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July 22, 1928 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-22

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Published every morning except Monday dur-
ing the University Summer Session by the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news
published herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post-
ofFice, as second class, matter.
Subscription by carrier, $r.5o; by mail, $1.75.
Offices : Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Directors........George E. Simonsl
Martin Mol
City Editor.............Lawrence R. Klein
Feature Editor .......... .... Eleanor Scribner
Susic and Drama Editor.......Stratton Buck
Books Editors............ Kenneth G. Patrick
Kathryn Sayre
Night EditorsI


Alex Bochnowski
Robert Dockeray
Howard Shout
Margaret Zahm
Isabel Charles

Martin Mol
George Simons
Clarence Edelson
Robert O'Brien


Telephone 21214
Advertising..............Lawrence Walkley
Advertising..................Jeannette Dale
\ccountsa................Whitney Manning
Circulation................Bessie V. Egelan

Samuel Lukens

Lillian Korvinsky

Janet Logie

SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1928
Night Editor-A. A. BOCHNOWSKI
His withdrawal from the race for
the RepublicAn nomination for United
States Senator from Michigan an-
nounced yesterday by Milton R. Pal-!
mer, from Detroit, cinches the nom-
ination, and virtually the election for
Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg, Grand
Rapids publisher.
In announcing his withdrawal Mr.
Palmer, who for the past four terms
has served successfully as a State
Representative, stated that he took
this action in the interest of party
harmony and out of respect to the
candidacy of Mr. Vandenberg, *hom
he considers the outstanding choice
for this high office.
Mr. Palmer is to be commended
on the stand he has taken in this
matter. He refuses to be used as a
tool to try to wrest a high public
office from a man who, it is generally
acknowledged, is admirably qualified
for the office which he now holds. His
petitions, filed without ihs consent
or without his knowledige, placed Pal-
mer in the field as an anti-adminis-
tration candidate. As a. candidate he
formed a part of the slate which was
drawn by a disgruntled politician from
Detroit, but fortunately he has with-
drawn from the field, assuring Van-1
denberg's renomination.
Lack of opposition to th1e Vanden-
berg candidacy is a marked tribute
to the abilities and qualifications of
Michigan's junior senator. During the
short time that he has been per-
mitted to represent his state in the
upper branch of Congress, he has
firmly established himself in his new
office. As a student of government
since boyhood, as an author of sev-
eral books dealing with Constitution-
at history, as a brilliant editor of a
Republican newspaper, as an orator
of note, Mr. Vandenberg stepped into
his Senate office with a background
that adequately qualifies him for dut-
les and obligations which he mut
fulfill in his new role.t
For twenty-five years Vandenberg
has been a fighter in the private ranks
of his party. Although urged. on sev-
eral occasions to seek public office,{
himself, he has always refused to
push himself forward. He has al-
ways been a keen observer of polit-
ical happings in tihis country and
abroad. He has taken the platform
and creditably upheld the principles ofi
his party on numerous occasions. Al-
th ;ugh a strong party man, he has
not relegated principle to the back-
ground, but his activities have dem-
onstrated the utility of blending par-
ty loyalty with reliance on lofty' prin-r
ciples which many politicians of our
present school are apt to overlook.
Vandenberg's advent in the Congress
of the United States, adds a brilliant
scholar to the roll of the Senate. Hisn
retention in office assures Michigan of
the ablest representation that at pre- i
sent Is procurable within her bor- t
ders. t
Prize fighters are born and not v
made, and Mr. Tunney is the almost v
perfect example to the rule. The
ex-marine is the champion, but to s
be a champion today means more than a
to be merely the prize fighter. In ad- k
dition he must have public appeal - t
he must be a drawing card for huge n
crowds and $40 seats. t
The profession of pugilsm (Mr.
Tunney insists that it is a profes- d

sion) has grown to become one of the
most colossal of American sports
Tens of thousands of people flock
to the ringside to witness a champ-
ionship bout. The popularity of this
is probably due to the type of fight-
ing displayed by Jack Dempsey, the
former title holder, now relegated to
the class of has-beens' by Mr. Tun.
ney. Dempsey was a rough-and-tough
tear-at-'em type of fighter, the ido.
of fight fans and endeared to th
hearts of the public. He believed tha
a pugilist was a pugilist and that a
pugilist's duty was to fight other pug
ilists and not to criticize contemp
orary literature. Consequently h
drew crowds and made millions.
The present champion, Tunney, on
the other hand, assumes a differen
attitude, an oh-so-cultural one. Asa
result, he has not won the respec
and support of a public educated t
the oppositecharacter. He could not
as champion, draw as large a gate
as could Dempsey, the defeated cham
The trouble lies in the fact tha
publicity and pugilism are closely re
lated. People read about and wan
to see the "Dempsey scowl" and th
"Manassa Mauler," and Dempsey
I charges them $40' apiece for the priv
ilege. People read about Tunney lec
turing to Shakespeare classes at Yale
but they don't care to pay $40 to see
a lecturer. They want to see and
read of a fighter who eats raw beef
steak for breakfast and wears a black
scowl on his face.
The reason for the lack of public
interest in the forthcoming bout be
tween Heeney and Tunney is due to
the press accounts of Tunney's liter.
ary pursuits. A prize fighterto b
a financial success, must act like a
prize fighter.
The proposed St. Lawrence sea cu
project continues to be the subject o
much discussion and bitter argument
At a recent meeting of the Grea
Lakes-Hudson association in New
York, speakers expressed antagonism
intimating that the plan would im
pair shipping interests in the eastern
In making this assertion, the speak
ers directly manifested their primary
interests. They are not nearly so
much concerned with the Great Lake
as they are with their own New York
harbor and the Hudson river. Frank
ly selfish in their opposition to th
St. Lawrence waterway, they are righ
in contending that it would diver
some business from New York.
The mere fact that such organized
opposition exists is the best possi
ble proof that the development o
the St. Lawrence would be a greai
boon to business to the section wes
of New York, and particularly to the
grain growers of both the United
States and Canada, by providing a
means of cheaper transportatioi o
foodstuffs and other commodities o1
ol kinds.
While it is naturally regrettable
that New York is threatened with any
loss of buinc.s. it is rather obvious
that the city is ptint'n, it own i,,-
terests beforeO that of al others. It
is certainly illogical that millions .f
people should coitinuo to hear the
burdens of unscientific an was tl
meth:;ds of trarsportajon that ::ne
port should aOllect a :at profit.
- 0- -
The official report recently made
public by the department of com-
merce discloses the fact that produc-
tion of motor vehicles in the United
States during 1927 was the smallest

for. aniy year since 1922 when the
output went below the 3,000,000 mark.
In 1926, 4,229,799 motor cars were
produced and the figure for 1927 was
3,393,887. Owing to the fact that pro-
duction was less last year, business
and efficiency experts have definitely.
predicted that it will surpass all prev-
ous production records in 1928. It
ls been estimated that fewer old
cars were replaced last year by new
cars and that many more will be
needed this year to meet the, replace-
ment demands of cars no longer serv-
In addition, the outlook in foreign
markets is reported to be excellent.
t is said to be so good that auto-
mobile builders in Italy, Germany and
France are concerned over their abil-
ty to cope with American competi-
ion. They concede that it is vir-
ually impossible to raise the Euro-
pean tariff high enough to exclude
American cars even if that expediency
were desirable from the buyer's
In view of the fact that the United
;tates at the outset has the definite
dvantage of an enormous home mar-
et unrestricted by tariff walls. be-
ween the states, where European
nanufacturers are hedged in by in-
*rnational boundary lines, the opti-
mistic estimates of American pro-
ducers seem justifiable.

-ITTE, 1
At last he has emerged from his re-
clusion. The date has been set. Clar-
I ence Cook Little, president of a well-
e known university in Michigan, will
t speak before the students of the Sum-
a mer Session on August 2. All the
- visiting school teachers will rush to
- hear him.
e* * *
a Oscar, Rolls' wonder horse,
t world famous educator, after itI
° long and reluctant silence, will
t speak to the students of the Sum-
mer Session on the subject of
- "Science and Religion-Its Re-
t lation To the Auto Ban." The I
hat wil bepassed for contrlbu
j ios Nopractical jokesters,
other than the speaker, will be
admitted. This is a serious af-
, * *
August 3 has been set by the Post-
e master Pack as the day for the Ann
- Arbor postal service to increase the
force by ten new men to carry in-
dignant letters of protest from out-
3 raged ladies infuriated by Dr. Little's
- speech of the day before.
We hate to admit it, but we actual-
- ly sympathize with the man at times.
E! * * ,
Jamaica may have been the
stronghold of the buccaneers of
old, as Professor Davis says, but
we have a feeling that the mod-
ern stronghold is in the rear office
f of a certain red brick building on
the south east edge of Ferry
-, Included in this July. and August
epidemic of lecturing will be Dr.
Thomas Lovell's lecture of tonight oni
"Companionate Marriage-Its Rela-
tion To the Auto Ban."
Nelzon J. Smizz, international
renowned writer of opera reviewz,
e ex-officio critic of the Zummer
t Zession, haz announced that in
t the future a Sztrict age limit will
be placed on Zumnmer Zession en-
Smizz deplored the peronnel
f of the Zuniner Zession during
t the prezent zeazon and has Ae-
t zided that hereafter no one should
lbe admitted who waz more than
25 years of age, exzept in exzep-
tional and extra-ordinary cazez,
f at the dizerezion of Smizz. This
f will practically eliminate Zehool
teacherz. Az a rezult of this meas-
nre, the Zchool of Education will
probably be abolished.
' More definite planz for a cam-
paign. will be announzed by
S Smizz in the future.
The University authorities are hav-
ing a terrible time finding a name for
the old museum, which is to be used
hereafter as the romance language
building. These University officials
find more darned things to worry
Rolls, however, in its usual altruis-
tic manner, will endeavor to assist.
We suggest the following: Little Hall,
Clarence Corner, Cook Crevice, Wen-
ley Wigwam, and Babcock Barn.

No one else knows who Babcock is{
(he is an instructor in the English
department known as R. Witless Bab-
cock), but that's just the kind of per-
son a romance language building
should be named after-romantic by
moonlight and a fake by daylight.
* * *
We offer two prizes for the best
submission of a title by which the
new romance building can be
named. The first prize will be a
ticket to the Rae theater. The
second will be twelve tickets to1
the Roquefort Players' production
of the Vikings.
* * *C
We feel that the "March Hares"
need a cutting.
Rolls official statistician has
discovered that there were 2, 067
wrong telephone numbers, 3, 222
misspelled names, and 2, 46
wrong addresses in the student di.
* * *
And tonight, before we go to bed,
we are all going to get down on our
knees and pray long and fervently
that that latest national disgrace, The
American Lawn tennis association,
will get conscious and reinstate Wil-
liam T. Tilden, II.

For Good Food
and Quick Service
Eat at the
Arcade Cafeteria

It i ll l ll ll lll [11 lfll il ll lliltlll l j
-ave ou Tried One
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Special Steaks IN YOUR
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620 E. Liberty Train with These Thorough,
Home Made Pasiry IPractical Courses
IVE S7C Shorthand
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730 Perfet,
CIRCULINE Bookkeeping
is the only .4
method that
waves your hair
according to its Fall Terms-Sept. 4 and 17
individual require.
menu., It is safe
sure !_«
Hamilton Business College
Nickels Arcade. Phone 9616 State and William Streets Ann Arbor
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The Finest of Wholesome Foods
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
The Coolest Place to Eat
Under New Management
Mrs. Anna Kalmbach

SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1928

I i~iu


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BILL: "How do you explain this Goofus guy?"
JILL: "Oh, he still wants to waltz and wears hard heels."

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taking them on the spine all day long cushioning, GoodyearWingfoot Heels
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It's because they cushion the count- they have that "it" called style. No
less shocks and jars of the day's foot- wonder more people walk on Goodyear
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go right now. After the longest kind! Jolly old shoe repairman
day on the campus walks or puts them on in. arf-a-mo.
the hard lab floors, they bring S Better get new Goodyear
you back fresh and ready for Wingfoot Heels today.
r tstuA.

Copyright 1928. by The Goodyear Tire & aubber Oa.. Inc

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