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July 28, 1928 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-28

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VOL. IV. No. 30.



AVERY IOPWO)I?, '05, I.Et X0l
Desires That Students Shall Not Be
Confined To Academic
Subjects Alone
(By Associated Press)n
NEW YORK, July 27-The chief
beneficiaries of the will of James
Avery Hopwood, playwright, filed for
probate today, and which disposes of
an estate of approximately $1,000,000, William A. C
are his mother and the University of S ate tt I)nocrtic
Michigan. Mr. Hopwood was drowned cwidate for ;evern
ng election, who w
July 1 last in France. xne of the main speal
Hopwood's mother gets one-fourth ocratic rally last i
of the residuary estate outright and able to attend.
the other three-fourths in trust. At
her death one-fifth of the trust goes
in another trust to the University of
Michigan, the income of which is toI -N T
be distributed among students who
excell in dramatic and fiction writ- I
ing. The awards are to be known as I
the Avery Hopwood and Jule Hop-
wood prizes. Jule is the first name Av rage Experlenc
of Mr. Hopwood's mother. Average Salaryc
Allows Wide Latitude Hold Ilig'li
"It is especially desired," the will R
reads, "that students shall not be RVEY IS OF
confined to academic subjects, but -
shall be allowed the widest possible ! hat men of wide
latitude. The new, the unusual and thorough preparatlo:
the radical shall be especially en- into the summer sio
couraged."ms by statistics compiled
At the time of going to press no! enrollmenit in an adv
public comment had been made by
University authorities regarding the state school adminis
announcement from New York of the School of lducation
bequest. Nothing definite is known, George E. Carrothers

L e ad e r CLASSES Fifty- Three Leave SENATOR COPELAND
so n ian sCRMNLGOnTi
Beginning the long excursion to
the island of Put-In-Bay in the south-
lif ern part of Lake Erie, 53 summer-
school students boarded two special SAYS GOVERNOR S
busses at the corner of State and THAT SERVICE
M.11Y I' SUMMER STUDENTS VIEW Packard streets at six a. m. this GOVERNMENT
SCENE1'S OF LIFE morning. About twelve others left
IN JAIL for Detroit, where the whole party "Republicans think the pur
______will board the steamer, in their own
W cars. Prof. R. C. Hussey of the de- property, whereas the Democratic
FWOODIN CHARGE OF TRIP partment of Geology, who conducted to serve humanity, and to do thos
the excursion to Niagara Falls some cannot do for themselves,' clecla
flcgagi ISttuion I Onery, O weeks ago, is also directing the jour- S. Copeland of New York, in a st
Largest Institutions In Country, ney today. crt nth aoi Tml."
States Penitentiary Official nytdy crats in the Masonic Temple. "T
Stats Pnitntia3' ffiialThe excursion to Put-In-Bay prom-thisbcue ere
ises to be oneoa the most interesting presidency is because he rep
Intimate views of life in a modern, of the summer. The island is rich I know the principle that the servi4
well regulated prison were afforded in history, having been near the scene
a large group of students from the of Commodore Perry's courageous
summer-school classes in Criminol- struggle against the British at the C LIFORNIA 'LCOMES
ogy when the visited the state Battle of Lake Erie and being noted
'oiistock prison at Jackson yesterday. The for many other events of the coloniz-
chairinallj and journey was made under the guid- ing of North America. There are REPUBLICAN NOMINEE
nor in the com- ance of Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the three large caves: the Mammoth
as to have been department of Sociology. A second cave, the Crystal cave, and Perry's Herbert Hoover Thanks Supporters
kers at the Dem- trip is planned for next week to in- cave, all of which will be visited by in San Francisco For Their Aid
ht, but was un- clude a view of the Detroit House the group. And Assistance
of Correction.
nHS rflME The group was admitted to the ____
. prison at 2:05 in the afternoon. ,Di- (By Associated Press)
recting the trip through the prison SAN FRANCISCO, July 27.-The
itself was Mr. H. S. Chapman, an I S lIRmyriad hilled city behind the golden
SHOWSofficer of the institution. After gate welcomed home today Califor-
passing through the front offices nia's most distinguished son, Herbert
e 11' Years; where the prison records are kept, Robert Henderson Takes Title Role Hoover.
$3,186; Many the visiting room was entered. In In "'Ierton Of The Movies" First For more thon one hour the man'
Positions this room the men can be seen talk- Played By Glen Hunter upon -whom the Republican party
ing with their close relatives. The has placed the mantle of the presi-
ONE CLASS prisoners are allowed only one visit 'To CLOSE MONDAY NIGHT dential nomination was within San
a month. Then, after a great deal of Francisco's environs to be greeted



experience and
n are attracted
ol here is shown
I recently on the
'anced course in
tration in the
taught by Prof. I
dean of Rollins

but it is presumed that the distribu-
tion of the awards to students ex-
celling in dramatics and fiction writ-
ing will be in charge of the heads
of the departments giving such in-
. Graduate Of Wickigan
Hopwood was a graduate of the
University in 1905, with an A.B. de-
gree. Almost immediately after his
graduation, while a special corres-
pondent for the Cleveland Leader, he

Out of a total of 79 members of the
class, 9 have master's degrees and
all the rest but one have bachelor's
degrees. Forty-two of the students
are city superintendents, 15 are prin-I
cipals, eight are classroom teachers,
and three are critic teachers, while
one is director of a training school.
Also enrolled in the class are two
college deans, two county commis-
sioners, a deputy superintendent of

sold his first play, "Clothes," writ- public instruction, two high school
ten in collaboration with Channing inspectors for state departments, and
Pollock. one assistant city superintendent.
He was a member of the Authors' Total number of years' experience
League of America the American So- of inembers of the class is 891; the
ciety of Dramatists, Phi Beta Kappa, maximum for any one person is 33
Phi Gamma !Delta, and the Lambs years, and the average is the high
club. figure of eleven and a half years.
Some of his best known plays were All members of the class together
"The Bat," "The Girl in the Limou- earn $248,560 per year, according to
sine," "Why Men Leave Home," "The the figures. Eight of the students
Best People," (in collaboration with 'earn between $1,600 and $2,000,
David Gray), and "Little Miss Blue- while one man receives $7,700 per
beard." year.
"Most women don't realize the op- ably high record in her studies is
portunities for positions that are open asked to choose some other voca-
to teachers in Physical Education," tion."
was the statement of Miss Ethel Mc- "These three essentials are taken
Cormick, assistant professor of Phy- into consideration all during her four
sical Education for women. "You years in college, for without them
know, in some states there are laws she cannot gain admittance in the
to the effect that every child in school school, and also her final recommen-
will receive one half hour a day of dation for positions after graduation
activities, but this hasn't been car- will depend on her showing in them.
ried out yet, in most places, becau'se For instance, a girl may seem to
of the lack of equipment and instruc- have all of the requirements, but she
tion." may lack absolutely an appreciation
"At any rate physical education for rhythm, and without this she can't
teachers are now required in most dance, and although this girl might
grade schools as well as in Junior be an expert at sports, she would be
high schools and occasionally we immediately disqualified.
have graduates who step right "The course in Physical Education,
into college positions. Two- of required a great number of sciences
our last year graduates are al- too, physiology, bacteriology, siciol-
ready sure of positions on college ogy, and zoology, and the student who
physical education staffs next year, cannot make good in these subjects
Marion Van Tuyl, who will teach at as well as playing on the teams and
the University Of Chicago, and Nellie taking part in the different activities,
Hoover, who will be a member of the is not the one to be encouraged to
staff of our own physical education take up physical education.
department here at Michigan. "We now have the athletic 1ield ex-
"The three things which we consid- tended, and the new tennis courts,
er the most important for a student and the new women's ath cilteET
who is thinking of entering physical and the new women's athletic build-
education to possess are sound health, ing to work with. We are much in-
high scholarship, and a high activ- debted to the board of Athletic Con-
ity rating. The high scholarship rat- trol who gave us, or rather, made
ing is particularly essential, as any things as easy as possible for us to
student who does not make a reason- have the new Field House,"

locking and unlocking of huge, bar-
red doors, the party was permitted "Merton of the Movies," now being
jo go into the cell rooms. Passing presented by the Rockford Players
along dim, gray corridors lined with in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall and
high tiers of cells in which the con- continued with performances at
victs could be seen lying on their 3:30 o'clock this afternoon and 8:15
cots or sitting at the little tables
that are a feature of each cell, the
1party finally reached the band room. the seventh production of the sum-
Here Mr. Chapman gave a long talk mer season.
on the history and present character l The play is taken from the Harry
of the prison. He also answered the Leon Wilson novel which first ap-
questions of the students about points L
of interest in the prison. peared in the Saturday evening Post
One Of Largest under the same title. The play was
"The Jackson prison is one of the later adapted to the screen by Para-
largest prisons of the country," Mr. mount, under the direction of James
Chapman stated. "It is much larger Cruze, and was the first of a long
than Sing Sing, the New York state line of moving pictures about Holly-
prison at Ossining." He told many
tales of interest about the prison and wood. The title role in the original
about the prisoners that have been production was played by a new-
confined there from time to time. comer, Glen Hunter, who achieved
instantaneous success, and has since
S then become one of the leading lights
FO9D SENDS EXPERT in the theatrical world.
Robert Henderson, in addition to
nrD V L P in directing the piece, is playing the
title role. With the completion of
this production he will have produced
(By Associated Press) and acted each one of the many Glen
DETROIT, July 27.-Henry Ford Hunter successes.
has moved to insure his huge organi- The action of the play has to do
zation against the possibility of a with the artistic ambitions of Merton
future foreign monoply of the world's ( Gill, who is overburdened with a
rubber supply. genuine desire for accomplishment
This was seen in the departure on the silver screen He is "willing
from here Thursday of a large expe- to sacrifice," and finds his willingness
dition of Ford engineers and cul- a necessity, far beyond his expecta-
turists for Brazil to develop the or- tions. The characters have been
ganization's recently-acquired 5,000,- drawn into| the play with the purpose
000 acre rubber tract which the man- of giving an accurate cross-section
ufacturer believes will yield annual- of the moving picture industry.
ly enough rubber to make tires for Beginning next Tuesdy; ifie Play-
two million cars. ers will offer William Shakesper.e's
The tract, located along the Ama- comedy, "Much Ado About Nothing."
zon and Tapajos rivers, was pur- This will be the last bill of the sea-

by officials of city and state and
just the plain folks from office, store
and home.
As Mayor James Rolph, Jr., said
in his address of welcome in the vast1
marble rotunda of the City Hall, it
was a non-partisan welcome, and out-
pouring of San Franciscans to do
honoi to one of their fellows who
came here thirty odd years ago to
seek his fortune and who left to
travel upon the road that has led
to the highest honor a great political
party may show.
Mr. Hoover treated it as such in
his reply to the Mayor, for his only
references to politics, if such/it might
be called, was at the conclusion of
his address in which he thanked the
people of his state for presenting
his name to the Kansas City Con-
"Word are difficult vehicles through
which to convey the pride which I
may rightly feel from such a mark
of esteem from my fellow citizens,"
lhe said. "And an obligation rests
on my shoulders that I shall not only
represent the great political party
which has designated me for leader-
ship, but that I shall do it in such a
fashion as to reflect great credit and
distinction upon the people of Cali-
(By Associated Press)
AUTEUIL, France, July 27.-The
United States and France stood even
up with one match apiece today at
the end of the first day's play in the
Davis Cup challenge round in which
France is defending the famous tennis
trophy. Big Bill Tilden beat La
Coste while John Hennessey went
down to defeat before Henri Cochet.
Tilden played much the best ten-
nis of the day in taking the measure
of his old rival in the opening match
by scores of 1-6, 6-4, 6-4, 2-6, 6-3 and
is now a favorite - to defeat Cochet
Sunday. The, American chance of
winning back the Davis Cup appears
somewhat brighter as a result of to-
day's matches. If the United States
and Tilden can come through against
team can win tomorrow's doubles
and Tilden can come through against
Cochet the next day the campaign
led by Big Bill will be successful and
the cup will go back to its home
Hennessey and George Lott will
oppose Jean Borotra and Jacques
Brugnon in the doubles t 3 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon, it was announ-
ced after the singles matches.

pose of government is to protect
party believes that purpose to be
things for the people which they
ed United States Senator Royal
eech last night before 200 Demo-
he reason I am for Al Smith for
esents more than any other man
e of the people is the true purpose
of government," he continued,
"Throughout his career he has
fought against all those interests that
he believed injurious to the people
of his state."
Points To Progress
The senator began nis address by
pointing to the progress that has been
effected in the last fifty years. "What
then can we expect of the next fifty
years," he asked, "if not progress of
even greater proportions. But with
all this advancement, it is only nat-
ural to ask is the government keep-
ing pace, is it progressing as rapidly,
We pay eleven billion dollars in
taxes in this country every year, or
about one-eighth of our total income.
Therefore taxation should be of
primary interest to every citizen, and'
he should insist upon having a ,gov-
ernment that was worth the cost."
"Government of the proper sort
should benefit all classes," he con-
tinued. However, the Republican
party seems to have held to a policy
that did not benefit all classes. It
llas maintained protective tariffs,
which are economically unsound, but
it refuses to protect the farmer with
measures because they are econom-
ically unsound. I myself think the
McNary-Haugen bill economically .un-
sound, but if it is any more gnsound
than protective tariff, I'll have to be
shown how," the speaker exclaimed.
In speaking of the attitude of his
party toward prohibition, Senator
Capeland said, "l. Smith proposes to
find out what Is intoxicating, and
then, if possible under the eighteenth
amendment, to raise the alcohol per-
centage of the present to the limit."
The speaker also declared himself
against the St. Lawrence waterway
project, stating that it would bene-
fit Canada and European nations
much more than it would our own
Says South For Smith
Toward the conclusion of his talk,
the speaker stated that Al. Smith
would not only carry his own state
by a majority of 500,000, but would
also get the votes of Delaware, Rhode
Island, Massachussetts, and New
Jersey. "And don't worry about the
"solid South," he said. "It is still
solid for Smith."
Preceding the speech by Senator
Copeland, Mrs. W. H. Kobe of De-
troit gave a short talk in which she
called the women voters of Washten-
aw county to action, averring that
they must organize and organized
thoroughly right donw to the pre-
cinct. Mr. William A. Comstock,
Democratic nominee for governor
and chairman of the state Democratic
committee, who was to have address-
ed the meeting tonight also, was un-
able to appear. He sent a telegram
stating his regrets at being unable
to attend.

(By- Associated Press)
NEW YORK, July 27.-Gleams of
a Democratic victory at the polls in
November were brought to Smith
Headquarters today by three of the
party's most influential leaders, one
of them a former Presidential nom-
Two of them, Governor Albert C.
Ritchie and former Governor James
M. Cox of Ohio, placed themselves at
the disposal of the National Com-
mittee. The third, Senator Millard
G. Harding of Maryland, is already
actively engaged in the campaign of
the national committee.

chased from the Brazillian govern-
ment shortly after the British rub-
ber monopoly made itself felt in the
American market and sent prices
soaring. Similar projects were in-
augurated by the Firestone and Unit-
ed States Rubber Companies.
According to' company officials, the
Ford land already has a number of
native rubber trees growing on it and
has been found by experts admirably
suited for intensive cultivation.
The Lake Farge left Detroit July
11 with a cargo of machinery and
other supplies for the expedition.
The Lake Ormoc's equipment in-
cludes a modern hospital, chemical
and experimental laboratory, machine
shop and refrigerating plant.
Plans call for employment of na-
tive labor for development and main-
tenance of the plantation, under di-
rection of the corps of engineers and
rubber experts who will utilize the
Lake Ormoc as their base of oper-

son. "Much Ado About Nothing" will
be given both in Modern dress and
in period constume. Opening on
Tuesday in modern dress, and playing
no performance Wednesday, Thurs-
day night and) Friday matineerin cos-
tume, Friday night , and Saturday
matinee in modern dress, and closingI
the season Saturday night in cos-
(By Associated Press)
American Jeague
Washington 7, St Louis 4.
Philadelphia 7, Chic(go 4.
Other games postponed, rain.
National League
Br oklyn 5. St. Louid: 2.
Chicago 2, Boston 1.
New York 4, Pittsburgh 2.
Cincinnati 3, Philadelr hia, 1.

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