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July 11, 1928 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-11

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VOL. IV. No. 15.



Rhetorical Grace Not Only Requisite, i
Michigan Instructor, Writer,
Tells Audience
"Sensitiveness to life is the chief
mark of the true amateur writer,"'
said Lawrence H. Conrad, of the rhe-
toric department, in his lecture yester-
day afternoon in Natural Science au-
ditorium. "He is sensitive in one of
two ways: either he has felt the gen-
eral round of human experience with,
a special, a keener emphasis, or else
he has seen subtle and peculiar and
out-of-the-way things to experience in
life that his fellows have passed by.
"An author is more an author by
virtue of the sensitiveness; almost the
irritability of his nature ;#'an by any
rhetorical grace." He cannot put on
paper anything that his mind has not
absorbed, and it is only through this
altertness of the senses that he can
absorb the outside world.
Don't Use Our Senses
"In these days we are beset by such*
a multiplicity of sense-impressions
that many of us in self-defense have
turned off' our senses, put a damper
on them, as if afraid to let ourselves
taste life to the full. We have actually
so shut off the sense of smell that it
brings us nothing unless we specifi-
illy sniff. And when we look at
faces, for example, we see only the
tags by which we can identify them;
we seldom have the conscious sensa-
tion of looking at noses, or at elbows,
or any other common fact of experi-
May Have Tonic Effect
"Once our senses are awakened so
that the number of impressions com-
ing in Is increased, the associative
power of the mind grows; for the de-
gree of that power depends upon the
number of impressions between which
association can occur. In this way,
then, opening the sense-channels has
a positive tonic effect on the mind.
Let the amateur writer therefore
extend this sensitiveness from which
his material is .drawn. Let him be-
come a human sponge, forever on the
alert for the fullI flavor of experi-
ence. And then at least, whether he
ever writes or not, his life will be
full of vitality and satisfaction.



Experimental colleges such as 'f dii'idual attention, found in a small
ours at the University of Wiscons;in college.
and, as I understand it, your Uni- 'We began last fall with 119 stu-
v rsity College project here grow out dents and 11 members of the faculty.
or a desire to secure for freshmen 'l be students were not 'picked in any
and sophomores closer contact with v ay. We desired to make our experi-
experienced teachers," thinks Prof. nient a significant one for a state
Walter R. Agard, professor of university by taking not a selected
classics in the experimental college p coup but a normal cross-section. TheI
at the University of Wisconsin, who is students and bachelor members of the
teaching two courses in Greek civili- faculty lived and ate together in
zation here this summer. "Profit- Adamn hall, a dormitory on the shore
ihg obviously from the experience of c r Lake Menota. Classes were abolish-
Oxford, they attempt to combine the e i entirely, and the personal confer-
advantages of a large university- E nce took their place. The student
libraries, laboratories, research conferred with his adviser at least
equipment---with the greater degree of cnce a week, met with a group of

Dr. Lunisden Cites Factors In Various
Epidemics Which Epidemiologist
Is Forced To Fight
'It is almost impossible to estimate
the difficulties that stand in the way
of the health worker in tracing down
a disease to its cause," said :Dr. L. L.
Lumsden in a lecture on health prob-
lems delivered at 4:40 o'clock yester-
day in Natural Science auditorium.
"There are W many factors to be con-
sidered, so many ways in which the
epidemic might have started that the
epidemiologist is forced to fight in the
dark for a long while before he can
seize with 'any accuracy on the
cause." /
;Doctor Lumsden outlined the way in
which several epidemics of certain
diseases have been traced down, their
causes ascertained, and a cure found
for them. One sickness, which began
in Spain and Italy and spread to this
country, and which was found to be
similar to infantile paralysis, was
brought under control only after long
months of hard work and effort. He
also gave the history of the fight
against the fever that spread over this
country a few years ago, which was
found to be caused by diseased oysters
from a certain bed in New York.
"The U. S. Public Health depart-
ment has greater opportunities for
combatting disease than state or city
departments because it can study the
diseases in all parts of the country
and under varying conditions," said
the lecturer. He also demonstrated
the several ways in which diseases
could be caught by human beings, such
as water, food, fingers, insects, and
animals. "Air used to be considered
the most dangerous transfering agent
for disease germs," he declared, "but.

about a dozen other students for a
round-table discussion once a week,
and the whole class met together sev-
e ral times weekly to hear informal
talks and take part in an open; forum.
"One of the most striking features
of the experiment," said Prof. Agard,
' was our ;attempt to get away from
the hodge-podge course system. Our
wudents studied a civilization, with
all its problems of human experience
- -ast year it was the civilization of
the fifth century B. C. in Athens- and
analyzed its various aspects, govern-
n ient, art, literature, philosophy,
economics, religion, and science, un-
d r the direction of specialists in these
departments. But the specialist's
were not specialists alone-each tried
to show himself still as interested in
the other aspects of the civilization
studied as his students were.
Mrs. Little and Rockford Players Are
Honorary Guests at Affair In
Women's Field House
Mrs. Clarence Cook Little and the
Rockford Players will be honorary
guests of the Women's league at a spe-
cial tea which will be held from 3:30
to 5 o'clock. This afternoon in the
Women's Field house, Miss Katherine
Wick Kelley, Miss Elberta Trowbridge,
Miss Marvel Garnsey, and Miss Lillian
Bronson of the Players will attend.
This is the second of a series of
special teas which the league is giving
in addition to those held during the
week. All women enrolled for the
Summer Session are urged to attend
the tea and take advantage of this
opportunity to meet Mrs. Little and
the Rockford Players informally.
Mrs. Edward H. Krause and Miss
Beatrice Johnson, advisor of women,
will also be present. Marie Hartwig,
'29; summer president of the league,
and Doris Rengenberger. '30, will be in
charge of the tea.
The teas are an attempt on the part
of the Women's league to provide a'
social hour in which women students
may become better acquainted with
one another and at the special teas,
to meet some of the prominent wom-
en. Since the teas are held in the new
field house summer students have an
opportunity to inspect the building.
The parlors are equipped with bridge
tables and cards for the use of women
students who wish to arrange private
bridge parties during the -week.

lan's Progress In World Depends On
A Constant Course of Education,
Speaker Avers
"The need of education today is
for trained research workers who
will discover the way to achieve an
Ideal program of educational meth-
ods," said Prof. Stuart A. Courtis, in
his lecture "What Is School For," de-
livered in the auditorium of the Uni-
versity High school yesterday after-
noon. "The educational curriculum
is growin, piece-meal, but it has not
yet reached a satisfactory state, un-
dear present conditions."
"All of our present social institu-
tions have grown out of the home.
The function of the home, primarily,
is the integration of personality. In
tle past, we considered the primary
function of education as being to
farce into the younger generation our
ideas and make them accept them,
an idea of conformity to the general
ideas: This was first done by means
Cf tie birch rod. Wen people re-
volted against that idea we began to
educate by skill and then the need
for teacher training arose. Then we.
1 passed through the stage of creating
interest in the pupil and motivation.
All through these stages the goal was
the same, that of making the child
conform to our ideas of what he
s uld be and know.
Goal Has Changed
But now the goal of education has
changed. The home is demanding
that we do more for the child. We
must do many things that were be-
fore done in the home. The present
functions of education are four-fold:
to train and perfect the motor ele-
ment of the child; to train the emo-
tional side and utilize the energy
stored up there, to train the mind
mechanisms, and, most important, to
n ake the field of education the cen-
t 'r of control.
Adult Edfcation Is Problem
No individual i's competent to take
his place in this changing world un-
less he enters upon a continuous
course of education. Today we have
a s one of our greatest problems, a
p:°ogram for adult education. It is
in this field that we must have re-
search workers, and his partially
answers the question, "What i's school
'When the public in general rec-
ognize that the chief function of edu-
cation, its goal, has changed in the
SLst few years, thu our task will be
easier. It seems to me that we of
t:1e teaching profession have much to
nllook forward to and should see the
day when education is the center of

List Of Speakers Includes Gen. Smuts,
Stephen Leacock, Graham McNamee,
And Richard Halliburton

Jan Christian Smuts, Stephen Leacock,
Richard Halliburtop and Graham Mc-
Namee, will appear here in Hill Audi-
torium on the 1928-29 Oratorical Asso-
ciation lecture course, according to the
GEN ERAL SMUTS initial announcement made yesterday
Distinguishegl hero of the Boer war by Carl G. Brandt, of the speech de-
who will appear here in Hill auditor- partment, who is manager f th
him on the Oratorical Association
lecture course next fall. course. Although, the dates have not
yet been arranged, the personnel of the
M course is completed.
IMGeneral Smuts, who distinguished
himself in the Boer war, also galne-
international fame at the Peace Con
ference and in the League of Nations

Une Hundred And Seventy-Five Will
Leave This Afternoon To View ,
Large Auto Factory
One hundred and seventy-five stu.

as one of the foremost statesman in
the world. He was termed the most
forceful speaker at the Peace Confer-
ence by Colonel House. General Smuts
will speak on "World Relations."
Stephen Leacock, famous Canadian
humorist, is well-known in Ann Arbor,
having appeared here several times on

previous occasions.

He is noted for

dents will leave Ann Arbor at 1:15 his knowledge of human nature in add-
this afternoon on the excursion to ition to his keen sense of humor. Mr.
Leacock will speak on "My Re-Discov-
the Ford Motor Co. The party willery of England."

LIBRARIAN WILL modern research has shown it to be
TALK HERE TODA Y of very minor impo eiance."
This afternoomn at 5 o'clock Miss I BASEBALL SCORES
Helen Martin of Western Reserve uni-;
versity will speak oh "Illustraters of American League
Children's Books." j Detroit at New York, rain.
Coming here from Western Reserve Chicago at Philadelphia, rain.
university, Miss Martin is on the Li- Cleveland 5-0, Washington 9-9.
brary staff during the summer sen- St. Louis 4, Boston 2.
sion. For the past five summers she{
has been on the staff here. National League
After graduating from Oberlin Miss St. Louis 5, New York 1.
Martin graduated in library science Cincinnati 12, Brooklyn 4.
from the Pittsburgh Library school. Chicago 7, Boston 6.
She has had 15 years experience with Pittsburgh 6, Philadelphia 5.
children's books, and will speak on
English and American illustrators. !FIRST PERFORMA
She will also speak on the modern PC
trend in art, as it is used in chit- PLAYERS ChAK
dren's books. Slides will be used with1

meet on State street in front of Angell
hall, and will there board special
b asses which will take them directly
t the offices of the Ford plant at;
1'ordson. It was announced last night'
t!at some of those that had signed1
up for the trip were planning to
t ravel in their own cars. Carlton F.'
Wells, instructor in the Rhetoric de-
I artment, is in charge of the expedl-
t on.
:vlany in eresing things will be
?eu I y those en the trip. The long,
- intinuous assembly line for the new,
Ford automobiles will be included in1
t-:1 places visited. The blast furnaces,c
t ie power plant, plate-glass plant,;
t re- unlogding docks, foundry, and thej
1 ordson tractor assembly, Will all ber
s :en in operation.
The River Rouge plant, which isl
the one to be visited, is the largest ofj
the Ford plants. In former years an
excursion has also been made to the
1lighland Park factory, but due toI
changed operating conditions that ex-
cursion was combined with the one
today. "This fact probably has some-
thing to do with the unusually large
number that are going with me on
Wednesday," said Mr. Wells last night, +
"It has been found necessary to char-t
ter three busses for the journey, and
all the tickets have been sold."a
The party will spend about an hour
and a half in viewing the Ford plant 7
and will arrive back in Ann Arbor4
at 6 o'clock in the evening.
(By The Associated Press)
NEW YORK, July 10-Members' of
the Democratic National committee
gathered here today for the first meet-
ing with the candidatte's for President
and vice-President to decide on a plan
of battle.
Senator Joseph Robinson of Arkan,
sas, candidate for vice-President, ar-
rived ahead of his running mate, Gov-
ernor Alfred E. Smith of New York,
who broke his journey from Albany
to attend the annual Boy Scout Out-
ing at Bear MountaIn..

tc~amnee Is Well-Known
Graham McNamee, famous New
York announcer, needs little introduc-
tion in any section of the country. His
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen
of the radio audience," is familiar to
listeners all over the country, especial-
ly since the Republican and Demo-
cratic national conventions. "Telling
the World" will be Mr. McNamee's
Richard Halliburton, author of "The
Royal Road to Romance," will speak
on "The Glorious Adventure." Halli-
burton has sought to relive the travels
of Ulysses, and consequently has made
over the most romantic story of an-
cient times into the most romantic tra-
vel story of modern times. This will
furnish the major part of his speech
Count Felix von Luckner, famous
"Sea Devil," who roamed the Southern
Seas during 1917-18, sinking 500,00
tons of shipping without taking a hu-
man life, will tell his story of the
World War. Upon his arrival in New
York some months ago, Count von
Luckner was greeted by three former
sea captains whose vessels he sank
during the war, and who came to him
to thank him personally for his treat-
ment of themselves and their com-
mands. His subject will be "The
Cruise of the Seeadler."
Mne. Sun-Yat-Sen To Speak
Madame Sun-Yat-Sen, China's "First
Lady," will speak on "The Ultimate
Orient." She is recognized as being a
woman of brilliant personal charm and
rare achievement, and obtained'her
education in America. She is the wid-
ow of Dr. Sun-Yat-Sen, China's first
president, and she, more than anyone
else, is carrying on the tremendous
activities started by China's eminent
Emil Fuchs, eminent authority on
art and sculpture, will speak on "Con-
temporary Art and Artists." During
his speech, the famous sculptor and
artist, will illustrate his lecture and
will paint or draw a portrait sketch
during his speech.
Peggy Wood, famous American ac-
tress, will tell of the stage and play
bits from her successes in speaking
on the subject "From Musical Comedy
to Shakespeare." She will also sing a
number of the best-known song num-
bers from her musical comedies and
will give characterizations from "Trel-
awney of the Wells" and other plays
in which she took he leading role.
Oratorical Association officials be-
lieve that the 1928-29 lecture course is
the best to date. They point to, first,
the fame of the speakers, and second,
the variety of the subjects. Datest will
be announced soon.


- - - -

the lecture. " vKp ~ rve yGog .Smn None of the players could justly be 1
- A review by George E. Slmons
itIt was n delightful treat to those left out of the favorable comment
STATISTICS SHOW MANY of us who agonized over the "The paragraphs. Elberta Trowbridge,
ALREADY HOLD DEGREES Man Who Married A Dumb Wife" to playing the part of Mary Sunshine,'
see the splendid performance of "Chi- the sensation seeking woman reporter,1
Among the sets of statistics corn-cago" given by the Rockford Players carried off her sole in a decidedly
piled relating to summer students for last night. All the make-shift and pleasing manner, the character of the
records in the office of the Summer lack of harmony between characters gushey, sob-sister feature writer com-
Session, is one which gives informa- which spoiled the play of la'st week ing to life from her first entrance. Lil-
tdon regarding the standing of gradu- I had disappeared, and the cooperation Tian Bronson, although not exactly the
ate students according to the number which marked the first two bills of type for tle role, portrayed Roxie
of academic degrees they hav, re- j the season had returned with addi- Hart the hard-boiled, bit wise steno- .
ceived. L yions. grapher in a most realistic way. Her
Approximately 47 per cent. of the The play itself was an interesting court-room scene brought out tle
total summer enrollment already have one, depicting the life of the shop dis- climax of the satirical element.
various degrees. Of the 1668 students tricts and the courts of the city after Roman Bohnen's interpretati.an of
in this group, 1395 ha-re one degree, which it was named, in an exaggerated the role of the sharp, -rafty defense
258 hold two, 13 have 'three, and two manner which at times was almost lawyer was realistic to a remarkable
students hold four de'greeg each. In- pure burlesque and then shifted to degree. His plea to the jury was made
cluded in the group 1233 A.B. degrees; brilliant satire. The success of the in the dramatic fashion 'f the coat-
B.S., 303; M.A., 176; Ph.B., 21; M.D., play depended much on the proper less and perspiring attorney made,
17; D.D.S., 5; Ph.D., 4; L.L.B., 6. There shifts between the two phases,'and in famous in the sensation murder trial
are a total of 1942 degrees held by the this the production was close to per- of the age, while his shifts of char-
1668 students fection. acter out of the court-room combined

to make it the most powerful role of
his engagement thus far. Robert
Henderson's characterization of the
"go-getter" type of news reporter was
easily his best work of the season.
The alert young man of experience,
with its varying shades of character
covered with an armor plate of "don't
give a damn" who literally pushed his
way through the entire action was ex-
cellent. /

Katherine Wick Kelly agiin dis-
played her very real artistry, while SEARCH FOR AMUNDSEN
Henzie Raeburn did the part of the CONTINUES IN ARCTIC
Italian murderess in a highly gratify-
ing manner. Paul Stephenson, as (By The Associated Press)
Amos Hart, added a fourth excellent OSLO, Norway, July 10-The min-
characterization to his season Martieli ister of Marines announces that the
Garnsey and Mirium Whiteley bath (lid search for Captain Roald Amundsen
excellent work in their minor parts. is being continued by French and Nor-
The staging of the production was wegian vessels in latitude 75 north
excellent, and for those who enjoy near the Spitzbergen coast and also
something different, f'Chicago" is ree- in the open water in the vicinity of
ommended. Bear island.

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