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July 28, 1928 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-28

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Published every morning except Monday dur-
ing the University Summer Session by the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news
published herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post-
office as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $1.50 ; by mail, $1.75"
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Directors........George E. Simons
Martin Mol
City Editor...............Lawrence R. Klein
Peature Editor...............Eleanor Scribner
Music apd Drama Editor.......Stratton Buck
Books Editors............Kenneth G. Patrick
Kathryn Sayre
Night Editors.

Alex Bochnowski
Robert Dockeray
Howard Shout.
Margaret Zahm
Isabel Charles

Martin Mol
George Simons
Clarence Edelson
Robert O'Brien

Telephone 21214
Advertising...............Lawrence Walkley.
Advertising.................Jeannette Dale
Accounts.................Whitney Manning
Circulation......... .. ..Bessie V. Egelano
Samuel Lukens Lillian Korvinsky
Janet Logie

war for the solution of internationalj
controversies, and renounce it as an
instrument of national policy in their
relations with one another." To a
treaty containing the above article
as its cornerstone the list of nations
that have .agreed to join in the com-
pact includes greatest world powers.
It is significant that it is the largest
number of nations that has ever form-
ed an anti-war treaty with the United
Just what the Kellogg treaty will
accomplish remains to be seen. It
must be acknowledged, however, that
the motives of the various nations
signing the treaty are sincere. They
are eager to resort to legitimate
means to prevent future wars. The
gigantic and far-reaching losses of
the World War have made it impera-
tive that steps be taken to prevent the
recurrence of such a catastrophe.
Since the close of the war a multi-
plicity of anti-war plans have been
drawn up. Some appeared feasible
while others were apparently so im-
practical that little attention was giv-
en them. The Kellogg treaty seems
practical and, judging from the wide-
spread interest that is now, being
centered about the plan, coupled with
tlae enthusiastic support gvien it thus
far, there is every reason to believe
that the accomplishment of its ends
is pvsible,
Of pr)articular significance in this
move to prevent future conflicts be-
tween nations is the fact that the
treaty includes the United States as
a contracting power. It might be
construed to appear rather egotistic
to intimate that without the United
States any attempt to enter into a
universal treaty to abolish war would
be futile, but it must be arknowledg-
ed that a treaty of this nature fail-
ing to receive support from such
a iOwer as the United States would
be a discouraging omen. This
would also be true if such a power
as Great Britain or France failed to
assent to the provisions of the trea-
ty. One of the very weaknesses of
the League of Nations is the absence
of the United States as a participat-
ing member. This condition is not
evident in the Kellogg treaty, how-
ever, and for this reason, and be-
cause it has received such univer-
sal support from other nations, this
new treaty appears to have greater
potentialities than any of the plans
that have been previously consider-
- -0
Last fall approximately 100,000 peo-
ple gathered in Soldiers' Field, Chi-
cago ti see an ex-champion attempt
to stage a come-back. Some of that
vast crowd went away pleased and
some were disappointed with the out-
come when Gene Tunney severelyI
whipped the idol of the American

Music And Drama
A review, by J. Stewart Hooker
Gene Buck's "Ringside," which is
soon to end its trial run at the Gar-
rick, is in many ways a pleasant re-
minder of "Broadway," the show that
swept Detroit off its feet last sum-
mer. Its lines are equally as clever;
it, too, is a play which allows the
audience to peep back of the scenes
-this time in a fight arena; and, as
a matter of fact, two of the stars
of "Broadway" have principal parts
in "Ringside."
As is usually the case with Mr.
Buck's shows, "Ringside" is sure to
score a success wherever it goes. Un-
fortunately, however, there is yet one
weak spot in the play; the ending is
not up to the level of the rest of the
show. According to the rumor go-
ing around, the producer and the
authors have pondered plenty during
the past three weeks in an effort to
improve upon the ending, but it can
hardly be said as yet that they have
succeeded. On the opening night the
play stopped abruptly with the knock-
out at the count of ten, but the audi-
ence still remained in its seats, un-
willing to believe that the final cur-
tain had really fallen. Consequently
the three collaborators, Edward E.
Paramore, Jr., Hyatt Daab and
George Abbott, labored far, far into
the night seeking a better ending for
their drama. The second night an-
other , ending was tried, the third
night still another, and so on through
the week. Just now the play ends
with the father, the girl and the
fighter son and 'lover in somewhat
of a triple clinch; but it is, no doubt,
only a matter of time before a more
satisfactory finish is hit upon.
One reason why the present finish
fails to satisfy may be laid at the
door of Susan Caubaye who plays
the part of Paula Vornoff. She is too
good to be left out in the cold at
the finish. As the accomplice of
John Zelli in the conspiracy to make
Bobby Murray fake the fight
the F r e n c h girl is altogether
too attractive and alluring to be
dropped so completely when Murray
decides not to go through with the
plans. Previously the audience is
with Zelli, and it is inevitable, espe-
cially in view of the "It" Miss Cau-
baye is so fortunate as to possess,
that they should be a little disap-
For those who marveled at the ex-
cellence of the "Broadway" company,
it may be said that the cast of "Ring-
side" is just as good from Robert
Gleckler as John Zelli right down to
John Meehan as Peter Murray, the
father of the fighter. Incidentally,
Mr. Gleckler, who gets shot in the
last act of both "Broadway" and
"Ringside" has learned to die rather

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Historic Scenic
The London Midland &
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tributing attractive liter-
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ing the famous historiC
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The Bureau of Education of the
Federal government frequently rec-
omnmends increased coordination and
internal efficiency in the 'xpenditure
of funds available for the support of
educational institutions in order to
overcone the inadequacy of financial
support, rather than an increase in
the amount of appropriations.
Regardless of how much money is
appropriated, it can be of little use
if it is unwisely spent, but in pro-
portion to the amount that is wisely
used so much higher will educational
standards rise. There are many things
necessary to the proper support of a
great educatioinial institution which
are just causes of expense. Build-
ing's and modern equipment must be
continually increased ;with the in"
crease in the number of people who
seek higher education.j
Each year the enrollment in, col-
leges. and universities increases and
to provide proper facilities more
space is needed for class rooms. With
the scientific development that is so
prominent in the country continually
moving forward, there is a great need
for more laboratories and more tech-
nical equipment so that graduate's
may not (fall behind in the advance of
their chosen professions. American
civilization is constantly becoming
more complicated, and as a part o'
that civilization, the school system
is fc-llowing in that line. With nec-
essary equipment becoming more in-
tricate, expenses are bound to rise.,
Then too, there is the question of
instruction. With so many colleges
and universities vying 'or suprem-
acy there is a constant contest be-
tween them in securing the best pos-
sible instructors. As in every other
field, the superior workmen usually
take the most remunerative positions.
It follows that salary appropriations
must amount to a considerable figure,
or a school must be satisfied with an
inferior grade of work.
In view of these facts, it seems
that there is no oine way solution to
the problems which present them-
selves. Larger appropriations are
necessary ilf the schools system is to
develop at the same rate as the other
phases of life in this country, and the
appropriations must be judiciously ex-
pended so that progress may be as-I

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I Perhaps fighlt fans nrefer aread1

-6- Lat--a t '--
fighter of Jack Demp'sey's type for well. He has reached the point now
a title holder instead of a "literary" where he does it artistically. As was
boxer like the present champion. At said before, Susan Caubaye as
any rate Tunney does not seem to Paula Vornoff, is a decided hit; Har-
be the drawing card that Dempsey riet MacGibbon, also of the "Broad-
was during the period of his glory. way" cats, again turned in an ex-
The crowds seem to go to see a fight cellent performance; and finally
rather than an exhibition cif scien- Richard Taber as Bobby Murray, the
tilic boxing such as the sport has lightweight chmapion of the world,
become in the past ;few months. lputs a punch in the part. The com-
It would be difficult to ascertain pany as 4 whole is far, far above
whether it is the man or the sport !the average.
which determines the size of the gate, In the event that the wrong con-
but there can be two inferences elusion might be drawn from the
drawn from the comparatively small mention of the flaws in "Ringside" it
crowd of 52,000 who saw the Tunney- should be said that the rest of the
Heeney bout. Fans may go to see show more than makes up for any
a match between real fighters when- weaknesses it may have at the pres-
ever they are sure of a good fight, ent time. It is a breeezy catchy and
or perhaps people were simply fight vastly entertaining play, and prea-
crazy for a considerable length of ages to score heavily in the near
time, and Thursday night's crowd future of the theater.
was an indication of a waning of in- 1** *
terest in the sport ir prizc giight- IN DETROIT
K- . '"Sunny Days," heralded as one of
Tex Rickard lays the blame on the the funniest musical comedies and
radio, saying that thousands of fans peppiest dancing shows of the year,
who etherwis. woll have Ijaid io opens tomorrow night at the Shubert

Following a year's negotiations a
noteworthy triumph has been brought
about through the acceptance on the
part of the leading nations of the
world of the Kellogg Plain for the
renunciation of war as proposed )Y
Frank B. Kellogg, Secretary of State.
Kellogg's plan provides for the re-
nunciation of war as an instrument
of national policy. It is concise and
to the point. Unlike the majority of
verbose international compacts, this
document states in a laconic way just
what is expected of the participating
powers. Its wording is clear. Its
aim is decidedly obvious-- that of
eliminating future wars, if such a
feat is possible.
The first of the three articles of
the treaty states that "The High Con-
tracting Parties solemnly declare in
the names cf their respective peo-
ples that they condemn recourse to

s'e the fight vere attracted to thea-
ters or remained at home to liston to
the returns by radio. As a result
of Mr. Rickard's startling discovery,
11e has decided that no more of hisI
big fights will be broadcast. He
seems to forget that fights have been
broadcast for 'some time now as iin
the case of the last Demps'ey-Tunney
go, at which time there was no great
shortage of patrons at that show.

Detroit Opera House for one week
only. "Sunny Days" is produced by
Hassard Short, who staged the fa-
mous Music Box Revue, and comes
direct from a season's run at the
Four Cohan's Tteater in Chicago. It
will stop off in Detroit briefly on its
way to Atlantic City andaBoston
where it will stay for the balance of
the summer.
"Sunny Days" is the musicalized


One phase of the gathering which 1 version of the famous French farce,
caused some comment was the fact "The Kiss In A Taxi," which a few
that there were many women in the years ago was regarded as one of the
crowd. It seems to be pretty gener- best farces in years. Many of the
ally understood among the fair sex features of the original play have
that Tunney is a very attractive look- been retained, and in addition, the
ing fighter. This may answer the show features jazz music by Jean
question partially in that some of the I Schwart's orchestra, and three ex-
male fans may have decided prize quisite sets designed by Mr. Short.
fighting is a woman's sport and can The cast of "Sunny Days" includes
no longer hold its former attraction. such stars as Billy B. Van, famous
The decrease in crowds, however, comedian, Jeanette MacDonald, late
seems to resemble more closely the star of "Yes, Yes, Yvette," and Peggy
dying out of another American fad. Cornell, of Ziegfield Follies fame.

Here's some "inside stuff" on smoking
SOMEWHERE in the neighborhood of your center of gravity there's
a spot devoted to smoke appreciation. We could describe it more
fully, but this is no organ recital. The point is: Light a Camel, pull
in a fragrant cloud of cool joy-and listen to your smoke-spot sing
out-"Haleelooya!" As the noble redskin puts it-we have said!
Q) 1928


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