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July 31, 1928 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-31

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Member Department of Mathematics
Illustrates Lecture With Many
Interesting Slides
Many interesting tales of his experi-
ences in searching for maps in Eu-
rope were told by Prof. Louis C. Kar-
pinski in his lecture on "Maps of
America in European Archives" de-
livered yesterday afternoon in the
Natural Science auditorium. Al-
though Professor Karpinski is a mem-
ber of the department of mathema-
tics, he has spent a great deal of time
in the study and collection of map
materials, and has achieved recogni-
tion as an authority in this field.
The speaker referred to the maps
in the William L. Clements library as
having some very complete collec-,
tions of early American maps. "In
the Clinton papers, which the library
secured a few years ago, there were
about 300 manuscript maps made for
the British army headquarters dur-
ing the Revolutionary War," he stat-
ed. "These a~re very valuable, and
many are without duplicates in the
Turns To French Sources
"Because of the abundance of
American map material from British
archives, and because the French
field had been little explored, I de-
cided to turn my efforts to a thorough
inspection of the archives in the lat-
ter country," he continued. "I dealt
in my search only with maps preced-
ing: the year 1800, and looked espe-
cially for manuscript maps since they
tend to be rare and more authentic.
I found about 550 maps in the various
great libraries of France including
the Bibliotheque Nationale, the li-
brary of the French War office, and
the libraries of the departments of
the colonies and the marine."
Professor Karpinski told of the in-
cidents that accompanied his quest in
all these great manuscript store-
houses. He had great difficulty in
securing entrance to the library of
the War department in Paris, it tak-
ing several weeks before he had man-
aged to finish all the red-tape. His
Journey to Spain, in which he photo-
graphed about 325 maps was ajso at-
tended with many difficulties, he said.
Impressed With Treasures
He was particularly impressed with
the magnificent treasures in the pal-
ace of the Duke of Alba where he
went in search of a certain old map.
"Beautiful paintings, tapestries, and
decorations of all sorts are to be
found in this ancient palace in great-
er profusion than even in the palace
of the King of Spain," he declared.

(Associated Press Correspondent)
GENEVA, July 30.-The League of
Nations has embraced the Briand-
Kellogg anti-war treaty uncondition-
ally. League officials see in it the
end of American isolation and the be-
ginning of real progress toward dis-
"There will never be another meet-
ing of the League's preparatory dis-
armament commission," said a prom-
inent diplomat and friends who heard
him were astounded.
He explained his blunt statement
by saying that the nations of the'
earth would never bind themselves to
an official, international agreement
to keep their armaments at a certain
low level.
Careful inquiry has disclosed that
the best informed diplomatic opinion
in Geneva shares this view. Eleipen-
tary instincts toward self preserva-
tion, they say, will prevent wholesale
League circles believe that a world
conference will be called this fall to
sign the pacts "outlawing war."
Once this is done they believe that
progress toward disarmament can be
made quietly and logically, without
the ballyhoo which has accompanied
previous efforts to reduce armies and
Present world opinion, they declare,
is strongly against heavy armament
and most nations would be only too
eager to swing the axe on defense
from the desires of the public In the

various countries, but that it can
never be forced on the world public
as a whole by a collective or, interna-
tional agreement. In short, collective
disarmament is called a delusion.
The hesitancy with which the Con-
gress of the United States approves
what Washington has styled a mod-
expenditures, once they could feel
In other words, the opinion is that
limitation, or reduction of armaments,
will logically and inevitably spring
erate naval building program is re-
marked upon here as evidence that
national public opinion, expressed
through national legislators, will be
slow to counsel any big construction
of armaments in time of peace. The
plan of France to reduce its service
of army conscription from .eighteen
months' to one year for all recruits is
cited as another straw which indi-
cates that the force of armaments is
expanded, or reduced, in proportion
to the feeling of national security.
Henri Cochet Defeats William Tilden
In Deelding Match To Enable
France To Keep Cup
teil, France, July 30.-America's cam-
paign to recapture the Davis cup from
the French failed today when Henri
Cochet defeated William T. Tilden in
straight sets by scores of 9-7, 8-6,
6- .

Seeks Prosperity by Keeping Domestic
Maelicts Available For Home
(By Associated Press)
SUPERIOR, Wisconsin, July 30-
Althou i br inging to President Coo-
lidge a ru,. eate picture of general
farm conditions in the United States,
Secretairy Jardine of the agricultural
departin 1.. palded strongly here to-
(lily fo a substaitial agricultural
tariff incr<ase ail a ong the line."
After an ivernight stay at the
Summer White House in the course
of which Secretary Jardine said he
had discussed the agricultural situa-
tion, the cabinet officer added that he
saw the relief of agriculture in the
promotion of cooperative marketing
o ganizations as long advocated by
him. An increase in the tariff would
extend to agriculture the same prin-
ciple of keeping "the domestic mar-
kets available for home producers"
which have made other American in-
dustries prosperous.
Silent On Politics
Secretary Jardine would not reveal
what reports he had given the chief
executive as to the political senti-
ment in the farm regions. Nor would
he say whether he would recommend
c".ngressional action to raise the ag-
ricultural tariffs at the next session

Speaker Places Responsibility For
.Morale In The Schools On The
Shoulders Of Administrators
"Morale is defined by, one authority
as 'mental condition of soldiers and
' h er as regards courage, zeal and
thrpa,' said Prof. J. B. Edmonson in
ti lecture "Professional Morale" giv-
an in the auditorium of the University
L143C igh school yesterday afternoon.
Slayer of President-elect Obregon
of Mexico, who has made a complete s s"Professional morale as .sed in
confession of his plot to assassinate is discussionrefers toA the spirit of
the political leadern lu~stry, confidence, loyalty, and op-'
_---_- pnmim exhibited by teachers in mat-
I i( c -s pertaining to their duties."
W tAter thus introducing his suhject
" {Pirrof. Edmotison went on to tell c f the
impor tance of morale, saying, "It fre-
qucntly happens that large invest-
ments oi time and money in educa-
tional enterprises fail to yic d sat-
Appointment of New Instructor )1ale isf-ctory returns becauses of the abil-
Known By Prof. John L. Brnmni, ty of the leaders to maintain a sat-
Ipiid of Department ,factory state of professional mo-
'i ". When the professional moral
HAS TAUGHT HERE IEFORE 1 fiteaching corps is high the it-
_-- Jivlual members are contented, con-
The appointnnsnt of Wesley H . ut and enthusiastic, and find very
Maurer to the faculty of the jour- genuine satisfaction in their work.
nalism department of the University C nversely, when the morale is low,
was announced yesterday by Prof. teachers are discouraged, dissatisfied,
John L. Brumni, head of the journal- (lscontented and find liftle satisfac-
h n n.-... 1iirn in heir work

'u a se ism department. mriV. a u rer wa, w uo wasn .
School of Music Faculty Will Render This gave the French three Of the of congress or wait until the new ad' a member of the faculty here during!1r Of Dictator Is Gone
Fourth Concert of Session In four matches played, minisration would be inaugurated. 1924-25, will return to teach here thisyr
The French kept the cup as a re- Hle said, however, that he would con- fall th re.;ponsibility for morale in the
11111 Auditorium fIl
sut of singles victories for Cocheth fer wih Secretary Hoover on his vway Mr. .Maurer has had wide experi- ;h 1 as placed squarely on the
MO0RE 1S FEATURE ARTIST ver both Hennessey and Tilden and to Alaska and give the Republican ence both in the field of teaching and shoulders of the administrator when
c ohi the spl .tecigan le ater said, "The dlay of the ar-
O doubles match triumph for Cochet presidential nominee the benefit of in the journalism department. He ta eater al dao h a-
and Jean Borotra over Tilden andi bitrary educational dictator has pass-
Feature artists in the fourth con- Francis Hunter, advice, attended Central Wosleyan college ed and the demand is for the educa-
cert ofethess of the summer series given by Cochet was the hero of the cha- 'waki the ietd Sa. as at Warrenton, Mo., from 1916-19 and tional leader who appreciates the im-
the faculty of the School of Music legt cha- whole, Mr. Jardine told Mr. Coolidge spent seven semesters at the Univer- ~y tace of cultivating right attitudes
tomorrow night at 8:15 o'clock in nge ri ito tcish thought tat te gopdpro- sity of .Missouri, where he received towards work on the part of teach-
Hill auditorium will be Earl V. ee more ei tisa wa ro a his B. J. degree in journalism, his A ers. Fortunate is the school having
Hill auditoriumf willalege ries abefctEarlht doV.a
Moore, organist, Thelma Lewis. so- One more ma s, pte caene o)cure ainthy What rop hs B. degree in sociology and his B. S. an administrator who appreciates the
prano, and Emily Mutter, violinist, roserist Jans Hitngssene oured in w the rs et degree in public administration. close relationship between profession-
Lacoste against John Hennessey, but ! hought niormal owing to the mj:'rketpbewnprfsi-
toTheul concert will suimentaryit will be nothing more than an ex- conditions. On his way to Superior Served On Ohio Paper al morale and the success of the
. hibition as everything hung on the from Washington the agricultural se- Following the year he served as an shool.
pubrc. MpIoutcome of the Tilden-Cochet match. cretary found good productioi and no instructor at Michigan, Mr. Maurer "We need administrators with minds
c.tl ery frequenl no laeue to r-Big Bill put up a gallant fight idle lands, leading him to believe that took a position as assistant professor and eyes for essentials who recogniz.
cital very frequently of late, due to theimorane frigtatiue i
the pressure of his duties as Mu- against his brilliant little French op- conditions in the states he passed otf journaliam at Ohio university at th Importance f rit atttudes on
spebsDirector of the School of M ut effects of theWere oorl. Athens. From 1925 to 1928 he was the part of teachers; who realize the
sic, and it is expected that many losing live set doubles match in which !iv'sto'k Apjears V41d director of the journalism laboratory vt'ue of a happy, confident and pro-
summer session students will avail he participated yesterdaythelivestock tution ppears at the Ohio institution, at the same essioally minded corps of teacher."
themselves of thIs opportunity to Lacoste defeated Hennessey in the u;,dto Mr time serving as city editor of the Explains Some Polcies
theseles f tis 1equallYrg o^( t r..ardin who quot-
hear a distinguished local organist. fifth and last match of the challenge 1 prices recently obtained in Athens Daily Messenger. Since April Prf. Edmonson concludedl his
Miss Lewis is a graduate of the round series by scores of 4-6, 6-1, 7-5, C: 'o of 1 wpI lb. for sterqs, the , 1927 until the present time, the speech by giving and explaining n.
School of Music and has had wide 6-3, thus making the final score of the hbihest since 1917, as an indication new instructor has been in charge fist c f fbfteen policies that tend to
series four matches for France to one I ro l nutilcnrvrynw o
experience as a singer, having taken sus F tf the sound state of that market. of all industrial controversy' news for promote morale in schools. Amongt
minor roles in the May Festival on for the United States. . ''tep and hogs appeared to him do- that paper, as well as serving as edi- these were the maintenance of high
several occasions. Miss Mutter is iYO T; taliy wel. Furthernmore he I tonal writer, feature writer and standards in all new appointments,
also a product of the School of Mu- LOCAL YOUTH DIES! t, talght that th-' high prices coii- makeup editor. giving teachers work for which they
sic who has gained wide acclaim. AT BATHING BEACHI-i wnocee by the k- c int e s Previous to that time, Mr. Maurer ;tave prepaired, selection cf stimulat-
Such authorities as Frederick Stock would continue for several years to served as News editor of the Mexico in- supervisors, salaries that will en-
have predicted a briliant future for Dwight Darling, 11 years of age, come. Evening Ledger in Mexico, Mo., and able the teachers to maintain a cul
her. The accompanist for both art- of 306 Spring street, died at the Ann Although the United States agricul- correspondent for the St. Louis Star, tural standard of living, the elimin-
ists will be Mayme B. Worley. Arbor city beach on the Huron river tural imports are relatively small, the St. Louis Post Dispatch, the St. ai An of dissatisfied teachers, and the



T...,,,..«..,..., ..:..... ., 4.e,. ....,......... M.. ...s s

"The great difficulty that confront- Tomorrow mgnt's program wili
- - - hA-

yesterday afternoon after his body outside of Cuban sugar, Secretary
Ihad been removed from a fuot and l Jardine said that lie believed a high-

ed early chartographers was the ac-
curate estimating of longitude," the
lecturer averred. "These first map-
makers based their calculations of
longitude on the eclipses of the moon,
but these eclipses were very few.
However, a French astronomer dis-
covered that the moons of Jupiter
could be used, and made a very ac-
curate map in 1696 on this basis.
Until about four years ago all copies
of this map were lost, but three have
been discovered since, one being in
the Clements library here."
"What to Do With the Beginning
Teacher" will be the subject of a lec-
ture by Prof. Raleigh Schorling, of
the School of EduCation at 4 o'clock
this afternoon in the auditorium of
the University High School.
Almost any school system is forced
to add teachers to its system each
year due to the average turnover,
Professor Schorling pointed out in
a preliminary announcement. It is
often necessary for the administrator
to give the teacher an intensive
course in training in order to fit him
to his organization.

I De:

Allegro from Symphony for Orgai, a half of water. The hoy is believed er tariff would tend to stabilize thel
no. 6 Widor to have fallen off the dock into the industry, and imbue it with a greatery
Chorale "Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesus water as a result of a sudden attack sense of security from foreign com-
Christ" Bach of epilepsypetition.
Fugue a la Gigue Bach
Se Florindo e fedele Scarlattii
Non so piu cosa son (Le Nozzetdii PRESENTED TONIG HT AS FINAL BILL
Figaro) Mozart I
Soldier's Bride Rachmaninoff As their final bill of the season, thq Trowbridge, and her stormy romance
At the Well Hageman Rockford Players will present "Much with Claudio, a young lord of Flor-I
(Thelma Lewis) Ado About Nothing," Shakespeare's ence, played by William Youngs of
Concerto in E minor (Andante, A wn the Cleveland Playhouse. A secondl
neeomoto ce 1 so well-known comedy, beginning to- action, and from the standpoint of
legro motto vivace) Mendelsohn night and continuing until Saturday acin1n rmth tnpito
Londonderry Air Kreisler gg characterization a more important
(F mily Mutter) night, with matinee performances on one, centers around Beatrice and
Romance sans Paroles Bonnet Friday and Saturday. Tonight's pro- Benedick, the two rollicking andl
Reverie at Twilight (request) Moore duction, as well as that of Friday voluble characters who begin by us-
(Mr Moore) night and Saturday afternoon, will be ing their pungent wit to hurt eachl

Louis Globe Democrat, the Kansas
City Star-T4mes and the Kansas City
Is Highly Reconmiended
Mr. Maurer has intinmated that he is
glad to return to Michigan and, ac-
cording to Professor Brumm, comes
here highly recommended by ,Dean
W. Walter Williams, of the School of
Journalism at the University of Mis-
souri; Dr. J. P. Porter, head of the
psychology department of Ohio uni-
versity; Dr. Isaac E. Ash, head of the
sociology department at Ohio univer-
sity; and Prof. George Starr Lasher,
head of the; journalism department at
Ohio university.
(By Associated Press)
Amueriean League
Detroit 2, Boston 1.
Cleveland 4, New York 2.
Philadelphia 5, St. Louis 4. 1
Chicago 6, Washington 0.
National League
Philadelphia 8, St. Louis 7.
(16 innings).
Brooklyn 2, Cincinnati 1.
New York 4, Chicago 1.
Pittsburgh 2-6, Boston 1-5.
(Second game 10 innings).

policy of praising and rewarding
-eachers who have done a good piece
of work in their particular field.
An .ilustrated lectir_ on "X-rays
and Their Use in Science," will be
given by Assistwni Profcssor Jamei
M. Cork of the Deparmmietit of Phy-
si c a Natural Science auditorhiin
his afternoon at 5 o'clock.
1Professor Cork's lecture this after-
non will be of 'est to those
limving only a dasual Pme i't in X-
ray as well as to those preparing
uo use it extensively. It .s not in-
tended t) be a technical lecture un-
derstandable only to the scientist, but
it is designed tobe one which will
grc :.tly enlighten the layman regard-
ing the increasing and inportant use
Sof the X-ray in the realm of science.
As a means of making his lecture
;dear to his auditors, Prof. Cork has
arranged to project illustrations on
the\ screen showing some of the new-
er uses of the X-ray in scientific re-
search. The slides will also show
illustrations taken from actual pho-
tographs taken during the course of
some of the experimentations.

tl . l v l
(By Associated Press)
AMSTERDAM, July 30.-The Unit-
ed States wrestlers in the catch as
catch can preliminary today defeated
opponents in all seven classes and with
two exceptions came through to the
semi-finals which will be staged to-

played in modern clothes. On Thurs-
day night, Friday afternoon, and Sat-
urday night, Ann Arbor Shakespeare
lovers will see the comedy acted in
costume in the traditional fashion.
"Much Ado About Nothing" is a
play with excellent plot construction'
and closely knit action. Three drama-
tic elements are blended in it with the
masterly technique characteristic of,
the genius of the English stage. The
main plot is concerned with the suf-
ferings of Hero, the gentle and wom-
anly heroine, played by Elberta

other, and end firm lovers, played by
Katherine Wick Kelly and Roman
Bohnen. The third plot is the farce
of Dogberry and Verges, constables
of a particurly maladroit variety,
played by Robert Henderson and1
Donald Vedder. E. Martin Browne as
Leonato, George Johnson as Antonio,
Samuel Bonell as Don John, Henzie
Raeburn as Don Pedro, Lillian Bron-
son as Margaret, Marvel Garney as
Ursula, Herman Hildner as Conrade,
and Elton Buck as Borachio complete
the cast.

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