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August 01, 1928 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1928-08-01

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X - R A Y F I E L D DO


Speaker On Regular Lecture Program
Describes Modern Methods For
"Uses for the X-ray are rapidly in-j
creasing, especially since the discov-
ery of the wave theory in 1912," said,
Assistant Professor James M. Cork,,
in his lecture, "X-ray and their Use
in Science," delivered in the auditor-
ium of the. Natural Science building
yesterday afternoon.
The speaker described the present
idea of the rays cast off by the X-ray
tube as being a series of light waves
about one five thousandth of the
length of ordinary light waves. Cer-
tain objects or substances are more1
opaque to these waves than others,
and when an object composed of such!
substances is placed in a substance
more transparent the rays from the
tube make a shadow on a photo-
graphic plate. For example, if the
human body is placed between the
X-rays and a photographic plate, the
bones will appear as dark shadows.
Main Use Medical
This gives rise toone of thedmain
uses of the X-ray, that of medicine.
It is possible to photograph not only
the banes, but also the arteries or di-
gestive system, by giving the patient,

Retiring Urged By
Revised Prayer Book
Most ilei. Randl T. 1)avidson
Who last week res'igned from his
J(usiti0r as ArPchl)Lahc I ofltCieU ry.
most augus: o' (;hurcih positioni :xn
England. His resignation was promp-
ted by the recenI revision of the
f rayer b)k of t've (hrch af Eng-
l. The Arc:h ip wre lerly.
tpposed to he mco rev o

a certain medicine that makes these
organs more opaque than the rest of
the body. In the same way, the X-
ray is used inthestudy of botany
and zoology, and aids in the study
of plants and animals.
Prof. Cork told of experiments that
were made with a large n nber of
beetles that tended to show that X-
rays are capable of ending life. He
stated that nearly all of the early
experimenters in the X-ray died as a
result of their contact with the rays.
Active In Science
One of the increasingly important
uses of the X-ray is in industry ac-
cording to Prof. Cork. It is possible
to discover artificial diamonds, due'
to the fact that the real diamond is
more transparent to X-rays than are
any of the substances used to make
artificial stones.
Moreover, since the X-ray has en-
abled scientists to picture and chart
the atomical make-up of the various
elements, it has been useful in the
discovery of new elements, and also
offers a method for the chemist to
discover what is in a mixture of ele-
ments. In the same manner it is
possible to tell whether a certain
metal can be stretched or whether it
is good enough for certain purposes
requiring great strain.

An auditorium filled to capacity is
expected to greet PresidentkClarence
Cook Little when he speaks tomor-
row afternoon at 5 o'clock on the
subject "Science and Religion" in
Natural Science auiditorium.
In delivering his talk tomorrow
President Little will make his first
public appearance before the stu-
dents of the Summer Session. The
lecture previously scheduled for that
time on "Don Quixote" by Professor
Charles P. Wagner of the department
of, Romance Languages has been can-
celled, according to Edward H. Kraus,
dean of the Summer Session, to make
possible the accommodations for the
president's address.
In his address the president is ex-
pected to discuss the various aspects
of the relationship between the func-
tions of science and the field of re-
ligion, according to Martin Mol, '30,
president of the Student Christian
Association, which is sponsoring the
lecture. 0
Arrangements have been made
whereby the doors of the auditorium
will be open at 4:30 o'clock, thus
eliminating the congestion at the
door. The lecture will begin a few
minutes past five, enabling students
who have four o'clock classes to at-

Divides Lecture Into 21 Points For
Consideration In Adjusting
New Teacher
"Most classrooms today are more
like prisons than pleasant study
rooms," declared Prof. Raleigh Schor-
ling in a lecture on "What To Do
With Thee Beginning Teacher" de-
livered in the auditorium of the Uni-
versity high school yesterday after-
noon. That the teacher should do
all he could td' make the classroom as
attractive and home-like as possible
was one of the main points made by
the speaker,
"However, in spite of the apparent
deficiency in this line at present, the
school systems of the state are mak-
ing great progress in beautifying
their buildings," he added.
Light Work Desired
The lecture was divided into a dis-
cussion of 21 points necessary for
consideration in adjusting the new
teacher to his position. The first of
these was that the beginning teacher
should be given the lightest possible
burden of work to carry. "It too
often happens that all the extra
duties and more difficult types of
work are loaded onto the newcomer,"
Professor Schorling pointed out.
"This should not be done, because
there is enough difficulty to be met
with in making the adjustment to
new working conditions.
"It must also be realized that an
important part of the teachers train-
ing must be given him during the
early months of service," he went
on. "The principal or supervisor
should get acquainted with the teach-
er in this time, learning something
of his personal problems, aiding him
in illness, and contriving in every
way possible to get him acquainted]
and adjusted.
Tactful Critleism
"Your true function is to mobilize
good practice and to distribute it to
those that need it," he said, address-
ing himself particularly to the ad-
"It is a good idea to team the
beginning teacher with one that is
experienced and an "old" member of
the staff," Professor Schorling con-
tinued. "This will almost certainly
help the newcomer by accelerating
his initiation into the routine of the
With a varied and well-balanced
program and a group of three artists
each making his distinct contribution
to the evening's enjoyment, the fourth
summer concert at 8:15 o'clock to-
night in Hill auditorium is expected
to draw a large crowd of the musical-
ly inclined. Earl V. Moore, organist,
Thelma Lewis, soprano, and Emily
Mutter, violinist will be the feature
artists and, Bach, Widor, Scarlatti,
Mozart, Mendelssohn, Kresler, and,
by request, Mr. Moore's own composi-

tion, "ReverietatrTwilight," the
high lights of the program.
At the Women's Educational Club
meeting Monday night Mrs. W. D. Hen-
derson, who had charge of the drive to
raise the money for the new Women'sj
League Building, spoke on the new
building. Mary White, president of
the Women's League for 1928-29, and
M'arie 'Hairwig, summer president,
also spoke.
Mrs. Henderson described the base-
ment o f the new building where the'
main kitchen and service rooms will
be installed. On the next floor the'
women's lounge, a memorial to Ethel
Fountain Hussey, who was the first
president of the Women's League, and
the men's and women's lounge will
be situated.

"Summer school students would
find it difficult to discover a more
profitable place to spend the vacation
months than on the campus at Ann
Arbor," declared Dr. Robert Hannah,
of the speech department, in an in-
terview granted yesterday. 'The ad-
vantages of the summer session are
twofold. First, it offers a place where
intensive study, and graduate and re-
search work can be carried on.
Teachers and others interested in do-
ing special work are made to feel
that they are accomplishing some-
"In the second place," Doctor Han-
nah pointed out, "the university offers
a great many special functions, such
as excursions to points of interest in
the district conducted by experts,
several series of lectures by eminent
authorities covering almost every
field of learning and study, and a
number of interesting and instructive
programs of drama and music. All
of these things give the students an
opportunity to broaden themselves in
many ways. A larger cultural back-
ground is open to them, while their
regular studies give them the special
training which is their primary pur-
pose in coming here,
"The value of the fine things pre-
sented in the field of music and
drama cannot be overestimated," he
added. "The Rockford players, who
have an unusually fine company this
summer, have been giving us some
most interesting plays. The frequent
Outstanding loans to students num-
bered 1002 for a total of $119,000 on
July 1, it was reported today by Dean
of Students Joseph A. Bursley. This
total amount and number of loans
are the greatest since funds for stu-
dent help first became available, it is
Figures of a year ago show that
$81,000 was outstanding in 807 loans,
while those of two years ago point
out that 587 students held $55,000.
The increases are due, it is asserted,
to the fact that employment condi-
tions were bad in the summer of
1927 and during much of the last
school year, affecting both the stu-
dents and their parents. Wider
knowledge of the student loan funds
and a gradually increasing amount
available for student loans are also
held to be factors.
"Many students who planned to
work to earn at least part of the cost
of their expenses were unable to find
employment a year ago," Mr. Bursley
stated, "while others were affected
indirectly, being forced to borrow be-
cause their parents were in financial
Creation of the Brosseau Founda-
tioon, by which $23,000 is available
annually for a period of five years,
also helped swell the total. The ;
Brosseau foundation funds were
available last year for the first time,
and 112 loans were made for a total
of $21,500.
The Michigan state prison at Jack-
son will be visited on the seventh
excursion for summer students which
will start at 8 o'clock next Saturday

morning from the State street en-
trance of Angell hall. Round trip
tickets are $1.25, and may be obtain-
ed until 6 o'clock Friday night in
room 8 University hall. The party will
arrive back in Ann Arbor about
C. O. Davis, professor of Secondary
Education in the School of Education,
will give the third conference lecture
of the week when he speaks on "The
Junior High School Problems In the
Smaller Districts" in the University
High School auditorium this after-
noon at 5 o'clock.


Hannah Lists Advantages Available IIAMM AND ROBINSON
For Summer Student In Ann Arbor _

concerts conducted under the aus- TAKE FIR ST PLACES
pices of the music school have also
been the source of great enjoyment
to many students. IN- OLYMPIC EVENTS
"Another very valuable aid to the
summer student is found in the vast WINNERS SET NEW RECORDS
amount of reading and research ma- TO TAKE TRACK AND
terials contained in the libraries here. FIELD EVENTS
The William L. Clements library con-
tains some wonderful collections of ENLISHMAN BEATS HAHN
books and manuscripts relating toLtLi tEl
Mearly America,
'Al A ia.Ish syhs Illinois Wrestling Star Capture Only
"All in all. I should say the sum- C iampionsliip For American
mer session is a place where the stu- s rTeam
dent, the teacher, or the researchT
worker can spend his summer to good (By Associated Press)
advantage while still not losing all O (YMPIC STADIUM, Amsterdam,
of the atmosphere of vacationing. July 31.-In a day marked altogether
He has many places to go, and many by the shattering of three world rec-
interesting things to do. At least in ords and two Olympic standards,
the case of the teachers, the fact that Yankee fortune again ebbed and dlow-
life on the campus is so very differ- ed. It was not so disastrous as the
ent from the regular routine of day before, for Hahn's defeat was off-
teaching gives it a holiday atmos- set by a triumph by Ed Hamm in the
phere by Itself. 1unning broad jump and victory for
1ANNOUNCE SCHEDULES little Miss Elizabeth Robinson in the
women's 100 metre final in the world
record time of 12 1-5 seconds.
Hamm wound up the most sensa-
tional broad jumping campaign' any
human kangaroo ever had by add-
ing the world championships to his
Tests Of Two Hours Duration Will Be national and worlds record. His win-
Held For All Students Desiring ning leap of 25 feet 4 3-4 inches dis-
Credit In Courses placed the Olympic mark set in 1912

Examinations for the Summer
sion will begin on Wednesdo~y,
gust 15. and will continue thr
Friday of the same week. All e)
inations will be of two hours d
tion and they are arranged ac
ing to the hour of class recitati
The examination for classes w

r s

by the American, A. L. Guterson, and
21 gave the Georgia Tech star possession
of all the jumping honors.
ses- Chicago. Girl Wins
Au- Whr the American men sprinters
iugh had been failing dismally, Miss Rob-
am- inson, the only one to reach the wom-
ira- en's sprint finals, ran a beautiful
i race o beat two Canadians and one
n. German rival. Bobbed hair flying to
hich the breezes, the Chicago girl sped



meet at 7 o'clock will
nesday from 2 until 4
those which meet at

be held Wed-
o'clock, while
8 o'clock are

schehduled from 4. to 6 o'clock the
same day. ExamInatins for 9 o'clock
classes will be held from 8 to 10
o'clock Thursday, for 10 o'clock
classes, from 4 to 6 o'clock that
afternoon, and for 11 o'clock classes,
from 8 to 10 on Friday.
One o'clock classed will be ex-
amined Friday from 10 to 12 o'cock.
2 o'clock class examinations will be
from 10 to 12 Thursday, and on the
same day from 2 to 4 o'clock, 3 o'clock
classes will be examined. On Friday,
from 2 until 4 o'clock examinations for
classes meeting at 4 o'clock will be
held, while the period between 4 and
6 o'clock that day will be given over
'to examinations for classes which
meet at irregular hours.
(By Associated Press)
American League
Detroit 7, Boston 2.
Philadelphia 8, St. Louis 4.
Chicago 7, Washington 5.
New York 12, Cleveland 9.
National League
St. Louis 18, Philadelphia 5.
Boston 11, Pittsburgh 5.
Brooklyn 3, Cincinnati 2.
New York 8-4, Chicago 7-10.

down the straightaway, in a great
closing spurt to beat the Canadian
favorite Fannie Rosenfeld by 2 feet.
Lowe Retains Championsiiip
Lowe, the young British Barrister,
retained the Olympic 800 metre crown
this afternoon by outclassing a great
field, including the American favorite
Lloyd Hahn, and smashing the Olym-
pic record with the most spectacular
performance of the third day. of the
track and field championships.
AMSTERDAM, July 31.-Entering
he finals of the Olympic wrestling
competition with six men surviving,
one in every class but the lightweight
the American team emerged tonight
:ith only one title.
The solitary American victory was
won by Allie Morrison of the Univer-
sity of Illinois who captured the
featherweight championship from
Minter of Switzerland in an impres-
sove style.
United States ................71
Great B ritain ..............
Sweden .............. .. . 1
Finland .............. ..17
w Canada ....................13
Fraii ce.....................5
H1aiti ................ ...... 5

Players Present Shakespearian Comedy,
"As You Like It," In Modern Costume

A Review, by Jack Davis
Shakespeare in tuxedos and spike
heels is hardly snickered at any more,
nor considered an innovation; yet
only a small portion of the wary
summer theater public ventured to
Sarah Caswell Angell hall last night
for "the first production in America
in modern dress" of "Much Ado About
Yet it was amusing, if somewhat
frenzied in parts; and as in the case
of the best oloemargarine, after you
get used to the difference in wrap-
per you find the product pretty much
the same. Only the reference to
swords where there obviously are
none on the gentlemen concerned,
and the use of the word "naughty"-
whose connotation has changed a bit
in some three centuries-gave some
slight pause to the listener's credul-
As in the case of "Comedy of Er-
rors" last summer, the cast has a
good time, Robert Henderson steps
for the nonce from naive youth into
uncouth comedy (his two stock
roles)-and the advanced publicity is
execrable. I refer to the advertising
of "The Comedy of Errors" as

"Shakespeare's Rioutous Rhapsgidy
in Blue," and to the announcement
of the current offering in modern
dress and out with the broadside
query, "How do you like your
Shakespeare?" If the question were
relevant at all, the only answer would
naturally be, "Well done."
Of the acting in detail, more in a
later review. In passing it is to be
noted that Miss Kelly and Mis Bron-
son handle their comedy-as Beat-
rice and Margaret-with verve and
wit; that Elberta Trowbridge,
though not-I think-of the stature
and complexion which Shakespeare
intended for Hero, yet fills that role
charmingly and accurately enough;
that Samuel Bonell as Don John has
the proper bastardly leer, and that
his acting is agreeably smooth. Rob-
ert Henderson, though he bungled his
lines a bit last night, and overplayed
his part now and then, is really very
funny as Dogberry, the prototype of
our bucolic arm of the law.
There does not seem to be any ex-
cuse for the music offered in connec-
tion with this production, except for
the few snatches of not unpleasant
lyric sung from the stage.

Bohnen Professes Liking For Playing
Characters In Shakespearian Dramas

"I thoroughly enjoy playing Shake-1
spearian roles," said Roman Bohnen.
leading man with the Rockford Play-
ers, and this week appearing as Ben-
edick in "Much Ado' About Nothin:
"The lines are usually easy for me
to learn."
"How much Shakespeare have I
played? Well, in 'As You Like It'
I have played Orlando and Old Adam,
in Twelfth Night' Sir Toby Belch and
Sebastian. I also played in 'Romeo
and Juliet,' 'The Taming of the
Shrew" 'Midsummer Night's Dream.'I
In 'Much Ado About Nothing,' I
have played Antonio. This is my first
time as Benedick. Until now my work
in Shakespeare ha ;been done under
the direction of B. Iden Payne, for-
merly director of the Manchester
Players in England. ie was also
head of the dramatic school at Car-
negie Tech, but is now with the Good-
man Theater in Chicago."
"I think that the use of scenery and
modern stage equipment is a decided

ian plays. The old style -enids to make
the performance too pedantic," he
Mr. Bohnen's interests, although
primarily with the stage ari not con-
fined to drama. He is president', of
the Fine Arts Guild of Chicago, th
purpose of which is to pluce fine ar'
within reach of the gentral public
and especially the schools. He re-
ceived three years of his schooling
in Germany, and now prep.res Ger-
man scripts for production at th
Goodman Memorial theater in Chica-
go, as well as teaching make-up in
the dramatic school there. For the
past three years he has written and
directed the annual pageants for V
Art Institute, of which he is a mem
"I have had a very enjoyable time
playing in Ann Arbor to audiences,
whose intelligence level is far above
the average city audience. I like the
town, too, for I have been treated very
kindly, and I hope I may have a
chance to return some time in the

advantage in producing Shakespear-I future," he concluded.

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