UERTH I
lapel at Stanford university, little oaken farm house tucked sway c~lljjjj iAlvYuU;RiIs
tands in the center of a group in the vales of Kent where she had Es
>1 buildings. quietly spent the last years of her Ea i Jhi gs returns to the Michi- i
WillTakeRestgan this week in a powerful drama
Will Take Rest life. of the slums of London, "The Street
en times, the nominee will Death came at 8:5 afte_- an uncom- of Sin." The popular European star
ahis acceptance address, al-
t of which already is in the fortable night during which she sank is reported to have scored anothers
sensational success in this picture, c
ift stage. slowly to the end. When dawn ap-
oover usually writes and re- neared the doctor announced the pa- house district with all the force and
is papers and speeches several tient was coniderabv weaker. She aoueairtthallcte forcesang
d his advisers say there will passed away peacefully Murrounded by appeal that characterized his actnge
in ths cas. herrelatotin "The Way of All Flesh" and "The1r
xception in this case. her relatiors. ILast Laugh."
the speech is ready for the Her death mearked the tlnal periodLt h s
the Republican standaid- of her hopeless struggle against a The film is accompanied on the
will lay aside the cares of the tcmbinationi teart attack and cere- stage by the Harrington sisters, Who
,n and will take to the hills, beral heuatwrhage from which sie are returning to Ann Arbor after two
point in his home state, for had been sinking slow ; since Tues years of successes in various musical o
comedies. They are billed as "Two
days of rest and fishing. day.
he has benefited by the trip Sends Message To Friends Little Rosebuds in a Garden of Song."
he continent which ended Fri- A few days ago, with the end ap- The latter half of the week at the
>rning, the commerce secre- proaching, she gave the Associated Michigan will be headlined by Adamst
s had many months of hard Press this message for America: and Rasch, demonstrating their ver-
rith scarcely a break and he "Give my love to America and tell sion of a two-man quartet. The filmI I
th the desire and need for a my dear friends there that I an thi think- will be "Road House" with Marie Alba
acation before the strenuous ing of them as I rest here in my and Lionel Barrymore.
at are ,ahead of him after the quiet English countryside. When one "Across To Singapore" starring Ra-
tion ceremonies. is eighty, one has dreams of days gone mon Novarro will be the attraction
who traveled across the coun- by and often in my dreams I live at the Majestic for the first half ofr
h Mr. Hoover from Washing- again the many happy times I spent in the week. This thrilling tale of thet
iced a day-by-day change in America. My heart is warm with the China Seas promises to be one of, the
When he boarded the train a mempories of 0my friends across the stellar offerings of the week. Novarro,
go today, he appeared greatly sea." as the handsome, fighting hero of the
I and in the early stages of the The whole wide world which loves film does fully as well as he did in
it was with apparent effort such consummate art as that with "Ben Hur" and his other pictures.c
faced the crowds which gath- which Ellen Terry charmed and thrill- "Buck Privates" with Lya de Puttit
the stations along the line to ed lovers of the drama for more than and Malcom MacGregor will be shown
greetings, half a century was plunged into from Thursday to Saturday.
ems Carefree And Happy mourning by the news that .the final A dramatic chapter in the 4aistory
the °rest at the summer White curtai had been rung down on her of the pioneer railroads of the westt
in northern Wisconsin, -his old great career. will Ie presented at the Wuerth be-
cy began to return and as his There had been fears for sometime ginning Sunday in the picture, "The1
train swung into the far west, that she whose life was the stage Night Flyer" starring William Boydt
he struggled against the ele- would not much longer survive the with Jobyna Ralston supporting him.
and mother earth in the early definite withdrawal from it which her The management of the Wuerth the-t
f his career as a mining engi- age compelled. She celebrated her ater announce as a special feature this1
e seemed carefree and happy eightieth birthday anniversary last week the returns from the Heeney-
met the welcoming crowds February. Tunney fight which will be announced

genial smile. Kept Interest In Stage during the regular performance
poke briefly to the assemble She was prevented by illness at that Thursday night.
and frequently carried on run- time from replying as she had plan-
onversations with single in- ned to the message broadcast in her WEST IS CHOSEN
1s. The thing that seemed to honor over the radio by Sir John- TCW
m the greatest pleasure, how- ston-Forbes Robertson. TO SUCCEED WORK
was shaking hands with small She recovered from this illness Press
rho gathered around the rear quite quickly, however, and except for (By AssociatescaiJ
rno his car. feebleness and infirmities Incident to SUPERIOR, Wis., July 21.--Presi-.
age and some degree of recession in dent Coolidge has selected Roy O.
SEBALL SCORES mental activities she had appeared as West of Chicago, Republican national
well as could be expected until her committeeman from Illinois, to be the
(By Associates Press) seizure July 17. new secretary of the interior. The
To the last, Dame Ellen had follow- resignation from the cabinet of Dr.
TAthmesDarEic ahdno Leagunaen ro hec mto -
American League ed the affairs of the stage with the Hubert Work, chairman of the Repub-
iington 4, Detroit 2. greatest interest. She played her last lic national committee, became effec-
eland 2-5, Boston 5-1. Shakesperean part as Portia in the tive upon designation of his successor.
adelphia 8-7, St. Louis 2-3. trial scene from "The Merchant of Mr. West long has been a personal
Venice" in 1921. triend of Mr. Coolidge, in whose cam-
aonal League Until two years ago Miss Terry paign four years ago he figured prom-
adelphia 8, St. Louis 3. never failed to appear at first nights luently as secretary of the Republican
aago 2-5, New York 1-4. in London and the tall queenly old national committee. The chief execu-
st game 15 innings, second lady in black with a black scarf drap- tive, it is understood, had Mr. West
e 10 innings.) ed over her silver hair was always In mind for the cabinet vacancy when
einnati 5, Boston 4. rapturously applauded when she en- it became evident last June that Dr.
sburgh 7-10, Brooklyn 3-2. tered her box. Work might be elected chairman.

.eetur~A C~er VmIunmbl Ibformation
To Those Who Direct, Superise
School Systems In State
Opening the fourth week of the ser-
s of special education conferenes
fferedl to .Supervisors, principals
achers, and others interested in edu-
ation, four lectures by eminent auth-
rities and specialists are being given
n the auditorium of the University
igh school on the subject of the
enior high school.
These conferences are of much
ractical value to those engaged in
ducation work, since discussions as
well as lectures on the various prob-
cms are included in the program
ach day.
Prof. Joseph Roemer will begin the
,eek's series with a lecture Monday
fternoon on "Extra Class Activities."
'rofessor Roemer is well known as
n authority in the field of the sen-
or high school. He is secretary of
he Southern Central assoiation, and
s 'high school visitor and Professor
f Secondary education at the Uni-
'ersigy of Florida. He is teachin4
everal courses in the School of Edu-
ation this summer.
To Discuss Outside Activities
Ile will'discuss the place and value,
f extra class activities in secondary
chools, and will trace their early his-
ory, pointing out the attainments and
of.tributions of these activities in
igh schools. His discussion of the
lest w.ay-to organize these extra-cur-
icular matters so as to secure the
;ra.test and mst efficient results
ill be of special interest to those
attenoing these lectures.
The Iceture Tuesday will be the irst
of a series dealing with methods of
oaching. It will be delivered by Dr.
Norma D. Solve, the subject being
Progressive Tendencies in the Teach-
ing of English." Dr. Solve has an-
oanced that she will divide her dis-
cx:ssion into four parts: English in its
utilitarian uses, English literature,
anguage, and composition. She will
point out the reason for a different
method of instruction in the fLst two
divisions, and will show how our
present formal grammar is not func-
tioning properly, discussing how a id
where cnmposition ehoud be taught
Mathematics N Subject
Dr. Raleigh Schorling will lecture
on the subject of "Sonme NewdThings
in Teaching Mathematics" on Wednes-
lay. Doctor Schorling was a mem-
ber of the' National Committee on
Mathematics requirements, and has
considerable first hand knowledge of
this pha'se of high school work. He
will outline the new mathematics
program as established by this com-
mittee, and will speak to a consider-
able extent on recent experiments and
discoveries in this department. His
lecture will deal principally with the
ways in which the high school teach-
er may be helped in her teaching of
the subject.

The series will close Thursday with
an address by Prof. W. L. Carr on
"The New Program In Latin Teach-
ing." Professor Carr has developed
this new program in the University
: school and will offer suggestions


on the changing of programs in other
high schools, showing how this can be
accomplisdhed and the results[
that may be obtained under the new
system. This lecture will be of value
to students of Latin as well as to
teachers and principals.
The lectures this week offer much
vauable information to those respon-
sible for the direction and supervision
of the school systems of the state.
Attention is called to the fact that the
arrangement of the series this
week does not correspond to that
published in the bulletin. The chang-
es were made necessary by matters
beyond the control of those in charge.
All the lectures are to begin prompt-
ly at 4:05 o'clock.

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