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August 07, 1928 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1928-08-07

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Books of the Day

Eva's Apples, by William Gerhardi
Duffield & Co., New York, 1928.
Perhaps William Gerhadi had
dreams of being heralded as a modern
Jonathan Swift or as a keen and bit-
ter Voltaire when he, wrote "Poly-
glots" and "Eva's Apples." Un-
doubtedly Mr. Gerhardi has achieved
some of the best in clever and witty
satire in these two volumes; has at-
tacked science, religion, morality,
and .indeed, almost everything that
goes to make up today's civilization.
But with it all, he fails to attain to
any high range of art. His writing is
sparkling and vigorous but it does
not have that solemn undertone that
is an essential of the finest literature,
be it satire, comedy, or what not.
The author has taken as a text for
his story a quotation from the bible:
"And he carried me away in the spirit
to a .high mountain . . . . . . and
her light was like unto a stone most
precious, even like a jasper, clear as
crystal." The reason for the use
of this text is certainly not made as
clear as the jasper stone in this novel,
for the author induces anything but a
religious atmosphere into it. Its re-
levancy must consist in the author's
obvious attempt to satirize religion.+
Of .course, the Garden of Eden must
be brought in somewhere, but Ger-
hardi has chosen to make it the last'
thing in the book after Eva has par-'
taken of several varieties of forbid-'
den fruit.
The story itself is very easily told.
It is the clever embellishments of the
author that add spice and interest to
the whole thing. Frank Dickin, as
struggling young novelist, is taken i
under the wing of a very rich andI
very erratic old publisher, Lord Ot-
tercove. Dickin is in love with Eva
Kerr, whop is also the object of the]
affections of a scientist, Lord de
Jones. Eva, although she loves Dick-
in and has children by de Jones, fin-
ally marries Lord Otercove. After
various more or less amusing adven-
tures all over the continent of Eu-
rope, the time comes when de Jones
decides to wipe out the earth. He doest
this by disintergrating an atom there-
by causing all the atoms to disin-t

tegrate since they.have lost their
Einsteinian relativity. However, he
vaccinates one mountain top against
destruction, and at the close of the
narrative we find Eva, Dickin, de
Jones, and a group of Austrians iso-
lated on this mountain top in space,
and confronted with the problem of
re-populating the world and creating
a new culture on it.
This is certainly a new twist on
relativity, and is without doubt one
of the cleverest-pieces of satire in the
book. But Gerhardi's cleverness
does not stop here by any means. He
discloses the complete workings of a
great newspaper publishing house
for all the world to see, and then very
inconsiderately laughs at them. He
even goes so far as to make Lord
Ottercove a caricatire of Lord Beaver-
brook, British publisher and pro-
pagandist. Another character in the;
book, Vernon Sprott, is an exagger-
ated picture of the English novelist,
Arnold Bennet, and the hero himself
is supposed to be none other than
the author.
In fact the whole thing is more
or less of a burlesque of modern life
in all its aspects. In this respect it
carries on the Gerhardi traditions as1
established in "The Polyglots." Ger-
hardi, however, is making the mistake
of attempting to follow in the foot-
steps of his friend, Bennett, when he
writes books of this sort for the ob-
vious purpose of making money. If
there is one thing that annoys the
public, it is to have an author making
a goat of them in this manner.
"The most favorable state of mind
for a novelist in the act of writing a
novel is to be himself," Mr. Gerhardt
declared preliminary to the publish-
ing of this latest work of his. We sus-
pect that the author was very, very
much in love at the time that he1
wrote this novel, so much indeed thatE
he was blind to the real assinity of it;
(By courtesy of the Grahma Book
H. S.
ILLINOIS.-The tenth anniversary
of the founding of the bureau of edu-
cational research here was celebrat-;
ed last week at a banquet held under
the auspices of Phi Delta Kappa.

Sport Brietsj
(By Associated Press)
AMSTERDAM, August 6.-The final
unofficial point score standing of the
Olympic track and field champion-
ships, giving 10 points for first place,
5 for second, 4 for third, 3 for fourth,f
2 for fifth and 1 for sixth, follows:
United States..............173
Great Britain...............46
South Africa................14
Hungary ................... 5
Haiti ........................5
Chile................... ....5
AMSTERDAM, August 6.-Amer-
ica's Olympic track and field stars
will have a busier program during
the next two weeks than they had
last week. Starting Tuesday in a
meet against the Germans, French,
and Swedes at Colonge, Germany, the
Americans are scheduled to compete
with the British Empire, at, Paris,
and at Ghent, Belgium.
WASHINGTON, Pa., August 6.-Six
games have been scheduled for the
Washington and Jefferson college
freshman football team, according to
a recent announcement. The schedule
includes games with University of
Pittsburgh, Carnegie Tech, and West-
er Virginia, leading rivals of the W.
& J, Athletic teams.
Corona, Remington, Underwood,
Black and Colored Duco Finishes
17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615

LOST-Gold ring with green stone
near north side of campus. Call
I )abney, 3526. Reward. 33-34-35
FOR RENT-930 Dewey, room for
next academic year. Steam heat.
Quiet. Reasonable. Phone 5035.
WASHTENAW district in especially
desirable locality, 2-year-old, 7-
room colonial house; fireplace, tile'
floors in kitchen and bath; shower;
attic with stairs. Lot 80x160.
$12,500. Terms. Phone Mrs. Gil-
lespie. 5035. 35
LOST-Small black pocketbook in
ladies' rest room on second floor of
Angell Hall, Friday noon. Michigan
Daily. Box 3.
FOR SALE-Day bed (single), dishes,
kitchen utensils, bookcases, floor
lamp. Dial 21868. 32-33-34

FOR SALE-Maxwell touring car, $60
327 E. Huron. 38, 39, 40
FOR RENT--Rooms, one single, one
double, in elegant home with quiet
adults. 1010 Forest Ave. 35-3G-37
LOST-Alpha Gamma Delta pin be-
tween 1332 Geddes and Universityt
Hall. Fin'der call 3022. Reward.
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Reason-.
able rates. Dial 9387. M. V. Hart-

CLOSE IN--West side, on bus line,
3 and 4-room apartments, furnished
amnd unfurnished; newly decorated;
large airy rooms private bath and
private furnace. $45 and $50 per
monthi. Dial 116, ask for 732-F3.
FOR SALE-Radio in cabinet. Call
21868. 32-33-34
WANTED - Traveling companions.
Am driving to New York, Aug. 20,
Call 6332. 38, 39, 40


I .I

A well set water wave
adds charm to the
smart bob. Perform-
ed by Milady's Beauty
Parlor, the wave is
an expression of your
own personality - as
well as the mode.
209 5. STATE ST. Phone 8383

Stop at Our Fountains
Where Drinks and Sodas are Zestful, Delicious and
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Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co.
3 Dependable Stores
We have served Michigan and her students for 40 years








and he wonders why
they laughed-AND How
They laughed-and how! Their ridicule
4 hurt. It bit like acid. He prided himself
on dressing well. His taste was faultless
asfar as it went. But-it didn't include
his socks. Although colorful and classy, they
were ungartered. And yet he can't figure out
why they laughed.
Give Yourself SOX Appeal-Wear
25c to $2
a. Dress Well and Succeed

BILL: "How do you explain this Goofus guy?"
JILL: "Oh, he still wants to waltz and wears hard heels."

N OTHING like a good stiff jolt at
the proper time, but to keep
taking them on the spine all day long
- in little hard rap-tap-taps - is the
sure, short road to ruin.
It's because they cushion the count-
less shocks and jars of the day's foot-

a heavy date in your pumps and Tux-
And if rubber heels are popular for
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the hard lab floors, they bring Better get new Goodyear
you back fresh and ready for Wingfoot Heels today.

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oodyear Tire & Rubber CG. lnc.


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