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July 14, 1928 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-14

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C, 4 .




Slightly cooler with show-


:43 a t t



VOL. IV. No. 17.



r t f

EUROPE TOINFL CE aorof the speakers
.annual Commonwealth


ACCEPTED By BERLIN (B.Te ss.cate. re.ss,)

Lecture Demonstrates Way Fertility
Of Soil Determines Density
Of Settlement
"Whatever may be the future c
Africa in regard to population. it
seems evident that European domina-
tion will be increasingly strong," said
Prof. Stanley D. Dodge in his lee-
ture "The Distribution of Population
in-Africaa" delivered in the auditorium
.of the Natural Science building yes-
terday afternoon.
"The problem of population arisep
through the working of the neo-Mal-
thusian doctrine, which states, in ef
feet, that the number of people in
given locality tends to outrun thb
supply of food that such locality .
able to produce. Africa is today the
largest area in which people live clos
to nature, but it is rapidly changing
through the increase of European im
migration. This European occupa-
tion occurs in the greatest degree it
the extreme southern portion alon-
the coast and on the western coast
in Nigeria. There is also a tendenc'
for Europeans to settle in the easter-
portion of Africa along the coast.
Shows Decrease
"The distribution of population in
Africa does not coincide with the
areas of greatest productivity at the
,present time, and this is also due in
a large measure to the European in-
fluence. In Nigeria, where the Brit-
ish have control, the population haw
increased rapidly, due to the aboli-
tion of inter-tribal wars and the in-
troduction of modern scientific meth-
ods of desease control. In this area
the British are making an attemp',
to raise cotton for their home fac-
Prof. Dodge went on to show that
in Angola, under Portugese control.
population had decreased becaus(
conscription of labor was allowed and
many natives had moved out to avoi'
being put into virtual slavery. At the
same time many of the cattle hav
disappeared because of a disease
similar to the hoof and mouth disease
found in this country. He stated that
many dthe oases in the Sahara desert
were rather heavily populated, due to
the richness of the land.
Lecture Ilustrated
The lecture was illustrated by a
number of slides showing the dress
and homes of the natives. The kind
of homes built vary according to the
locality and the prevalence of trees.
Where trees are small the houses are
low and made of small branches, roof-
ed with thatch. In other portions the
houses have mud walls and are much
larger. The lecture showed that the
distribution of population and the life
of the natives depended a great deal
on the vegetation and means for
making a liveihood found in the dif-
ferent localities.

gave their views on the p
come of the aproaching e
gle," Prof. Hayden oft
science department saidy
"Although some of thes
ocrats and some Reput
agreed that Smith's han
tion were small, and tha
lican nominee would li
presidency by a large ma.
"Strict enforcement an
of the Eighteenth Ame
strong favor for farm r
attitude of the Middle-
pressed in the speechesan
of the conference held a
this past week,"' said P
Prof. Hayden is secretary
the American Political S
ciation, which met in conji
the conference. Prof.^
Reed, of the political sci
ment, who is a membefo
of Editors of the associat
tended the meetings.
"More time was given
cussion of the Farm Re
than to any of the other
1928 political situation
Prof. Hayden. "The gen
sus of opinion was that
had suffered unduly for
years and were deservin
protection measures. T
Haugen plan with the ad
equVization fee was !I
most of the speakers. O
defended the kolicies a
of the present administr
was A. Havener, former a
Students In Summer S
Given Opportunity To Sh
In Swimming Co
Summer school swimme
en a chance to show th
Thursday afternoon in
pool when the intramural
held a swimming meet.
'and the winners are as f
50 yard back stroke-R
first; ; H. Bailey, seco
Chambless, third. Time
Fancy diving-W. B. H
Bailey, second, W. Reed, t
50 yard free style-J.
first; H. Bailey, second; R
third. Time: 27.5 second
50 yard breast stroke-
first; C.G.bDecker,ssecok
third. Time: 42.5 second
The 220 yard free st
yard free style were sc
cause of lack of entries.
In the all-campus bas
games this week "Michig
"Giants" and "Yanks"; "B
defeated "Yanks" and "
Club"; "Alpha Kappa P
"Giants" and lost 10 "
In the School of Educ
"Faculty" defeated "Tea
"Principals" defeated "

at the sixth eral of the sate of Iowa, who oppose
Conference farm relief as embodied in the M.
probable out Nary-Haugen system, and supportc
lection strug- the ~Coolidge veto of the bill. It wx.
the political generally agreed by those present tha
yesterday. the Democratic plattform, if enforced
e were De. would help the farmer much more
icans, they than the Republican. Henry Wallace,
ices for ecc-editor of Wallace's Farmer, declared
the Repub- in a speech at the conference that the
ely gainthe only possible way for the farmers te
jority." get anything done for themselves was
d observance to form a combine similar to the
ndment and American Federation of Labor."
elief are the Speaking of the discussion of the
Prohibition question at the meeting.
West as ex-
d discussions Prof Hayden declared that those pres-
at Iowacity ent were almost unanimously in favor
rof. Hayden. of dry law enforcement. "The only
-treasurer of avowed wet was Stuart Lewis if the
cienassro- New Jersey Law School," he said.
wience unassn-
unction with
Thomas H
ence depart- LOVL[LHEADS ELUHU
of the Boars
Lion, also at.-
to the dis-
lief question
issues of the Nebraska Sprinter Sent To Amster-
," reported dam By N. Y. A. C. As Protest To
eral consen- Wyckoff-Borah Victory
the farmers
g of strong
he McNary- (By The Associated Press)
dition of the Steampship President Roosevelt en
dvocated by route to Amsterdam, July 13. The
mly one man New York Athletic Club, which tossed
nd practices its hat into the Olympic battle arena
ation. This today by naming a team all its own,
.ttorney-gen- has filed no protest of the elections
--made by the Olympic committee nor
M E Isought officially the inclusion of any
of the five men to be sent to Am-
OOL Nevertheless Major General Doug
las Macarthur told the Associated
Press today that the door is open for
the inclusion of Rolland Locke, form-
4ession Are er University of Nebraska sprint star.
ow Prowess Weems Baskin hurdler from.Alabama.
ntest Matt Mcgrath veteran hammer throw-;
er, Sait Elkins Indian decathalon
D GAMES star, who was injured in the official
tryouts, and Norton Jackson, a wrest-
rs were giv- 1er, on the Olympic team of the official
eir prowess protest is made to the selection com-
mittee and passed successfully. \
the Uno Representating the New York Ath-
departmen letic Club, Mcgrath, Boskin and Locke
The events will sail tomorrow for Amsterdam on
1..H.cr: the liner Volandam, while Jackson
. H. Hecler and Elkins leave on the Berengaria
nd; J. H Sunday. The athletic club is sending

Proposed Treaty Calls For Nations 'To
Condemn Recourse To War In
Settling Differences
WASHINGTON, July 13-Secretary
Kellogg's revised treaty for outlaw-
ing war is entirely acceptable to Ger-
many and a favorable reply from
France is expected within a few days.
The note signed by acting foreign
minister Schubert at Berlin, detailing
his country's attitude, was made pub-
lic at the state department Thurs-
day night, while Ambassador Claudel
called upon Mr. Kellogg to tell him
of the forthcoming French reply.
Immediate Acceptance
This probably will be handed to
Ambassador Herrick at Paris Satur-
day, he said, on the great French
holiday celebrating the fall of the
Bastile. The reply he described as
an acceptance of the explanations and
interpretations of the proposed pact
as outlined by Mr. Kellogg in his
note of June 23.
Germany's acceptance was sweep-
ing and unqualified, and the note de-
clared that the Berlin government was
ready to sign the treaty at once in
the form in which it was submit-
A draft of the proposed pact was
sent simultaneously to 14 ntions, in-
cluding, in addition to France and
Germany, Great Britain, Japan, and
Italy. Germany was the first to re-
Condemn War
Under the proposed treaty, the sig-
natory nations would "condemn re-
course to war" annd "renounce it as
an instrument of national policy."
Further, they would agree to use only
pacific means in seeking a settlement
of whatever disputes or conflicts
might arise between them, regardless
of their nature or origin.
The preamble sets forth that any
signatory nation resorting to war in
vi(jlationt of the pact would auto-
matically be denied its benefits and
that at the same time, the other mem-
bers of the compact would be freed
of their obligations under the treaty
to the offending state.
Plans for the program for the wom-
en during Freshman week, which will
be held during the week of September
17 to 23, will be much the same as
those used last year, except that they
will include several supplementary
features planned to make the week
more beneficial and attractive to the
freshmen, according to Miss Beatrice
Johnson, advisor for women.
The first day of Freshman week
Incoming students will listen to an
address on "How to Study and take
Notes," by Prof. Charles Berry, Prof
of Educational Psychology. This
lecture has as a special object the
teaching of the Freshman to take hold
of his work seriously from the very
beginning of the college year, and as
it has already been given during the
freshman week of at least one other
college and found to be of decided

value, it is considered a big addi-
tion to the program.
At 4 o'clock on Tuesday, the Fresh-
men women will meet at Palmer
field and at the new Women's athletic
building for an afternoon in competi-
tive sports. Dr. Margaret Bell, headl
of physical education for women, has
charge of- this part of the program
inent speakers who will give their i'
terpretation of the opportunities in
their particular field. These short
talks will deal with subjects such as
"The college woman in Business," "Li-
brary Work as a Career," and the
"Work with- the Pre-school Child."
The remainder of the week will in-
clude a reception and discussions.

HOLLYWOOD-Theodore Roberts
the veteran character actor whom
some film fans will remember as th
MJoses of the films,
ind others as the
man who made the
. beetle- b r o w e d
r ig a r - chewing
'grouch" so popu-
.'----**--~tar on the screen,
.s back in Holly-
wood after more
han a year in
vaudeville, eager
toemak thimself
heard on the new
talking s c r e e.n,
Theodore Roberts which is gninimlg
popularity throughout the country.
Most film players with stage ex-
perience are hailing sound-pictures as
the beginning of a new era of pros-
perity for them, but Roberts seems
more enthusiastic than any of them.
Puring his many months on tour
with various vaudeville circuits he
had little time to look at pictur'es.
It was not until he had returned to
Hollywood that he heard and saw hi:
first modern sound-film, and he was
immediately captivated with its poi-,

Will Leave Tomorrow For California
Where He Will Be Officially
Given Nomination
WASHINGTON, July 13-- lIerbert
Hoover brought to a clo'se today his
service as secretary of the commerce
department, extending for more than
seven years since President IHarding
was in office. Tomorrow he starts
for the Pacific Coast where he will
be notified of the Republican nomina-
nomination as candidate -for President.
Smiling and apparently happy, the
nominee closed the day quietly after
calling in newspapermen to express
his appreciationi -of their cooperation
during his term as secretary.
Expects Acceptaice

sibilities. His resignation as secretary of com-
merce -is in the hands of President
Coolidge and Mr. Hoover, who goes
M[ riviFLYINGACEISto confer .with the President on Mon-
day, understands that it will be ac
KIL[TnIf cepted. The secretary is one of the
three cabinet members still in office
who entered the cabinet upon the re-
turr) of the Republican administr.ation
Carranza's Body Found In New Je.- in 1921. Secretaries Mellon and Davis
sey Where Plane Crashed On are the other two.
Flight To Mexican Capital Mr. Hoover devoted the entire day
o routine government business in

all, first; H.
D. Hubly,
. H. Hecker
-W. Reed,
ad J.. Hubly,
yle and 100
ratched be-
eball league
an" defeated
uck Wolves"
Mt. Clemens
si" defeated
Wt. Clemens
ation league
chers" and

the men to the games in the belie"
that these athletes are better perform-
'ers than those who made the team
and' that the selections of the com-
mittee were unfair. All failed to
qualify in the regulation tryouts.

(By The Associated Press)
MOUNT HOLLY, New Jersey, July!
13.-Captain Emilio Carranza. Mex\
ico's flying ace, was killed in an aero-
plane crash in a wooded section
twenty-five miles from here while
making a non-stop flight .from New j
York to Mexico City.
His body was found late today b
John Carr who lives at Shady Ridge
New Jersey, not far from the scene
of the accident. Captain Carranz.1
was identified by Arthur Carrahine
who, with other investigators was
called to the scene by Carr.
Carabine said that in the flyers
pockets he found a telegram address
ed to Captain Carranza. The messag(
was from the United States weathe
bureau in Washington, and outline
to the Mexican aviator the best ai;
route from New York to Mexico City
The message said that the best route
was by thetway of New Orleans.
advised that the weather would be
cloudy and that it would be best
fly high.
An average of 200 students a dayf
have taken advantage of the Union
pool facilities this summer, according
to those in charge. Of these, men
have been the most eager to use th(
Betwen four and six in the after.
noon is the rush hour. Last Sat-
urday swim tickets were issued tc
more than 300 men, making the heav-;
iest day this summer.

connection with closing his desk
finally by tomorrow. It is. the belief
of the secretary's friend that N!
Coolidge will have a successor before
Hoover returns to Washington late
in August to participate in the cam-
paign. William Butler, former sena-
tor from Massachusetts and recently
Chairman of the Republican National'
Committee, and ambassador Dwight
Morrow of Mexico are among those
mentioned to succeed Hoover.
Mrs. Hoover Goes Too
The Republican nominee will set
forth tomorrow night for his residence
in Palo Alto, California, where on
August 11 he will be notified formally
of his nomination and in a speech
of acceptance will outline his views
on the campaign and its issues.
Representative Tilson, of Connecti-
cut, the Republican leader of the
house, and Mrs. Tilson, a group of
newspaper men and photographers.
a staff of stenographers, and George
Akerson, secretary to Mr. Hoover
will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Hoover
Representative Louis Cramton wa:
in Ann Arbor yesterday to confer with
Prof. J. B. Edmonson and Prof. J. L.
Roemer of the summer-session facul-
ty of the School of Education, it wa-
learned at a late hour last night. The
conference was on the subject of in-
creased appropriations for research
work by the Federal Bureau of Edu-
cation. Mr. Cramton is chairman of
the congressional committee that
handles appropriations for education
and made a special trip to the city
for the conference.

Children's Literature Shows Tendency
Toward Internationalism, Says Martin

The fourth of the special weekend
public health institutes for doctors,
educators and public health workers
in all branches of the service, held
by the University summer session at
West Medical building, was opened at
9 o'clock yesterday morning. Prin-
ciples and practices/of sanitary in-
spection, mental hygiene, public health
engineering, typhoid fever, and can-
cer were the subjects docketed for
discussion during the day.
The meeting Saturday is the mid-
summer gathering of -the Michigan
Public Health association. A special
program has been prepared for this
At 9 o'clock Dr. John Sundwall,
president of the association and di-
rector of the special health institutes,
delivered the introductory remarks.
He was followed by Miss Mabel Bragg,
assistant superintendent of schools,
New ton, Mass., who spoke on "Meth-
ods and Materials in Health Teach-
ing." At 10 o'clock, Dr. L. L. Lumd-
den, senior surgeon, United States
public health health service, Wash-
ington, D. C., discussed "County
Health Units in the United States."
This was followed by a talk on rabies
by Dr. Herbert Emerson of the Pasteur
institute at the University.
Following a luncheon at the Michi-
gan Union, Prof - William C. Hoad of
the engineering college of the Uni-
versity, spoke on some phases of pub-
lie health engineering.


"Children's literature at the present
time is showing a great tendency to-
wards inlternationalism," says Miss
Helen Martin of Western Reerve un-
yversity library school. "By this I
meanthat books about children from
far away lands have a great appeal.
No longer are children interested in
the home life of children of their own
country- they can see plenty of that
about them but the far away lends
a spirit of adventurd."
Books are now being written says
Miss Martin, which deal with the cus-
toms and school life of foreign chil-
dren in Europ'ean and Asiatic coun-.
tries. The'se prove to be not only
entertaining but instructive as well.
About fifteen years ago children
were interested in books about Amer-
ican home life. Families with fathers,
mothers, graudidothers, and pets then

had the most appeal. Now, however,
books about American children which
interest young people are those books
which deal with school life with all
its aspects, such as .sports, rivalries,
and studies. Girls are especially in-
terested in books of camping, either
Camp Fire Girls or Girl Scouts and
boys are interested in books on chem-1
istry, mechanical inventions, and car-
(By The Associated Press)
American League
All games postponed account of
National League
St. Louis 11, New York 6.
Rest of games postponed on account
of rain.1

Enrollment Of Sixty Five Dramatics
Students Assures Organized Program
Summer dramatic students arts class we design and execute the set-
carrying out an active, well organized tings which are used in the produc-
program according to Mr. Fleishman. tions put on by both the other classei,
head of that department. The en in dramatic reproduction.
rollment, though necessarily smallerlPAS
than in winter session, comprising SER OF BOGUS
around 65 students at present, con- CHECKS AT LARGE
I tains many teachers who ai'e plan-
ning to participate actively alone Ann Arbor police are searching for
such lines later, and consequently a man reported to have victimized
their interest is great. Most of the Packard street citizens during the
undergraduate students are enrolled last few days by the passing of bad
in the elementary course 53. checks, according to Chief of Police
"The classes," says Mr. Fleishman," Thomas M. O'Brien.
are so arranged and organized thai Descriptions given to the police say
their work dovetails and each group the man is abdut 30 years old, fiv;
cooperates with the other. In the feet, eight inches tall, and when seen
laboratory of our advanced stagecraft last was wearing a blue suit,..-

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