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July 31, 1928 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-31

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TUESDAY, JULY 31. 1928

_____________________________________________ I ______________________________________________

104jI tained by, people throughout our Unit-
~iI~ ~UI~t ~el ;ates regardless of their location
4r hj g a n 'ajjn a.,d petty interests.
IThrough the passing of years since
Published every morning except Monday dur- the Civil war, and through the aid
ing the University Summer Session by the
Board in Control of Student Publications, of rapid communication land tranls-
The Associated Press is exclusively en- portatioin the nation to) the individual
titled to the use for republication of all news # itiznhsbcm asalepae
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise znhsbcm mle lc
credited in this paper and the local news in which to live. We no longer are
published herein.
confined b~y the borders of our state.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post- We now reach out into ;a grea ter' area
office as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $i.So; by mail, $1.75" andl to us our America has resolved
Office.: Press Building, Maynard Street, into a nation having national unity
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
EDITORIAL STAFF rather than as a nation composed o~
Telephone 492 a certain number of autonomous
states. More andl more we are comn-
MANAGING EDITOR ing to realize the need of a natiu nal
J. STEWART HOOKER outlok rather than a state outlook,
Editorial Directors......... George F_ Simons alnd it is reasonable to assume that
Martin Mol
City Editor........ .....Lawrence R. Klein through the passing of many more
reature Editor...............Eleanor Scribner
uis cd Drama Editor....... Stratton Buck decades our outlo,)ks and points of
oo Edtor.........Kenneth G. Patrick
QO...............Kathryn Sayre view will enlarge further and take
Night Editors on a greater, international color.
Alex Bochnowski Martin Mol' Although at one time io the history
Robert Deckeray George Simons of our country we were temporarily
Howard Shout- Clarence Edelson tonaudri.ninvtbecnlc
Reporters tr sne na nvtbecnlc
Margaret Zahm Robert O'BrienI that appeared at the tine to have
Isabel Charles its culmination in ruin and chaos,
BUSINESS STAFF through the transpiring of a series of
Telephone 21211 fortunate events the Union was pre-
. _ ~erved. From that day to thli- ; rauiy
BUSINESS MANAGER mutual effort,, have beanm put, forth to
RAY WACHTER weal the woundls incurred lurin-t that
Adver tisintg............. Lawrence Walklcy 3(dark period. As each yea has pa ss-
Advertising ..................Jeannette Dale nl eviden~ces of the establishmient of
Accounts................... Whitney Manning
Circulation........ ......Bessie V. Egelano i t firun V natl(onal 1unity than that
Samuel Lukens AsstnsLillian Korvinsky !0ofthe 1;rev~ol imY1' hav~ e )e U hs
Janet Logic c('Peld.
TESDAY,. JULY 31, 1928 In his dedication speech t c presi-
dent justl.y criticized the selfsh arnd
Night Editor-A. A. BOCHNOWSKI unr-Amierican umotives on tlbs part of
c' I nterests to revive haltred and
-Oslo_____________________________enirty he" wEc^"n the Nort ll(, andSwill~
HIGH SCHOOL XMUSIC i in (*der *ha certain 'jolitic-i ends
Next Wednesday evevning is the coulid be ga ned.
date set for the appearance of, the Prsdn Coolid .; apilpeal, al-
Hamtramck high school orchestra in ' tll)tmrl (nily a .step)irn the great move-
a concert at Hill auditorium, sched- metit to bring about a finer spirit
uled as a regular number in the} of national unity on the part of both
'summer concert program. It is North and South. should not be pas-
significant that an organization corn- sively observed. We must all face
posed of children ranging in age the problem that confronts us as we
from 12 to 17 years should be in- come to maturity and take our place
vited to play before an audience1 in the affairs of our state and nia-
whose taste has been educated for l tioni andI we each have potentialities
the best.I which might enable us to makea
The orchestra, under the (direction notable contribution to this end.
or Stacey Holmes, is considered ini__
the symphony class and will pre-
sent a varied program of mnusic A GATEKEEPER STRIKES
to show the progress of musical It is said that strife has already
education in public schools. Not bleenl forthcoing with the opening
only will it be a demonstration of _
what has already been accomplish- of the Olympic games at Amsterdam.
ed in that line, but it will be a crit- A Dutch gatekeeper, "without pr1o-
erion of what is possible through vocation" struck a member of the
the proper training of young children French Olympic committee with "his
.It would be hardly advisable to fs n e~we h rnha
train every child to be a professional
musician, but the 'work rec~eived in tied to gain an entrance to the sta-
high school courses will tend to dium last Friday.
build up an appreciation for good The question is first, what do the

Thin: column will mention every-
thing and everybody except The
Rockford Players. They continue to
be banned from the good graces of
Rolls, and while they never did
amount to anything, they probably
will go to the dogs now for sure.
The Fair Co-edI



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t 1
Who is our best contributor and
who still remains the big mystery.
We jimimed up her last contribution
again, and since then she has been
Kernel And Lark}

usuic among citizens 01of the ur-ure.'
It has long been a subject of comn-
plaint that among the American
people there is deplorable lack of
appreciation of art and music.' To
begin training chidren of the high
school age is a step in the develop-
ment of the understanding of the
finer things in a civilization. Any
institution, be it !high school or
otherwise, which has as a p~art of its

Frenmch mean by "without iprovoca-
tion"'? There was no statement giv-
en out as to the cause of the en-
counter, and it is hardly probable
that the Dutchman would walka up
to the head of .a visiting delegation
and hit him merely for the pleasure
lie might gain from it. There was
prob~ably some cause for. it.
Regardless of the cause or result,
it, way; hardly a matter worth involv-

curriculum a comprehensive study of ; ;21g the, diplomatic relations of the
music and art, and 'bts (calri- d out j -) (*nhoml ries as it is said would be
its program to the pont of a,:tually' the case. 'It: is a regrettab~le inci-
developing the artistic sense of its f. ,,,tliat t .,ccurredl during the gala

students. hias made itself a valuable
part of a desirable educational sys-
tern. It works toward the develop-
ment of culture so that it may keep
abreast of the economic and s- :ien-
title deveopments of the nation, to
form a balanced civiization.
President Cooliilg; made a timely
appeal to the Amer icani peopl m Sun-
day when he urgendie abolition of
sectional animositics aand pleadedl for
the eatablshmelit of a firmer bondl
of unity and friendship between the
North and, the South in an address at
the dedication of the memorial of
Col. William Colvill at Cannon Falls,
Coming on the eve of a heated
presidential election, the president's
appeal is indeed one which is utter-
ed at, an opportune time. Although
it cannot be. expected that the North
and the South are going to be united
from a political standpoint, it can be
said that regardless of this ciircum-
stance, a nation-al unity can be
wrought. After all a man's politics
is a very small part of himself. To
some it is more important than to
others, but, be that as it may, the
political feelings of the citizens of the
different states should not have any
bearing on the personial feelings that
each has toward the ether.
The keynote of the president's ap-
peal is found In the two short seni-
tences that he uttered toward the op-
ening of his ,address. He said, "The
day of sectionalism has passed. We
are a united nation.'' It would be a+
remarkable achievement if such a
sentiment could be genuinely enter-

opening of the world's greatest and
most spectacular athletic event, be-
cause the event is one which should
do a great deal toward the develop-
menit of international goodl-feeling.
There can be nothing done by the
statesmen of nations to develop
friendliness which can app roach in
value the feeling that can be foster-
edl at a meeting of the youth of the
countries. Feeling between the cit-
izen s of njations wveighs heavily upon
time diplomatic attitudle of one gov-
ernument toward another, and to mar
an opportunity for-(developmnent of a
friendly feeling between the peoples
of the wvorld is indeed shanmefuil.
Perhsaps the 'lhole incidlent may3
be laid to a display of very poor
sp~ortsmaniship., and as such the argu-
menit should be confined to the ganme
committee for settlement thereby
avoiding (diplomatic friction b~etween
nations. In the first attempts at set-
tlement the Dutch failed to carry
out their part in an agreement, that
in itself a breach which may Imavl
justiflied the French delegation's
withdrawal from the opening cere-
monies. But the withdrawal was
p~robably p~art of the display of quick
temper which prom pted a suggestion
that Framnce withdraw from competi-
tiomn altogether. Quick temper in
that case led to a display of poor
sportsmanship and in that way mar-
red the spirit of the gamnes tenmpor-
arily. Thlat indeed is regrettable, and
it is to be hoped that the representa-
tives of the two nations can forget
false pride and petty dignity long
enough to come to a satisfactory
agreement regarding a trivial arsgu-

Who will go on a week-end trip
this week, will use this lovely man-
sion as their home. The car is not
ours; it hasn't come yet.a
This is Lieutenant Colonel Clarence
Cook Little parading his University{
about the campus.
* s s
Here is a view of the lounge of the'
mew Romance Language building, as
yet unnamed. Can YOU suggest a

Thus is pictured any of the re-
viewers for the Music and Drama
column.- rehearsing one of their re-
views for public utterance.



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