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July 21, 1928 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-21

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Probably showers; cooler.

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Talks Of General Utilization, Output
Oi Island In Lecture Delivered
Yesterday Afternoon
Illustrating his lecture with a num-
ber of slides and an exhibit of water
color sketches, Prof, Bradley M. Davis
of the botany department spoke on
"Jamaica" yesterday afternoon in Nat-
ural Science auditorium.
"The early history of Jamaica," said
Professor Davis, "like that of all the
Caribbean region, is of peculiar inter-
est because of the deeds of the but-
caneers who made it their headquar-
ters for centuries. One of the most
daring and cruel of these was Cap-
tain Morgan, who, however, settled
down in Jamaica in his later years,
and ended his days as lieutenant-gov-
ernor of the island.
Kingston Chief City
"Port Royal, the chief pirate strong-
hold, was destroyed by an earthquake
in 1692; since then Kingston has been
the chief city. After a hundred and
fifty years of Spanish domination, the
island was taken by the English in
1655, and they have held it ever since.
"Most of the products of Jamanica
are from plants not originally native
to the island," the speaker continued.
"The English introduced breadfruit,
yams, ginger, citrous fruits, mangoes,
the cocoanut palm, and the banana.
"Of recent years cattle-raising has
become an important industry, and
with it has come a plague of ticks,
which are very numerous and trouble-
some. They are kept somewhat in:
check by dipping the cattle, which is
done by law every two weeks.
"Only one. important animal has
been introduced from the outside-
the mongoose, brought in from India
to kill rats on the island. It has be-'
come a worse pest that the rats, how-
ever, although it has succeeded in en-
tirely eliminating snakes. Jamaica
today, like Ireland, is free from
Base Rock Igneous
"Interesting native plants include
the mahogany tree, the cotton-silk
tree (so called because its seeds have
. cottony fibre), the logwood tree with
its fluted trunk, the guave tree, and
the pimento or all-spice tree.
"The base of the island is igenous
rock, with an upper layer of lime-
stone. There are two regions of high
altitude in the island-the cockpit
country, so called because the lime-
stone, eroded by the frequent rains,
forms deep pits in the ground, and the
Blue mountains. St. Anne's bay, where
Columbus landed on his fourth voy-
"There are 'no color castes in
Jamaica-principally because there
are so many shades of color that they
defy classification. The blacker Ne-
groes, however, form a sort of peas-
ant class; they work only three days
out of the week, enjoying themselves
the rest of the time. Slavery was
abolished in the island in 1838. Since
then some East Indian and Chidese
laborers have been brought in.

Research problems involving an ex-
penditure of $28,000 for the first
year's work have been undertaken by
the department of engineering re-
search for the Utilities Research com-
mission of Chicago, according to
Prof. A. E. White, director of the de-
The problems to be investigated in-
elude effect of products of combustion
on shrinkage of netal in brass melt-
ing by city gas, in charge of Prof.
C. Upthegrove of the chemical engi-
neering department; permeability to
various gases of alloy retorts, in
charge of Prof. W. P. Wood of the
chemical engineering department;
and a practical method for eliminat-
ing moisture from city gas, in charge
a Pof- H . Keesr.

Dr. Sidney S. Robins, pastor of First
Unitarian church the past nine years,
has resigned to accept a position as!
professor of philosophy at Lombard
college, Galesburg, Ill., according to
an announcement made today. His
resignation will be effective Septem-
ber 1 and he will assume his duties
on the Lombard faculty at the open-
ing of the fall term.
The local church is closed for the
summer months and will be opened
September 23, although it is not ex-
pected that Dr. Robins' successor will
have been chosen by that time.
Before coming to Ann Arbor in
March, 1919, as pastor of Unitarian
church, Dr. Robins had been minister
of First Parish church at Kingston,
Mass., for eight years. During the
war, he was in service at Camp De-
vens, Mass., and for nine months
served as captain in the army.

Borglum To Develop
Prospective Geniusj

Dr. Robins was garduated from Uni-J'
versity of North Carolina in 1904 with WJhose persistent eftorts to catch
an A. B. degree. He entered Harvard the eye of Gutzon Borglum, sculp-
university in 1904 and remained in tor, were rewarded when the noted
that institution for six years. He was artist decided to accept the youth
graduated from the divinity school as a proteige. Rayford is but 19 years
during that time and also received the I1of age, and despite this fact he has
A. M. and Ph.D. degrees. shown remarkable talent for a lad
so young.
Quiet Arrival Marks
Hoover's Returning DNTO
For Formal Aprisal O F[DERL T
(By Associated Press)
STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Calif., (By Associated Preso)
July 20.-Herbert Hoover, the first DETROIT, July 20-Carl Denton, of
resident of the Pacific Coast to carry Ann Arbor was held today for ar-
the standard of a great political party, raignment before a United States con-
returned to his beloved California to- missioner on a charge of impersonat-
day to receive formal notification of ing a federal immigration officer in

his selection as the Republican presi-
dential candidate.
It was a quiet home coming, the
death of Mrs. Hoover's father, C. D,
Henry, wealthy banker, having made
necessary the cancelling of the cele-
bration which the people of San Fran-
cisco and Palo Alto, had planned in
his honor.
Within a few hours after they
reached their home in the rolling hills
overlooking the University Campus,
Mr. and Mrs. Hoover attended the fu-
neral service for Mr. Henry at Stan-
ford Chapel.
The ceremony - was conducted by
Dr. A. T. Murray, a Quaker. Elder, in
the presence of only the family and
immediate friends.
(By Associated Prasa)
American League
Washington 7, Detroit4.
Philadelphia 4, St. Louis 0,
Cleveland, Boston-rain.
Chicago and New York not sched-

an attempt to "shake down" an alien.
Reported missing last Monday by
his wife, Denton was found in. the
by a representative of a tailor con-
cern which had employed him as a
Federal authorities allege that Den-
ton demanded $1,000 from Max'
Schechter, an alien, and who is part
owner of a meat market here, underI
threat to expose him as a man il-
legally in this country,
Federal investigators say Dentonf
has confessed that last week a man
known as "Bennie" outlined to him
a plan to "shake down" Schechter
and proposed that they share the pro-
Denton's confession, the officers
said, was that he called on an at-
torney here, told him of some alleg-
ed difficulty over an automobile in
which he needed legal advice, and in
that manner obtained some business
cards from the attorney, Hie admit-
ted, federal agents said, tht he then
demanded $1,000 from Schechter, pos-
ing as the attorney. He denied he
had impersonated an immigration of-
ficer. He was arrested when Schech-
ter notified police,
The date for Denton's trial was not
definitely announced, following the -in
dictment, but it is believed to be for
this summer,

Dr. James Anderson Work, 83, re-
tired physician and one of the oldest
graduates of the medical school of the
University, died this morning at Uni-
versity hospital. ,Dr. Work was re-
moved to the hospital late Tuesday
afternoon, following a paralytic stroke
while attending a lecture in Natural
Science auditorium.
Dr. Work was graduated from the
Imedical school with the class of 1870
and then went to Elkhart, Ind., where
he practiced his profession for: 50
years. He was the oldest physician in
Elkhart county, Ind., retiring from ac-
tive practice five or six years ago. He
came to Ann Arbor in 1926 to make
his home with his daughter, Mrs. Udo
J. Wile, on Geddes Heights.
He was born February 15, 1845, in
Middlebury township, Ind. Dr. Work
was a member of the Presbyterian
He is survived by a son, Dr. James
A. Work, Jr., of Elkhart, Ind., and
two daughters, Mrs. David W, Smith
of Colorado Springs, Colo., and Mrs.
The body will be taken to Elkhart
for funeral services and interment.
Maddox Talks Over
Issues In Political
Race For Presidency
"Smith and Hoover forces will be
more or less evenly matched in the
approaching election struggle," stat-
ed Mr. William E. Maddox, of the p-
litical science department, in an in-
terview yesterday morning,
"Many changes are taking place in
the arrangement of the forces of theI
two parties. The western farmers,
for example, are shifting their al-
legiance to the Democrats, and, on the
others hand, the recently exposed dis-
affection of the southern Democrats
would seem to indicate a gain in that
section for the Republicans, Wheth-
er these two changes will counter-
balance one another is a question, but,
if that should be the case, the nor-
mal voting strength of the two parties
will be little changed,'
"Just what the effect of a Dem-
ocratic victory In the election would
be is problematical," Mr. Maddox de-
dared. "It is very possible that there
would be .a decrease in prosperity and
business activity in the country dune
not to the policies or practices of
the new administration, but to a lack
of faith on the part of the people at
large in the ability and sincerity of
the party itself, This feeling has
been created by the internal Squab-
bling and antagonism thtat has char-
acterized the opposition party' in re-v
cent years."
Describes Candidates;
Mr. Maddox expressed the greatest
admiration for both Smith and Hoo-
ver. "The Republican nominee is a
man of the greatest ability and inte-
grity, and one that will work for
the best interests of the people," he
said. "Smith also is an excellent can-
didate, an able politician and diplo-
matist, and certainly a man of presi-
dential caliber."
"In my opinion, the Republican
platform offers just as much in the
way of farm relief as does the Demo-
cratic," he continued, "The program
drawn up at Houston merely has a
more favorable sound. It is very pro-

bable that Hoover will ome out with
a strong statement in favor of the
farmers in his nomination acceptance
speech. Smith, of course, is plian-
ning in his campaign to make a strong
bid for the support of the West, and
farm relief pronises to be one of the
big points in the struggle,"
Big Business Has Part
"Big business is to have its part in
in the campaign also," the political
scientist announced.
"The Republicans have always been
called the party of big business, and
have upheld the tradition with pro-
tective tariffs and a certain amount
of favoritism,
of Raskob to the chairmanship of the
national committee and of several
other business men to positions of
great political influence, it would
seem that the Democrats are follow-
ing suit. This change is probably due
to the fact tht the northern and
eastern Democrats are now in power,
and are expressing their natural Sap-
port of industry."

Capt. Frederick C. Melville
Of Lynn, Mass., has been cho'sen by
C3mm. Richard E. Byrd as skipper
of the Samson, base ship that will be
utilized by the party on the South
Pole dash. The party will probably
leave next month.

(By Associated Press)

NOUGALES, July 20.-A crown of ly"' with all issues, and stated em-
portain, Mexican's traditional tribute phatically that nothing that is an is-
to her honored dead will mark the sue would be left out.
The Nominee already is taking up'
grave of Alvaro Obregon, assassinated
President-elect. his acceptance speech in his mind. He
Tesfardert- fCt.wohad as an overnight guest at the ex-
The farmer of Cajeme, who became ecutive Mansion Senator Pittman of
one of the countries greatest military Nevada, who was chairman of the
leaders, then its president, and who platform committee at the Houston
a few weeks ago was re-elected to a- convention and will head the commit-
second term as chief executive, comes tee that will formally appraise Smith
home to Navjoa a martyr, for his last of his nomination,
long sleep in the burying ground
where his forefathers lie. The funeral Pittnan Leaves
train may not arrive until tomorrow. The visit of the western senator,
The diadem which will rest on the the second here in a fortnight, af-
newly turned earth of the grave after forded Governor Smith and him an
the funeral ceremony tomorrow or opportunity not only to discus{ the
Sunday, symbolized Republican Mex- points emphasized in the Demo,,,ratic
ico's inability to crown the living man, platform, but also the approaching no-
but at the same time her wish to en- tilication ceremony.
shrine his spirit in her patriotic mem. Pittman left at noon for New 'York
ory, and Washington, leaving it to the
The simple service will mark the Nominee to determine when the cere-
interment of the farmer-soldier-presi- mony will take place. Smith said that
dent, simple at his own repeated re- lie did not know when a date could
quest, but it will be attended by high be best arranged. He indicated that
and low, rich and poor, prominent and he would reach a decision before the
obscure, gathered to pay tribute to first of the week.
their dead leader.
Among the quiet mountains of Mex- PUBLISHES BOOK
leo awaiting the arrival of the funeral
train bearing the body of Obregon was Lenna F. Cooper, Dietitian Buyer
the grief stricken Senora Obregon. of the University of Michigan, is co-
With her waited seven children, some author of a 512 page volume that has
of them too small to understand the just been placed on the market. The
tears of their elders, the huge bank of book is entitled "Nutrition In Health
flowers, the hushed crowd, and the and Disease For Nurses." It is pub-
streamers of black crepe every- lished by the J. B Lippincott Com-
where, pany and has 102 i'lustiatious.
Freshmen Week For Women To Contain
Features Aimed As Bid For Newcomer

Selected As Skipper
Of Byrd Expedition

Senator Pittman Visits Governor At
Albany To Talk Over Text Of
Formal Acceptance
(By Associated Press)
ALBANY, N. Y., July 20.-Specula-
tion about what he will emphasize in
his forthcoming speech prompted Gov-
ernor Smith to declare today that no
one except himself knows what he in-
tends to say.
Discrediting public forecast, the
Democratic presidential nominee reit-
erated that he proposed, at the time
of his notification next month, to dis-
cuss all the major issues of the cam-
Announces Policy
He also advised newspapermen at
his daily conference with them that
there was no basis for reports that
lie intended to subordinate prohibition
and farm relief and emphasize 'his
views for a general reorganization of
Federal Government Departments.
"Prohibition and Farm Relief both
will be dealt with extensively," said
the Governor with a tone of finality.
He said he planned to deal "definite-



National League
St. Louis 9, Philadelphia
New York 4, Chicago 3,
Cincinnati 4, Boston 3.
Brooklyn 8, Pittsburgh 7.



Danish Artist, Inventor Of Clavilux,
Shown At Console Of His Instrument
.TaS lrx.d.....
laid~~~~~~ yht uddpc tes igaa p hpwihisncsayfr
ne .h.t
Thomas Wil fred
Who will direct thne production of the Rockford Players' presentation
of "The Vikings," which is to be pr esented next week in Sarah Caswell
Angell Hall. In, addition to that, M r. Wilfred will operate his famous
color organ for stage effects. The C lavilux is particularly adaptable to
the play to be given, for heretofore e xtremely difficult for a scene to be
laid that would depict the sailing away of ships, which is necessary for
one of the sets.

On the whole the program for
Freshmen Week is the same for both
men and women, although a few sup-
plementary features for the women
have been planned, according to Miss
Beatrice Johnson, adviser of women,
who has charge of the social side' of
the women's program. Professor
William A. Frayer of the History De-
partment is chairman of the Fresh-
men Week Committee.
Monday, September 17 at 3:15 in the
afternoon a talk on "How to Study"
will be given by Professor Charles
S. Berry of the Education School. It
is hoped that freshmen will be taught
to grasp their work from the begin-
ning by having them learn to take
notes and to use library books.
On Tuesday at 4:00 in the afternoon
the women will meet at Palmer Field
and the women's Athletic Building for
sports and games. Wednesday night
at 8:00 a new feature will be attempt-
ed. Several prominent speakers will
present their ideas on different types
of work women may follow, and each
one will give his own interpretation
of the opportunities for women in her
own narticular field.

Friday afternoons there will be a
series of round table discussion
groups to talk over the ideas which
were presented on Wednesday night
Specialists in each field will be pres-
ent to answer questions.
Friday night a formal reception will
be given in Barbour Gymnasium. At
this reception the freshmen women
will have an opportunity to meet
President Clarence Cook Little, the
respective Deans of the University,
and the Advisers of Women. Plans
are also being made. for the faculty
men and women to be present.
President C. C. Little will make his
first public appearance before Sum-
mer Session students when he will
deliver an address on "Science and
Religion" on Thursday, Aufgust 2, at
S p. m., in Natural Science auditor-
lum. The announcement of his ad-
drens was made yesterday by Martin
Mol, president of the University Stu-
dent Christian Association, under
whose auspices President Little speaks

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