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June 27, 1928 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1928-06-27

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Published every morning except Monday dur-
ing the University Summer Session by thea
Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news
puiblished herein.I
Entered at the Ann :Arbor, Michigan, post-
office as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $1.5o; by mail, $1.75.
Offices : Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Directors....,....George . Simons
City Editor..............Lawrence R. Klein
Feature Editor..............Eleanor Scribner
Music and Drama Editor.......Stratton Buck
Books Editors...........Kenneth G. Patrick
Kathryn Sayer
Night Editors




Alex Bochnowski E
George r. Simons

Martin Mol

Margaret Arthur Isabel Charles
Bertram Askwith Howard F. Sholet
Raymond Bridges Jack Sumner
Telephone 21214
Advertising ............ ... Lawrence Walkley
Accounts.................Whitney Manning
Circulation............Bessie V. Egeland
Samuel Lukens Hanna Wallen
Jeanette 'Dale Lillian Korvinskey
Thirty-six students were successful
in maintaining an all "A" average
during the second semester of the
regular winter session of school which'
recently closed, according to «a re-
port given out by the recorder's of-
flce. Congratulation and a great deal

tion has increased.
Ih isfight Governor Green charges
that the time for reapportionment is
long past due. Congress' indifferent
attituide is a tflagfant violation of the
Constitutiam. Inasmuch as the inter-
ests of the smaller states are amply
safeguarded through the provision that
entitles them to two members in the
Senate, it seems reasonable to expect
the smaller states to lend their sup-
port to reapportionment legislation'
although some of them might suffer
the loss of one or more representa-
tives in the House of Representa-
The -state of Michigan faced a simi-
lar situation in the matter of reappor-
tionment when the legislature of 1919'
failed to reapportion the state. After
several unsuccessful fights, the legis-
lature of 1925 finally passed the reap-
portionment bill which entitled the
more populous districts to their just
With the call to order yesterday of
the Democratic National convention,
the interest of the nation now turns
from the Republican spectacle recent-
ly closed at Kansas City to the politi-
cal jamtbouree at Houston. Although
the question cf presidential nomina-
tion is of major importance, paralleled
perhaps. with the work of drafting a
party platform, the selection of a
nominee for vice president is also of
pa a mount importance. The example
set at the Kansas City convention in
the selection of an able vice presiden-
tial nominee is a safe one, and it is
hoped that the delegates at. Houston
f llow suit.
At times political conventions have
been prone to overlook the importance
of the office of vice president. It has
,been regarded too frequently as a.
grave yard for those aspiring to be-
come president, and as such the office
has not had the appeal to forward

3% 2 A,. H ,,,,, gT E A S H O P
tRo wust the place to eat-every-
We fear that Rolls will have to t
close for the season. What with Pro- i there that the name
fessor Hobbs hoofing it around Green- Implies.
land and our dear friend Barv Emery ! 2I S.UNIVERSITY
leaving our midst (sob, sob) there is
nothing worth writing about.
* * *
And not only that, but the fact
that a certain prominent univer-
sity president has been playing
Cahlin Coolidge and has chosen MICHIGAN PINS
not to talk has cramped our op- i
pl.jrtunities quite a bit. And when FOUNTAIN PENS
fellows like Hobbs and Emery and
that other fellow quit us cold, ALARM CLOCKS
what good is a atolls columnI
* * *
But aren't you just a little sorry to H A LLER 'S
leave us "Dean" Emery? Think of } H
what fun you had that night you ran STATE ST. JEWELERS
y-ur car into the ditch alongside the-
boulevard road when you and your
gang were out hunting auto ban vio-
lators. And think of how sorry the
student body will be to hear of your
departure. Oh, please, Hiarv Emery, Reserve a Seat in
pretty please, won't you stay?

I~~t 111il 1 111111111111illl li lll llili 1l 111i11#11111ti N 11#11#111111111111111111111.11!;.
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promp servce ad xth qualtyeo
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In the choice of a good place to peat
the food are very essential.
If the service is not what it should
be or the food is not agreeable to
your taste, you naturally are dis-
Here at the Michigamme these
vital things are found much to the
satisfaction of all who find it a
-, pleasure to eat here.
- a
The only way to find out for your-
!= self is to come in and try one of our
appetizing meals.
"The Best Place In Town"~
Liberty Street Michigan Building
: # tilllitllili llitli lilliilllllillli .I ll111UI tr



of praise are probably in order, but looking politicians that an office of
public trust should have.
there seem to be a few aspects which Since the inception of our present
are worth commenting upon in regard Union nine vice presidents have,
to the maintainlance of such a record through the shaping of varied circum-
during the school year.' stances, been elevated to the position
A considerable number of those who of president. In other words, thirty
were able to uphold such an academic per cent of our. vice presidents have
standard were able to do so with later held the office of president. Out
comparative ease and with time left !Cii this number six duly elected vice
after studying to reap some of the presidents have ascended to the presi-
more liberal benefits of a college ed. dency through the death of the lat-
ucation which are afforded by the ter.. In face of such a history of the
acquaintance and associations which pscession to the presidency on the part
axe made, and to take part in extra-! of the vice presidents it is obvious
curriculiaxr activities which were of that utmost care should be taken at
some practical value and afforded political conventions in the selection
wholesome entertainment. These are of presidential timber in the choosing
the students who are mast deserving of the running mate of the presiden-
of congratulations. tial nominee.
It is generally conceded that a good- ,'he Republican party made a com-
ly number of A's may - be obtained 1mendable selection in the person of
througk th- judicious selection of the! the able Kansas senator, Charles Cur-
courses which require a comparative- tis, who is generally regarded as a
ly small amount of study and where man of presidential caliber. If the
outside influences may have an effect. 'second choice at the Houston conven-
It might be all right to congratulate: tio has potentialities comparable to

students wlho attained their highj
standards in this way as being keen in
their judgment of ways to avoid over-
work, but they are hardly to be lauded
as scholars par excellence.
And then there are those students
who take time only to eat, sleep, and
go to classes away from their study
tables. They may be commended as
being ambitious, but rather narrowly.1
They do not make the best of the
opportunities which are afforded by
the Uxndversity and its life to broaden
themselves by contact with objective
influences, people and activities. A
full life at college is all that will
,add the polish, refinement, and ease
of manner which is popularly known
as "college breeding." It is the term
given to an intangible something for
which the college graduate is sup-
posed to be respected because it in-
eludes both academic and social
knowledge, and it is something for
which every student should strive.
Governor Green's fight before the
- resolutions committee of the Republi-
can national convention to include in
the Republican platform a plank
which favored the reapportionment of
representatives in Congress is a com-
mendable one. The Michigan gover-
nor-has refused to remain quiet in his
appeal to give each state of the union
its equal and just representation in
the lower house of Congress, and it is
to be hoped that the next adminis-
tration will render it's support to the
reapportionment plant.
The Constitution expressly states
that "representatives shall be appor-
tioned among the several states which
may be included within this Union
according to their respective num-
bers." It further stipulates that re-
apportionment shall take pliace every
ten years to afford proper represen=-
tation to those states whose popula-

those of the Republican vice presiden-
tial nominee the nation will have lit-
tle t> fear in event grave misfortune
should befall the winning presidential
A statement made. recently by a
Washington . newsdealer gives us
pause. According to this vendor of all
types of literature, sensational fiction
and journalistic products, adventure
and cheap fiction stories are the most
popular with college students and
ninety per cent of these are bought
by co-eds. The Confession' and True
Story type of magazine head the list
of this cheap fiction. This assertion
is rather difficult to understand and
I one wonders whether it is universally
true throughout colleges today.
Certainly it is not unaccountable
that the comparatively uneducated and
uncritical, who have been exposed to
nothing better and could not appre-
ciate it if they had the chance should
thrive on a diet of two-bit sensationals
(one might say "sensuals" without
deviating from the truth). Nor is it
impossible that college students should
taste of all that the news stand has
to offer. An experience of that sort
is broadening. But it is hard to even
guess why undergraduates who are at
least supposed to be developing a taste
in literature give steady patronage
stories cast .from the same mold by
uninspired and inferior writers.
No explanation can be offered for
such preference for thrill fiction, if the
preference does exist. Nevertheless,
one thought may be added. Speaking
paradoxically, 0. O. McIuntyre, tells
that he once saw a Countess scanning
the pages of the "Police Gazette"
through her lorgnette while her chauf-
feur was absorbed in "The Atlantic
Monthly." One half is always won-

But this Rea fellow furnishes
the silver lining to the black cloud
cast by the bemoaned departure of
Emtery, tke student's friend.. He is
a very clever mal, and he pom -
ises to furnish just as much fui
to the boys as his predecessor
* , *
Rea is the man who was made fa-
mous in North Phlegmn, Michigan.
When a traffic cop there called, "Hey,
Rea." he is reported to have retorted
(note the pote), "Do' Re Mi, boy!"
It is men like this that the
Michigan camiipus ineeds
Mr. Rea vehemently denies that he
has any connection with the down
town theater emporium that bears his
"In fact," said Mr. Rea, "I am hear-
tily in' disfavor with movies, since they
afford pleasure for students. Al-
though"--he shyly added with a blush
-"I'm just nuts about Sue Carrol."
* * *
"All students enrolled in the
Summer Session are entitled to
practically unlimited medical at-
tention of any nature."
(From Daily Official Bulletin)
* . .
lemixarkable Handling Of Figures
Iy The Renowned Hleywood
Broun, Of New York
Heywood Broun, who always writes
gcod humor (unconsciously at times),
and who is known as the Prince of
Platitudes, has a priceless gem in The
Nation for June 27.
fighting line increased by
another 1,000 men. These, with the
4,000 marines already in the Republic,
will make a total force of 5,000 "
* * *
"Thea msohe goes to Paris,
folowed by her Moinoplane.
Well, that's tough luck, Thea, I
bet you simply can't get rid of the
darned thing.
s *. *
Coolidge Paddles A Birch Canoe,
says the world's greatest newspaper.
So did Hiawatha, and they both got
Minn ehiaha's.
* * *
We might add here that con-
tributions are always welcome,
a1d we will altempt to print as
many of then as we can. So,
you campus wits, mail or bring in
your efforts to thie hidly office,
care of Lark.
s* s
We really have been so rushed
these past two days that we have
not been able to spend the proper
amount of time on Rolls. After we
get 'a little settled and finally get
registered we can turn out some real
columns (and we take a little bow
with that one.)
s" r s
Kernel, the second best Rolls
editor in the world, was in the of-
fice today and promised to delight
his public with a few of his fa-
mous quips in the near future.
* * *
Well, if we don't register pretty
soon, we might as well pack up 'and
go home.
dering how the other half lives. Why,
then, should not one half be curious
about the type of literature the other
haltf reads?
-The Penn State Collegian.

lil1,Il./.I°1.I".J.ro d. +clor . .i ,. : ~~J:, %1l.//I"I.rIIJlr "0J:

One Block North from
Hill Auditorium
Breakfast, Lunch and Din-
ner, $7.50 per week.
Lunch and Dinner, $6.00
per week.

Summr School
Quantities of Second-Hand Books at-
WARococR aoccccccoc,,,o




Opening Wednesday Night


302 S. State

Phone 5860


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