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July 27, 1928 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-27

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Fair and Cooler.

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VUL. IX, No. 29.


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Program Attempts To Build Student's
Attitude By Interesting
Reading M~atera
"Variety and interestingness are
the things for which the new pro-
gram of Latin teaching in striving,"
averred Prof. W. L. Carr of the sum-
mer session faculty of the School of
Education in a lecture yesterday
afternoon at the University high
school. "The steady routine and
drill of the Latin courses of the past
is being replaced by more interest-
ing and more comprehensive courses,
and an attempt is being made to
please as well as to teach the stu-
Professor Carr began his discussion
by sketching something of the his-
tory both of the Latin language and
its teaching. "In the past the first
year's study consisted of little else
but grammar," he said. "All the
composition, vocabulary, and gram-
mar that could be crowded in was
included, and it was necessary for
the student to spend a great deal
more time on his Latin lessons than
he did on any of the others. The
natural consequence of this was that
the boys and girls began to avoid the
course, and to take isubjects that did
not require so much of their time."
New Program Outlined-
"The new program for teaching the
language tends to lay less emphasis
on the grammar and drill-work, and
to pay attention more to a building
up of the student's attitude," the
speaker explained. "For example, in
the first year of study a great deal
of reading and history study is in-
terposed between periods of regular
grammar drill. This reading is not
of the so called classical type, such
as Caesar or Cicero, but is material
written expressly for these courses.
It dals with the history of the Ro-
mans, and with their life, and cus-
toms, and manner of thought. It
has much more of interest in it than
is found in Cicero's dissertations on
the Catiline conspiracy, or even
Caesar's Gallic wars."
Schedul, To Vary
"In conjunction with this reading,
the teacher, working ,under the new
program, brings into the daily study
facts of history and economics and
English, and points out to the stu-
dent the many ways in which Latin
is helpful and useful in present day
life," he went on. "Those in the
course are made to feel that the Ro-
mans were real people, very much
like themselves, and are told of the
many valuable heritages that we have
received from them. Naturally they
fin more of interesttin their work,
and are encouraged to continue it.
In outlining the new program,
Professor Carr sketched the courses
as they would be in all four years of
high school. The first three seme-
sters would be taken up with the
reading and grammar mentioned be-
fore. The second and third years

would carry the work on with more
advanced grammar and more diffi-
cult reading. "It is probable that the
study of Caesar will occupy this pe-
riod for some time yet," the lecturer
stated. "However, material written
especially for this stage of the work
would be better, and will very likely
take the place of the so called clas-
sical studies."
American League
New York 12-10, Detroit 1-13.
First game 12 innings.
St. Louis 7-4, Washington 5-6.
Cleveland 4-4, Boston 2-3.
Philadelphia 5, Chicago 1.
National League
St. Loui' 6, Brooklyn 1.
Boston 7, Chicago 6.
Pittsburgh 7, New York 5.

Summer student# and the faculty
wiill be entertained tonight at a so-
cial evening given by the Women's
league. There will be dancing and
bridge from 8:3 to 12. Patrons and
patronesses are Dean Edward H.
Kraus of the Summer Session and
Mrs. Kraus, Coach Fielding H. Yost
and Mrs. Yost, Miss Beatrice Johnson,
Advisor of Women, and Miss Ethel
McCormick of the women's physical
education department.
The dancing will be informal in
character and hostesses will be pres-
ent to introduce various groups to
each other. The hostesses will be
Roberta.Read, Doris Kenkenberger,
Marion Anderson, Mary White, Jac-
quelin Heck, Tessie Jonaitis, . Olga
Vlaise, Elizabeth Potter, Francis
Fisher, Rosemary Troester, Florence
Tennant, Helen Norris, Dorothy Mc-
Daniel, Miriam Horton Davis, Helen
Rutherford, Marie Hartwig, Elsie
Miller, Alice Fromm, Margaret Ar-
thur, MargaretBabcock, Helen Ladd
and Alice Sherman.
Music will be furnished for dancing
by Edna Mower's four piece orchestra
and fans have been installed in the
gymnasium to provide for the com-
fort of the dancers.dFor those who
do not care to dance, bridge tables
and cards will be available. Re-
freshments will be served during the
evening. The Women's league cor-
dially invites all summer students
and the faculty to attend.
This is the only all campus affair
to be given by the League during
the summer.
President Coolidge Makes His First
Appearance At Public
(By Associated Press)
SUPERIOR, Wisconsin, July 26 -
In his first appearance at a public
function since coming to Northern
Wisconsin for his vajcation, Presi-
dent Coolidge today opened the Lakes
Baseball Tournament by throwing out
the first ball.
The appearance of the chief execu-
tive whose past contact with the na-
tional pastime has been in opening
big league games with thousands look-
ing on, was a magnet which filled the
local park to capacity, but even then
but a few hundred could squeeze into
the grounds.
Motoring in from Cedar Island
Lodge, the president and his party ar-
rived promptly at 2 o'clock. The pre-
liminaries were soon over, the pres-
idential party posed for photographs,
Mr. Coolidge tossed out a ball to the
first pitcher and the game was on.
Inspired evidently by the fact that
President Coolidge was watching him,
the first batter up knocked the ball
over the fence. Local rules allowed
hint only two ases, but it was a fit-
ting beginning to the game which,
spotted by errors and frequent hits,
was a thriller throughout.
President Coolidge, seated comfart-
ably in a box, built especially fot the
occa'sion, seemed to einjoy the efforts
of the semi-professional players. Sev-
eral times he leaned forward at a
tense moment in the play. Mrs. Coo-

lidge evidenced her approval several
times by applauding while John, on
the other side of his father, sat iii-
tently watching the game.
President Clarence Cook Little and
Edward Little were guests of honor
at a Women's League tea served yes-
terday afternoon in the women's field
house. Dean Edward H. Kraus, of
the Sumnier Session, and Mrs. Kraus,
and Miss Beatrice Johnson, advisor of
women. were also guests of the
Marie Hartwig, summer president
of the Women's League, presided at
the tea. She was assisted by Mar-
garet Babcock, treasurer, Mary White,
president of the League for 1928-29,
Doris Renkenberger, Margaret Arth-
ur, Helen Norris, and Helen Ladd.
The table was decorated with sum-


Visiting Professor Regrets Delay
Many Years In Beginning
Of Collection



Problems and delights of collecting
source material bearing on the social,
economic and political history of the
southern statesdwere described by
Prof. J. G. deRoulhac Hamilton,
Kenan professor of history and gov-
ernment in the University of North
Carolina, in his lecture yesterday
afternoon in Natural Science audi-
Professor Hamilton, who is teach-
ing two courses in American history
here this summer, is the leading
spirit in a project to establish at the
University ofNorth Carolina a com-
plete collection of all the records,
deeds, publications, and family letters
still remaining in the southern states.
"We are planning that eventually
every county in the South will have
been gone over with a fine-toothed
comb," he said. "We wantto con-
duct a house-to-house canvass, in
order that no more of this valuable
material may be destroyed, as has
beenthe case so frequently in the
Relates Experiences
Many personal experiences while
ferreting out material were related
by the speaker. His method, he said,
was to go up to some likely-looking
house and explain to the occupant
that his cherished family letters,
diaries, and relics were of historical
value and should be preserved. Valu-
able material is often found in the
most unexpected places, he declared.
Cellars, dusty boxes, holes in the
wall all furnish their store of inti-
mate documents.
Regrets Long Delay
"One of my chief regrets," said
Professor Hamilton, "has always
been that this work was not started
forty years earlier, for during that
time countless documents of price-
less value for an appreciation of the'
life and thoughts of the early set-
tlers of the South have been des-
troyed as rubbish.
"It seems to me that you here in
the northwest have a great oppor-;
tunty now to start collecting his-,
torical material. You can begin forty
years earlier, and prevent a great
deal of the shameful waste that has
occurred in the more ancient South.
Your pioneers are just as heroic, just
as picturesque, and it seems to me
you have a remarkably rich field to,
explore which will yield results quite
equal in interest to those discovered
in my work in North Carolina."

(By Associated Press)
July 26..-Another side of Herbert
Hoover was revealed late today as
Gene Tunney and Tom Heeney fought
their battle for the heavyweight title
of the world, 3,000 miles across the
Slipping the cares of a political
campaign from his shoulders the Re-
publican presidential nominee tuned
in on the fight surrounded by mem-
bers of his family and some friends
who were dinner guests at the home
on San Juan Hill.
A brand new radio set installed,
only yesterday, was used in receiving
the blow by blow account as broad-
cast over the country. Mr.kHoover
followed the progress with keen in-
terest as he has all the heavyweight
bouts in recent years.
Before relaxing for the evening,
the candidate had a day of rather
grinding work, leading up to his ac-
ceptance speech and conferring with
several political -leaders, including
Charles L. Neumiller, California Re-
publican State Chairman, who gave
an encouraging report of the outlook
for the Republican ticket in this,
Assistat U. S. Attorney-General
William J. Donovan, spent some time
with the nominee advising him on
his August 11 address. Other call-
ers included H. S. Pritchard, head of
the Carnegie Foundation; Howard
Hines, of Pittsburgh; Frank Flint, of
Los Angeles, former United States
Senator from California, and J. O.
Hayes, editor of the San Jose Mer-
cury Herald.
Charles S. Pierce, Clerk Since 1903,
And Former State Senator,
Passes At Lansing
(By Associated Press)
LANSING, July 26.-Charles S.
Pierce, clerk of the Michigan house
of representatives, died suddenly at
his home here this morning. He came
to the house as a clerk in 1903 and
has held the office ever since except
for one or two years when he was
connected with the state conserva-
tion department.
His record of public life includes
service as a state senator from Os-
coda in 1893. He was considered one
of the foremost parliamentarians in
the state and for many years the
great bulk of the work connected
with the house fell to him.
Mr. Pierce was born in Redford,
Wayne .countty, in 1858. He attend-
ed Michigan State Normal college
and was graduated from the Univer-
sity of Michigan law department with
the class of 1887.




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(Special to The Daily
ey, defending champion of the world who boxed his way to the
.cle of heavyweights with the most expert left hand ever seen
fistic industry, retained his title here tonight with an added and
ectedly tremendous right which finally walloped Tom Heeney,
Tallenger, into a not-so-desired and not-so-undesired -submission
ced when Referee Forbes suspended the slaughter eight seconds
e the end of the eleventh round.
From various points of view the technical knockout was both
d and not desired. Of the comparatively puny audience of
52,000 spectators, all except the long-shot wagerers, a few
en-hearted fans, and the New Zealander himself wanted the
:able "K.O." Foremost of tlese, of course, was Promoter
ge L. Rickard (alias "Tex"), whose reasons for such brutal
Iwishesare obvious. Then too,
eeney, with a lavendar nose, a
rosy mid-section, a bruised jaw, and
a blackened eye, did not seem to be
MINT ONparticularly adverse to a brief siesta.
End Comes In Eleventh
Gentleman Gene really administer-
Issues Formal Statement On ed the finishing blow just at the end
Action of Former Senator of the tenth round of the scheduled
Who Bolts Party 15-frame slugfest. That sledge-ham-
mer right had been pounding, pound-
STIONS HIS SINCERITY ing at the Anzac's heart with just
enough regularity to make it obvious
(By Associated Press) that the bout would never go the
ANY, New York, July 26.-The limit. Then, with about a minute
left in the tenth, the champion, after
ity of former Senator Owen of pummeling his barrel-chested oppon-
ma in voting the Democratic ent all over and around, finally un-
was questioned today by Gov- packed the feature punch of the eve-
Smith, who recalled that Owen, ning's set-to. Now, if Tunney had
Presidential aspirant himself been swinging the bat that Babe
Ruth swings right in these very
ears ago sought the support of premises he could have not landed a
any Hall, which he now is as- more terrific blow. It didn't travel
more than two feet, but it was really
n, who served three terms in traveling when it hit. Heeney's bar-
ited States Senate, retiring in rel-chest caved a bit and then the,
staves must have .collapsed totally
announced yesterday in New for he sprawled into the ropes and
hat he had cast his lot with the was still tangled when the referee
licans this year because of started to count and the timekeeper's
s stand on Prohibition and his bell clanged simultaneously.
In that brief minute interim be-
ed to comment on this develop- tween rounds it hardly seemed pos-
at the outset of his conference sible that the challenger could be ,
Governor Smith advisedreport- revived sufficiently to enter the ring.
let this "rest advise re But he came back gamely and ac-
etarthi "rst amnt asnhe tually started to make a fight of it
"epared a formal statement, one in the eleventh. Close observers,
few he has given out since hisinteeenh. Coe berr,
tiion at Houston. could see that he used the poorest
in aHor u is tenN.sort of strategy in attem pting to
they were distributed, read the'pound the champion box-fighter's an-
loud slowly and solemnly, atomy. Obviously it was the time for
ourally I am sorry d see Sen covering and stalling; but the chal-
awlynI eamsorr to se en-lenger did not. Instead he rendered
Owen leave the Democratic himself arm-weary and tired with a
" eu ,ehf my i na ti onA"eri flock of futile sw ings. Then the
"However, he is a free Ameri- champion stepped in and finished it
the party that best r his and the referee in humanitarian fash-
suits his ion stopped it.
Battle Is Lively
UFM AN For the first three ortfour rounds
LJFM ANthe current edition of the "battle of
HE M CO VIES 11t century" was a battle royal and
Fir, TV1E~X IES not a boxing contest. In fact, in
thethird the champion stumbled al-
'atterson, matron of a boarding most to the canvas and in the, fourth
conveyed one impression: the he more than stumbled all the way
Ann Arbor landlady. to ,the ropes.
Montague girl, who is the only The fifth saw Tunney a bit irri-
nce of a feminine lead in the tated at least and he started right
tion, was Marvel Garnsey. after his man, flooring him for no
arnsey was good, but she was count witi a left to the face, and

il the fourth acts the Montague then a one-two to the heart and jaw.
at Henry Leon Wilson intend- Both slowed up in the sixth, but
was only then that she found started milling as the bell clanged
as the half musing, half 'just to keep up appearances. In the
fairy she should have been. seventh that deadly right started
to that she was only flighty battering away, especially during the
a splendid little play. It suc- infighting where the champion's class
n what it aims to do: portray was outstanding throughout. Heeney,
rce that is the movie. True however, did considerable damage in
s written in the lines and ac- the seventh, as muchl as his slow and
f Act III. Then is the false lumbering lefts to the shoulder could
and over-acting that so char- do. In the eighth Tunney poked his
e modern movies revealed by thumb in the challenger's left eye.
mpany in a manner both finely The ninth was the slowest of all the
end acurately executed. rounds, especially after Tunney jar-
an easy show to watch, for it red Heeney's cerebrum all the way
shy, funny, and essentially back to his shoulders blades.
If you want to see a play that An then came the tenth.
ake you laugh if you are tired, It was at exactly 9:37 o'clock that
you sigh if you are romantic, Heeney entered the ring following a
you think if you are an aes- set of preliminaries fore interesting
see Robert Henderson in than most of these $10 per roundum


A Review, By Lawrence R. Klein
It's all Henderson, that show at
Sarah Caswell this week. I never saw
Glen Hunter, the star who first took
the part of Merton. They tell me he
was a marvel. In reply I can say
only this: he must have been a super-
genius to have been better than Rob-
ert Henderson was last night.
It probably is both poor taste and
a pity to rehash "The Vikings" and
compare it to "Merton of the Movies,"
but it might be said in passing that
Henderson is a far, far better Merton
than he was a Sigurd; and that, as
a pointworthy fact, is true of the en-
tire cast. They are much better qual-
ified to present Kaufman-Connelly
stuff than they are to attempt Ib-
In dealing with the cast exclusive
of Henderson, it must be remember-
ed that it was a one man show that
was being presented. Aside from Mer-
ton, the remainder of the characters

that allowed him to play. They per-
fdrmed-every one of them-in a
credible manner and they played up
to the lead in faithful and timely fa-
shion. And to all this must be added
the not-to-be-forgotten fact that the
company had but two or three days
in, which to prepare it, and most of
that time was spent between showings
of "The Vikings." By the second or
third performance all technical diffi-
culties will have been ironed and the
play will then proceed even morej
smoothly and swiftly than last night's
speedy performance.
Henderson from his first lines
proved that he had "caught" the boy
that is Merton. He fairly glistened
with the effulgence of youthful en-1
thusiasm and boyish earnestness. Not
once did he slip from his role, but<
sustained throughout, even in the1
pathetic discovery that he possessed
"the world's best low comedy face"
in place of one that would create
something really "significant," a
wistful longing that only a true juv-
enile can radiate. Last night he real-
ly produced something that Ann Ar-
bor audiences will remember.1

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