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August 05, 1928 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1928-08-05

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is made up of nothing more than the
WI putute individual vot-s of ths who take
t t 4 t g ~a n B att I advantage of the ballot. Our Democ-
racy is baed upon the fundamenta
Published every morning except Monday du- rin le involving a freedom of en
ing the University Summer Session by the Pricpleivl~gafedmo x
Board in Control of Student Publications. pression at the ballot box which is
The Associated Press is exclusively en- guaranteed to each citizen. If this
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise expression is not forthcoming as a
credited in this paper and the local news
"published herein. result of neglect on the part of the
citizens to register their opinions Dc-
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post-c
office as second class matter. mocracy is imperiled and some kind
Subscription by carrier, $x.o; by mail, $1.75. of action which will induce people to
Offie: Press Building, Maynard Street,ofatnwdcwilndcpeleo
Ann Arbor, Michigan. vote should be taken.
DITORIAI STAFF - -o --- --
Telephone 4925 BENNIE COMES BACK
MANAGING EDITOR After anxiously awaiting for some
J. STEWART HOOKER time word that would indicate the
Editorial Directors........George . Simons plan's of Bennie G. Oosterbaan for the
Martin Mol
City Editor..............Lawrence R. Klein future, it was gratifying to learn that
FeatureEditor.............Eleanor Scribner the famous Michigan athlete who has
Mmic and Drama Editor....... Stratton Buck
Books Editors..........Kenneth G. Patrick a host of friends in Ann Arbor and
ryn Sayre throughout the state will return to
Night Editors assist with athletics at his Alma. Ma-
Alex ohnowki Martin Mol
Robert Dockeray GeorgetSimons ter. His re-appearance here this fall
Howard Shout Clarence Edelson in the role of a coach will be none
Margaret' Zahm Reporters Robert O'Brien the less welcome than his every ap-
IsaberCharles pearance on the athletic field here
BUSINESS STAFF during the past three years.
Telephone 21214 One of the most pleasant aspects
of Bennie's return' is the fact that he
BUSINESS MANAGER could have accepted other offers of
RAY WACHTER a professional sort that would have
Advertising..............Lawrence Wakley netted him more money; instead he
Advertising...............Jeannette Dale chose to return to his Alma Mater
Accounts................. .Whitney Manning
Circulation..............Bessie V. Egelaa and the institution which made him
Samuel Lukens Assistants Lillian Korvisky famous as he performed so brilliant-
Janet Logie ly on three of its major athletic teams.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 1928 Whether it was on the football field,
the basketball floor or the baseball
Night Editor-HOWARD SHOUT diamond, Bennie was always in there
playing the game-and few could play
it better.
GETTING THE VOTE Michigan lost a fine athlete and a
The Ann Arbor Republican com- fine fellow when Harry Kipke sign-
ed a contract to coach at Michigan
uittee of which Justice C. A. Reading State; with ,the announcement that
is chairman is planning to make an Bennie is coming back, Michigan is
organized effort throughout the city adding an equally fine fellow and an
to bring about the registration of all equally fine athlete to its coaching
who are qualified to vote in order to staff. It is needless to say that Ben-
mae hemeligibedtocateabaodet nnie will dontinue to give his best for
make them eligible to cast a ballot in Michigan, and it may be said in all
the coming primary and November elec- safety and all sincerity that Michigan
tion. is mighty glad to have Bennie back.
This move on the part of the com-
mittee is one of great importance in
View of the great number of individ- WHY IS ITI
nals who are inclined to shirk their According to a recent report re-
citizenship duty by staying clear of the leased by the American Railway as-
ballot box as a result of their fail- sociation, an average of six persons
ing to register at the appointed time. a day are being killed at grade cross-
It is a matter that should not only ings. For the four months of this
be taken up by Ann Arbor, but bne year 1,826 highway crossing. accidents
which should be considered seriously were reported, compared with 1,746 for
throughout the state and nation. the same period in 1927.
Although the appeal of the local That record, taken alone, is start-
Republican committee will be to those ling, but when other factors are con-
who are residents of Ann Arbor, such sidered, it is amazing. Warning sig-
a move on the part of community- nals and safety precautions have been
minded citizens can not help but have prepared by railroad officials all over
its influence on a portion of the Sum- the country, yet the accidents con-
mer Session student body. It is some- tinue. Many people are afraid of
what regrettable that many students lightning, yet its death toll is small.
who are of voting age fail to take The same people apparently believe
advantage of this privilege. Their that grade crossings are nothing to
remoteness from home in many in- fear; yet the death toll is amazing-
stances 'and their forgetfulness t ly high. We wonder if the psycholo-
make necessary provisions to vote by gist could explain it; we can't.
mail when they visit their home town
are responsible for a great number CAMPUS OPINION
not voting at all.iOPN N
The situation in Summer Session Is
quite different from that in the reg- To the editor:
ular school session. During the sum- The Student Christian Association
mer there are a large number who is certainly to be commended for its
are teaching, and they too fail to be- activity in securing for the students
come interested in the ballot box after of the Summer Session the oppor-
they return to their respective dis- tunity of hearing President Clarence
theyt rn tch theirareepectiedi-Cook Little. In these days when so
tricts in which they are employed dur- little interest in the matter of reli-
At a time such as this, just before gion is taken by those in positions of
the populace Is about to march to th. prominence, it is rerreshing, indeed,
balt oxtoegis botr mscho f to have a man of the calibre of Presi-
ballot box to register its choice for dent Little take the definite stand that

the occupant of the first office in he does and be unafraid to expound
the land, it seems fitting that every his belief in no uncertain terms. In
Summer Session student of voting age view of the unfavorable publicity
undertake to make the necessary which has been the lot of the Presi-
provisions in order to have the right dent, I am afraid there were those
to vote at the next election. In a few who came to scoff, and remained to
more weeks Summer school will be be enlightened. I have heard many
over and this will be followed by thi commendatory remarks from persons
homeward bound journey of the great who attended the discussion and have
majority who are here. After they also heard numbers express the re-
arrive home they still will have the gret that they missed hearing him.
opportunity of making themselves el- This, however, is only a good be-
igible to vote if they have not al- ginning. The S. C. A. has a golden
ready done so. opportunity to do something really
Many are unaware of the fact that constructive for the students of the
a re-registratiom of all qualified vo- regular session. Why not have a,
ters is essential every four years, that series of discussions for the student
is, before each presidential election, body, similar to this one, led by out-
Those who are under the impression standing figures on the faculty who
that they are qualified voters in view have the same conviction of religious
of the fact that they registered a truth as has President Little? There
year or two ago and who have not are more of these men than is com-
registered since are going to be grave- monly realized, and now that they
ly disappointed if they apply for the have the force of a fine example, per-
ballot in September or in November. haps they will have courage enough
It Is unfortunate that the exercise to come forward and express their
pf the voting franchise is neglected views. The student body is agnostic
by so many who seem to have the self- only because that seems to be the
satisfaction that they are ideal citi- 'learned' atitude. If they can be made
zens. It is true that to the individual to understand that there is no conflict
his vote may appear to have little between these two elements of truth,
influence in a total of thousands up- the S. C. A. will have accomplished
on thousands of votes cast but he something worthwhile for the UJniver-
must, at the same time, it should be sity and justified its existence.
remembered, shta this aggregate sum "MORS NON SEPARABIT"

_ , __
----- _





Music And Drama
The season has closed. The final
curtain was rung down on "Much Ado
About Nothing" last evening with aj
glowing address by Mr. Henderson-
and much eager applause on the part
of the audience. By the time this
paper reaches the newsstand most of
the Rocltford players will have left
Ann Arbor for various destinations.
Henderson will soon begin an engage-
ment with the Wright players in Kal-
amazoo. Mrs. Trowbridge, Miss
Bronson and Miss Garsey go to
New York, the first named to take part
in "Alice Sit By The Fire" at the
Washington Square theater. Miss
Kelly returns to the Cleveland Play-
house, and Mr. Bohnen to the Good-
man Memorial theatre Chicago. Paul
Stephenson will again direct the pro-
ductions of the Grand Rapids Civic
The season just closed has been the
most successful in the history of the
Rockford Players. The summer season
has grown steadily in popularity, and
while no definite plans are yet laid,
the University has already invited
the company next year. The campus
may sincerely hope that they will
return. The summer session would
be dead indeed ungraced by some
venture of this kind.
The company's work, during the
past six weeks, has for the most part
been unusually good. The individual
actors indeed, have shown more
ability this summer than one would
expect from a stock company in a city
of this size. The most outstanding
part of the season undoubtedly has
been the work of Katherine Wick
Kelly, leading lady of the troupe.
Few of us will forget per tortured
Leslie Crosby, her fanatical Liz, her
intense Hjordis, or her sophisticated
Beatrice. Her other roles of the sea-
son, if less impressive, have all been
done with that finish that marks a
superior artist. Miss Kelly's presence
in the company this summer has lent
the plays a touch that no lesser per-
sonality could have given them.
Roman Bohnen, the leading man,
has also proven himself an actor of
ability. In roles to which he was
suited, he has provided some of the
best work of the summer. Bohnen's
physical and vocal limitations are dis-
tinct handicaps in his profession,
and make it impossible for him to be
as versatile as perhaps the leading
man of a company of this type should.
As Billy Flynn and as Benedick how-
ever he scored distinct triumphs, and
has carried important roles well, each
week of the season.
Elberta Trowbridge is another
member of the cast whose work this
summer leaves a most favorable im-
pression. Hidden by poor roles dur-
ing the first three offerings, this cap-
able actress first revealed the ability
she has displayed. since' as Mary Sun-
shine in "Chicago."
Lillian Bronson and Paul Stephen-
son also deserve special mention.'
With the exception of Miss Bronson's
Roxie Hart, neither has had a large
role all season, yet each has played
eight small parts with uniform per-
fection, and each has shown himself
more than usually versatile. Miss
Bronson single handed brought all
the life there was into "The Man Who
Married A .Dumb "Wife" and provid-
ed clear interesting pictures of
Tessie Kearns and Margaret. Paul
Stephenson's Amos Hart and Honey-
cutt are the parts that stand out in
his season, though he has done every-
thing so well that it is difficult to

name one without adding all the
Robert Henderson has been good
throughout the summer, though it
was not until "March Hares" that he
showed anything unusual. Since that
time he has given two more first
class performances, as Dogberry and
as Merton. In the last named he is
at his very excellent best. As a
Viking or as a hard boiled reporter
or an educated Chinaman Mr. Hen-
derson is not quite convincing. His
fort is juveniles, though he is also
clever in comedy parts of the Dog-
berry or Patiomkin type. Unfortunate-
ly he plays the latter alike and one
is able to recognize the Russian
prince in the illiterate comstable,
Marvel Garnsey has been absolutely
satisfactory in the ingenue roles. She
is the same in every part, yet does
everything convincingly and well. No
resumee of the season would, be com-
plete without mentioning the work of
Henzie Raeburn, in "Chicago" or that
of Samuel Bonell in "Much Ado
About Nothing." Martin Browne was
excellent in "So This Is London" but
has not been satisfactory since. A
word for Thomas Denton, George
Johnson, and Elton Buck who have
played a number of small parts all
summer, might not be out of place.

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