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July 21, 1928 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-21

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C;1tOuwmt~r forced absence now is disastrous. It
not only sihattern America's hopes but
r t 1 Wwill hint that it furnishes an
Ae-ican alibi. The French Press has al-
Published every morning except Monday dur- 1
ing the University Summer Session by the ready insinuated this. In view of all
Board in Control of Student Publications. these factors, the American Lawn
The Associated Press is exclusively en- Tennis association can hardly be con-
titled to the use for republication of all news rt I td
dispatcheshcredited to it or not otherwise gratulated.
credited in this paper and the local news Bilg Bill is probably finished as the1
published herein. Iinternationalist. But always, in the
Entered at tel Ann Arbor, Michigan, post- hearts of true sportsmen the world1
office as second class~ matter.
Subscription by carrier, $1.50; by mail, $1.75- over, he will remain the world's great-e
AnnOerbor P Building, Maynard Street, est tennis player-and the world's
Telephone 49%2{ BILLBOARDS1
MANAGING EDITOR Arizona, audacious state, is setting
J. STEWART HOOKER a good example for the 47 other states
Edioril iretos......Gore E Sino~sof the Union. As a result of a recent
E sartin Nlol 1 decision of the Arizona highway con-
City Editor...............Lawrence R. Klein missions, all billboards must be re-
Feature Editor ...............Eleanor ScribnerE
Music and Irama Editor.......tratton Buck moved from the right-of-way of main
Books Editors-...........Kenneth G. Patrick
Kathryn Sayre j highways by August 1. If they are
not removed by that time, destruction
Night Editors . is promised by the highway commis-1
Alex Bochnowski Martin Mo
Robert Dockeray George Simons on
Howard Shout Clarence Edelson Adetisers may infer tht Arizonla
Reporters is making a grave'mistake, but they
Margaret Zahm Robert O'Brien cannot deny that the increasing ten-
Isabel Charles
dency in America to plaster its roads
BUSINESS STAFF with. signs and 'billboards is doing1
. Telephone 21214 anything but beautify the country. One
BUSINESS MANAGER billboard is often enough to destroy
RAY WACHTER a square mile of natural beauty.
Michigan, with its extensive road
Advertising................Lawrence Walkley building program, would do well to
Advertising ..................Jeannette Dale I'I'
A ea " + 3;itaneNan~anIConsider such action. Imagine ow
Accounts................. Whitney Manning cosdruhatin Imgehw
Circulation .................Bessie V. Egelaae much more beautiful would be the
Samuel Lukens Lillian Korvinsky splendid lake shore drives in northern
Janet Logie beauty if such artificialities and hin-
SATURDAY, JULY 21,, 1928 drances to natural beauty were elim-
inated. While it is not altogether
Night Editor-LAWRENCE R. KLEIN, probable that such a step will come
about very ,soon, it is one which is
_____________________________well worth thinking about. Americans
THE WORLD'S BEST AMATEUR must realize that money-making is
Big Bill Tilden, for years past the not everything in making this world
mainstay and idol of America's Da- a better place in which to live, and
vis Cup teams, will not compete in that natural beauty can go a long
this year's' struggle for the coveted way in that directioni.
trophy. The Ameridan Lawn Tennis
association, responsible for Tildens
1 Editorial Comment .
sudden removal from the team, charg-;I
es him with violation of the player-
writer act. Big Bill, they claim, wrote A GOOD TURN
ofrhis matchesat Wimbledon for the. tJames E. West, chief executive of
press. And so, on the eve of the the Boy Scouts of America, did his
final elimination matches with Italy, daily good turn to that praiseworthy
three weeks after the articles appear- organization when he rebuked the
ed In print, he has been disqwualified 'Cleveland scout council for the puerile
from competition. campaign which it proposed to under-
It is incredible that the American take.
Lawn Tennis association will gain the Cleveland scout officials had mndi-
good will of the tennis lovers of the cated that Boy Scouts would be asked
country as a result of their decision. to approach women smoking in pub-
The remov:al of Tilden, captain of the lic and request them to stop.
- team, practically shatters any hope Whether it is right or wrong, pro-
of victory from the strong French per or improper, for women to smoke,
team that was to h'ave been met in is a debatable question which The
the challenge round. In view of the Daily Iowan does not choose to dis-
present situation it is highly dubious cuss at this time.
that the team will successfully meet It is a well known fact that many
the - Italian team in the inter-zone persons are sincerely disgusted when-
finals. Tilden's absence will weaken ever they see feminine lips sullied by
not only the personnel but also the the vile weed for which men pay mil-
morale of the team. He alone is the 'lions of dollars every year. Those
seasoned veteran of many -a champ- persons are perfectly sincere in be-
ionship struggle, while the remainder lieving that smoking by women is a
of the team is composed of young- social menace, and they have a con-
sters. Tilden acted as a catalyzer for stitutional right to attempt to reform
youthful energy and experience. the alleged evil if they so desire. No
The validity of the association's ac- one objects to letting reformers fight
tion cannot- be questioned. Ti!den out their battles to their hearts' con-
technically violated the rules whichtent.
the association uses to define iama- It appears, however, that in this I
teur ratirig. Backed by their rules case the reformers are yellow. They
they are irreproachable in their ac- are afraid to Thght the battle with
tion. But judiciously scrutinizing their own forces. To bear the brunt
precedent and timelines their ruling of their campaign they must enlist
is uncalled for and inapt. the aid of an organization of fine
Tilden was removed because he young American boys, respected by all
wrote newspaper accounts of tennis American citizens, but too young to
matches in which he participated. The have balanced judgment.
accounts were printed weeks lago, in Their action places the reformers
ample time for the :association' to in much the same asject as the- di'-
have taken action, then. But they reputable tramp who sends the little
waited until he had arrived in France boy into the store to get a check

before notifying him of his ineligibili- cashed for him.
ty. And in so 'far as writing news Anyone who is familiar with boys
paper article is concerned, s'cfi a between the ages of 12 and 15, knows
profession is babitually practiced ,y Ithat they would never of their own
:tene Lacoste, Fruch' tennis 'ace an initiative resolve upol any such
L is at prest'nt uockering wito . .I course as was planned in Cleveland.
American Syndic'tte for a series of The plan was suggested and foster-
articles. Henri Cochet operates a ed by someone whose leadership they
sporting goods store, which. he naiie- respected-someone with an axe to
ly explains, belongs to his father. grind.
And even so, should such actions The Boy Scouts of America are an
be regarded as a practice of profes- admirable organization founded upon
sionalism? Even amateurs must eat, high, ideals and possessing a noble
and since the public demands their purpose. They are, perhaps, one of
continual appearance on the courts,;the greatest character building in-
they must find some means of sub- fluences today. It is fortunate that
sistence. the national leaders of the organiza-
It is not as though William Tilden tion have the good judgment and vis-
sold his signature to the newspapers ion to prevent any minority reform
and allowed them to write the stor- movement, no matter how prai'sewor-
ies, a course of action adopted by con- thy,' from using the Boy Scouts asj
temporary prize fighters. Tilden is a tool.-Daily Iowan.
a forceful and able writer. He knows3
and :analyzes tennis better than any 'Student's Work In Art Attracts
other man in. the world. His books Much Attention, says a headline in a
on tennis are the finest expositions ;college daily. Well, from most of thef
of the game in print. He plays and student art work that we have seen,I
understands tennis better than any we should agree must hearIly.
other line of activity, and there is nao
conceivable reason why he should not Senator Robinson has said that the
instruct others, and at the 'same time, election of his colleague, Al Smith,
support himself. He wrote them in is without danger. Yes, Senator Rob- 1
the interest of tennis. inson, this is not Mexico, and Al hasc
And then, too, Big Bill, the old mas, a chance for his life, at any rate. I
ter, the greatest in the world, is near- *"* *
ly through. He planned to retire after !If the American Lawn Tennis asso-c
this season, but before he did so he ciation .disqualifies many more of thes
wanted to make. one more valiant ef- Davis cup team, they will be accused e
fort to retrieve the Davis cup. His en- of being paid with French fGold.



Music And Drama
A Review By Kathryn Sayre
The old proverb, as mad as a March
Hare, was amusingly and divertingly
presented as the theme for the light
comedy of the present Rockford
players production. The play furnish-
ed only a vehicle for the finished act-
ing which the company showed in the
performance Thursday night. Its
farcical situations like the temptation
scene and incidentally the climactic
scene furnished the company an op-
portunity to exercise their acting
abilities. Throughout the perform-
ance the interest was in the. per-
sonalities of the various members of
the company-in contrast to what has
been the previous situation in which
the actors and actresses as them-
selves, were lost in the roles they
played. Of course the company should
not have drawn attention to itself but
perhaps it was because the play did
not present intensive characters.
Besides many seemed to fascinate by
their personalities and attractiveness,
alone, so that made quite an inter-

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Robert Henderson with the most
distinctive role of the performance
portrayed one of the March Hares
with an interpretation which might
certainly be termed alive. He put
zest in the temperamental Goeffrey
whose house was i a continuous up-
set because of his individual notions,
his carelessness to his fiancee, and
his nonchalant manner toward all
that worried others. Mr. Henderson
made the short sighted characterwho
lured women unconsciously by his
stirring appeal a really fine piece of
acting. His inflections and the em-
phasis of his sentences he put in the
right places, so that he played his
part of the full. The role which Mr.
Henderson had was written by a play-4
wright who understood the psycholo-
gy of an abnormal person who might
have insanity to a slight degree. The
author, Harry Wagstaff Gribble, made
Geoffrey rabid on the question that
everyone was against him. The
whole was rollicking with good fun,
too, as well as being to some degree
true of this peculiarly minded per-
Miss Marvel Garnsey's role as the
"mistress of equilibrium" was one of
the major parts of the performance
but she did not receive from the audi-
ence quite what the lines she had,
deserved in many cases. This was
probably not the fault of the audi-
enee, for they seemed a very respon-
sive group throughout the evening
and especially during the window
shade scene in which Paul Stephen-
son, the butler, had such a difficult
time lowering the curtain that both
the audience and he laughed. Miss
Garnsey's part was well acted during
most scenes and she commanded a
poise which was appropriate to the
age of Mrs. Janet Rodney whom she
interpreted. Her words were en-
unciated clearly and precisely as were
those of all the rest of the company,
so that every remark was under-
stood by the audience and the pro-
(uction had the appearance of being
KAtherine Wick Kelly in the role
of another March Hare radiated en-
tertainment thru her facial expres-
sirns as' well as her humorous lines,
for she made everyone laugh at the
way she said her funny ideas and no-
tions. Claudia, the overbalanced
. young woman who doted affection-
ately upon Geoffrey, furnished som~e-
thing for Miss Kelly, light in its en-
tertainment and attractive as a fea-
ture for her exploitation. A number
of the play's best lines were for her
execuion and in accordance with her{
past reputation here E.s a thorough
and good actress she rea. them well.
The essence of the sophisticated farce
was shown in her reading of the
l oei, y from the book. She did this
mater al, which might easily have
been spoiled or boring by someone
else, with the countenanra and ex-
uression of one as sincere and seri-
ous as the world possessed. Her man-
ner of gazing intently with head
forward and eyes bulging at Goeffrey'
pointed out the fact that the char-
acter, Claudia, truly felt, as she said
that he had a real "capacity for love."
The rest of the cast made a smooth-
running background for the majors
already mentioned. Lillian Bronson,
the splendid Roxie Hart of Chicago,
fell into a minor role this week like
a veteran and Paul Stephenson, the
stern and precise Oliver.
Roman Bohnen and Elberta Trow-,
bridge, deserve more credit than the
couple just mentioned. Maybe that
was because they were in the lime-
light more than the previously dis-
cussed pair. Let it be suffiient to

say, however, that their roles appear-
ed to be neither overacted nor lacking
in anv nartniclnr

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the same frocks §old for $19.75.
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